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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by china

  1. hi everyone hows it going, sorry i have been m.i.a for the last few days but, i have alot on my mind right now things at home are really foul just learned by old man lost his job and having issues w/my oldest kid. i can deal with my kid but, the man losing his job is just a bit much. now im sitting here trying to see how i can pay for every thing until he gets another and i just dont see how. the store is doing ok but, our bills exceed what the store does. i have a cc but, dont want to really use that the intrest rate is kind of high, i feel mad with the world, yet everyone is going through it rite now. and i just have been eating what ever and i just dont give a damn at this point. i will get back on track in time just gotta get my head together. so here is what i eat today


    l-12oz cof,sugar,cream and 1c ice cream

    s-1c ice cream,2 pb cookie

    d-ww creamy chix parm.

    s-lg cof,cream,splenda

    thanks for letting me vent it helps more than you know.:)

    any motivation would be welcomed with open arms right now.:biggrin:

    love china

  2. go look on e-bay they had some scales that went up to 500lbs i think and they were alot cheaper than 80-100. i to am glad to have found others lets keep this thing going.

    What a relief! I am so glad to hear that there are others out there like me. I thought I may be the record holder for biggest person to get banded! LOL Thanks to the band, this is the first year since Biggest Loser started that there was actually someone bigger than me on that show. BTW I have lost (I think, cuz I can't weigh myself everyday) around 60 pounds since I started my journey. I am still trying to find my way "nutritionally". Thanks for the replies and if anyone would like to email me directly, my email address is Latinred71@yahoo.com. Take care, I wish you many blessings and much success!

  3. im back everybody trip was nice except i got really sunburned. but, other than that i had a nice time met alot of people. and for the first time in yrs i wore a swim suit and without a shirt covering it and felt ok. and the dresses i wore i felt sexy and i havent felt that in a minute. and got alot of action. so now im home and back on track.


    b-4crackers w/pb, snack drink box

    l-1/4c gr.chix salad, mini rice cakes

    d-1c spighetti w/m-balls,sauce,1c cof w/splenda,cream

    s-3mini reeces,1c cof,splenda,cream

    gotta pick my Water back up and get back into the gym

  4. hey girl whats up well my trip was nice except for me getting sunburned and it is bad.my back is all flakey. well on a good not this is the first time in yrs that i can say i wore a bathing suit and without a shirt to cover it. i was very pleased with myself and how people reacted to me. i must say i looked good in the sexy dresses i bough to were. and got alot of action from the men on the ship :smile: although im in a relationship it just felt got to know i still have it. food was good there at least a dinner. i did work out at the gym on the ship. i took alot of pictures to i just have to get a cord so i can put them on the net and learn how to do it:biggrin: but, im gonna get my aunts web address she also took alot of pictures and uploaded them so everyone can see what i look like. i think we are going to hawii next yr. i was reading in womens day mag about this lady who walked and lost 410lbs in 5yrs i guess. she eat 1200cals a day that gave me the needed motivation to keep walking this journey with ya. its hard even with the band.but, having help and support that i get here is really what keeps me going. i love this site and group. ok qustion for those of you that joined the e-tools are you allowed to attend meetings i have been thinking i gotta give it my all or just sit my ass down and deal with it. and im no quiter so i gotta get in it to as i have not been giving it my all. ok tell me this if i get the points counter and turn every thing i eat into points is that cheating. what do ya think im gonna see what i can swing and see if i can join ww even if its just for a month. well thanks for letting me clear my mind.

    oh and what i eat yester day is

    b-4crakers w/pb, 1 snack drink box

    l-1/4c grilled chix salad, whole bag of mini rice cakes

    d-1c spighetti w/m-balls,1c cof,splenda,cream

    s-3mini reeces,1c cof w/cream,splenda

    gotta get my Water back up gonna try and get more water in today.

    Hey china girl! Welcome back, I’ve missed ya! You have to let us know how your vacation went. We don’t have to be all numbers here ya know. J

  5. hi all im back and had a nice time except the part of sunburn. ya i got it bad. so im back and now i gotta bet my ass back on the right track as i eat way to much on the trip. so now i gotta get back on track. glad to see everyone is doing so well i also see we have some new people want to welcome you to the group. and welcome back rose im glad to see everyone is doing so good keep you the good work.

