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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lunabeane

  1. If your Dr. says Clear Liquids then stick to clear liquids. My Dr. was very strict with his requirements. Bullion, Water, crystal light, broth, Jello...no pudding, creamed soups, cool whip, or anything that you couldn't see through. There is a reason why he has the requirements and you trusted him to perform your surgery...so you should try to adhere to his requirements as much as possible. I was two weeks clear liquid and 1 week full liquid before transitioning to pureed and then onto adaptive.
  2. Lunabeane

    Eating real food too soon

    FYI...the stomach definately breaks down food both mechanically (stomach churning) and chemically (digestive enzymes). I can't stress how important it is to stick to your post-op diet. I know it's difficult for you as it is for all of us but you've put so much time and effort preparing for the band you have to take care of it.
  3. I was banded on May 16th and I still haven't felt that crazy hungry feeling yet. I'm hoping that I don't. I have been able to force myself to keep to a 800 calorie diet as that is what my Dr. recommended at my 3 week check-up. When I transitioned from clear liquids to full liquids I felt a lot better physically and mentally but it wasn't until I moved to the mushy stage that I started feeling really human again.
  4. Lunabeane

    one year out and on plateau

    I would love to play tennis but I'm so self conscious. I hate that about myself. The funny thing is that I had my son at his tennis lesson today and watched how much fun he was having and I just can't bring myself to enjoy it with him. It's like I have no center of gravity at this weight...I just tip over like a weeble wobble. lol.
  5. Lunabeane

    Oh noooooooooo, gutted :(

    I'm so sorry for your disappointment. Did the Dr. put you on a high protein low carb diet? A friend of mine had to go on a one month liquid diet to shrink her liver prior to surgery...she was successful and banded a month later.
  6. Lunabeane


    I weigh myself once a week. It helps me stay focused and allows me to Celebrate in even the smallest of weigth loss. Do you have a general practioner that is close to you? You could always go there and ask them to weigh you. BTW...if you lost 100lbs...you ARE a rockstar.
  7. Lunabeane

    one year out and on plateau

    Congratulations on all of that weightloss...how awesome is that??? Have you thought about getting another fill? If you are able to eat more then it makes sense (to me) that you might need another fill to get moving. I'm having a very difficult time getting off my rear end and exercising. I know that I need to but I just can't seem to find something that I like. Have you been exercising?
  8. Lunabeane

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    The side effects never subsided for me. I was on it for 2 years and my endocrinilogist stated that there are some people that cannot handle it. However, there is a new drug on the market that is supposed to be successful in the treatment of pcos. I'm not sure what the name is but I can call my endo if you are interested.
  9. Lunabeane

    How soon can i go in the pool??

    My Dr. told me 10 days or whenever the dermabond had peeled off. I didn't have any external sutures.
  10. It took my a little over six months to fulfill all of the requirements of my insurance company and surgeon. After I met all of the requirements it took 24 hours for my insurance to approve the surgery. I just got my final summary for the procedure, and my insurance company covered almost $44,000.00 worth of services. This amount includes all of the pre-surgery requirements accept for the lifestyle classes which I paid out of pocket. My insurance will also cover my fills as well.
  11. Lunabeane

    Can't stop eating!

    I haven't had a Protein shake since I started on mushies...I couldn't stand them and I don't think I need them! I've been able to consume 60-70g of protein a day since I started the mushie stage. When i started the mushie stage I fluxuated a couple of pounds for a few days and then dropped back down to my original weight. I also realized that I wasn't going to the bathroom...which is common in the mushie stage.
  12. Lunabeane

    How to use water?

