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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lunabeane

  1. Mine is tomorrow as well!!! I got the call to be there at 10:30 for a scheduled surgery at 12:30pm. Good Luck!
  2. Lunabeane

    Telling the kids

    I totally disagree. I think that it depends on the relationship that you have with your children and what you feel your child needs. Every adult is different...just like every child. If I didn't come home and wasn't available for him without explanation THEN he would be overwhelmed with anxiety. Knowledge of something gives you power over it. My son cannot be thrown into a situation that he is not knowledgeable about.
  3. Lunabeane

    Telling the kids

    I have been doing this for the last several days with my son. About a week ago I told him that I was going in to have surgery and that I would be gone overnight. He is 7 BTW. He stared at me for a second and then said, "ok." That night he asked if I would lay with him at bedtime. He didn't say anything about it again. I got the call today from the doctors office telling me that I had to be at the hospital by 10am tomorrow morning. While he was at school I got a photo of the illustrated version of the lap band procedure (the one that just showed the illustrated stomach with the white band around it). When he came home I told him that the doctor said that he was ready to do the surgery and that I was going to go tomorrow morning. He said, "I'm a little scared for you mom....I don't want you to hurt." I asked him if he wanted to know what the doctor would do and that I was having the surgery because I wanted to be healthy again. I showed him the photo and showed him where the port would be on my stomach. We then looked at some of the before and after photos on the forum. You want to know what I love about this kid....he looked at the photos of all of the woman on this forum and said, "I think they were pretty before too." We snuggled for a bit...and then he went to Karate class. I hope this helps. I made sure that there was no blood or incisions for him to see...just enough to alleviate some stress and anxiety. He's a pretty sensitive kid and change is difficult for him.
  4. Lunabeane

    Help!! someone!!!PLEASE!!!

    Actually, I'm not quite sure what the problem is. Mashed potatoes and gravy are not on MY menu until the 3rd week...but they ARE on the menu. So, the idea of focusing on the dietary appropriateness seems a bit harsh. If a patient stays within the advised parameters of the diet (e.g. 1200-1400 calories) then she's going to lose weight...mashed potatoes or not! Maybe I'm wrong, but I view this as a trial and error deal. I've always known the RIGHT way to eat...I just chose not to eat that way. I'm not sure what I'm going to be able to eat after surgery...but I know that some things will work for me and some won't. If her doctor approved the food that she is trying, then I'm not sure what the issue is.
  5. Lunabeane

    Anybody else love psych appt.?

    I agree with you...it is fraud. However, it was also a pre-requisite for approval. It really wasn't something that I could dispute as I needed the insurance approval to move forward. I have all intentions of contacting both the hospital and insurance company after I have surgery and recover. It's on my "to do" list!
  6. Lunabeane

    Anybody else love psych appt.?

    My psych eval was ridiculous. I filled out my own evaluation form while he was doing a consultation on the phone. He took the assessment...my insurance card...and sent the OK to the surgeons office. He actually had the nerve to tell me that he billed me for 10 visits...but didn't want me to come back! My appointment was for 8:15am and I was back in my car in 30 minutes. I spoke no more than 20 words to him. He was ridiculous...the process was ridiculous...and I feel so badly for anyone that goes to him that was in crisis. My insurance covered all 10 visits.
  7. I had two tablespoons of cottage cheese and a bite of a cracker before my presentation today. I think I sounded reasonably articulate but we'll see if people are chattering about me in the office tomorrow. I've always detested gatorade...but I'm becoming quite fond of it! I also really like the beefy onion Soup by McCormik. I left the onions to settle at the bottom of the pot. It was a nice little switch up from the chicken bullion. I think my biggest concern is that my "cheating", while small is still against what the doctor said. Do you think I should call them and tell them that I took a bite here and there? I've really pounded the liquids. Since Sunday I've had about 1/4 cup of cottage cheese, a bit of salmon, a cracker, and something else I'm sure. It's strange...almost out of desperation. I feel uncompliant...which isn't like me. I tend to be a rule follower.
  8. I will...the doctor gave me a sample of unflavored Unjury. I think I'll wait for tomorrow to use it. I took a bite of salmon tonight...I feel so damn guilty about it.
  9. I would kill someone for protein! LOL It was a bit better today. I was in meetings where I didn't have to speak...which is always a bonus.
  10. I would be ok with a full-liquid diet but the clear 5 day clear liquid pre-op diet fries the brain. I read that it takes a couple of days for your body to adjust. By then I'll probably be in the fetal position and slobbering on myself.
  11. I will admit that I just had 2 tablespoons of low fat cottage cheese and a carrot. I'm not sure that it did anything but I was starting to feel a little crazy :biggrin:
  12. OMG...I'm there with you! I've been on clear liquids since yesterday and my head is absolutely pounding. I had to meet with a client this morning and have no doubt that she thinks I'm a total idiot. I can handle the hunger but the dizziness and fogginess is awful. I switched from bullion to real chicken broth hoping that the 1g of protein would make a difference.
  13. Lunabeane

    Surgery Cancelled ::discouraged::

    Ugh....so sorry! I had my pre-op appointment on Friday and was so frightened that they were going to cancel because I woke up the day before with a UTI. They seemed strangely unphased by it. They just told me to drink water! So...I called my PCP and told him that I needed an antibiotic. He agreed that it was strange that they would consider putting a catheter in with a UTI. I'm currently on 3 days of Cipro for the UTI and will be done by tomorrow. Had I not felt well...I would have cancelled the surgery. We want to be in the best shape we can be going in so that the recovery is speedy! Good luck to you and feel better.
  14. I'm a teacher in PA as well! I am being banded this Friday, May 16th. My Doctor is located at Magee-Womens Hospital in Pittsburgh. I've been please (knock on wood) with the care and preparation that I have received from his practice. Let me know if you want his contact information.
  15. Lunabeane

    Help!! someone!!!PLEASE!!!

    I am being banded on Friday. My surgeon has been going over the menu with me for months, as has my lifestyle coach. I am required to do a clear liquid pre-op diet. After I have had the surgery, I am to follow the following diet. Phase I: Clear Liquids (1st week) Phase IIA: Full Liquids (2nd week) Phase IIB: pureed (3rd week) Phase III: Adaptive/Soft (4th and 5th weeks) Phase IV: Stabilization/Regular (6th week) Clear Liquids are considered: Apple, grape and cranberry juices, clear beefs, chicken and vegatab le brothers. Unsweetened coffee or tea, sugar-free Gelatin, sugar-free popsicles, sugar-free frozen jice bars, Gatorade, All Sport, Propel, flavored waters, Crystal Light. Full Liquids are considered: Skim milk, low-fat cream Soups, sugar-free pudding, sugar-free custard, Protein shakes, no added sugar carnation instant Breakfast, protein powders. Pureed foods are: Yogurt, cottage cheese, scramb led egges or egg beaters, pureed beef, chicken, turkey, canned tuna or chicken white fish, baby food meets. These foods should be "spoon thick" and seasoned to taste. Adaptive/Soft Phase foods are: Tuna fish, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, cooked vegatables, and canned fruits. As well as white fish, chopped chicken, Deli sliced turkey breast, sliced/grated low-fat cheese, hard boiled or poached eggs, soups, tofu, mashed or baked potatoes, cereal soaked with milk, boiled pasted, canned fruit, fresh fruit (without the skin and no citrus fruit), cooked vegetables. Stabilization Phase is the phase where you will be able to eat foods of a regular consistency but in small portions and cut very small. I copied this from the nutrition guidelines for gastric banding surgery.
  16. My surgeon requires one injection of Lovenox prior to being released from the hospital.

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