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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lunabeane

  1. Hey! Congrats on the weightloss. I was banded a month before you and have lost 28lbs. but didn't lose anything for almost three weeks.

    You might be retaining fluids from the surgery still. My Dr. would not let me take my diuretic after surgery but still permitted me to take my diovan.

    I really think that the key to my weightloss...which I consider to be slow...is documenting every single thing that I put into my mouth. EVERYTHING. I keep track of it all on www.thedailyplate.com and I keep my caloric intake between 800-1000 calories with 64oz of Fluid a day.

    I was super down about my slow weightloss even a month out of surgery but I just kept to it and it's now becoming more consistent.

  2. I haven't had any issues either. As of today I am down 28lbs and was banded on May 16th. I keep my caloric intake between 800 and 1000 calories and don't really have any problems doing so. However, I'm scheduled or another fill next friday and I'm going to take it. My Dr. shoots for the maximum amount of weightloss without any side effects, as I'm sure most Drs. do, but he also believes in a consistent schedule. My Dr. also believes in eating when you are hungry...and would like to see me consume as low as 600-800 calories a day. There isn't anyway that I could do that on the 2cc's that I have in my band now...so...I'll keep getting fills every 3-4 weeks until that happens.

  3. NAME ____________weight now____ goal___ lbs lost

    *****:(********** :thumbup:**********:thumbs_down:******:tt2:*****



































  4. Susan, if you haven't already done so, perhaps you should call the Attorney Generals Office regarding your situation. See if you or your husband are eligilbe for a program in your area.

    Consumers who believe they have been victimized by Countrywide should call the Attorney General’s fraud hotline at 1-866-966-7226 or may file a complaint online at: http://myfloridalegal.com.

    A copy of the lawsuit, filed last night in Broward County Circuit Court, is available online at: http://myfloridalegal.com/webfiles.nsf/WF/MRAY-7G5G7L/$file/CountrywideComplaint.pdf.

    News Release - Florida Attorney General Files Lawsuit Against Countrywide Financial

    Countrywide didn't get my house SUCCESS!!!! - Home Loan Forum - Loan Safe

    Free Foreclosure Help - Loan Modification - Mortgage Help

    Example Hardship Letter

    Law.com - Saying They Were Tricked, Borrowers Fight Back With Lawsuits


    State of Florida Sues Countrywide:


  5. Susan, you really have to stay on top of countrywide. Have you considered contacting Bank of America? Bank of America recently acquired Countrywide and they seem to be more approachable and are will to provide more options. I see that you are in Jacksonville...I am in PA and Countrywide has done a number on the real estate here. Fortunately, our real estate is much more affordable here so we were able to survive the initial crunch but our neighbors were not so lucky. In fact...three families have relocated to florida to take on contruction and labor jobs.

    I have a couple of links that will get you in contact with people that are fighting with Countrywide...but I can't stress enough that you don't want to take their word on anything. Get everything in writing with them. The mistake that we made was making the stupid decision to take a home equity line of credit to renovate our home. The Countrywide representative assessed our home at 25% over what it was worth and then gave us the home equity line at 10% with a promise that we could roll it into our mortgage after 1 fiscal year, dropping us down to 4.3%. Well...at one fiscal year we called and they told us that our house wasn't worth what they said it was...well no shit!!! We knew that... but were prepared to pay 10% for a year, not FOREVER! We currently are going after the appraiser that signed off on the home equity home appraisal. Bank of America is much more receptive to our situation and we aren't in jeopardy of losing our home.

    Let me know if you want the information that I have.

  6. My Drs. office does provide the option of taking medication if weightloss has stalled after a period of time. Now...it's not an option for someone that is just a couple of months out of surgery but it would be an option for somone that was banded in November. My Dr., and I have somewhat of a problem with this because I am a pretty slow loser historically, believes that you should take off 40 pounds in the first three-four months following surgery. I am two months out of surgery and have lost 25lbs and feel a twinge of failure...and I know that I shouldn't!

    My Dr. also does fills every 3-4 weeks until restriction occurs. I find that he is supportive in that regard. If he doesn't see 2lbs. a weak being lost he makes sure that you are in for a fill.

    I would talk to your Dr. or nutritionist and see what he says. I've taken Meridia in the past...but I didn't find it nearly as effective as I would have liked. I've wondered what it would be like now that I have the band. I'm going to give it until September and see if the first 40lbs. is gone. If it isn't, I'm going to ask my Dr. if I can take the Meridia that I already have in my medicine cabinet.

    I don't respond really well to meds like phentermine as they make my hands go numb and give me very bad heart palpatations.

  7. NAME ____________weight now____ goal___ lbs lost

    *****:cool2:********** :mellow:**********:)******:tt2:*****






































  8. If you have insurance approval then I would contact another surgeon and see if he/she can help you. That was a very poor way of handling the situation and you deserve better. My Dr. didn't require any weightloss prior to surgery for me but does if he has a patient that has a fatty liver. I'm sorry that you were made to feel that way. The liquid diet is difficult but I know that you can do it!

