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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lunabeane

  1. Lunabeane


    For a couple of months I could only eat sashimi but now i can have a roll every once in a while. I still feel more comfortable eating the sashimi though. I've never had a problem getting anything down but depending on how tight I am, ones more enjoyable than the other. I don't think you'll have a problem.
  2. Lunabeane

    Period Talk

    Oh man...I've never had a problem with my period...even with PCOS. I have always gotten my period every 28 days...UNTIL NOW! I've had my period five times in 2 months. I went to see my ob/gyn two weeks ago and she said that it was normal and went on to explain that the drastic fluxuation in estrogen levels causes it and will eventually stablize. I thought it was going to start again yesterday, but I only spotted for a few hours.
  3. Lunabeane

    NSAIDS-- Do You Or Don't You....

    My Drs. (both surgeon and gp) said nothing but liquid tylenol/tylenol in pill form or narcotics. I've not taken anything but ultram/tylenol/vicodin since surgery.
  4. I attribute my success and my overall health up until now to following every word that my doctor told me regarding the post-op diet. Not one thing entered my mouth that was not pre-approved by my Dr. and Nurse Practioner. I don't begrudge anyone for making mistakes or for saying that they were OK when they didn't follow the Drs. orders, but I know that if I would have strayed once that it would have been very difficult for me to get back on track. Now...I'm not trying to be a righteous bitch at all...because I've made some poor decisions over the past month and I've paid for it with a slower weight loss, but during the healing process I was a super duper good girl. Creamed Soups were on my post-op diet after 7 days of post-op clear fluids. I detested canned soups so made some great high Protein creamed soups and blended the hell out of them. I know it's hard but nothing is worse than undoing all of the work that was just put into your body but in a couple of months this will all be past you.
  5. Lunabeane

    Swollen Port 4 months Post OP!! :(

    My port is very noticeable. It looks like half of a tennis ball sitting on my stomach. I have days when my port is tender but I wouldn't call it pain. I think your decision to seek a second opinion is a good one. I hope everything is ok.
  6. Lunabeane

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    Name_________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal________ToGo *****<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" filled="f" stroked="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe">:cool2:</v:shapetype>************************:tt2:**********:biggrin:****** :wink_smile: * agreatknead........204............194...........180...........14 areellady..........189............189...........159...........30 BIGB...............342............342...........300...........42 BellaPerdente......253............225...........200...........25 Boos02.............258............226...........200...........26 Brandy.............221............211...........191...........20 BrownBear..........240............235...........200...........35 Cadets71.........223.4..........223.4...........189.........34.4 Claudine...........250............231...........225...........6 Bunkey1965.........194............177...........170............7 CubsGirl17.........172............161...........150...........11 Cutiew/booty.......251............237...........220...........17 cQQlgirl...........195............191...........175...........16 crzytchr...........276............269...........246...........23 Donna113...........199............193.5.........160...........33.5 Ekat...............527............172...........152...........19 feefee57...........262............212...........180...........32 FeliciaLevy75......240............222...........190...........32 GillieBean.........304............296...........264...........32 HeatherO...........150............143...........130...........13 Hollie ............l54............154...........125...........29 Jeni85.............182............182...........160...........22 Jillbeme...........235..........207.5...........185.........22.5 Josie74............260............255...........215...........40 klmsilva...........216............212...........190...........26 legster............183............183...........160...........23 linksmom...........251............236...........200...........36 Liquidbluegal......225..........220.4...........199.........21.4 Liz_hager..........161............158...........130...........28 Long2BThin.........253............229...........215...........14 lotzasunshine......292............283.5.........250.........33.5 Luu2008............230..........199.5...........153.........46.5 Lunabeane..........244...........197............187.........10.0 Mamanmidwife.......295............282...........260...........22 Melissa Aguirre ...266............233...........160....... 73 Melody2006.........223............223...........173...........50 MiniPearl#2........???............???...........???...........?? Minxz..............299............287...........270...........17 neefam.............238............189...........158...........31 odizzzydori........242............242...........199...........43 paige65............252............242...........220...........22 rainer.............236............233...........199...........34 reif78.............294............195...........140...........40 RichardCranium.....338............276...........200...........76 soontobehottie.....201............191...........165...........26 srknepler..........285............253.7...........255.........-1.3 squale.............353............353...........325...........28 Sunshine2..........177............167...........160...........07 Suzzzie............305............305...........285...........20 stevegoad..........370............341...........267...........74 Terilynn112........240............227...........199...........41 Truediva...........299............285...........235...........50 thininside28.......255............255...........215...........40 Turler.............219............217...........194...........23 youcandoit!........196............189...........165...........24
  7. Lunabeane

