Hello Everyone,
I'm new to this website. I went to my Dr on Tuesday and let them know I was interested in Bariatric Surgery, my Dr without hesitation said she thought I was a candidate. I've struggled with my weight and body image since I was 18 years old. Now that I am 29 I really want to do something about it, I'm tired of dieting and hating myself when I eat badly, so I thought I would give this serious thought. I got a call from my Dr. Saying that to start my process I would need to go to the 3 Hour class. I'm excited but scared had no idea it would happen so fast! So here I am nervous.. I'm scared to lose to much, I'm scared to lose the parts of my body that I love. I also cant find anyone who started around the weight that I am .. I have friends and family telling me that I'm fine but I dont feel that way. I hate getting on the scale but I think I'm about 246.00 at 5'6. Anyone else start around this weight? Also how do you prepare yourself?