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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lunabeane

  1. Quinoa...is wonderful. I have some great recipes using Quinoe if you want me to post them. Also, you might have the same problem with Quinoa that you would with rice...it getting stuck. If you don't have a problem with rice then you should have a problem with Quinoa. Let me know if you want the recipes.
  2. Lunabeane

    Panic Attacks and the Lap Band

    Actually...you can take xanax three to four times a day. There is a Xanax XR that is on the market for those that need the medication throughout the day. While some doctors are more concervative than others and will not prescribe xanax, many doctors provide doses this high. My doctor gives me 90 pills at a time...but tells me to take them when needed. I take about 1 a week when I NEED them. My doctor knows me and has been my doctor for 15 years. He knows my life and my family...we are partners in dealing with my mental health. If this woman is working with her psychiatrist, is able to be productive in her work/personal life, and feel comfortable with the situation then she has every right to follow her doctors instructions. While everyone has different experiences with their doctors and some have varying opinions on taking medication for anxiety and depression...everyone has their own very personal journey when it comes to their mental health. I really don't mean to offend anyone but we're not talking about the sniffles here. She wasn't asking if people felt that it was OK that she was taking a certain medication...she was asking if she could take them before and after surgery. Regarding taking meds after surgery. My doctor said that I would not need them after surgery if I was taking the pain medication. Like I said before, I only take them sporadically, but I have not needed to take them and have felt very little anxiety that I couldn't control with deep breathing exercises and meditation. If you have trouble taking pills...xanax comes in an under the tonque form that you won't have a problem taking. Good luck to you.
  3. Hmmm...that is an interesting predicament. I left that decision up to my Dr. I figured that he was the professional and was used to using one product over another. I have no idea what type of band I have.
  4. Lunabeane

    To stay or not to stay...

    My surgeon didn't give me a choice...and I'm really glad that I stayed. I'm not overly attached to my bed...and I was really afraid of my dogs jumping on me. I was a fair amount of pain the first day and I'm glad that I had the pain pump.
  5. Lunabeane

    Hospital Stay Day Of Surgrey?

    I had my surgery at 1pm on a Friday and was released at 6pm the following Saturday.
  6. Lunabeane

    New information...

    I was going to say the same thing...you might be "grandfathered" in. Although that might be asking too much...as my insurance will cover my blood pressure medication one month and not cover it the next. The weighloss clinic where I go charges $249.00 a fill.
  7. Lunabeane

    taking meds?

    I'm feeling so much better now that I'm on the full liquid diet. If you would have asked me how I was feeling yesterday I would have been cranky...but today the gas really started to move (I know...gross!) and I feel like a different person. Obviously, I'm still having some pain in the belly but I can handle this kind of pain. I went to the doctors today and walked for an hour...a very slow moving hour. You'll feel better soon!
  8. Lunabeane

    taking meds?

    I can't take all of my pills together like I used to...although I'm only 6 days out. Tomato soup is considered a full liquid but I added a bit more water to mine.
  9. OMG...Your story made me cry! What an inspiration you are. Thank you for sharing your story.
  10. Nora...One of my favorite names BTW...you will be just fine. I was just like you on Thursday night. My surgery was on the 16th and I took a xanax the night before surgery. I was nervous about the pain, the diet, the fact that it might not work...EVERYTHING. Just like everyone else. You'll be uncomfortable...and you'll have pain but you'll also have pain medication and a strong support system. I started full liquids today after being on Clear Liquids for ten days. It was heavenly...but unlike some people I wasn't ready for full liquids until today. I was fine on the clear liquid diet...I was getting bored but i was ok. I wasn't hungry at all. The full liquid diet is absolutely crazy to me as I've been full for about 2 hours after having a Protein shake made with Protein powder, activa yogurt, a banana, and lactaid milk. I mean REALLY FULL! I was so excited to be on full liquids that I came home right away and pureed some campbells potatoe Soup and added some extra milk to it. I was able to eat 1/2 cup of soup and I was just fine...it was a heavenly taste! I also had a sugar free fudge pop! For dinner I decided on the Protein Shake to see what it would taste like. I've been full forever. As for the sagging skin, that's a huge concern for me as well. Although...I think it's a huge concern for all of us bariatric patients. On Thursday night my husband found me the livingroom sobbing. After trying to calm me down and listening to all of my crazy talk, he raised his right hand and promised to never allow my son to call another woman mommy if I died on the table, would love me even if I failed and didn't lose a pound, and that he would go to any length...including morgaging the house to ge me a tummy tuck! We ended up laughing together and he let me cry about all the scariness that I was going to face. I just know that you are going to be ok. However, I also know that I wasn't completely OK with the whole thing until I was out of surgery and on the pain pump. I needed to be in a room that wasnt surgical. However, each day is a new experience...sometimes it's better and sometimes it feels like a step backwards. You are taking an approach that will allow you to better control your eating...which will allow you to more effectively control your health. You should be proud of the decisions that you have made over the past several months. PS. I've lost 13 lbs and I'm only taking my pain meds to sleep at night! And let me tell you something, sister, I'm the biggest wussy girl in town!
  11. I think it's great that you are taking your role in the process so seriously...unfortunately that's not the case for many. My psych evaluation was in some ways offensive and in others ways comical. At times I was pretty sure that I was being punk'ed. I would have loved to have talked openly with a well prepared psychologist...but what I got was a quack that was doing an interview on the phone while I filled out my own mental health evaluation. My insurance covered the visit without question...infact, they paid for 9 visits that I didn't even attend! On my way out the door he told me that he was charging me for 10 visits but didn't want to see me again and handed me a stack of business cards to distribute to my friends!
  12. Lunabeane