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    Name_________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal________ToGo *****<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" filled="f" stroked="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe">:cool2:</v:shapetype>************************:tt2:**********:biggrin:****** :wink_smile: * agreatknead........204............194...........180...........14 areellady..........189............189...........159...........30 BIGB...............342............342...........300...........42 BellaPerdente......253............225...........200...........25 Boos02.............258............226...........200...........26 Brandy.............221............211...........191...........20 BrownBear..........240............235...........200...........35 Cadets71.........223.4..........223.4...........189.........34.4 Claudine...........250............231...........225...........6 Bunkey1965.........194............177...........170............7 CubsGirl17.........172............161...........150...........11 Cutiew/booty.......251............237...........220...........17 cQQlgirl...........195............191...........175...........16 crzytchr...........276............269...........246...........23 Donna113...........199............193.5.........160...........33.5 Ekat...............527............172...........152...........19 feefee57...........262............212...........180...........32 FeliciaLevy75......240............222...........190...........32 GillieBean.........304............296...........264...........32 HeatherO...........150............143...........130...........13 Hollie ............l54............154...........125...........29 Jeni85.............182............182...........160...........22 Jillbeme...........235..........207.5...........185.........22.5 Josie74............260............255...........215...........40 klmsilva...........216............212...........190...........26 legster............183............183...........160...........23 linksmom...........251............236...........200...........36 Liquidbluegal......225..........220.4...........199.........21.4 Liz_hager..........161............158...........130...........28 Long2BThin.........253............229...........215...........14 lotzasunshine......292............283.5.........250.........33.5 Luu2008............230..........199.5...........153.........46.5 Lunabeane..........244...........197............187.........10.0 Mamanmidwife.......295............282...........260...........22 Melissa Aguirre ...266............233...........160....... 73 Melody2006.........223............223...........173...........50 MiniPearl#2........???............???...........???...........?? Minxz..............299............287...........270...........17 neefam.............238............189...........158...........31 odizzzydori........242............242...........199...........43 paige65............252............242...........220...........22 rainer.............236............233...........199...........34 reif78.............294............195...........140...........40 RichardCranium.....338............276...........200...........76 soontobehottie.....201............191...........165...........26 srknepler..........285............253.7...........255.........-1.3 squale.............353............353...........325...........28 Sunshine2..........177............167...........160...........07 Suzzzie............305............305...........285...........20 stevegoad..........370............341...........267...........74 Terilynn112........240............227...........199...........41 Truediva...........299............285...........235...........50 thininside28.......255............255...........215...........40 Turler.............219............217...........194...........23 youcandoit!........196............189...........165...........24
  8. Well...I was banded on friday at approximately 1pm. I thought that I would give a run down of the days events for anyone that was interested. I've been trying to keep track of everything until I was able to sit for an extended period of time to type. Today is the first day that I was able to do that. On the day of surgery I showed up at 10:30am. I filled out the last minute paper work...and provided the copy of the living will to the receptionist. My husband and I waited in the waiting room for about an hour before we were called back. From the moment we arrived I was treated with respect and kindness from every person that I encountered at Magee Women's Hospital. I'm hyper critical of hospitals so this should say something. Anyway, I was asked to undress and put on the gown and booties. I brought a little carry-on piece of luggage so that my husband could store all of my stuff in there and not have to carry my big pink purse around. I met with the anesthesiologist, the NA, the surgeon, and the RN. The RN started my IV. The surgeon came in to ask if I had changed my mind or if I had any questions. A bit before 1pm the NA came in and started chatting with me and wheeled me into the hallway right outside of the OR. She gave me some medicine to calm me down and we talked about our kids and schools. She wheeled me into the OR and continued to talk to me in a very calm voice. She promised that she would take good care of me and that she was excited that I was going to have a new perspective on life in a couple of months. I woke up around 4pm in the recovery room. I woke up coughing which was very painful...but less painful than when I had my gallbladder out. The nurse immediately gave me some morphine to take the edge off before they got my pain button hooked up. The morphine took the edge off in a couple of minutes...although I would say on a scale from 1-10 I was at a 6-7. With some shallow and consistent breathing I was able to keep it together until they hooked up the pain pump with