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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by drew05

  1. Sorry I'm just now getting back to you. Yeah, fast food is a killer. I only eat it when I know I have the time to work it off later. How've ya been?

  2. Thanks :) I love the band. i'm still able to eat what I want just not as much. Being a poor college student that saves me so much money it's not even funny. The journey has been amazing. Hearing all the people tell me how great I look is even better. I don't think I've ever talked to you before. Ha. I'm Drew.

  3. Thanks for the well wishes about the consultation. Don't know if I ever got to thank you :)

  4. Thanks!! yeah I'm so ready for the soreness to stop :P

  5. That is correct. Sorry it took me so long to reply, I haven't been on in ages.

  6. That's awesome! Congrats. Ahh moving out is so much fun. Especially now that we're not fat ;) I'm doing great. Almost to goal! I just moved to Austin, I got a new job at Costco pushing carts (constant exercise so I'm getting into shape QUICK) and I'm living with two girls. Haha.

  7. Well depending on my insurance, I think I'm gonna be mid september or early October. I want to get it done by October, but we'll see how it works out.

  8. Well I was banded at the end of December so it's only been about 5 months. But I'm doing really good! How are you coming along?

  9. Well the doc said he wants to get me in by the end ofSeptember or October. The waiting is the worst part. Haha and yeah I'm not worried about the pain or anything because my knee is going to make it pale in comparison :P How are you feeling?

  10. Yeah I can't lie I break my diet sometimes. But my job is all exercise so I end up working it off anyways. There's times when I don't even get hungry all day. It's weird. Haha I guess my name should have been self-explanitory too :P where ya from?

  11. Yeahhhh so I'm really considering a TT... good idea or no? By the way long time no talk!

  12. Yep I sure am.

  13. Yes. Stick to meats as much as you can. They fill you up much quicker. Avoid carbs though like rice and potatoes. But the secret I've found is resetting your diet every few weeks. Like indulge in a few carbs. Otherwise my body got wise and would still retain some weight. I've steadily lost though with that trick.

  14. You look amazing in your pictures :) Oh yeah my albums should be working now!! Check it out!

  15. You look amazing! Congrats on the band working for you so well :)

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