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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Knottafatty4ev

  1. Oh, Kat girl, doesn't it just figure? Is it better now? Try eating a cracker or two - that sometimes will calm your throat and esophagus. Your recovery sounds amazing overall, so I truly hope this is just a tiny bump in the road and doesn't affect anything. Sounds like the swelling is going down a lot though, right? Are you able to walk normally now? And sleep in bed?

  2. Missy, I'm in Houston, too. Dr. Spiegel has lots of patients that have lost over 100. My own weight loss hasn't been too dramatic but I am too into the carbs. Atkins is awesome for the band, and the folks in Dr. Spiegel's group that have lost tons are doing the "Protein first" thing. That's just hard for me but I'm going to try it, too.

    Sounds to me like that guy just doesn't have much experience. Having said that, though, none of these guys are warm/fuzzy, and you just really have to get that from somewhere else and be your own cheerleader.

    Also, I just absolutely cannot understand where they get off charging $200 for 40 seconds of work. That needs to be fixed!!

    He is right, though, that gb patients lose more weight faster. They can't get fills though, if they stretch out their little stomachs!

  3. Congratulations! I've heard that this is super-painful and that pain-ball thingie sounds like a dream. I wonder why on earth they only give it to you for 2 days? Why not 5?

    I was amazed that you came home so soon. I thought you'd have to be in the hospital a few days at least. It's pretty major what they did to you!

    Oh, well. Hopefully, the worst of it is over and you're on your way to no-belly-land. I'm so happy for you!

  4. Beck - the doctor has to say that the pannus causes yeast infections and rashes and health issues. Sometimes you just have to be tough. If you are super-tough and super-diligent, and still unsuccessful with the insurance within 6 months or so, then there are finance companies you can go through. You just have to think of it as buying a new car - but this one will last forever. Also, if you're paying cash and really need it, any decent surgeon will cut you a break.

  5. Well, there is good (and kinda funny) news. I have a kiddie pool. Always put it up on Memorial Day weekend for the first time. It used to be that I would lay on the float - one of those kind with the mesh in the middle - and I wouldn't actually float until the pool was full. My head and feet would float but my butt would be on the bottom until the Water almost reached the top. (Probably way funnier in person.) Today, my whole body floated when the pool was only half full. Gotta be happy for the little things, right? :D:thumbup: I really hope that by this time next year my clothing size only has one digit.

  6. That's great about the diabetic meds. I was pre-diabetic, had high bp. I'm now off all meds except cholesterol - the docs say that's genetic, but what isn't? I do like not having the remember all those pills, though, and not buying them.

    I was doing so good on the exercise then I got sick and missed 3 weeks. So today I'm starting all over. I hope it helps. If nothing else, the muscles feel great, don't they?

    And working so hard makes you want to eat better. Is it that way for you, too?

  7. I was banded 9/12/07. I've lost 42 lbs, but they are starting to creep back on again. My fault, of course, for not following healthy diet. I'm learning. I can't even eat half a chicken breast, but I can eat the whole darn bag of doritos. Exercise helps me a lot.

    When I finally reach my half-way point, which might not be for another year - I'm going to be so happy. I don't want to have this band forever though - I just want to really "get" it about my food issues.

  8. Man, Michee - you are doing SO much better than me with the weight loss. I was banded in Sept. and I've only lost 40 lbs. Have you been doing the current exercise regime for the whole time? (I admit to having a tortilla chip problem.)

  9. The style really depends on your body type. I have big boobs (although hanging low) and big tummy. The rest is ok. I bought a really cute suit from Lane Bryant. It's a 1 pc in bright colors and it has a built-in shaped bra, which I thought I would hate but I LOVE, and this little frilly thing right at tummy which just does wonders for tricking the eye. Low scoop back. And it's actually comfortable, too.:smile2:

  10. BabyCat, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Sounds pretty awful. I hope you feel lots better soon.

    Gatorade helps tremendously when you're dehydrated - if you don't need hospitalization, that is. My stomach swells pretty often. Every time I use a pain reliever, my stomach swells. That's annoying. And if I eat Chinese food or anything super-salty. When it's swollen, I just have Protein drinks - no food - until it's better.

  11. Just fyi - my insurance, which is really good, was only slightly less (maybe $300) out of my pocket than the people who paid cash and went to a private hospital - same surgeon. I'm in Houston. I'm sure every large metropolis has the same deal going somewhere.

  12. I think this is a GREAT idea for a thread and I'd also like to know what other people want. Clothes are a big incentive for me, too. Also all the physical things, which goes hand in hand with working out for me. I want to be able to carry in the heaviest grocery bags and do gardening chores without putting my back out or getting out of breath or just tired and out of breath. I want to be strong when I'm older so I am not so limited in life. There are a lot of older people at my gym and they are so inspiring to me!

  13. I've had this problem with each fill. And with each fill (I've had 3), it takes longer to adjust. I have the whole shebang, too - sliming, getting stuff stuck, throwing up (well, more like spitting up). Finally, I learned that if I take itsy teensy bites - more like a 10th of a bite, the band will "relax" and I can eat a reasonable amount. Obviously, it can't be the band that's relaxing, unless the pressure of the food is forcing the saline more into the tube or something, but something relaxes there and after maybe 10 10th-of-a-bites, I can start eating half-bites and feel like I'm actually eating.

    My doc says you shouldn't ever be able to eat more than half a chicken breast at one sitting. It takes me so long to eat that I get bored with trying (but I still manage).

    Does your doctor require you to drink Water after the fill before leaving the office? Once I had an overfill and couldn't swallow the Water. He immediately took a little out and I was ok then.

  14. Brandy II, not only do I not think you're a dumbass - you just plain make me laugh! You made me think of something though when talking about your dad. It takes about a teaspoon of wine to get me wasted. I was warned about this before banding but since I hardly ever drink, I didn't think much of it. Absolutely no alcohol in public anymore - not because I make myself look (more) stupid, but because I need to go to sleep - immediately!!

    My "bad" foods have always been the salty/fatty ones. And Tostitos and queso slip down just fine, darn it!!

    I'm trying to use the willpower I don't have (birth defect) to just not buy them. Sometimes I'm successful and sometimes I'm not. I think my problem is with planning. Wish I'd paid better attention in home ec.

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