dilauded. The dilauded was wonderful and allowed me to sleep for a while but when the nurse came to check on me I was still coherent enough to communicate with her. I don't like being out of control, so the idea of having a medication that allowed me to still maintain control of my faculties was important. I spent a significant amount of time in the recovery room as there were no vacancies on the bariatric floor. I was not brought up to my private room until approximately 8pm. Now...some people would be upset about this, but my care was so wonderful in the recovery room that I wasn't upset at all. The check on me all the time and made sure that I was confortable. The nurse would come over and sit with me and made sure that I had everything that I needed. In addition...I heard her calling and yelling at the people to get me a room...so I knew that she was advocating for me. One thing that was concerning was that there was blood in my urine...I had thought that I had dealt with a quickly approaching UTI by getting on Cipro for three days but apparently it wasn't taken care of and when they put the cath in the blood was pretty heavy. That was very scary and my doctor was concerned. He made sure to have me tested and put me on two different types of antibiotics while still in recovery. I was brought to my room at approximately 8pm where I met my nurse and nurses aid. They were wonderful and worked so efficiently to get me hooked up and comfortable. They had to take blood and a MRSA swab and made sure that my antibiotics were taken care of. The also made sure that I was given some extra pain medication because I went about 15 minutes with interrupted pain meds. I was not permitted to have any liquids...but was provided with a drip that kept me hydrated. They came in through the night to take my vitals and to see if I needed anything. At approximately 4am I was asked to get up and walk the halls...and this was ridiculously hard for me...but I did it! And the nurse encouraged me the whole way. I never felt any nausea or weakness. I was being provided with nausea medication though...and while I was glad for it...I don't think I needed it. On Saturday I was presented with two more nurses and a nurses aid. Each of them were equally as wonderful as the previous days. I was woken up at 7am to prepare for the Upper GI. I was petrified of the Upper GI...but it went surprisingly well. Before the UGI I was given a prilosec and potassium pills to swallow...I was sick about it...but they went down just fine. I was only permitted to take them with 30cc's of Water. I was wheeled to radiology where I was asked to stand infront of the machine. The technician, who works specifically with bariatric patients, was wonderful and made the process quick and painless. I was asked to drink two different types of barium...a clear and a white. Both of the cups contained no more that 60cc's of barium. The whole process took less than 15 minutes and then I was on my way back to my room. When I got back to my room I was taken off of the pain button and transitioned to the Roxicet. The Roxicet changed my life! I'm not kidding...I felt like a totally different person. With the Roxicet came more walking. I was still hooked up to the glucose and potassium and antibiotics but I was able to walk far longer and further with the new pain killer. As I walked I started to feel better and things started to move. However, I still hadn't burped or passed gas or anything like that. They also took the cath out and I was asked to collect my urine to make sure that everything was voiding as it should. They were only worried about the urine...nothing else. At around noon on Saturday my surgeon came in and asked me how I was feeling. I told him that I was uncomfortable but OK. I also told him that I was afraid of going hom because of the dogs! He was so wonderful....the man actually sat with me and discussed the best strategy regarding where I should sleep and where the dogs should be during the day. Too cute. He again went over the importance of following the clear liquid diet for a week and then full liquid for two weeks. I met with the dietician after he left and the respiratory therapist for the second time after her. It's so important to do those deep breathing treatments...especially if you are a smoker or a recovering smoker. He told me to take it easy and that he would fill out my discharge papers...but if I didn't feel comfortable leaving then I should stay. My husband and son came to visit...and my son said that he missed me and that he wanted me home. He gave up his bed because his is lower to the ground. We decided that they were going to come back and get me around 6pm. We have a fairly large SUV so he borrowed my parents car to come get me as I'm really short! The nurse gave me a dose of Roxicet at 5:45pm and I was absolutely find for the 20 minute car ride home. I walked up the 15 steps to my house just fine...and decided that it was best for me to sit in a fairly rigid upright chair until today. Last night was a bit difficult for me. The gas really started to hurt last night and today...but today I started to really move things along with the gasx strips. They are wonderful. I also went to the bathroom for the first time today...number 2...and I feel like a relatively normal person today. I'm still uncomfortable...but it really is only discomfort and not pain. I have a follow up visit with my surgeon on Wednesday at 11:20am. They called and set that appointment up for me, which I thought was great. Thus far I've had the following to drink... Water 1/2 water and apple juice 1/2 water and peach mango juice chicken bullion beef buillion chicken broth with a dash of soy sauce green tea crystal light fruit punch crystal light two spoonfools of italian ice two sips of decaf coffee None of it was irritating or nauseating. So...that's my story! Today is much better than yesterday....
  9. Lunabeane