    Take glass from cubbard...fill with water LOL. I'm joking! My Dr. told me that I was permitted to drink water up until I ate and had to wait 30-60 minutes after eating. I have a water bottle on me continuously and drink about 64-80oz. a day. Although, yesterday I didn't get as much in as I was supposed to and had an awful headache and leg cramps.
  13. Lunabeane


    Thank you. I know that I will quit but it's just harder than I thought it would be. I mean...come on...it's 2 cigarettes a day...why can't I stop that? It's not like I'm quiting a packet or two pack a day habit. One would think that it's not an addiction if you only smoke 2 cigarretes a day...but if they aren't in the house I get so nasty and irritated. I'm hoping that once I begin exercising that I will feel better about my body and want to quit altogether.
  14. Lunabeane


    I'm still struggling with quiting. It's been very difficult for me. I didn't smoke for several weeks after surgery but now smoke about 2 a day. It is something that really ways on me. I can control my caloric intake and the types of food that I eat but I just can't seem to quit the smoking.
  15. Lunabeane

    Can't stop eating!

    I know it's frustrating and I'm only 5 weeks out but my Dr. recommended dropping to 800 calories a day for several weeks to see if I could both challenge myself and make my body work harder. I've also started swimming a bit. I know that I haven't exercised to the extent that I should but swimming in the privacy of my own yard is "safer" for me. Have you thought of dropping your caloric intake a bit? My weakness is bread so I stopped having it in the house, I know longer look at Pasta and there is only brown rice in the house right now. I know that it's difficult but you have to make yourself hate that food...fight against it. I'm struggling now to get things moving but I figure at this point I'm training myself. I'm one of those people that needs to cut themselves off totally from the bad things as once I start I won't be able to stop.
  16. Lunabeane

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    I have pcos. I was diagnosed 6 years ago. I've tried every form and dosage of gloucophage and can't function on it at all. I've taken 500mg and 2000mg, liquid, extended release, generic, with a full meal and on an empty stomach. I had such awful stomach cramps and diarrhea that i was incapable of leaving my house or teaching. I would sweat as if I was dying. It was awful. However, it was the only thing that worked for me in regard to my insulin levels and it was the only time that I could lose weight. I hate it! LOL.
  17. Lunabeane

    Oh....excuse me!

    I could never EVER burp pre-surgery...now I sound like a teenage boy!
  18. My Dr. said 10 days or whenever the glue came off of my incisions.
  19. Lunabeane

    New here

    Hey! I was just in your neck of the woods this past weekend. I was banded on May 16th and am scheduled for my first fill on June 27th. How did the Dr. miscalculate and put 5cc's in your band? Those sort of mistakes concern me. I'm excited but nervous about my first fill and hope that I can lose 10lbs in a couple of days as well.
  20. Lunabeane

    Frustrated, anxious....

    I can see why you would feel frustrated. Have you been logging your food intake? I use www.thedailyplate.com and it's really allowed me to take control of what I put into my body. I'm only four weeks out so I obviously don't have all of the answers but I do know that I did a lot of lying to myself regarding the amount of food that i was consuming. I now log every ounce of food that I put in my mouth and it's done more than allowed me to lose weight, it has allowed me to control something that I was unable to control in the past.
  21. Lunabeane

    magic bullet or blender ??

    I used the magic bullet for my mushie stage. I'm on summer vacation and am not relying on it much for smoothies and stuff like that but anticipate that I will use it once I start teaching again. I recommend it.
  22. Lunabeane

    Getting used to band feelings....

    I'm still getting used to all of the different feelings as well. I have gotten the left side pain before but the one that really bothers me is the one right in between my rib cage...at the center of my diaphram. I know that it happens when I eat too fast or too much. Today I decided that I was just going to start with one thing and then build on it if I was still hungry. It seems to have worked but I'm only at 600 calories which is the lowest that I've been in a few days.
  23. Lunabeane

    General Questions

    I've can't feel the port but I still have a lump where it is. It's sort of strange looking but I've never had any port pain at all...not even on the day of surgery.
  24. Lunabeane

    Wasabubblebutt is in recovery

    I just wanted to tell you what an inspiration you have been. I know that you've had problems but you have truly succeeded. I hope that this procedure works for you and that you and that you feel healthier and happier than you have felt recently. I wish that I would have had the option of the gastric sleeve but my insurance just wouldn't cover it and I didn't have the financial means to do it independently. I'm glad to know that if the case ever arises that this is an option.
  25. Lunabeane

    coming out of the closet...

    I'm so sorry that things aren't looking good for you and the baby right now. I truly hope that everything works out and that you get what you want. Take care.

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