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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lunabeane

  1. Lunabeane

    Medic Alert Bracelet

    jujuvee, it's not the bands integrity that they are worried about, it's puncturing your stomach. I've always been permitted to order off the kids menu so never needed the card that the surgeon provided me. That said, I don't have a medical ID but I've often thought of getting one.
  2. I'm sorry that you are going through this...what a terrible feeling of betrayal that you must be feeling. However, while it might seem like an impossible thing to do, it's vitally important that you focus on your own mental health right now. There comes a time when you just have to look out for yourself. I know that right now it feels like a waiting game with your medication but you really need to give it some time to get into your system. Don't hesitate to call your Dr. at the 3-4 week mark and ask him to up your dosage...or to try something else if necessary. There are times when it's a process of trial and error to find the medication that works best for you. I know that this might sound like a cliche, but you need to focus on one day at a time...and focus on yourself for a while. I'm very sorry that you lost your job, but at the same time you could think of this as a way for you to focus on YOU and getting your life back together. You aren't alone in the world and you need to rely on others in your life that care about your wellbeing to help get you through this troubled time. Focus on getting your uemployment benefits and applying for the new cobra benefits that you have available to you. I'm also validating (although I know that's not what you're asking for) your sleeping and crying...what you are going through is traumatic and it's normal to feel those things. You'll come back from this...you might crawl your way out of it but you're strong enough to do it. Just think about what you went through to get to this point with your health and weightloss. Did you ever imagine that you would get to this point? I'll be thinking of you.
  3. Lunabeane

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    My bandiversary was yesterday! I'm down 73lbs. and would like to take off another 20lbs. by the time I leave for the beach on August 1st. I'm scheduled for another fill on June 8th so that should last me through to my 100lb. goal.
  4. Lunabeane

    Why You Shouldn't Eat Salad

    My Dr. encourages a good salad following my protein or in conjunction with my protein. He encourages anything but iceberg lettuce coupled with other hearty veggies.
  5. Lunabeane

    pain after surgery

    I was scared as well. Some people have very little pain and up and about very soon after surgery, others have a bit more pain. However, all of the pain, no matter what the degree, is manageable with pain medication. Make sure that you discuss pain management with your surgeon prior to your surgery date. My Dr. was very good with pain management and made it clear that he viewed pain medication as part of the healing process. The good thing is that it all passes, you heal, begin to lose weight, and are good as new.
  6. They do put an incision near near where the port is but it's a small incision to put the laproscopy tool through. The large incision (about 2 inches) is where you will find your port.
  7. I forgot to mention, as someone did above, that while some nausea is normal from anesthesia you shouldn't be dry heaving. A lot of people don't know that pain can cause those symptoms as well. Don't feel bad about having to advocate for yourself. If you don't feel comfortable calling your Dr. then have someone call for you. I can't stress enough that every patient/surgery/recovery is different. I remember feeling terrible that so many people were up and running around pain free. That just wasn't me...and I do have a high threshold for pain...32 hours of labor...gallbladder/bile duct surgery...back surgery. I thought that it would be a breeze for me and it wasn't. In fact, after I had a weeks worth of roxicet the Dr. put me on liquid codeine as needed. The walk it off advice wasn't what I needed. You do need to get up and move around and that will relieve the gas pain and get things working but only you know the extent of the pain that you are in. Feel better!
  8. My port is located about two inches above my incision about six inches below my left breast. You may be feeling some desolveable stitches that are anchoring your port in place or a bit of scar tissue...you migh also be feeling some fluid build up. I don't think you're feeling the tube.
  9. Call your surgeon and ask for pain meds...It's ridiculous to be in pain. What you are feeling is normal but once you get some relief you'll feel much better. I was on roxicet for a week and I needed every bit of it. While some people don't have pain there are many of us that had a tremendous amount of it...and you shouldn't feel like a baby because you need relief.
  10. Not sure why my first post didn't go through...but it's not your band that you are feeling under the large incision, it's your port. The band is around your stomach.
  11. I forgot to add that when I asked my Dr. how I would know if the band had slipped, his comment was, "You'll know...trust me." Looked difficulty swallowing, heartburn, and not being able to keep food down. It's a difficult new world that you are negotiating.
  12. Lunabeane

    Scar tissue or band slippage?

    Your band is not located underneath the large incision...what you are feeling is your port. Your band is around your stomach. I remember thinking the same thing!
  13. After my 4th fill my NP began testing with yogurt. I bring my own to the office.
  14. Stick around...there are a lot of people that will answer questions. You're just going to have to choose to ignore those that offer opinions that you feel are unsavory. Honestly, the good outweigh the bad. It's important for people to have a place to vent...but it IS the internet and everyone is permitted to say what they want...even if their approach is unkind. Good luck to you!
  15. I thought the same thing...candid isn't the word for her approach. Distasteful might be a better choice of terminology.
  16. Lunabeane

    What do fills feel like?

    I have a great NP that does my fills. He numbs the site which causes a little pinch. He locates the port and inserts the needle. He removed and measures how much saline is in the band...this feels strange but doesn't hurt. He puts the saline back in and adds an additional amount...this is cold to me and feels weird. I'm always left with a little bruise at the port sight afterwards...about the size of a pencil eraser.
  17. Feel better! How terrible that he didn't call you back. I've been having trouble getting in touch with my Dr. in a timely manner as well. I would hate for you to have an unfill...but don't hesitate if that's what it takes to get you feeling better.
  18. I think you have to be comfortable with what your nutritionist says. I didn't eat meat until the third week...but that was was what my Dr. told me to do. As long as you trust your Dr. you should follow his directions.
  19. Have you tried drinking hot tea or hot water?
  20. Lunabeane

    PLEASE HELP, overfilled need advice

    Try to relax and not panic. I know that is easier said than done, but it should help. I have found that sipping some hot tea/water helps when things get too tight. I would put another call into the Dr.
  21. Lunabeane

    Pureed MEAT???

    Oh, canned chicken was a staple of mine....I can't believe I forgot!
  22. I was thinking the same thing but didn't want to add fuel to the fire. I once found my husband eating in the basement because he didn't want to eat in front of me. I think you should express to them that it's very difficult for you to be around foods that you find tempting at this point in your post-op phase.
  23. I'm sorry that you are going through this. I was never in bandster hell as I was in so much pain from a nerve being pinched in my stomach that I couldn't think of eating. I really think you need to be open and honest with your Dr. about your experience and tell him what your needs are. Once you get a couple of fills in you you'll be good to go and looking better than ever. Just take one day at a time and do the best you can.
  24. At my first check-up he checked to see if I was healing and following the rules. He told me to move onto solid food slowly. I didn't receive my first fill until 6 weeks out.
  25. Lunabeane

    Pureed MEAT???

    Not one ounce of pureed meat touched my lips...ever! My Dr. was totally fine with that. I got my protein from protein powder mixed with everything...from yogurt to soup. I ate canned salmon mixed with low fat cream cheese and tuna mixed with light mayo when I was instructed to.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
