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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lunabeane

  1. Lunabeane

    I feel so pathetic..

    This was my experience as well. Just call and explain how you are feeling. You'll feel better soon.
  2. Lunabeane

    Where did my band go? Anyone else?

    Lisa, I meant to get back to you after my first fill. Bill, the Nurse Practitioner that does my fills said that I didn't have to get an unfil when I travel to Peru. I have a 10cc band and Bill put 2cc's in upon my request to be conservative. I asked him to put 2cc's in because I was reluctant to be aggressive on my first fill. He was initially going to start with 3cc's. I wonder if you could request that he does your fills? I'm not sure if Dr. McClosky requires her fills to be done by certain people...but it's worth a try if you want someone that is more aggressive.
  3. Lunabeane

    Borderline in PA

    rita, I started my six months lifestyle meetings before meeting with the surgeon for the first time. Also...the office isn't going to send anything in to the insurance for approval until after you finish the six month lifestyle meetings. Which means that there might be pre-existing conditions that will be determined through all of the testing. For example, Arthritis PCOS Insulin Resistance Acid Reflux High Blood Pressure High Cholesteral Back Pain Knee Pain sleep Apnea Asthma These are things that you should discuss with your general practioner as well. If any of these comorbidies have been discuss and documented with him/her then that qualifies. I would begin the classes and start getting them out of the way...do you first weigh in with weights and heavy heavy clothes as well.
  4. Lunabeane

    Borderline in PA

    Rita, I never knew that there was a price quote of $19,500! Had my insurance not covered my surgery I could not have afforded to get it done...not if it were 7,000 or 50,000! What insurance company do you have? I have UPMC Panther Gold health insurance. Had you come to me last year I would have told you that they were garbage...but they came through for the surgery! So...I'll be nice about them for now. The last bill I received for the actually surgery was $33,000. Insurance paid $16,000 for my upper endoscopy and for the upper GI and chest x-ray (not sure what the cost was for that). I wonder if the quoted price is just for the surgery and not for the OR and all of the other stuff necessary to do the surgery? Melinda is the person that took care of all of my weight management and food log stuff and Robin was who sent in my insurance approval documentation. I would call and ask them if they deal with your insurance company on a regular basis and if they often cover all of the expenses. I've heard that Kelly, one of the PA's, is absolutely wonderful. Also, one of the Nurse Practitioners, Deb, was my life line after surgery. Everytime I had a question she answered it in a kind and sensitive manner. She never seemed to get irritated. I'm feeling good after my fill, thanks for asking. I took it easy yesterday, only eating cottage cheese, yogurt, and some chicken salad. Everything worked out well. Today I had my very first salad since being banded. I took it slow but it worked out well. I've been craving salad...who the heck would have thought? I'm not sore and not sick...the two things that I was worried about. You know, rita, I know that people have some horrific experiences, but I have found the Drs. in this practice to be conservative and thorough. There aren't any corners being cut and they are running a top notch business. Now...mind you...I am not a huge fan of UPMC but these Drs. seem to set themselves a part from the larger UPMC monopoly. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to make your journey easier. I have every document that I was given since my first meeting with the Dr. Just start getting all of those pre-requisites taken care of. Get your appointments taken care of early on. As soon as Dr. McClosky give you the script to take care of all of the pre-requisites call and make the appointments on the first day. Also...if your insurance won't cover them..call and ask your PCP to write scripts for the same things so that it appears that he is asking for the documentation. My insurance didn't require any referrals...but yours might. My friend took the script from the surgeon right to her pcp and he wrote scripts for the same procedures. Everything was covered.
  5. Lunabeane

    Port area pain after fill?

    I asked my Nurse Practioner about the goose egg on my stomach yesterday. He said that the swelling is gone from my surgery and that it depends how much fat is on top of the port. As I lose weight the goose egg might diminish but he could not give me a definitive answer. He said that we would have to wait and see and then might consider a low profile port if it still sticks up. It does stick up pretty far in my opinion...so much that you can see it when I wear shells under my suit jacket. If I have my suit jacket unbuttoned and I look in the mirror my shell hangs on it. I'm not sure if I'm explaining that right!
  6. Lunabeane

    Any nurse self filling?

    Thankfully, my fills are covered 100%, I don't even have to pay a copay. However, I'm all about sneaking up on restriction. I know that it's going to be a process...which fits my personality just fine. Everything has been a process...getting to be the weight I am...preparing for surgery...healing...losing weight. My husband could do my fills but I feel comfortable knowing that my Nurse Practitioner will get me to where I need to be over a period of time.
  7. Lunabeane

    Port area pain after fill?