    Panic Attacks and the Lap Band

    I take xanax for anxiety disorder and panic attacks. I made sure that the surgeon and anethesiologist knew about this. Both of them told me that it was OK for me to take the xanax the night before and the morning before surgery. Just be open and honest with your doctors...I was very concerned as well. I took a half of a one in the morning and made sure to tell them again on my arrival that I had taken it. They said that it was no problem. I went into the surgery and came out just fine!
  13. I'm going into my sixth day and am still on pain meds. I've slowed down a bit (didn't take it until bedtime tonight ) but am going to ask the doctor for more pain medication at my post-op visit tomorrow. Has anyone experienced a doctor not wanting to give them more. He did give me a fair amount of roxicet and I never went over the dosage that was required, but I really feel like I'm going to need it for a few more days and I don't have that much left.
  14. I'm so glad you posted about this. I was banded on the 16th as well and I've been going since the day after surgery non stop. I'm not having any cramping but i am having pressure...I know that doesn't explain a lot!
  15. I can answer your question regarding fluids...but I dont' know anything about the cool tickers or photos. Clear fluids consist of, chicken, beef, vegetable bullion Jello Apple, grape, cranberry juice (cut with water) Crystal Light Gatorade Propel Tea and decaf coffee Water (how could I forget) And whatever clear fluids that you can think of....I think that's what was on my list Full liquids include everything that is a clear liquid plus, Creamed Soups pudding custard apple sauce skim milk all vegetable juices Some full liquid diets include: cooked refined cereals; farina, grits, oatmeal, cream of rice, cream of wheat (but mine doesn't!)
  16. I have a friend that makes jokes like, "I'm not sure that we can be friends after you get skinny. I'll be the only fat girl in the office after you lose weight." And while that sounds rude and a little silly, it's also very real to her. It's become in some cases a "united front" against the skinnier, healthier, sexier woman in the work place. It's scary to feel that you are the only one. We've all felt that at some point in our lives, I'm sure. What I should say to her, but haven't, is that she is acting just like them...but I don't expect them to like me for who I am. I've just been banded so everything is up in the air at this point...but I hope that she will see that I've always been me. In my head I've always been a skinny girl...so that's the person that she's been friends with all along.
  17. Lunabeane

    New to the site

    See, that's the kind of story that I want!!! Good for you! My port is to left and about 2 inches below my belly button.
  18. Lunabeane

    How Much Protein is too much?

    My doctor wants his patients to consume 40-60 grams of protein a day but after six weeks it should be coming from solid foods and not protein drinks. Also, my doctor expects weightloss within the fist six months and stated that is when he sees the most significant weightloss.
  19. Lunabeane

    Day 3 Post-op

    Oh no! My son jumps and dances everywhere! I feel petrified when he's around. I think he's starting to get the hang of how scared I am of him...because he warns me when he's coming into the room.
  20. Lunabeane

    In memory of Denyell

    I'm so sorry for your loss. This kind of information is important for anyone to have. Thank you for taking time out of your grieving to share this information with us. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  21. Lunabeane

    Day 3 Post-op

    No doubt...the gas pains are the worst. I'm not sure I have any incision pain at all...the gas pains in my stomach and in my left arm are crazy.
  22. Lunabeane

    Day 3 Post-op

    I'm 34 and have a very physical 7 year old son. I was absolutely petrified going into surgery. In fact, my surgeon and anesthesiologist ok'ed xanax before the surgery. My pain was never so bad that I regretted my decision...but I knew that it was time to leave the hopital. I was starting to feel claustrophic being hooked up to the IV's. The level of care and kindness that was provided made all the difference. I really feel good about the whole process today. I'm all snuggled down in my sons lego bed with the lap top on a Breakfast tray. My goal is to go for a walk tomorrow if the rain ever stops. Good luck to you!
  23. Thanks so much for the information. It's similar to what my doctor provided as well but it didn't include the bathing part. Thanks! My doctor used internal stitches and then put the superglue over top.
  24. Lunabeane

    Day 3 Post-op

    Today I'm doing much better. I had to write my post in smaller posts because we are having terrible thunder storms and I was afraid that I would lose them. Which is why the post may have seemed to cut off as you were reading.
  25. Oh no...I'm so sorry that you are feeling badly. I was banded this past Friday the 16th. And while I am uncomfortable...ok...pain...I have been able to swallow since day two. I was not offered anything on day 1. I've had water, watered down fruit juice, and chicken bullion. I would call your doctor and ask if your symptoms are acceptable. Feel better.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