  6. hi laurel hows it going. glad to hear you are getting some excerise in. well im leaving on saturday morning 3am. and will be back the 29th.

    Congrats China. I seem to go down some and back up the same. I am starting to get some excercise in too. I have a Dr. appt. on tues. I think I will get another fill and I should be heading in the right direction. This is such hard work. Hope Rose is doing well. When do you leave for vacation China? Everyone have a great day. Laurel

  7. hey ms. diva so glad to have ya back and glad to hear your feeling some what better we sure missed you. and thank you nusemelly. today wasnt such a great day as i was out all day.


    b-l/cusine meatloaf, mash p

    s-2oz pork rhines w/hot sauce


    s-.50c f/f ice cream

    d-1/4c shrimp,mushrooms

    s-1pb cookie, sm. french vanilla coffee w/cream,splenda


    400cals burned walking

    well 3more days till i leave im sure gonna miss you all. my kid broke my laptop so i wont be taking it with maybe they have computers on the ship or something.

    I'm sorry to hear you've been sick, LilMissDiva. Rest up and make sure you keep hydrated.

    My mom is now home from the hospital. Thanks everyone for your well wishes.

    I got a fill on Thursday so I'm now at 7.8cc in my 10cc band. It feels pretty good. I'm not super tight (I've never even PB'd in the entire 8 months I've been banded) but the restriction feels pretty good right now. I got back on plan today and logged every bite. I weighed 189 exactly this morning. YAY! I even went down a point on my daily allotment so now I'm at 24 points.

    Congrats on the 3lb loss China!!:)

    Thanks Melly! Yeah, you're right I really need to make sure I'm getting my fluids. I'm finding I forget while I'm sick. :sad:

    josie, have a great trip! Don't stress, but life is back to normal when you come back!

    Hey everyone, quick check in. I did my points yesterday since I'm back to eating normally. I weighed in last night and I'm down 2 Lbs since my last weight in ! yeppee! I know I've not been eating good for sure. I haven't worked out in almost 2 weeks and to lose 2 lbs in one week that means you aren't eating much.

    Ok, hope everyone is staying on track! :unsure: Much success to all my WW Bandsters!! whoot!

  8. hi all well i went to the dr's friday and im down 3lbs i feel excited bout that as i really dont know how that is i have been walking more that is for sure. so here is what i have been eating.


    b-1c cheese grits, 3links,cof,skim-milk,splenda

    l-1c turkey antipasta

    s-a few mini rice cakes,4twislers:frown:

    d-1drum stix, .50c p-salad

    s-1sl. cake, w/ ice-cream

    s-16oz 100% apple juice


    30oz c.lite

    458cals burned walking


    b-3links, lg cof,cream,splend

    s-yogurt, 3pb cookies:frown:

    l-1c turkey antipasta

    s-4links,.50c p-salad, lipton brisk

    d-crispy chix sand, w/cheese,4twislers:eek:


    52oz c.lite

    906cals burned walking


    b-3links, .50oz pepper j cheese,.50c tea/splenda

    l-l/cusine shrimp alfredo

    s-.50c ice cream

    s2-.50c turkey antipast,a few chips

    d-3oz chix breast, 1/2c p-salad

    s-yogurt w/nuts, 8oz juice


    48oz c.lite

    369cals burned walking

  9. first congradulations to kathy,trina,sue great job. now ms anniej you have done so well for your self please dont be so hard on your self. as we are in it for the long haul. some times its slow and im sure you were told that. maybe you should talk to your dr about giving you a little more of a fill. but, i think your doing fine remember it didnt come fast its not gonna leave really fast. i do now how it can be frustrating as i go throught it alot. but, ask your self this are you healthier this year than last year yes you are. did you drop good hell ya so give it time we stall some times for a minute or two. hang in there it will get better. you have come along way and baby we got more work to do see you at the finish line sweetie.:)

    Ok guys and gals, I need to vent some. For the past two months I've hovered inside the same darn 10 lb range. In August I got a fill of .25cc (didn't feel much difference) but kept on track. Went camping did great and went to 239 lbs. Went to weigh in at the doc's office and get another fill. 245 and .25cc of a fill (felt no difference and continued to be hungry between meals)

    I gave it some time and I tell you this weekend all I had was food on my mind. I was HUNGRY. It seems pretty obvious that the last two fills weren't enough. My doc is trying to be conservative and take things slowly but I'm feeling a bit frustrated at this point in time.