    I went for my first fill yesterday at noon. He numbed the area as well and found the port right away. It took him a couple of minutes to prime the port and get all of the air out. I wouldn't say that I was sore but I am aware of the area. I would definately inquire about another nurse doing your fill. I was very nervous but the numbing agent that he used made the whole experience pain free for me. Feel better soon.
  8. Listen...I guess I'm a wimp too. I had natural childbirth, back surgery, and my gallbladder removed and I was in pretty bad shape after surgery. I was a bit discouraged by all of the people that said that they ran a marathon after having their band surgery as I was incapable of doing much of anything for about a week. I relied on my pain meds and stuck to my Clear liquids and I did gradually feel better. Resting was a very important factor in my recovery. I even called in and asked for more pain meds after I finished what I was sent home with. I would say that the pain was at a 7-8 for two days and decreased to about 6-7 on days 3 and 4. I continued to have a fair amount of pain for about a week and then it became better and better. I was exhausted for about two weeks and then I woke up feeling like my old self...just 14lbs. lighter. Having said all of that...I'm so glad that I had the surgery. It was one of the best decisions that I made. I may have only lost 23lbs. so far but there is something different about me...my way of looking at food is different...and I feel a bit more positive about things.
  9. Lunabeane

    Heart Stopped Once Stomach Inflated w/ Gas

    My goodness...how scary. I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling well...but so happy that you are still with us. The vagal nerve starts at the base of your brain and innervates your heart and lungs and passes through your diaphram. In some people it loops around and goes lower than it does in others. Usually it's out of the way but in some people when they do surgery on the stomach it presses against it. Most anesthesiologists will ask to see documentation of the vagal nerve prior to putting you under. LOL...you might think that I know what I'm talking about but I just typed while my husband explained to me what happened to you. It's nifty having an Anatomist in the house. He's gross but handy. Good luck to you...However, my husband said that now that the Anesthesiologist understands your anatomy that everything will be just fine.
  10. Lunabeane

    Weight Loss Center Diets

    I put an order in for nutrisystem. I like food well enough and I'm able to get in all of my protein and then some if I stick to it. I tried it a couple of years ago and just couldn't stick with it because I was so hungry all the time. However, now I find that it's actually a bit too much food at times. It's a good texture and I don't have any problems eating any of the food.
  11. Lunabeane

    My four month progess pics

    I can see it! I can see it! You look great...keep up the good work.
  12. I would wait it out. A stomach bug usually runs it's course fairly quickly. Wait it out and see how you feel on Sunday. If you still aren't feeling well then give your Dr. a call and see what she/he has to say. I had a urinary tract infection that was just awful a couple of days before surgery. It was so bad that I was doubled over and sick to my stomach from the pain. I called my pcp and he wrote a script for treatment and I was good to go by my surgery date. I made sure to mention that I had just finished antibiotics for a uti and they said that everything would be fine.
  13. Lunabeane

    6 Month Diet question

    My insurance company required mine...but my surgeon suggested it.
  14. Lunabeane

    Borderline in PA

    My surgery cost approximately $40,000.00. That included everything. My insurance covered everything but my lifestyle meetings and several copays of $20 or so. All of my fills are covered and any issues that I have with the band are covered as well. Also, you should know that they were very supportive of my timeline. as a teacher I had a very narrow window of when I could have everything done and return to my normal teaching load. They made sure to accommodate me in every way.
  15. Lunabeane

    Borderline in PA

    I had my surgery done at Magee under Dr. George Eid. I've had a wonderful experience with him and his staff. They have all been very supportive, except Rachel the PA, who I have some difficulty with. I've heard very good things about Dr. McClosky as well. I had my first fill today with Bill...the Nurse Practioner that does the fills for Dr. Eid. I was nervous but it all turned out well and he was just as supportive as the other people that I have been working with. My insurance required that I go through the six month lifestyle classes that are offered at Magee. I went once a month for six months. During that time I was weighed each month and documented everything that I ate in a food log. It took seven months from start to finish. I had to have an endoscopy, chest x-ray, upper GI, psych consult, blood work, and six months of lifestyle meetings before sending everything in for insurance approval. My insurance granted approval within 24 hours after submission and I was scheduled for surgery within a couple of weeks. I've lost 23 pounds since having the surgery. I know that many people say that the period of time after surgery is for healing but I had enough restriction that I was able to successfully diet for the first time in seven years. I feel very good about my decision to have the surgery and wish that I would have made it sooner. I've been fortunate that I haven't had any issues...no nausea, vomiting, or pain since the initial recovery period. I have two friends that have also had their bands done at Magee...one by Dr. Ramanathan and the other by Dr. Eid. Both of them have had very positive experiences as well. I can't say enough about the nursing staff that took care of me after the surgery. Once I was in my room and on the pain pump they took wonderful care of me and were very supportive and positive. I think you made a good choice.
  16. Lunabeane

