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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mini_me

  1. :eek: i am very much less charming in person. I did learn to juggle at an early age, i thought people at the grocery store would be enchanted and empty their pockets of change, so i could get that digital watch out of the gumball machine. :spy:Now days, i'm in such high demand that i can only go out incognito :spy: :hail:My peeps love me or pity me :loco: but you are the one to be pitied, you fool... AHHH, if you only had my life :humble: :humble: :humble: :humble: :doh: yea right, i've spent the last ten years in prison, voluntarily :doh: and when i am not there, i am socializing with virginia slims and lady doral at the local bingo hall...:confused: i am such a loser. to be continued, going for a walk with my cool neighbor lady, she's rich, and she's a bitch, but she aint your bitch!!
  2. :eek: :confused: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired:tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired :tired
  3. hey susan, there are lots of folks that tell, and lots that don't. the great thing about this place is that we all understand each others motivation to tell or not to tell...welcome to LBT and make yourself at home...
  4. i was thinking i need a medical alert id bracelet to ensure that a stomach tube is not put in, resulting in injury. does anyone have thoughts on this? does anyone on here design this stuff, fashionable i mean? what should be written on the tag?
  5. oops...AHEMMMM. My attendence at the support meeting is quite contingent on my husband's work schedule. I will RSVP your invitation with the utmost promptness... We built our home in corinthian point in willis. almost all the way to the end of calvary road. (we first discovered the subdivision driving in on shepherd hill road...WOW, were we surprised to see how close the trailer park was!! SMACK-SELF-BE-NICE!) I have taken to playing bingo at Tejas Bingo, on the rare occasion that i do play. you can play a bizillion cards for about 20 orders of wendy's crispy chicken nuggets!! plus, i like that there is the no-smoking area. and work, where do i work? well, you asked for it. i work for tdcj(thats right, the prison). i know, i know, it sux. i have worked there soo friggin long, 11years and counting, i do not know how to function around normal people anymore. i mean how many jobs will you ever have where it is normal to discuss, on a daily basis, someone "stroking their penis" or placing their penis in the bars of their cell? you would never believe how many kinds of bitches i have been...fat bitch, sorry bitch, stanky bitch, ho-ass bitch, funky bitch, big head bitch, 5-0 bitch wannabe, my response? I might be a bitch, but i AINT your bitch, now write your mama a letter and tell her you called me a bitch! oh, well, this bitch went home everyday, they didn't. ((as a whole, they werent terribly bad. but about 10% of them made it miserable for EVERYONE!! and that ten percent included 10% of the officers and 10% of the offenders! sometimes i had to wonder which were worse, officers or offenders))i worked in security for about five years or so, on death row no less, and then one night i was in walmart, and this sweet lil old lady accidently bumped into me with her buggie, i picked her up over my head, and spun her around, then ddt'd her on the concrete, she was still moving, so i jumped up on top of a mini van, and i did a super ultra mega power drive...then i snapped out of my delusion and realized that the prison mentality was ruining my life...and eating all remnants of my anger management. the nice little lady apologized and i shrunk to about 1.5 inches and went home and cried. so for the last 5 years, i have been on the administrative side, no longer a guard, and in november, left the contact position altogether. now, the only contact i have with offenders is in correspondence. i have a much more pleasant disposition now. ((batting the eyes...then subtly rolling them...)) so, since i am at work, i MUST DO SOME WORK!! will you all LBTers PLEASE stop tempting me with your curious little posts...you know i cannot resist the temptation to look at what you have written!!! luv u guys!
  6. mini_me

    Suggestions for med-id bracelet

    i wear a medic alert id bracelet anyway, so, no, people around would not think twice about it... and medic alert id bracelets are taken very seriously in medical emergencies in my area of the world:confused: (TEXAS that is...) hey magic, if you wanna be cool, you will get one too!! and i thought about the tattoo thing, but i dont have any tattoos. i will have to dedicate more time for consideration on that matter, but if you can draw me a catchy tatt, i would consider!!:clap2:
  7. mini_me

    On My Way To ER Possible Gangrene

    dont worry, let them treat it and after a couple of days on antibiotics, it will be fine. i went through the same thing last summer. OUCHY!! make sure you take all of you meds and drink plenty of Water. it would be a good idea to give your surgeon a heads up, just incase this little infection tries to travel around your body. good luck!!
  8. mini_me

    YaY.. tommorow is Band Day

    happy band/birthday!! GL and SR!!
  9. well, i went and played bingo. i could have justwalked in and handed them my money and walked out. i did not get to yell bingo, and phew, am i stiff...
  10. mini_me

    Gnawing Pain in Stomach

    (((hugs))) i am so sorry!
  11. mini_me

    Suggestions for med-id bracelet

    so, which one did you get? i didnt see that site when i was shopping around. i got the bali and smooth bracelet with a round sterling silver charm and an oval watch face from the beadin' beagle web site.
  12. mini_me

    Gnawing Pain in Stomach

    bups..i am so sorry you are in such pain. i havent had this type of experience, so i do not have any advice to offer. but know that i am thinking about you...get well soon!!
  13. mini_me