    I have 6.25 in a 10cc band. I've done great with my diet and my Water intake. I'm getting my supplements and my Protein in with no problem at all. I am making sure the food I eat between meals is very high in protein and healthy filling stuff.

    I guess I'm just looking for some feedback and words of wisdom.

    Thanks for letting me vent

  10. hey you im happy your schedual is keeping you busy but, bumded it has you off on the excerise it will work it self out give it time. well i lost 3lbs some how go figure. i feel happy bout that i made it to my nini goal which was to be able to get on my dr's scale. well he got a new one and this one goes up to 375. but the good news is when i got on it, it was able to record my weight and i was 3lbs lighter from da wlc scale.

    No problem China, I totally understand. Well the good thing about this school years schedule, I have no time to get bored and snack. The bad thing, I am having a hard time finding time to excercise. Yesterday, I did manage a 30 minute walk. I hope all is well with everyone. Laurel

  11. hi everyone how is everyone doing these days. me im doing ok well i started back working out or walking im happy bout that. i havent gained or lost so i guess im happy bout that. my eating seems to be doing ok. here is what i eat yester day and i felt gook

    b-top of a cheese pizza, (later) 20oz lipton brisk

    l-1/2 eggplant sub(no bun)

    s-4peice chix nuggets kid size

    d-3/4 of a Protein shake


    30oz water

    250calories burned

    this is how i have been eating since i got some of my fill out some times i can only eat some lunch and dinner. i stop counting calories but, its under 1150

  12. tuesday

    b-1c grits w/cheese, 3links, 12oz cof,cream,splenda

    l-lean cusine meat loaf w/mash 260cals

    d-1.5c vegtable beef Soup w 2pk crackers


    40oz c.lite

    589calories burned while walking:thumbup:

    think im getting back into the groove of things didnt have any sweets today. was running around alot today. so i will keep everyone posted how it is going.

  13. hope everyone had a nice labor day


    b-3/4c grits w/cheese, 2sausage links

    s-2oz sunflower seeds

    l-no lunch

    d-1slice of pizza, 1cookie:frown:


    i didnt wanna over eat so i did enjoy myself and have a cookie and pizza only today. i waited all day as i knew i was gonna have it. i also started back at the gym today and i must say it was hell but, im gonna stick it out. i did the elliptical for 30mins and the thigh machine. i feel good so im going back in the morning.


    b-l greek burger no bun, 12oz cof,cream,splenda

    l-lean cusine cabage/mashp. 210cals

    s-1oz cheese,nuts

    d-pint of shrimp & mushrooms w/rice


    50oz c.lite

  14. hi everyone hows things going. me im doing ok i started back to the gym today. i feel good about that. i some how got off track and i must say ladies its hard getting back on track but, i can an will do it. laurel i wish i could donate but, my ends are tied you right now with school, and this trip.

    Wow Rose, you look Great. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom and Mother-IL. China I hope you have a great time on your trip. I am walking on Saturday for The "Walk from Obesity". I feel like obesity has effected my whole life. I am trying to raise some money for this. If anyone is interested in donating(tax deductable) to this, I will send you the link to my site for donations. I haven't really excercised since I got back from Vegas, I started back to work on tuesday with all half days. Seemed like I didn't get any breaks during the day. I hope everyone is doing well. Laurel

  15. sat.

    b-12oz cof,2creams,4splendas & p-shake

    s-2oz roasted chix

    l-turkey lunchable, 100cal p-corn

    s-.50c tuna salad, .50c chix breast

    d-lean cusine shrimp alfredo

    s-6oz yogurt w/nuts


    66oz c.lite

    i did have a happy day today my store is next to a bakery that has the most delicious pb cookie and i didnt go and buy any today. i felt proud of that it wasnt even on my mind. i just have to learn to take it one day at a time i want to get there fast but, when i sit and think about it, i didnt gain this weight fast why would i think im gonna loss it fast. so with that said im gonna just worry bout today and deal with tomorrow when it gets here. see ya at the finish line:thumbup:

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