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Posts posted by china

  1. right back at ya:smile:. and yes the turtle does win the race. keep up the good work. oh ya i tried these splenda accent lemon flavor have you tried them. i seem to like them i also use the crystal lite. just wondering if anyone has tried them.

    Great Job China!! I lost 6 pounds this last month. My goal for August is another 5 pounds. Slow and steady wins the race.

  2. hi all well i did it my goal for july was 5lbs i lost 15 but gained 2lbs so i still lost 13lbs and im happy with that. im gonna hang in there i have 22lbs to lose by sept,20th when i go to bahamas. and im gone give it my all and all.

    so its a new month and i hope everyone hangs in there and keeps posting. the group is still here for anyone interested. i wish everyone luck and come on lets get going.:)

  3. hey there you glad to hear you doing good. well i did make it to the gym 3x this week. i have gotten a bit discouraged with the gym due to them saying i have not paid them in 5 months but, i pay them every month i just come in a pay cash instead of them taking it off my credit card because in feb 09 they charged my card 2x's so i started paying cash. now there saying i owe them 80. i did manage to come up with a few reciets but not all. im not that good with saving them. but, since this has happen i have been keeping up with them. so my mom is taking me this weekend to get an precor/elliptical one that can hold my weight. also i called my bank to see if they came throut my account or tried to and when she checked they never did last time they tried or did was back in feb. but, there saying they did. wouldnt you bank see that some thing tried to collect or did. i think the gym is full of it. it took them 3months to refund my money from when they over charged me back in feb. so im looking to go into the ymca maybe gonna go and check it out and see if they are fat friendly:biggrin:.

    well that is what is going on with me guys how everyone has a nice weekend. also im trying to lose 20lbs my sept. 20th when i go to bahamas.:)

    TGIF, I got to the gym 5X this week. I got a fill on wednesday. I only got 1 more cc. I am going back on the 18th for another one. I was very upset when I went to get filled and saw I gained 6 lbs this month with all the working out I did. The PA said, don't worry about it. Increase Protein and keep it up. It will all come off. So, I need to go back to tracking. It is easy when we are on liquids as I do mostly Protein Shakes. I am going to have to make sure I bring one with me at all times and especially when I work out. So, hopefully I am back on track. I am now up about 16 lbs since my slip. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Laurel

  4. question do you weigh 155 now. ok if that is what she said i would give it month and loose the 10lbs and go ahead. do you have any other health issues that would need to be addressed before pregnancy.

    Please don't pay attention to my stats, because I have been in bandster hell ever since I got fill removed about 3 months ago and have gained 15 lbs.

    I went to my OBGYN today and she is urging me to drop the weight before pregancy (wasn't specific on exactly how much)

    I am really depressed about this because I really don't want to wait, I want to try to see if I have any issues gettin pregnant and don't want to delay the process.

    I am supposed to go in for a fill next week- do you think I should give it all I got for a month and try to drop 10 lbs- like low carb and excercise? I am not quite sure how much weight is considered "unsafe" - my BMI is probably 30 for my height. Or if I'm ok...and she just wants to be safe than sorry. I read somewhere on the internet about hypertension and preclamsia and how the ultrasounds can't see through all the layers of fat...but what weight were they refering too? I really think I have a lot of muscle...because the number on the scale doesn't look like it's me...I always look 10 lbs less.

    Or can I go ahead and start trying and cancel my fill and start trying?

    I hope someone out there can help

  5. hey you glad to hear your doing ok. im getting better i still have good and bad days. but, im getting better. im walking not going to the gym hardly. just becuz its so hot in there can you believe the only have one fan in there. but, im gonna get back into goin there again. i, getting better with the food choices but, i still mess up some times. but im working on it.

    well ladies lets keep the posting going on and i will talk with ya later.

