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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by drew05

  1. Eeesh! But I bet you look amazing :)


    I'm great. Losing weight at a pretty good clip. I see you're below your target weight! That's so awesome.

  2. Haha I know this girl I've been talking to lately is from Pennsylvania and she hates how much we're all in love with our state. Like she was appalled that we had Texas History classes in high school and college.


    I need to leave this state for a little bit!

  3. I appreciate your kind words. I don't really think of myself as much of an inspiration yet. Once I get to my goal weight then no doubt :P


    Don't be nervous about the surgery. It's not that bad.

  4. No snow EVER!! One time it sleeted and we thought it was snow and we got all excited. We made "Texas snowmen" out of the ice pellets. The last time there was any measurable snow here was Jan 86. I wasn't even born yet!


    Always wanted to go up there.

  5. Oh and nah, I'm not really thinking of moving any time soon. If I do it'll only be to Austin.


    I know I can't wait!! I will let you know right away!! I know it's awesome :) We've been through it all!

  6. Will do!! Yeah I don't know if I could even leave this city. I love it so much.


    I know where you're talking about. At least I think I do... haha. Another thing I loved about growing up here... our prom was at the Hilton overlooking the River Walk. Ahhh it was awesome.

  7. Yeah I'm hoping it will. Oh I'm getting so excited. I keep telling my best friend how close I am, and my parents are getting sick of me talking to them about it. Ha.


    And I will keep in touch. Don't worry :P

  8. All it takes is focus and exercise. Start changing the way you eat now then it'll just seem natural when you have the band. I lost about 45 pounds before I even had the surgery.

  9. Around September/October. Going through the diet right now. Ugh.

  10. Down 60+ pounds! Nice! Keep it up bro. It only gets better from here.

  11. Dude how's the band working for you!?

  12. Everything is going amazing right now :) nice to meet you! Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. So busy with school/work. How are you? How's your band journey going?

  13. Haha dude not a weird question at all. I'm still loosing and as it stands right now, I have a bunch of excess skin. But I prefer the skin to the weight. I also have a lot of excess skin on my thighs and arms. But I'm only 6 months post op. For exercise I don't do anything too fancy. I lift weights every other day (I'll take an extra day if I'm really sore) and do at least 45 minutes on the treadmill. Now I just walk but I do it at a 10 degree incline. Burns more calories. Feel free to ask more questions. I remember how nervous I was and how many questions I had!

  14. Haha I like guitar hero, but rock band is better!

  15. Haha that's crazy! Yeah it's bad because any choice I make about moving any time soon the first thing I look for is that they have an Apple Store I can transfer to. Haha

  16. Haha that's my "tough" picture!

  17. Haha well I appreciate the compliments! How's the band going for you?

  18. Haha yeah us guys are few and far in between on here :P How are you doing?

  19. Haha yeah when I had my knee surgery I felt fine right after it, then the pain meds wore off completely! Glad to hear your getting out and about. That's the best thing to do. I don't have a date yet but my doctor told me somewhere around September or October is when I'm looking at getting it. Can't wait! And keep me updated on how you're doing too :)

  20. Haha yeahhhh me too :P New York? I'm kind of jealous. I live in Austin, Tx. I'm from San Antonio though, I just moved here. I love it! I don't think I could ever live outside the city. Haha. Do you go to school?

  21. Haha yes I do work at the Apple Store. Best job ever :)

  22. Hahaha yessss I was brushing my teeth. I gotta multitask!

  23. hahahaha you hush it :P

  24. Heeeeeyyyyy. You're looking awesome. Keep it up :)

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