    Borderline in PA

    I live fairly close to Monroeville. My Dr. didn't measure me during our consultation. My husband and I went together and sat in a room and discussed the procedure with the Dr. he did take my vitals and looked at pressed on my stomach. I never took off my clothes. I know that there were a lot of woman that wore weights and put weights in their pockets when I was attending my lifestyle classes. They were in a similiar position as you...right on the borderline of meeting the criteria for approval. The medical assistant will ask you to remove your shoes and socks but that's it. At one time someone suggested that you could put fishing weights in your bra as well. I would take those measures as well as drink a ton of Water before going into your appointment. My insurance did not allow any weight gain during the six month lifestyle phase...there were times when I wished I had done the weights...but I ended up being able to take off 5 pounds during the lifestyle classes. Good luck!
  17. Lunabeane

    Borderline in PA

    Rolls of quarters in your pockets or what about ankle weights? You shouldn't have to take off your clothes for your initial visit. I'm in PA as well. Are you in the Pittsburgh area?
  18. Lunabeane

    FILL Question

    I had my first fill today and he put in 2cc's. My appointment was at noon and i was on my way by 12:50. He numbed the area with lidocaine and noted the location of the port with a marker. He primed the port by removing as much air from the band and tube as possible and then injected the saline. He had me drink water before he removed the needle and then we talked for about 30 minutes in his office until he was sure that I felt ok. He told me to go home and keep to yogurt with protein powder, then try cottage cheese later on in the day try some tuna or chicken salad. I'm feeling good now...a bit tight but ok.
  19. Name......Current......Goal......Lost Lunabeane......221........200.....0
  20. Lunabeane

    My first fill FINALLY!!

    Why haven't you had a fill yet? I'm not being critical I just thought that it was common practice to get your first fill at 6 weeks.
  21. Lunabeane

    My first fill FINALLY!!

    Oh! I'm getting my first fill tomorrow as well. I have to admit that I'm a bit nervous about it. I've notice a change in my eating patterns as well. I'm not eating anything that is bad for me, and I'm still eating between 800-900 calories a day but I have been thinking more and more about food. However, like I said, I'm a bit nervous and I'm afraid of getting sick. It concerns me that we are getting a fill done on Friday as if something does go wrong there is no one to contact. OK...I'm showing my crazy. Good luck to you! Make sure you post how it goes. My fill is scheduled for noon.
  22. If you make your food you are going to have to measure and calculate the individual ingredients in your food. If you are eating pre-packaged processed food then you should still be able to see the nutritional content on the back of the package...that is if you are living in the United States as all imports must have nutritional values listed. Like someone else suggested you might want to consider taking in your Protein first and then vegetables. If you are consuming high carbs in the form of white rice and noodles then that might be one of your problems. The daily plate has a fairly comprehensive listing of asian foods that you should take a look at. It might give you some ideas of how to calculate your daily caloric intake. Good luck!
  23. Lunabeane

    Why do I feel like this all the time?

    Have the Drs. checked your gallbladder? I know that someone has probably told you this before and that you most likely know, but just because you CAN eat what you did before doesn't mean that you should. I know that people often say that the band should do all of the work for them but you really need to begin eating healthy (maybe you do) and set yourself to a reasonable caloric intake of 800-1200 calories a day. I can't say anything about exercise because I can't seem to get myself motivated to exercise to the extent that I need to be but it has really helped me to put myself on a Protein first, low calorie diet per my Drs. instruction. It would concern me greatly if I was having the pain that you are describing this far out from surgery. I don't have any digestive pain unless I eat too fast. If I take it slow and eat healthy foods I have no gas or nausea. I really hope that things get better for you and that you get some answers. It's awful to not know what's wrong. I had an ongoing battle with my Drs. regarding my gallbladder. They insisted that there was nothing wrong as I didn't have any stones. However, when they did a HIDA scan they were able to determine that my gallbladder was only functioning at a 3% capacity. I had terrible stomach pain, gas, diarrhea, and this tightening in my stomach, chest and back that was unbearable.
  24. A friend of mine was diagnosed with reactive arthritis last year. Is your Dr. taking care of your blood pressure and Fluid retention? I know that my friend has an awful time with mobility. Ok...so that was me checking on your health. Now...are you keeping track of what you are putting in your mouth? I know that you say that you don't eat a lot but do you know how many calories you are taking in? You might want to write down all of the calories that you are eating...the amount of Protein...and the amount of carbs. Get an idea of what you are taking in so that you can discuss it with your nutritionist. I know that it's difficult for you to walk but have you considered swimming. My friend says that this is very helpful to her and alleviates a lot of her pain.
  25. Lunabeane

    Any nurse self filling?

    The Nurse Practitioner does the fills in my surgeons office.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