    Hello ladies....glad to hear that you are all doing so well. I am doing well......swimming everyday for at least 40 min. a day. It feels so good. I am taking the time from my very hectic schedule and doing for me. I am very proud of all of you. We are all in the journey together.

  6. yes that is so cool i know you feel much better now.:smile2:

    So last night around 9-10 I started getting really dizzy (worse when I was laying down). I went to Tacoma General Emergency thinking maybe my blood had gotten too thin or something. They started with my blood pressure (which a few times dropped to 99/60) and they were watching my pulse (120-135) They ran some tests (CBC, HCG levels, Urinalisis). My HCG level cam back at almost 13,000. My urine showed a UTI. They pumped me full of fluids and gave me antibiotics and antinausea meds. They sent me home around 5 am. Around 10 am I got up to pee...I now had a brown discharge (TMI I know...kinda like old period blood) and bad lower back pain. They decided to do an ultrasound and a pelvic exam. So The ultrasound took quite a while and the tech said ok I'll be right back...here watch this, 111. I was like what! lol So she turned the monitor towards me and on it was a looped video of my baby's heartbeat (for the first time) and it was beating at 111 beats per minute! All I could do was smile. I got back to my room and the doctor came in to do the pelvic. He said baby looks good and there is no blood or anything around the baby. So he did the pelvic and took some swabs of the discharge and told me we would know if there was an infection in a few days...he said he didn't think so because there wasn't pain in the area, just the back. So I am home. I am not allowed to do any physical activity or sex...lol. So I am in bed relaxing under a nice fan...drinkin ice Water :lol: It felt so so good to see a heartbeat! Anyways, I just wanted to update you all :crying:

  7. :smile2: keep up the good work

    as of this morning I'm down 60 pounds..... Couldn't be happier with my progress. I only have 20 more to lose. My weight is coming off slower, but it's still going down. I actually upped my calorie intake and it boosted my weight loss this month. I have awesome restriction and haven't had to have a fill since 4/6......

  8. whats up,

    glad you found a easier way to get the shoots. im so excited for you that really helps when you see the baby its like its finalized now. honey dont stress your self out wondering about every little pain or cramp you will go crazy. i had a p/abruption at 6.5months and it was heart breaking. also had a still born at 8months and i thought i was gonna die. but, i made it through the next time i got pg i made it up in my mind what ever happens im gonna see it through i know have health bad ass kids :thumbup:. i guess before it wasnt my time. i would like to have another one but, it hasnt happen. guess its not my time. first gotta get me in order.

    and it is very important to have a dr that you like. my first dr i didnt like and didnt communicate much with him and it seems like he was not fat friendly:).

    so make sure whom ever you get you feel comfortable with them and them with you.

    remember to rest as much as possible and eat that is really important no dieting right now. just dont stress gotta get the f--k it attiude for a while it helps :skep:

  9. congradulations honey i was wondering what happen to you haven't seen you around the holiday hotties board. glad to see your doing ok. :thumbup:

    I just got my BFP yesterday...Baby number 5 is on its way!!!!.I'm so excited I just wish I had lost more weight first...At this point I don't think I'll need a unfill since I was in desperate need of a fill...I had gained back about 10 pounds in the last 2 months or so...Hopefully this will give me motivation to really watch EVERYTHING that goes in mouth now....:skep:

  10. ya your to tight. i had that happen to me but, it was over the course of 2wks. but the time i got in i was happy to get it out. i sure wont wait that long again.

    Yesterday morning I tried eating some yogurt for breakfast. I had very good restrictions. This was the first time after a fill that I actually felt like I had restriction. The feelings reminded me of my first few days post-op. It took me about an hour to eat 4oz of yogurt. Later in the day I started having some pain when I was sipping Water. I held off eating anything else until dinner time. At that point I tried to eat some Soup. The liquid was very hard to get down and immediately I felt pain. The night before I had no problems eating and was surprised that I was having difficulties. I couldn't even handle eating a sugar free popsicle.

