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About mrpritchett

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  1. As someone who works in a hospital this should be reported to patient services ASAP.
  2. mrpritchett

    Just had my sleeve

    Pre op, I did 4 months of low carb, high protein. Lost 45lbs. Then two weeks of liquid diet, lost 10lbs more. Premier shakes have been 2/3 of my consumption for the last 4 months. But I’m someone who could eat the same meal for every meal for years. Creature of habit. The liquid diet was an adjustment, but I stopped being miserable after day 3 and my body fully adjusted to just being tired but not feeling bad by day 7. I’m now 3 days post op. No hunger, mild pain, no nausea, biggest struggle is keeping up with meds and how gross crushed pills are. Honestly, the diet seems tough during the first few days, but if you aren’t 100% committed to a complete change, none of it is worth it. Good luck!
  3. mrpritchett

    Just had my sleeve

    Yeah. My nurses basically said recovery didn’t jump on it quick enough so it went on longer than it should. No nausea now, even without nausea meds.
  4. mrpritchett

    Just had my sleeve

    Had my sleeve surgery on Friday, July 27. Had a rough time in recovery with nausea. Took 12 hours for the staff to get my nausea under control. But once it was, I rapidly improved. Was able to walk a bunch and ended getting to go home Saturday around 4pm. I have one incision (the large one that everyone complains about where they removed my stomach through) that is really my only pain now. It’s also created a large divot in my belly, we believe because they attached my stomach to that wall to prevent contortions. Liquids have been going down easy. I was very worried about this, but it has been easy to feel when I’m getting close to too much and stop. The biggest hurdle has been getting all my meds down this slowly. I have 11 medications to take per day. It takes about six hours to get them down and keep up my water and protein. Fine for now, but going back to work next week is gonna make that a challenge. I’ve really appreciated all the info and encouragement I’ve seen on these forums and figured I’d show others what my experience has been like, good (and a bit bad). I’m happy to answer questions if it would help.
  5. mrpritchett

    liquid diet

    Pre or post surgery? If pre, I'm on day 9 of 14 of my pre-surgery liquid diet. Sorbet is awesome (sugar-free), I've been doing protein shakes and filling in with broth to change up my taste. Bullion cubes have only 30 calories per cube and so you can actually have quite a bit which can help you feel full. Skim milk is a fallback for me as well as it isn't the greatest nutritionally but helps you feel fuller. I tend to eat/drink the same things over and over and enjoy repetition, so that's not a problem for me, but it gets easier each day. I still have cravings a ton, but I just move on and remember that I'm 6-8 weeks from being back to a "normal" diet again. You can do it!
  6. mrpritchett

    July surgery

    July 27! Day 3 of liquid diet. Got the three kids (5, 4, & 1) as the wife had a planned girls weekend. Normally love this, but it’s just miserable right now. But super pumped for surgery!

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