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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by china

  1. ok i think i might get the 3month pass next time. and i have had my band for a year and 4months now and have lost 114lbs but have gained alil back so now im working on trying to get back on track. and sure we can post i think support is very important. so i eat all my points but, 9 + the 7 i got for working out so that is 16 points all together.

    b-turkey/cheese/scallions omlette made w/1egg,1egg white. 1c coffee,1 tsp Creamer, 2tps sugar

    s-6oz greek yogurt w/1tsp Peanut Butter

    l-16oz cappiccino, glaze donut:frown::):thumbup:

    d- cup of Soup w/ pj cheese stix


    35points and 28points if you include my workout.

    Yes you can go to the meetings with the three month pass but you have to print it and show them. I did that awhile back. I find if I don't eat all my point I don't lose as good. But the extra and the activity points I do get by without using those. How long have you had the band? How much weight have you lost? I eat alot of fat free and light stuff cause I can have more food. I spred my points out so It seems like I'm eating all day but I'm not and it has sped my metabolism up. I eat breakfast at 7 snack 9 lunch at 11 snack at 1 supper at 430-500 snack at 7:30. I Know this sounds crazy but it works for me. I eat the most points at breakfast and lunch. If you have any pointers feel free to clue me in.I'm weighing in Monday and you next Tuesday? We can post it each week? Or if we need more support we can get on as needed. Thanks so much for being my weight watcher buddy LOL!

  2. thanks for posting thought i was gonna have to go it alone. well i just started the ww thing. back when i went to ww there wasnt any points thats for sure i went as a child. so the points fore new to me but, i get 42 points a day i guess. i dont think i will be useing them all though. but, im sure gonna give it a try thats for sure as im paying for it. does anyone know if you get the 3month pass can you still attend the meetings. i plan on attending 2 or 3 meetings a wk. think i will start weightin on tuesdays. so as for 2day i think it went ok. so far.


    does WW only have 2 options when attending classes in person --- the monthly pass & the weekly pay ?

    didn't they used to have a pre-pay plan ? i don't like the monthly pass because the last time i did that and cancelled, they had some crazy cancellation loophole where they were able to charge me for additional month.

    i am thinking seriously about actually JOINING because i've been playing around with the same pounds since november (up a few, down a few, up a few, down a few....)


    I have been doing weight watchers at home for 4 weeks. I have the books from joining a while back so i'm not actually joining but doing the points on my own. I woulkd like to weigh in on mondays and have support from you guys if thats ok. I have been doing pretty good but if I actually had to post my weight each week I think I would do better. Next Monday I will weigh in and start. So how are you guys doing with weght watchers. Are you losing? How many points are you allowed? Today I had Fried bolonga for breakfast with egg and a peper jack cheese string. lunch I had light baebecu pringles if any of you like chipe these are great and only have 70 calories per 14. I had I Peice dieced chicken green pepper and onion cooked in Water. A pepper Jack cheese stick. For supper I'm having corn on the cob with chicken onions and peppers. About 7 I have snack wich is bag light popcorn. My points are 30. I do not use alloawence points or exercise ponts. I exercise at the gym for an hour at 500 in the morning. I take the dog for a two mile walk at the park after i drop the kids off at school After I eat luch I use treadmill for 30 minutes and before bed I use treadmill for 30 minutes. I got banded Oct 23 2009.

  3. count me in also im starting over. i to have had alot of issues with my band lose then gain and so on now i have had all my cc's taken out and still have issues eating just not as much so as a result i turn to slidder food. working on that though. i did join ww yesterday and am looking for support as that is the key to. so i would be happy to join and offer support. and yes you guys are doing great compared to what u could have done without the band but, we still want to do better i so know how you feel.

  4. thank you anneGG. also just this evening i joined weight watchers gonna see how that helps me trying to get as much support as i can. plus i know they will be able to better teach me the nutrical part that i may be lacking. so wish me luck and i hope more ppl start posting.

    Great work, china! You can do it, and it is so worthwhile!

