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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lunabeane

  1. Why don't you try eating soups that don't need to be put through a blender? Like creamed soups or tomato Soup? It gets a lot easier the more you stick with it. If it bothers you that your family is eating foods that you cannot, then go to another room when they are eating. You need to keep yourself focused on the goal of healing well. Drink some bullion or blended potatoe soup. Just take it one day at a time and follow the drs. orders. You'll be moving on to mushy food soon enough. I promise you that it gets better.
  2. You can purchase antibiotic and hormone free meats easily in every state. You might also consider looking into Kosher meats as well.
  3. I followed the rules that my dr. established for me. I didn't eat anything before he told me to. Congrats!!!
  4. Lunabeane

    Almost a year post op

    You aren't doing anything wrong. You've lost quite a bit of weight my friend. It just takes some people longer to lose that others. i was stuck for a long time and wasn't losing anything. I had to re-evaluate what I was taking in. How many calories are you taking in daily? Have you had regular fills? Have you talked to your Dr. about your dissappointment?
  5. Lunabeane

    UPMC PA; need advice

    I had my surgery performed at Magee. I had a great surgeon and an even more wonderful NP that does my fills. UPMC didn't give me an ounce of trouble with my coverage. I went through the six months, lost a few pounds but didn't gain any, and was approved in less than 24 hours after submitting it to my insurance company. However, the new group that came in to the program as I was exiting were being denied for gaining even a pound. They are becoming more and more strict. I suggest that you call the nutritionist and discuss the situation with her...or even miss a couple of weeks and try to drop a few pounds. You should have seen what some of the people were doing at the beginning of their weigh in...some were putting weights in their pockets and carrying rolls of quarters. Once they went to their final weigh in they looked like they lost 15lbs. My suggestion is that you touch base with the office staff and see what they have to say. Good luck.
  6. I was terrible at taking my vitamins but my protein has always been a huge focus of mine. I had my surgery in May and three months out I started losing a dramatic amount of hair. It scared the hell out of me. I started taking my multi vitamin and a biotin supplement and it stopped. Now it's growing back and it's that wisp baby hair crap that I can't stand.
  7. Lunabeane

    I gained

    I didn't get onto a scale for a week after surgery. I did drop a lot of weight in the beginning but you are retaining a lot of water and your body is in preservation mode. Just relax and take care of yourself...it'll come off. Get lots of rest and lots of liquids.
  8. Lunabeane


    I think it all depends on how much you have to lose. I lost a significant amount of weight in the beginning and then slowed over time. Let him look at you crazy all he wants to...your 17lbs. down! Good for you!
  9. Lunabeane

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Well...it was a ridiculously crappy week at work. I can't get anything down when my stress levels are up. I'm down four pounds this week. 68lbs. total.
  10. Lunabeane

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I'm glad I came back to the forum. I feel more focused now. It's very easy to slip back into the pre-band lifestyle. My work schedule is crazy, which significantly impacts the amount of sleep that I get. I notice that when I don't sleep that I don't lose weight consistently. I'm not sure about my cycle and it's craziness. I was always on a 28 day cycle and now I feel like a PMS queen; my poor husband and son! As soon as I get a minute I'll make it to the ob/gyn. I've spoken to my PCP and my NP and both of them feel that it's that my estrogen levels are being effected by the weightloss.
  11. Lunabeane

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I meet with my my NP every 6-8 weeks. I had a chat with him last time about waiting too long between fills. I have another fill at the end of the month...that will be my 7th. I'm usually very pragmatic but I can't figure out why I'm down lately. It MIGHT be that I now get my period every 14 days since I lost weight. I'm not jealous of everyone's successes just down that I'm not losing faster. I've been stuck at 180 for a month. It's driving me crazy. So...I'm hoping that after the next fill that I will see a few pounds off. I also went back to counting my daily caloric intake and making sure I got all of my water in. I know that my lack of exercise is seriously contributing to my slow weightloss. I'm telling you...it's ridiculous. I motivate people for a living and can't get off my rear end to walk for 30 minutes. Thanks for the feedback. My NP is very understanding but he's also very busy. I'm going to talk to him about not waiting too long between fills and also about not being too stingy with them either. I have a 10cc APS band.
  12. Lunabeane

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I feel terrible now. I'm so excited for everyone but I just cannot seem to push through this plateau. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  13. Lunabeane

    Seventh time's a charm?

