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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by drew05

  1. Yep I sure am.

  2. drew05

    How do you tell your friends?

    I'm not telling anyone. I've told only my best friend, and my brother. The negative response from my brother made me decide not to tell anyone else. If they notice I don't eat as much I'll just write it off that I'm not hungry. You have no obligation to tell anyone about your decision to have this surgery.
  3. drew05

    San Antonio

    Yeah I loved that they worked together. I really liked the office staff there as well. Dr. Carcamo amd Dr. Wright are extremely nice and comforting as well.
  4. drew05

    This is BS

    Here's a big one... are you eating a lot of carbs (potatoes, bread, pasta) or a lot of liquid calories (soda, juice, ex.)? Liquid calories go right through the band like it's not even there. Carbs on the other hand tend to cause most people to gain weight. Just don't COMPLETELY avoid carbs, just cut back. Don't stop posting! We're here to help you.
  5. drew05

    Aetna... how long?

    I submit my paperwork to Aetna at the end of this month. At my job I cannot take any extended time off from November 27 til January 11th. What are the chances of me getting approved in time to get my surgery before that day? I could work my set days off to have about 4 or 5 days off in a row, but that means I'll be working 7 straight days before and after my surgery. What is a best case scenario for how long I'll be waiting for approval?
  6. drew05

    Hey everyone

    I'm back :smile2: I've been super busy with work and school, not to mention my diet. I've been doing great, I've lost over 30 pounds since starting my diet in May. I've also had to have my surgery moved back for school. I'll be having it in November or early December. I just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. Hope all is well for everyone!! :laugh:
  7. Yeah I'm hoping it will. Oh I'm getting so excited. I keep telling my best friend how close I am, and my parents are getting sick of me talking to them about it. Ha.


    And I will keep in touch. Don't worry :P

  8. I work for a retail store that sells computers named for fruit :smile2:, and I am on my feet ALL day. About how long should I take off for recovery?
  9. drew05

    Approval from Aetna finally

    I'm at the tail end of my 6 month monitored diet with Aetna. My PCP has been my doctor my entire life. Literally from birth to now. I think I should be fine :laugh:
  10. drew05

    Hey everyone

    Yeah from the looks of it we will be having it done at the same time! I will. It's nice to be back here. I kinda missed it.
  11. drew05

    San Antonio

    I think the end of this month. And I haven't yet. How are they?
  12. drew05

    Booked my First Consult.. now not sure

    It helps to think about the band as a tool, not a solution. You still have to diet and exercise with the band. It won't loose the weight for you. And congrats on taking the first step in your journey!
  13. You look amazing! Congrats on the band working for you so well :)

  14. drew05

    Twenties NSVs

    I can wear clothes that I haven't been able to wear in years! My jeans and shorts are too big, and at work they accidentally gave me 2x shirts instead of the 3x I normally wear when we got new shirts... and they fit wonderfully! Ah it made me feel so damn good :smile2:
  15. drew05

    San Antonio

    Ooh I can't wait to be banded. I'm going to have my band done by Dr.Carcamo as well. He seems like a very nice man.
  16. drew05

    So... what do you fellas do?

    I now work in retail. Selling computers. Don't worry, I don't work at Best Buy or Circuit City... think fruit... :smile2:
  17. What are the chances that someone else from SA replies? :Banane53: I do lift quite a bit. Those computers can be pretty heavy. I don't know if they are more than 20 lbs, but they're hefty. I planned on taking at least a week, but I figured I would ask the advice of seasoned veterans and people who have been there :laugh: And I'm usually not worn out at the end of the day. What I'm trying to do is schedule my surgery right around Thanksgiving, so I don't have to miss a lot of school and work. Thanks for the reply :smile2:
  18. I won't miss being labeled the fat guy. Umm won't miss not being able to shop for trendy clothes. Worrying about work uniforms fitting properly. I DEF won't miss standing out with friends. I can't wait!
  19. drew05

    Crazy Skinny Goals!

    It's been a while since I've been here, but I've got a good one. I want a half sleeve tattoo. I don't know of what, but I've never gotten any tattoos because being a big guy I can't really show them off. But as soon as I loose the weight, I'm gonna get some
  20. That is correct. Sorry it took me so long to reply, I haven't been on in ages.

  21. drew05


    Hey everyone. I know I haven't been on in a while. This is why. I'm right smack dab in the middle of my 6 month diet and I'm feeling like it's taking forever. I've done most of my pre surgery tests and evaluations, and the ones I haven't done are because they have no open appointments. Did anyone else go through this? How did you get through it? Thanks :tt2:
  22. drew05


    Thanks Melody and Cortney for the well wishes. Good luck to both of you too. And Melody, a lot of people say that. I carry my weight VERY well. I'm tall so that is a big reason. But I am worried about any future complications. Thanks for the replies!
  23. drew05

    yet another newcomer!

    I decided to get the band more as a precautionary thing. I don't have any bad effects of my obesity right now, but I know some would come up later in life, so I needed to loose the weight. And welcome!!
  24. drew05

    San Antonio

    Good job on your surgery!! I'm happy to hear you're doing great. Keep us updated!

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