    Suggestions for med-id bracelet

    is cadeusus the symbol onthe bracelets?
  14. These are the morning of surgery, March 13, 2006. DH took the pics, his is not well known for his abilities as a photographer...:phanvan **please note that this is not my smile, i had just put chat stick on and was rubbing my lips together...dh snapped the pic, it was supposed to be a full body shot anyway..:rolleyes **notice the cheerleading skirts in the bottom right hand corner of pics, those were mine from high school, about 11-12 inches wide, maybe a 22 inch waist....ARG!! They won't even fit my thighs now...:confused: My DSiL was kind enough to snap this one at the family reunion two days before surgery...:omg: So you see, not so mini of me...Hey Tricia, i told you mine was bigger, butt, i mean but, here, take this :scared: As soon as I lose enough inches, I will post some after pics, side by side with these...
  15. dang tilly, i NEVER win, i truly play because i love to play... i'm such a loser!! Tricia, i think that once i lose down to my goal, i am going to tell the world. i just do not want to keep everyone up to par with the play by play action. you know, we are at a lucheon, and the jealous fat girl says,"OH MY GOSH, YOU CAN EAT THAT!!!??" i just want to wait until i am where i want to be. (I work with a bunch of jealous wannabe's, I make about 35k a year there, and they only make about half that much. and i know our insurance has an obesity exclusion. the only reason i was able to get this surgery is because my husband's career keeps him LOADED..gotta love that right? since those moo's likely would not be able to get the band, they would make it into a tool of satan, if you know what i mean. they are already such bundles of negativity, i do not need the negative energy to directed at me. i am pretty sure they will be envious just seeing my weight loss...blah blah blah)
  16. well, my husband, he doesnt want to walk, he wants to run a marathon. when he exercises, he is an intense maniac. he has a job where he flies in planes a lot, and about once a week he spends the night in some exotic city. ok not really exotic, but tonite he is in philadelphia. for a texas gurl, thats perty ekksotic! dern, if we lived closer together, we could walk!! i stillhavent discovered anyone in this neighborhood who has had this done, although, i am sure that at least one of these rich bee-yatches have had this done. i really do not want to have to report to the world my progress. i just know that if i let everyone know i had this done, that every time someone greeted me, it would be with a comment about my weight, or an update to the amount of weight i lost. this is just a very personal journey, i am a work in progress. i will show the world the finished product. (how did i get on this subject??) my goal is to walk for 30 minutes tomorrow evening.
  17. mini_me

    Head Hunger or Real Hunger?

    hey bups, isnt jack the greatest?!!
  18. well, wobble wobble, hope the smoke doesnt make me cough, cuz man that hurts, and i bet my face would show it, i would have to go without a bra, and boy would the girls cause an uproar if they were in public without their harnesses, and those old gossippy ladies might notice that my breeches are unbottoned. i have no sweats that are acceptable in public. oh well, tricia, i guess if i TRULY wanted to go, i would have. sounds like fun right now. i need to go for a walk or something. it is dark now, so i could pull it off.
  19. mini_me

    My surgery is Wednesday 3/15/06

    my liquids stage (first 24-48 hours) included cream of wheat, oatmeal, Protein shakes, any blenderized soup, bananas, cooked veggies(stay away from the fibrous ones like celery and asparagus), blenderized chicken with some mayo, etc etc. they called it the clear liquid stage, but the paperwork said it was liquid stage and described the above. i have the tight feeling in my chest too. sometimes it occurs when i know i have no food in me. it reminds me of braxton-hicks contractions. no pain, just tightness...
  20. mini_me

    Suggestions for med-id bracelet

    my discharge instructions included that i should go to the emergency room if i have an emergency, but do not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES allow a stomach tube to be placed. maybe your doc looked at you crazy because you had the good idea before he did? i ordered my bracelet today. really cute one, with a watch and all. I used "The Beadin' Beagle" it ended up costing 60 bucks, but i used my dh's debit card. i used the suggestions above, and included lap-band, my name, ice contact phone number(DH), lap dr's name/phone, no stomach tube w/o endo, etc.
  21. mini_me

    ~Night All

    yep i am pretty hungry. i am on mushies though. i think i listed the foods i ate today on the thread where someone called you mr. walken, WHICH, i thought was rather humorous...my hubby is going to grill me some fish tomorrow...yums!
  22. mini_me

    Head Hunger or Real Hunger?

    mr. walken...tee hee... i am doing mushies now. i can eat fish, eggs, my doc even lets me eat chicken salad, as long as the chicken i in very small parts. the nurse calls it blenderized chicken salad. since chicken does not exactly have the best attitude in the blender, i mix, mix, mix, mix. i am having a hard time interpretting my body's new feelings. i think it may be hunger, then sometimes, i think i may be in labor, and having braxton hicks contractions, but i know i am not pregnant...hee hee... i have twice eaten 7-8 little bites and all of the sudden felt as though i had overeaten. so i took a couple of sips of Water, hoping to help the food pass. i guess it will be a lot of trial and error( erring on the safer side i hope). what i ate today... water, lots of it room temp mozzerella (2 small cubes, chew into a liquid) yogurt bite of a reeces(bad, bad me) spoonful of tuna with dab of mayo(ugh!) Protein shake banana 5oz skim milk i may have another shake before the evening is over. not sure... bups, i am 24-48 hours Clear Liquids, then 4 weeks of mushies to including fish, eggs, bananas, melon, etc. the nurse said that i could pretty much eat anything as long as it was blenderized to the consistency of baby food.
  23. mini_me

    Well, I'm finally banded

    robin, so glad you are home and on track to a proper recovery. my heart goes out to you for what you had to go through. i am confident that in the end, it will all be worth it!! i am sending lots of hugs to you!!
  24. mini_me

    naming your band

    i read somewhere that folks like to name their band. i looked for a thread on the topic, but couldnt find it. if one exists, could someone please bump it? if it does not exist...well, lets hear it!! WHAT DID YOU NAME YOUR BAND AND WHY?
  25. mini_me

    naming your band

    THANKS SISTER! i just went and read the whole thread. i will be calling my band "twister" after my middle childs imaginary friend...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