    I'll be getting my seventh fill at the end of this month. I'm ready as I feel like I can eat anything and everything again.
  14. Lunabeane

    night time snacking

    I'm really struggling right now. I'm in the middle of writing my dissertation and under a tremendous amount of stress at work. I've been snacking like crazy...a cookie here and there and just overall bad choices with snacks. During the day I'm great...no bad choices at all.
  15. Lunabeane

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I bet you're retaining some water from the drinks. You might have gained a pound or two but I'm not sure it's possible to gain almost 4lbs overnight! Don't be too hard on yourself...we all have days/nights like that.
  16. Lunabeane

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    As of yesterday I'm 62lbs. down. Unfortunately, that has happened without any exercise. I'm trying to get back into the grove now that I'm less self conscious about myself. Hopefully the exercise will speed up the weightloss. All of these 80-100 lb losses are motivating! Great job everyone!
  17. Lunabeane

    Lap Band Fills

    I'm struggling to get back into the groove after the holidays. Also, I can eat more that one cup of food at a time. I got a fill yesterday so I'm hoping that the two days of mushies will get me back on track. I feel like my biggest problem is that I've gotten away from the three meals a day that helped me lose the first 60lbs and I'm not drinking enough water throughout the day. Why not revert back to the original diet that helped you lose the first 45lbs.? Start with some chicken/tuna salad with some melba rounds for lunch and some lean fishes and chicken for dinner. Keep the carbs down and drink the water. I'm a snacker by nature so it's been hard for me but I'm trying to snack on low fat cheddar and almonds until I can get it under control. BTW...your weightloss is fantastic. I wish we didn't have this struggle. Good luck!
  18. Lunabeane

    Help! What can I buy My Doctor for Christmas?

    I think if you feel compelled to buy something for them then you should. Why not purchase him a nice pen and pencil set or portfolio that holds a legal pad. I've seen some nice ones at overstock that would be nice. I would go professional and not overpriced.
  19. Lunabeane

    Help! What can I buy My Doctor for Christmas?

    Nothing...you already contributed a hefty sum to his kids college fund! Joking of course. I nice thank you note is sufficient. My husband would never take a gift from a patient...he would give it to the whole office or to one of the staff to take home.
  20. I would show up on Monday for your scheduled surgery. If you have chest congestion then I would talk to your surgeon. However, if you have a stuffy nose then I would let it go. You want to make sure that you are open and honest with your Drs. I was sure that my surgery would be cancelled as a result of a sever UTI but they gave me antibiotics and I was on my way into surgery. I really do think that you'll be fine. Drink some chicken broth and take some Vitamin C and rest! I hope everything turns out well.
  21. Lunabeane

    Turkey Day Survival Poll

    Stayed on...Pumpkin pie is something that I indulged in during my former life!!! It looked good and smelled good but I knew if i put the first piece in my mouth that it would be over. I did put some cinnamon and whipped cream into my coffee, had some turkey, stuffing, green beans, and gravy.
  22. Lunabeane

    PCOS = Comorbidity?

    PCOS was listed as a co-morbidity at the seminar I attended and through the individual surgeon. It was listed on mine. In addition, he listed the specific characteristics of PCOS as co-morbidities to the insurance company. I was approved in less than one working day. My surgeon listed, High blood pressure High cholesteral Diabetes Irregular/painful menstrual periods Joint pain Anxiety Depression Lethargy Hypothyroidism/goiter Heart palpitations
  23. Lunabeane

    Smoking and the Band

    I've never ever had acid reflux even before surgery. I just hate being a "smoker" LOL. In general I'm a nervous nelly about my band this past month. I've been stuck more times this month than in the past six months combined. I've finally reached the point where my appetite is in control but I'm not diligent enough to slow down and chew my food...so I smoke LOL.
  24. 10 day liquid diet pre-surgery. It was wretched but it was all worth it!
  25. Lunabeane

    Smoking and the Band

    From my understanding it is the increased risk of acid reflux. It's a battle that i continue to fight, as I did quit well in advance of getting my band...but once I started battling my addiction to food I transfered it back to cigarettes. I smoke approximately 2-3 cigarettes a day...and I hate them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