    Nausea after 4th fill

    Well...all is well now. I went back to mushies for a couple of days and now I'm feeling fine.
  10. Lunabeane

    Nausea after 4th fill

    Oh man...I'm nervous. I had my fourth fill on Friday afternoon. I took it easy, as usual, but decided that I was going to try some crock pot pot roast/carrots for dinner. The first bite went down fine...the second...not so much. I slimed and threw up for about 20 minutes...still wouldn't go down. Took a walk...threw up in the bushes. Came home and took a hot shower and it finally went down. I laid down and took a bit of a nap for a couple of hours. When I woke up I ate some cottage cheese. That went down fine and made my belly feel better. However, I have this mild churning in my stomach...like morning sickness churning. It's not anything catastrophic but I definately feel blah! Is it normal to feel the after affects of being stuck for hours afterwards? I don't believe that I did any damage to the band...because I specifically felt the food dislodge and go through. However, I've never once been nauseous since I've been banded and it scares me. Oh...and talk about getting to the point where you really DO have to chew more than ever. When I swallowed that second bit I knew it was going to be bad! Talk me down!
  11. Lunabeane

    Cheese... glorified fat?

    I eat the Cabot Vermont White Cheddar 50% reduced fat cheese. I ate it during the mushy stage and still eat two squares with almonds for lunch.
  12. Lunabeane

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I'm stuck...I'm down 41 pounds and haven't lost anything in 3 weeks. I'm pissed. I'm going to aerobics two days a week and my clothes are getting baggier but the weight just isn't coming off. I'm proud of the 41 pounds...but it's so frustrating that it's not coming off even with a strict diet.
  13. Lunabeane

    Pulling the needle out!

    My first two fills didn't hurt at all...but this last one felt very uncomfortable. Also...my port has always been quite noticable. It gets more and more pronounced as I lose weight.
  14. Lunabeane

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I've been missing in action for a few weeks...so I decided to join my May Bandster buddies again. I'm currently down 42 pounds. It's been fluxuating for a few weeks and that's so frustrating to me. I signed up for water aerobics starting on Monday. Hopefully that will push me through this plateau.
  15. Name_________Start Weight ____Goal____ Lbs lost____Current Weight *************** **********:biggrin:******:Banane20:**********:tt2:***** aJoneen............230.........220.......7.......... Bea1128............220.........199.......5.......... Babs0101...........185.........170.......0.......... blesdbyonmzur......159.........148.......4.......... BTTRFLI1432........221.........210.......6.......... Bunkey1965.........212.........195.......16.........194 Chocolate_Snaps....254.........240.......6.......... Darr5380...........167.........155.......3.......... Epm316.............209.........199.......5.......... erikadawn..........199.........175.......0.......... FloridaGirl........235.........215.......0.......... HeatherO...........172.........155.......15.........157 Heft_Bandit........261.........245.......6..........255 JennyPoo...........169.........159.......5.......... KarenG.............160.........158.......6.......... KathyStrick........305.........290.......0.......... Lapbandfan.........258.........230.......2.......... Leslie2Lose........224.........209.......0..........224 LessNLess..........144.5.......140.......0.......... LilMissBand-Aid....234.4.......225.......6.2........ Lunabeane..........221.........200.......16.........205 Luu2008............219.........189.......14......... Luv2Laugh..........232.........212.......0.......... luvinke............206.........190.......0.......... mamato3............199.........184.......6.......... mcgreen............189.........175.......0.......... mdgarcia31665......225.........200.......0.......... melboyd............266.........256.......5.8........260.2 Missrach...........269.........175.......25.........244 MollyMolly.........192.........182.......2.......... mominlv13..........316.........300.......10.8.......305.2 MSnika3............228.........204.......4.......... MyTurn.............250.........240.......7..........243 NANAbanded.........225.........199.......7.......... Ninja..............204.........189.......5.......... NukeChik...........221.........199.......6.......... Ollie..............242.........210.......0.......... Redtulips..........188.........180.......6.......... Renewedhope........174.........155.......5.......... ronni_NC...........243.........220.......0.......... slgandera..........185.........173.......7.......... StartingOver.......220.........205.......15......... Sunshine2..........187.........170.......10..........177 want_so_bad........170.........155.......0.......... Sades.......(7/16).192.5.......180.......8.6........ Sadie..............220.........199.......6.......... smwww..............189.........179.......0.......... tp78...............212.........195.......7..........
  16. Lunabeane