    This morning I woke up to the same problem. Everytime I attempt to sip any water, I get pain immediately. I spend the next 15 minutes spitting my own saliva in a cup because swallowing that is painful.

    I broke down and called the doctor tonight. I'll be meeting him in the ER tomorrow morning to get some taken out. I'll make sure I update you all on how I'm doing after the fill. I'm really looking forward to drinking water again! Plus I'm so happy that I have a doctor that is willing to go out of his way for me on a Sunday morning.

  11. glad to hear all went good and you got to see da baby. did it make you feel better. ok tell me why do you have to do the shoots. ok if you dont have any extra needles why dont you practice with the one that you use to get the shot after your mom gives you a shot. that is good your mom is here to help you. also did you talk with the nurse or dr about your feelings. i tried to get on last nite to see what you said and my net was acting up.

    I made my mom (she's visiting from CA) do my first shot last night...omg it hurt so much. I am a big baby with needles, but it hurt. I cannot believe I have to do this for 9 or more months (may have to continue a little after baby). The Lovenox are in prefilled syringes so I gon't really have any extra needles, but as long as I have my mom I think I will be okay :biggrin:...just in pain :tongue2:

  12. you are so right. im doing better today seem to have more control that is. i was in wegmans and walked right by the canoli's:smile: in which i love. that made me feel good. small steps till i get to where i need to be. i will get there i have to. i hung a picture of my kids on my fridge today that is my motivation as i have to be around for them. the thought of me gone or seeing them like me becuz of what i might be teaching them brings tears to my eyes. the world is cold to obese people and i dont want them to ever feel that so i have to nip it now. thanks for listening

    I have a a group of people I work with that eat like crazy and I have chocolate muffins staring at me. If I can resist the muffins it will be wonderful to me. I biked last night and it made me feel a sense of accomplishment and I am seeing the weight come off finally. China we are in this thing together and please draw strength from anyone you can. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  13. the ups man will be redelivering it tomorrow. thank you laurel. that is really early that you know your scedual already. but, im glad that the schedual works for you. im gonna be talking with my dr about the Water arodics. and im back at the gym and walking and feeling good about it. how ever i have been eating sweet for the last 2days. but, was better about it today only had 2bites. i know still bad at least the damn cake is gone out the house kids and there dad finished it off. so now i gotta get my tail back in gear. i can and will do it. i was supose to get a fill monday but, i dont think i need one hell im still pbing some from the last one just not as much as before. im gonna go get on the scale and see what the damage is and post it. hope everyone has a nice wk. end.

    I hope you got your package China, no my last name isn't staples. I went to staples to mail out some packages. I found out yesterday what school run I will be doing in sept. I am actually pretty happy with the run I got. I will have a new bus also. I have been doing real good about going to the gym. I can feel the tightening up of my muscles again. The scale is moving slow, but atleast I am heading back down. I hope all is well with Rose. Have a great day everyone, Laurel

  14. im with you good luck.

    I received another fill today. I think I'm now at 5cc. Dr. F put in 1/2 cc in today. I was so happy he was able to give me my fill in the office. This was his first attempt in the office, for me. Today was a lucky day he said - he got it right away. Yippee for me!

    I'm really hoping this helps give me the restriction I so need. I'm 7 months post-op and feel like it's been a very long journey and still no restriction. I haven't lost any weight since January - actually since my two week post op.

    Since my weight has been at a stand still, I decided to go back to Weight Watchers. I have always had success following their plan. My challenge has been keeping the weight off after I lose it. I'm hoping that with the aide of the band, that won't happen. So why Weight Watchers? Well, I need that weekly accountability and support that the weekly meetings give me. Since I don't have a job currently and can't really afford to "waste" money - I am giving myself two months to be successful with WW. I am feeling very confident and motivated today to get moving towards my goals. I'm about 25 pounds behind the goal I had set for myself last fall. Time to kick it up a notch and get moving!

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