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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by j_holm07

  1. j_holm07

    My Before And Afters

    I am a rare type when it comes to the lap-band; as I have lost weight at the rate similar to the RNY surgery. I am 6 months post-op and have lost 80+ pounds.
  2. That is 96.5 pounds are my overall weight loss since January of this year. Since surgery I have lost 70 pounds.
  3. All the questions here are normal for every lap band patient. I am 20 years old, and had the lap band surgery done this last July when I was still 19 years old. I was terrified. Even as they put my IV in my arm in pre-op, I was STILL questioning whether this is something I should be doing or not. It scared me, but I kept a strong face for my mom in that pre-op room. And as for pain? It is just like any other surgery really, only that it can differ from person to person. Your going to be sore for a few days to a week after surgery, but thats normal. After that, there really isnt any pain associated with the band. I am almost 4 months out and I still dont "feel" any pain. Fills do not hurt one tiny bit, and IF you run into pain, it is not normal. I have lost SO much with this surgery, and it has drastically changed my life for the better. I cannot imagine my life without my band. Its like a new lease on life. Your fear and anxiety are totally normal, we all go through it. Your not in this alone. This site is a GREAT resource for information from MANY people who are going to have, or have had the surgery. ANy and all questions are answered by people who are going through the same thing! Good luck and hope your surgery goes amazing!! Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 314.5 Current Weight: 218 lbs. Goal Weight: 195 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning…
  4. j_holm07

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Ha ha, thank you very much! Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 314.5 Current Weight: 219 lbs. Goal Weight: 190 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning…
  5. j_holm07

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    You can click on it to see the full size version. The after picture was taken about a month and a half ago. I have lost 15 pounds since that picture was taken. Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 314.5 Current Weight: 219 lbs. Goal Weight: 190 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning…
  6. j_holm07

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I do, but will admit I am not quite sure how to load them up.
  7. j_holm07

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    As for exercise, I just do a lot of running. Running is my game plan. I am waiting for the weight to shed off to start doing more work to gain muscle. As of now, I am intaking about 990-1100 calories in a day. I only had one fill done, and just a few days ago had a partial unfill done :eek:...due to a clog. A lot of what I have done has been being strict with myself...making sure that I only do what I need to do, when I need to do it. Other than that, my sheer motivation to be a healthier me is what is keeping me on top of this whole thing.
  8. j_holm07

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I just found this thread!! How are all the July Butterflies doing?! I am doing well...and I am on the fast track to skinnyville! Since the pre-op diet, I have lost 95.5 pounds...71 of that just since surgery! Just checkin in, hope everyone is still going strong! Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 314.5 Current Weight: 219 lbs. Goal Weight: 190 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning…
  9. Hey there skinnymike! I was banded July 9th. My heaviest weight was 314.5, at surgery I was 290 and I am now down to 219. My surgeon said that while losing this much this fast is not always good, he was not surprised that I lost it this fast. As long as you are gettin your Vitamins and such in, your on the right track. Just check in with your doc to see how he feels about it. Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 314.5 Current Weight: 219 lbs. Goal Weight: 190 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning…
  10. Hello all! I have been having a lot of acid reflux lately, and I called my surgeon about it. He called me back, and wants me to come in in the morning, to have an xray done...and if it slipped...I am going straight into surgery! :smile: I am really nervous.....I was hoping this would not happen! Gah. Any advice!? Has this happened to anyone? Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 314.5 Current Weight: 219 lbs. Goal Weight: 190 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning…
  11. Hello!! I know my post title may make some green with envy, but it has been quite a shock for me as well. I am 3.5 months post surgery, and I am down 53 pounds just since surgery!! Since January this year I have lost 87.5 pounds...crazy I know. But for those who have lost it fast as I have (mine is partially due to the fact I am only 20 years old, and my metabolism finally decided it wanted to work correctly), do you ever feel you could have done it without the band? I feel my band is the best decision I have ever made in my life, hands down...but I wonder sometimes. I know that once the weight is off, it will help KEEP it off, which is a HUGE hurdle for many just retro-dieting without any surgical aide. So yeah, just kinda wondering how anyone else feels about it, all information and opinions are welcome from ANYONE! Thank you guys! Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 314.5 Current Weight: 227 lbs. Goal Weight: 190 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning…
  12. j_holm07

    Hair loss after surgery?

    Actually the biotin and supplements do help. Yes, you are bound to lose hair around 3 months out, as I am 3 months out and losing some hair...BUT...the supplements in biotin, along with taking a daily vitamin and getting in your protein, WILL HELP in AIDING your hair come back. It is not a magic pill, what it does it SUPPORTS the positive regrowth of strong, healthy hair. And as for the other post, Biotin 5000 is a pretty heavy dose, I would recommend Biotin 1000, one pill a day. It has helped me tremendously.
  13. j_holm07

    Hair loss after surgery?

