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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by drew05

  1. drew05


    The drinking thing is HUGE for me. If I drink with a meal I can easily put away 2 cups of food because when you drink the fluid mixes with the food in the pouch and makes it mushier and therefore makes it easier for it to pass through the band. My doctor does a 30/60 rule (no drinks 30 minutes before or 60 minutes after) which is incredibly hard to follow but boy does it work!
  2. drew05

    Twenties NSVs

    It'll be great MrRiceGuy. I can't really convey how great it feels to put your pants on and they are several sizes too big! Just wait :thumbup:
  3. drew05

    Me and my dad.

    From the album: Me

  4. drew05

    Twenties NSVs

    That's awesome Jane!! I already shared this one with you but I had a great one tonight. I was at the gym and I was doing some leg presses. I'm really focused and then I look up and see this girl checking me out. Checking me out!! Jeeze never thought that would happen :biggrin:
  5. drew05

    Just after the gym. 298lbs

    From the album: Me

  6. drew05


    From the album: Me

  7. drew05

    Me and my dad.

    Pretty soon? It was laundry day and these pants fit me like a trash bag
  8. It's extremely exciting!! And I did :D

  9. drew05


    From the album: Me

  10. drew05

    Me and my nephew

    From the album: Me

  11. Eeesh! But I bet you look amazing :)


    I'm great. Losing weight at a pretty good clip. I see you're below your target weight! That's so awesome.

  12. I'm great. Losing weight at a pretty nice clip.

  13. Katie!! Haven't talked to you in a while. I just wanted to see how've you been.

  14. Heyyyyy! How've you been?

  15. JANE!! How've you been. I'll text you later on but I was on here so I thought I would say hi.

  16. Just wanted to see how you were doing :)

  17. drew05

    Twenties NSVs

    I had another one today. A coworker of mine who has been on vacation since just after I got the band came back to work today. The first thing he said when he saw me was "Drew, are you shrinking?" Made me smile and made my entire freakin' day!
  18. drew05

    San Antonio

    Yeah I finally had my band put in. Dr. Carcamo and the staff at the Nix downtown were AMAZING!
  19. drew05

    Omg. Help me!

    I have my surgery tomorrow morning at 4am. I am soooo nervous. I've had quite a few surgeries before but this is my abdominal surgery. What did you do to kind of ward off the nerves?
  20. drew05

    Omg. Help me!

    Haha I haven't! Shame on me eh? I have a few I took the other night but I have this huge bulky jacket on. Kind of defeats the purpose eh?
  21. drew05

    Twenties NSVs

    I had one yesterday. I went and got a haircut and went to my friends to show her my new hair. She runs up to me and goes "OH MY GOD YOU HAVE A JAWBONE!!" I looked at some old pictures and she was right. I have a jawbone now :thumbdown:
  22. drew05


    You look sooo good here!
  23. drew05

    Omg. Help me!

    I am doing much much better. I am up to mushies and I am down to my slimmest since my sophomore year in high school!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