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    I painted my toenails...and I was able to pull my feet all the way up! I know it's small but it felt so good to actually paint my toenails like a girl! I had to buy all new blazers for work. I went to Macy's and bought a size 14! Down from a size 22. I am still buying my pants at Lane's but I'm wearing the 2's now. My caboose and stomach are still Lane Bryant material...but the legs are really baggy and the petites are too long.
  17. Name_________Start Weight ____Goal____ Lbs lost____Current Weight *****:cool2:********** :eek:****************:tt2:**********:w00t:***** aJoneen............230.........220.......5.......... Bea1128............220.........199.......5.......... Babs0101...........185.........170.......0.......... blesdbyonmzur......159.........148.......4.......... BTTRFLI1432........221.........210.......6.......... Bunkey1965.........212.........195.......15.........197 Chocolate_Snaps....254.........240.......6.......... Darr5380...........167.........155.......3.......... Epm316.............209.........199.......5.......... erikadawn..........199.........175.......0.......... FloridaGirl........235.........215.......0.......... HeatherO...........172.........155.......13.........159 Heft_Bandit........261.........245.......6..........255 JennyPoo...........169.........159.......5.......... KarenG.............160.........158.......6.......... KathyStrick........305.........290.......0.......... Lapbandfan.........258.........230.......2.......... Leslie2Lose........224.........209.......5..........219 LessNLess..........144.5.......140.......0.......... LilMissBand-Aid....234.4.......225.......6.2........ Lunabeane..........209.........200.......11.......... Luu2008............219.........189.......14......... Luv2Laugh..........232.........212.......0.......... luvinke............206.........190.......0.......... mamato3............199.........184.......6.......... mcgreen............189.........175.......0.......... mdgarcia31665......225.........200.......0.......... melboyd............266.........256.......5.8........260.2 Missrach...........269.........175.......25.........244 MollyMolly.........192.........182.......2.......... mominlv13..........316.........300.......10.8.......305.2 MSnika3............228.........204.......4.......... MyTurn.............250.........240.......0.......... NANAbanded.........225.........199.......7.......... Ninja..............204.........189.......5.......... NukeChik...........221.........199.......6.......... Ollie..............242.........210.......0.......... Redtulips..........188.........180.......6.......... Renewedhope........174.........155.......5.......... ronni_NC...........243.........220.......0.......... slgandera..........185.........173.......7.......... StartingOver.......220.........205.......15......... Sunshine2..........187.........170.......8..........179 want_so_bad........170.........155.......0.......... Sades.......(7/16).192.5.......180.......8.6........ Sadie..............220.........199.......6.......... smwww..............189.........179.......0.......... tp78...............212.........195.......7.......... __________________
  18. Lunabeane

