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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sassygal

  1. Hi, I am really trying to figure out if the lap band is for me. I am 5'11 and weight 319...that was difficult to write. I am a mom, wife, working full time out side the home and I am 44 years old. My sister died 5 years ago due to complications of obesity. I do not have diabetes, high blood pressure, I am experiencing lots of jt pain, difficulty sleeping (no apnea), I hate myself because of my weight but I cont to slowly pack on more pounds. I have 3 sons 15, 9, and 4 and I want to live to see them grow up, but even more I want to be a more active part of their lives. Was it worth it to everyone, are the side effects bad, how do you all manage the emotional part of not eating. I mean I know you have to go through something when you go from overeating and medicating yourself with food to not being able to do that.
  2. sassygal

    new girl on the block

    Thanks everybody for your encouragement. I guess the hardest part is admitting that I have not been able to do this "on my own" and the fear of how changing my relationship with food will change my whole life. Does that sound too 'weird'? I am trying to prepare myself for the "mental" aspect of doing this. I want to "live" a great life with my family. I guess my problem right now is knowing that enjoying "food" , going out, barbques, family dinners are a joyful part of everyones life fat or thin. How does the band change all that. Does that make sense at all or do I just sound like someone obsessed with food :rolleyes:at the cost of good sense!

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