  5. ok i did it i went in and joined weigh watchers today seemed like a good group was there i went to the one for ppl who have alot to loose. team leader was helpful not like the first time i went in awhile back. even met a few ppl there that either had gastic bypass or was thinkin about it or the band. so i will see how this point thing works still gotta set up my on-line e-tool. think i will try and go to 3 meeting a wk or at least 2 until i get the hang of it. as im new to this points thing. tell me does everyone else eat all the points they say you are suppose to.

    so now im reading over all the material and i sure will be posting here as im paying for it so i sure plan on use n it.

    so how is everyone else doing on ww?

  6. hello im china,

    i 2 have been m.i.a for a spell. but, now im back. maybe we can all support and motivate one another. i got 2 fills and 4unfills and as a result of having all cc's taken out gained 10lbs or so. still havent gotten a fill for some reason every time i do it has to come out and then some reguardless of the amount put in. so im just getting back into the swing of things. wow 100lbs is great and you havent gained any. great job

  7. ok today i woke up and felt blessed. i cleaned the house and took a walk at the part and now im getting ready to go 2 the y and go swim. and my eating was good so far.

    b-coffee,2sugars,1cream, granola bar w/fiber(90cals)

    s-1 pj cheese stix(100cals)

    l-1c mini ravioli, .6oz yogurt(300cals)

    i do however have to start adding in more Water. working on that. so how is everyone 1 else doing.

  8. hi im china have posted here before but, guess i fell of due to slow losing. so im back and thought it would be nice to chat with others who have alot to lose. you can post any thing good or bad. seems like i lost my motivation some how but im back on track and wish everyone the best.

  9. hey everyone hows it going. me im doing ok just runnin around like a chicken with its head cut off. the class is going ok. waiting for clearance. as for the weightloss its slow. but, getting better i just gotta get my tail in gear. seems not to be enought time in the day to do all that is needed. so i have issues w eating what im suppose to so i eat what i shouldnt cuz it goes down. gotta work on that. i dont need a fill as i have had it all removed and still pb some. but, it has come down alot as i was doing it everyday hell like 2-3 times a day so its gotten alot better. how is everyone else doing so glad to see u back rose. laurel how are u doing hangin in there. ok ladies we really must start back posting we all we got.

  10. hey laurel. im so happy to see eveyone posting again. sorry to hear that you have the stomach virus again and that things get better within your marriage. i started a group its call "a new day" its unnder the section named lap band general surgery discussions. i would love it if everyone would come and help me out and post there to. well everyone lets keep this going and helping each other out.

    luv ya

    Hi there to all...Had a super tough weekend. Another stomache virus. I ended up getting a small unfill too. I did drop some of this weight off. I am also tired of this snow. Things are rocky in my marriage too. I am taking one day at a time and trying to get on a good track for weight loss. Miss you all. Laurel

  11. ok its thursday and i have been rippin and running. i did go swimming at the y. i did get on the elliptical today and was able to ride it for 12 mins. lord was it hard work but, im gonna stick with it and add new things in. as for eating today was:

    b-med cof w/cream, sug. and 1sm pancake w/2breakfast links

    l-1drumstix,1tbs rice,1tbs m/cheese

    s-100calorie pk of pb cookies

    d-same as lunch

    s-sm juice

    i could of did better and of course worked out more but, im gonna take my time this time and smell the flowers this time. :smile2: i how others join in i would really like that.

  12. i will go first today im feeling very tight so didnt eat much. think i will go workout later trying to stay in the gym as i did well while i was working out really hard. so i gotta work my way back up the ladder. what i eat so far

    b-1c coffee w/cream,sug an 1sl of toast w/butter,jelly

    l-.50c teryoki chix, 2tbs of rice(uped it all)

  13. hi im china some know me some dont but, here's my story got my band in 08 lost 43lbs before and 53lbs after however had alot of things going on and fell of the band wagon and gained some back.

    so here i am starting over and looking for others that have done the same maybe we can do it together. i joined the ymca and have been doing swimming and seem to like it. im not gone lie its hard as hell y cuz i love food wow that was a mouth full.:thumbup: i have been watching ruby and i can relate to her alot as that is almost my story. so i was thinking what and how ever one is feeling post it. you can even post what you eat any thing. as it is important for everyone to know their not alone. this is a spot for you to come and not be judged or made to feel like a fail ure. thanks for listening and i hope others join in.