    Priorities.. Elderly parent and young children

    You DO have a situation! Teens are tricky...that's for sure. I've often found, with my students, that it's easier and more productive to tap into their strengths rather than focus on their weaknesses. You might want to try to sit with the child...with is father present...and see if he has a rationale for exhibiting the behavior that he is. My thoughts are that he might feel as if he doesn't belong and that he feels disconnected. I agree that he might be bored...when kids are bored they have a tendency to get themselves in trouble. In addition, if he is not getting the feedback that he needs...he's going to go for any type of feedback, whether it be positive or negative. If it were me, I would try hiring the teen to keep your children occupied. I know it sounds crazy! However, you are in the optimal position to control the situation and regulate everyones behavior. You need to set very clear expectations and make the teen follow through or you will change the rules. He cannot and should not ever be the one to make the rules...that's the role that the adult plays. Once you determine if the teen is capable of caring for your children...under your supervision...you could ask him if watching the kids for a couple of hours a day would be something that he would be interested in. If it is...then you need to say that your home is off limits and that he will receive payment for his job. You might also incorporate some PC/Video time in your house when you are home as part of the paymet. I imagine the conversation going something like this, I will pay you $5hr to watch the kids during work hours. You have to keep track of the hours that you watch the kids and the activities that you engage in during the time that you watch them. During that time you are not permitted in my home, but are allowed to be in your grandparents home or in the field. For 1 hour a night you are allowed to come to our home and use the PC or play video games. If you break the rules or enter our home and rifle through our things, then you will not be permitted to be around my children or in my home. I know that you are a good kid and I would love for you to have a positive relationship with my children, your cousins, but I cannot allow you to teach my children to disrespect me. There are rules and regulations in our home. If you want to be a part of our home then I want to give you a chance to prove yourself. I've waited so long to get to know you and the kids really love you. Once you have established that he is interested in the "job" you are going to have to come up with a series of activities that he will have to engage the kids in on a daily basis. You might have craft time, outdoor games, reading to the kids, movies that they can watch together, kid friendly recipes, science experiments using stuff found in the home, or even some supplemental summer school activities that he can help your kids with. I have two teenagers sit with my son several times a week while I go to work or grade papers. I always have a list of things that they are to do with my son so that he isn't stuck in front of the television...I make them work for their money. Heck...one time I make them make a slip and slide in the yard! When I get home from work I informally quiz my son about the things that he did with the sitter that day. If he didn't do at least a couple of things on the list then I will talk with the sitter. If you are interested...I have tons of stuff for kids to do. I too, am a very old school parent and teacher. However, you could potentially create a great situation in your house...where he feels like he is accomplishing something, and your kids are occupied throughout the day.
  19. I would get her to the ER. I had significant pain after 8 days but it was manageable by pain meds. Tramadol is not an appropriate pain management drug after surgery...especially if she has low pain threshold. Is she drinking enough water? What country is she in?
  20. I don't exercise. I know that I have to...and I intend on it in the near future but I just can't motivate to do so. I have know doubt that I could find the time but I just don't have it in me at the end of the day. It's on my list of things to do!
  21. NAME ____________weight now____ goal___ lbs lost *****:biggrin:********** :blushing:**********:ohmy:******:sneaky:***** aJoneen............230.........220.......3....... Bea1128............220.........199.......1.5..... Babs0101...........185.........170.......0....... blesdbyonmzur......159.........148.......4....... BTTRFLI1432........221.........210.......0....... Bunkey1965.........209.........205.......3....... Chocolate_Snaps....260.........240.......0....... Darr5380...........170.........150.......0....... erikadawn.................199..............175............0.......... FloridaGirl........235.........215.......0....... HeatherO...........168.........155.......4....... JennyPoo...........169.........159.......0....... KarenG.............162.........158.......4....... KathyStrick........305.........290.......0....... Leslie2Lose........223.........209.......1....... Lunabeane..........212.........200.......9....... Luu2008............219.........189.......9....... Luv2Laugh..........232.........212.......0....... luvinke............206.........190.......0....... mamato3............199.........184.......2....... mcgreen............189.........175.......0....... mdgarcia31665......225.........220.......0....... mominlv13..........314.........300.......3....... MSnika3............228.........204.......4....... NANAbanded.........225.........199.......4....... NukeChik...........225.........199.......2...... Ollie..............242.........210.......0....... Redtulips..........191.........180.......3....... Renewedhope........174.........155.......5....... ronni_NC...........243.........220.......0....... slgandera..........185.........173.......0....... StartingOver.......220.........205.......10....... want_so_bad........170.........155.......0....... Sadie..............216.........199.......4.......
  22. Lunabeane

    NSV (Non Scale Victory)!!!

    I don't pee when I sneeze anymore!!! LOL I know that's not what you were looking for, but I've got terrible allergies!
  23. Lunabeane

    2 Month Progress PICS!

    You look awesome! Congratulations! I'm two months out as well. It seems like we are losing about the same...which makes me happy! I really don't see the weightloss on myself so I'm considering taking a set of photos tomorrow to see if I can tell a difference that way.
  24. Lunabeane

    Do any of you get "crap" from RNY

    I've had several gastric bypass patients say things to me...as if their way is the only way. You have to make the choice that is right for you! I know that I would have been unhappy with gastric bypass, as I would have constantly been worrying about being sick. I'm glad you found the forum...it's nice to have supportive people around.
  25. Lunabeane

    who counting carbs & cal

    I keep track of everything that I eat. I use the daily plate to keep trac of everything and keep my daily caloric intake between 800-1000 calories. If I didn't I would never lose a pound. As of today I'm down 30lbs. and I've only had one fill. I'm convinced that keeping track is the only think that is making the difference...as I'm still too damn lazy to start an exercise program!

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