  9. I have awful sinus issues. My band gets very tight when I have a significant amount of post nasal drip. I take Clairtin D (D dries it up) everyday to control the drainage. However, my Dr. said that if it gets really bad then he'll do a slight unfil. So far it's been manageable.

  10. Have you called the Psychiatrist and asked him if he submitted the appropriate approval forms? This would be my first step before calling the bariatric surgeon. I know that they process seems frustrating...and probably more frustrating when you are concerned about someone elses evaluation. Give the psychiatrist a call and tell him that you distinctly remember him telling you that he was submitting you for approval.

  11. Brandy,

    I know that you say that it won't hurt the band...and I agree with you... but there is evidence that the more restriction you get that there is a possibility that the food will become lodged as the liquid pushes it through the stoma. While every Dr. is different, and I do recognize that, mine stressed that it's important to note that in the beginning stages that food will just wash through the stoma but after more and more restriction becoming stuck becomes more of an issue. So...while it is up to the individual person and the choices they choose to made...there is also sound proof that there are other factors involved.

  12. I don't mean to appear unkind at all...honestly. This is obviously a struggle for all of us but you asked if you would be unsuccessful if you didn't follow the rules, and there is a very good chance that you won't be. I feel badly that you took that as me being mean but it's the reality of the situation. Of course it's hard...the easy part was us doing anything and everything that we wanted to do...which helped us get to the state we are in today.

    I'm not very far out of surgery so I'm facing my own battles, but saying that you can't do something doesn't really seem like a viable option right now, does it? I'm here for support just like you are and I have to expect that there are people that are going to give me opinions that I won't agree with.

    I hope that you can drink as much as you want to; when you want to. I hope that you don't become ill and that you lose the weight that you want and need to lose while following a different set of rules. I'm all about compliance...it's my deal. Maybe it's not yours. There are going to be people here that tell you that you can eat anything you want to eat when you want to eat it...and they are going to tell you that they are fine so you can do it too. I'm not that person but it certainly doesn't mean that I'm unsympathetic to your struggles.

  13. Just because you can eat and drink simultaneously doesn't mean that you should. Eventually you are going to reach maximum capacity. Currently, you are washing the food through the stoma, however, as you get fills and as restriction becomes more pronounced, the liquid will cause the food to compact in the stoma and sit on top of the compacted food. This often causes vomiting and nausea. There are reasons why the rules exist.

  14. Oh...I understand the heat issue. I'm lived in both Arizona and New Mexico and worked primary in the outdoors. Waiting 30 minutes to have something to drink isn't going to thrust us into dehydration. My Dr. has me follow the 30/30/30 rule. I make sure that I'm busy 30 minutes after I eat. I work, I do the dishes, I give my son a bath, I meet with students. If you give yourself something to do then you won't be obsessing about drinking.

  15. Actually, I would listen to your Dr. My Dr. had me on a 7 days of Clear Liquids before transitioning me to full liquids. I had no Protein at all until I moved onto full liquids. As you have had some complications I would adhere to all of his criteria. While others are telling you to get protein your Dr. is the one that is familiar with your anatomy and what is going on with your body. I hope you feel better soon! Just take it one day at a time.

  16. I was very nervous about my first fill. It didn't hurt at all. I swear!!! I am one of those people that needs to avert my eyes so that I can't see what's going on. The Nurse Practitioner used a numbing agent before doing the fill. He told me that it was going to sting a bit but it didn't at all. You'll do just fine!!!

  17. My Dr. doesn't go by the weight that you are losing in the beginning. He scheduled the fill for six weeks out and said that he will continue to give them every several weeks until I am at goal. You are doing great! I was banded a week before you and haven't lost as much as you. If you are really hungry then I would question it but if you are able to manage what you are consuming then good for you!

  18. My doctor has this as a part of his routine pre-surgical criteria for all lap band patients. It was painless and over quickly. Afterwards the Dr. said, "everything looks great...and there isn't anything that would prohibit you from having the surgery." He was looking for any issues that would cause swallowing problems and or scaring from acid reflux. He may have also looked for hernias but that wasn't an issue for me.

  19. Hi. I was banded May 22nd 2008. According to the schedule the dietian gave me, I was supposed to be on clear liquids for 2 weeks, full liquids for 2 weeks and then mushies for a week, and then solids. After a week of clears, I was starving. When I had my post-op appt, my doc said this was a sign that my body was ready to move up. 6 days after being on full liquids, I called the office and told them I was starving again and they allowed me to move up to mushies, as long as I took it slow. I had no problems transitioning from mushies to solids. Tomorrow is my first fill and i have been really hungry again for about a week. I am really ready for my fill.

    Anyway, call your doc and ask them. Tell them how miserable you have been. You never know, maybe your doc will let you advance.

    This was my experience as well. Just call and explain how you are feeling. You'll feel better soon.

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