  14. hello every1,

    its tuesday and im having an ok day. gonna go workout later. got alot of things going on and just chilling. how is everyone else doing. so here is what i eat today.

    b-1c of coffee w/cream,sugar and 1sl of toast w/butter,jelly

    l-.50c of terike chix w/2bls of rice (uped it all):thumbup::thumbup:

    maybe we should post what we eat what does everyone else thinks

  15. hey hun,

    Im so glad to see you on here and its so true we do need to encourage each other and support one another. i have started going back to the gym just swimmin for now. but, atleast im there glad i made it back. love ya and i to am gonna make an effort to post more as i truely miss it here. and it will help me get back on track

    Hello Ladies,

    I am sorry I have not been on.....but I have been having a hard time dealing with life. I am doing alot better and I am trying to get my life back on track. The weight loss is going really slow and I have my last 10 lbs to go. I went in today to get a .05cc put in we will see if that helps. I missed you guys and got caught up on your posts. We need to encourage each other and support this battle together. I promise I will be posting more.

  16. hey laurel how are you im so glad to see someone post here. i to am in the same boat as you however im gonna write down all i drink and eat so i can get to the bottom of it. its not snowing much this way yet thank god. as i need a break from the snow. an i do just want the weight off. has anyone heard from rose i was thinking about calling her what do you think. i to have to start back posting more as it was helping me out more. gotta get back into a routine das for sure. well everyone take care and lets keep up with the posting love ya

    Hi everyone...this year stinks with snow...I am having my 5th snow day tomorrow already...i am going through so much personally...this is such a struggle...i did get a fill last week so have good restriction...just need to get this weight off..I hope everyone is well....i need to get back to posting daily..miss you all...Laurel

  17. me to im just getting back on track little by little. but, im getting there. i feel like im ready now. i dont care if i lose slow as long as it comes off. i wish everyone luck. how is everyone doing.

    Hi guys - been a while for me... I'm stalling, but starting to see a tiny bit of progress again. It's hard to remember that even though I'm eating less, my body requires less than it used to. I'm about 1/2 way towards my big ambitious goal, but the reality is I'm feeling much healthier.


  18. me to girl its so much going on im just in the wind but, im taking steps slowly to get back on track.

    Hi China, I really need to get back in posting along with back to eating and excercising to start losing again. Just going through some promblems at home so hard to work hard. I will get through them, and succeed at this weight loss once and for all. my love to all and will try to get back to posting on a regular basis... Laurel

  19. you are don great. always remember this is a slow process so dont get over whelmed if there comes a time when you dont lose ok. there will be good days and there will be bad days. just keep reminding yourself why you got the band as that is so important. and of course im always here to listen. by the way what is your real name as that would be easyier for the group to remember than gonefishin:biggrin:. incase you didnt read all the posts here are a few of the ladies names here

    china,rose,laurel, auggie and there is other but these are the ones that post here often. and if i forgot anyone im sorry.:)

    China, I am doing well. Thank you for asking. Down #33 total, #15 of that before surgery. No restriction, so I am ready for my fill next week.

  20. welcome gonefishin so how has things been going since you have been band. good luck and again welcome to the group.

    hey laurel glad to hear your doing ok. and no i havent spoke w rose. i got a fill back in dec.then had to have it taken out. im still working hard trying to get things straight with the band. well lets keep in touch with each other. so keep posting.:(

    Banded 12/15/09. First fill 01/25/10
    I am still hanging in there China, has anyone heard from Rose? I got another fill last week and will wait a month until my next one. I want this weight off, lol...Good luck to all of us...

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