    Hello! You are not alone! I posted a few days ago about this same thing. My hair is starting to shed as of recently. Your body is adjusting to the difference of nutrients. Up your Protein if possible. Mine has been falling out gradually...its a part of the process, as your body adjusts, the hair will come back. It sucks, but its just a hurdle in the race to a longer life. Try Biotin. It is a supplement that not only supports hair and nail strength, but also metabolism, so its a win win for us!! Any other questions I am here for you! Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 314.5 Current Weight: 227 lbs. Goal Weight: 190 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning…
  14. Hello! I am about 3 months post surgery...and losing the weight really well! BUT! I noticed today that my hair seems to be falling out faster than normal. Like, ALOT is coming out. Not in chunks or anything...but just a lot. Is it from lack of nutrition or what is it? I dont wanna bald at 20 years old! Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 314.5 Current Weight: 235 lbs. Goal Weight: 185 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning….. CONGRATS TO ALL THE JULY BANDSTERS!
  15. j_holm07

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    So I was really worried about my fill...not only the process itself, but actually GETTING it. My surgeon has mentioned that I had already lost so much since surgery (I've lost 27lbs(or in that range( since surgery) and he didnt know if I needed a fill. WELL. He gave it to me since I was still hungry a lot more than he wanted. The procedure went SO well! I did not feel a thing! The 4 days of not eating food was kinda tough again, but I made it thru! Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 315.5 Current Weight: 255 lbs. Goal Weight: 185 lbs. First Fill: August 22nd,2008 Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning….. CONGRATS TO ALL THE JULY BANDSTERS!
  16. j_holm07

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    I need advice! I was banded July 9th....ONE MONTH AGO TODAY! And I saw my nutritionist the other day....she said I was losing TOO MUCH weight too fast.................................what? I have followed the guidelines perfectly....done everything in my power....and she said I need to add a snack or two during the day. Im confused I must admit. She said I may not get my first fill if this keeps up. But I am only eating my 3/4 of a cup at a meal, getting my 64oz of water a day....BUT I am hungry ALL THE TIME! Isnt that what the fill is for? To help you NOT feel hungry after your 3/4 of a cup of food? I am lost...my fill is SUPPOSED to be on the 22nd...what do I do??? Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 315.5 Current Weight: 260 lbs. Goal Weight: 185 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning….. CONGRATS TO ALL THE JULY BANDSTERS!
  17. HELLO! I am just about 1 week out from my Lap-Band surgery...and I have already lost like 15 pounds.....its scaring me a little...anyone else have that experience? I mean, I am on a liquid diet this week I know, but thats a LOT! Not that I am complaining...dont get me wrong...its just scary...maybe its the 19 year old metabolism finally deciding for the first time in my life that it will work? WHO KNOWS!!! ALSO...I AM STARVING!!!!!!!!!!!! My stomach is in pain from grumbling all the time...i am on liquids so they arent doin much for me! Who knows..ha ha. Another thing...anyone have WEIRD BURPING? Maybe its my new way of burping with the band...but it hurts! I can like...HEAR and FEEL a burp coming up....then its just a tiny one...but its happening all the time...maybe I am paranoid....any input on anything in this thread will help! THANK YOU Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 315.5 Current Weight: 275 lbs. Goal Weight: 190 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning….. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE JULY BANDSTERS!!
  18. Yes I do! Sounds strange I know, but it works like a charm!
  19. I use 'Unjury' protein powder with my stuff. I am not to the mushy stage, but i use it now with jello in a blender...it is tasteless...so its not bad.
  20. j_holm07

    Hungry or not Hungry???

    I know how you feel!! I am also 2 days post op and feel the exact same. My surgeon and the medical team gave me a free timer to "eat"(liquid meals) and drink. What I do, is every 15 minutes I drink 1 oz of water (or water mixed with crystal lite) over a 16 hour period (the time your awake during the day). That way, throughout the day I know I am receiving the needed 64 oz. of water a day.
  21. j_holm07

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    HELLO ALL! I was banded yesterday...and I am feelin pretty good! Must admit, my abdomen is pretty sore, especially my port site. Getting up and out of bed is sometimes hard, but I know that pretty soon it will all start paying off. My doc has me on 1 week clear liquid, 1 week full liquid, 2 weeks mushie foods, and then on to regular eating habits. How i everyone doing? Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 315.5 Current Weight: 299 lbs. Goal Weight: 190 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning….. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE JULY BANDSTERS!!
  22. j_holm07

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    It has been about a week for all the first bandsters of July, hope all is going well!! It is 5am on my surgery and and I am gettin ready to head out! Good luck to all the July 9th people, I am right next to ya!!!! Josh Dr. Baker Minnesota Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Heaviest: 315.5 Current: 299 Goal: 195
  23. j_holm07

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    My surgery is tomorrow!!!! I have NEVER been so nervous in my life! Josh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Band Date: July 9th, 2008 Surgeon: Dr. Jeff Baker Insurance: Medica Heaviest Weight: 315.5 Current Weight: 299 lbs. Goal Weight: 190 lbs. Freedom is only a word until it is upheld by the roots of its meaning….. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE JULY BANDSTERS!!

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