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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by drew05

  1. drew05

    wondering if others have noticed this?

    I am one of those people who is actually very secretive about having this procedure. The only people I have told are my close friends and family and every one is very supportive. My thinnest friend and also my closest (so I know she would tell me the truth) is SUPER supportive. She told me the only fear she had was that I would loose my awesome personality and sense of humor and become one of those "douchebaggy" guys :biggrin: I just can't wait to be able to buy clothes at the mall instead of the internet only :thumbup:
  2. Been looking on this forum for a few months here, and this is one of the most friendly places I've ever come across on the internet. I've recently decided to get the Lap Band surgery done. I'm a college student, planning on going to medical school. I've been big my whole life, be it either fat or tall. I'm currently 6'4 and 320 pounds. I am so ready to be a normal weight and look normal. Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself! The name is Drew btw :tongue_smilie:
  3. drew05

    Long time reader

    I'm just starting out. I still have to go to a seminar (is it required? I mean I've done TONS of research on it). But I am going to through insurance, and I am more than willing to do the pre surgery diet. I mean I would love to go through without it, but oh well! And thanks again for the warm welcome! This place amazes me more and more all the time!
  4. drew05

    Long time reader

    Thanks for the welcome! Congrats on your surgery La La! I can't wait for mine :tongue_smilie: Here's a quick question for ya. About how long, from the first meeting with the doctor to the scheduling of the surgery, was the process? Thanks again everyone!

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