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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Letsgetgoing2018

  1. Letsgetgoing2018

    11 months post op

    Beautiful picture. Ya done good!👍
  2. I wasn’t prepared for the emotional changes I experienced after surgery. I was sleeved July 10th and while I’m much more at peace with my decision to have the surgery at this point, I struggled with anxiety and depression for the first couple of weeks post op. It gets better.
  3. How all. I am using celebrate vitamins and so far they are agreeing with my stomach. Anyone else have good luck with these?
  4. Letsgetgoing2018

    8 weeks post surgery still nautious

    Same here. Before sleeve I guzzled plain water. Loved it. After surgery it makes me nauseous. Have to add crystal light.
  5. Letsgetgoing2018

    July Sleeve

    Awesome! Keep up the good work!
  6. @ellie123 I will be praying for you! Get well soon! Sorry you are suffering so much.
  7. Letsgetgoing2018

    July Sleeve

    Try not to be too hard on yourself. I’ve cheated quite a bit. I don’t exercise nearly as much as I should. I’m tired all the time. Now losing hair. I’m a little nervous to see doctor on the 24th as well. We will be ok. Moving forward. Tomorrow is another day to get it right.
  8. Letsgetgoing2018

    July Sleeve

    Awwwww. Darn. Have you had labs drawn to see if you have any vitamin deficiencies yet? I don’t get my major labs drawn for another couple months.
  9. Letsgetgoing2018

    July Sleeve

    Do any of you July sleevers have hair loss? Mine just started falling out. 😞
  10. Letsgetgoing2018

    July Sleeve

    Yes. Mine does bloodwork at 6 mos as well.
  11. Letsgetgoing2018

    July Sleeve

    That great!
  12. Letsgetgoing2018

    July Sleeve

    Sounds like you’re doing great. So good to hear.
  13. Letsgetgoing2018

    July Sleeve

    Hi @Leanbean yes. I can pretty much eat everything as well. I feel great with the weight I’ve lost and can now fit into size large shirts. What a difference.
  14. Letsgetgoing2018

    July Sleeve

    Awesome Tracy! It’s a wonderful thing!
  15. Letsgetgoing2018

    July Sleeve

    Wanna being this thread back to find out how my buddy July sleevers are doing. I was sleeved July 10th and doing great. Down 50 pounds.
  16. Letsgetgoing2018

    Family eating your food!

    Since I had my sleeve on July 10th, my whole family has been eating healthier so sharing the food isn’t a problem.
  17. Letsgetgoing2018

    Taking Multiple Pills Post Surgery

    I have trouble taking a bunch of pills at one time. I have to take them one at a time and space them apart by a minute or so. Otherwise I feel pain in my stomach.
  18. Letsgetgoing2018

    I am very worried that I may need help.

    Hope you feel better soon!
  19. Letsgetgoing2018

    I made it, thank the Lord!

    Wishing you a speedy and easy recovery. So glad things are going well for you so far.
  20. Letsgetgoing2018


    Yes. I was terrified before my surgery. Almost backed out but thought about it and trusted the professionals who were taking care of me. You’ll do great!
  21. Letsgetgoing2018

    12 hours to go

    Best of luck to you! You’ll do great!
  22. Letsgetgoing2018

    Victoire, C'est Magnifique!

    That’s fantastic! Hooray! Keep it up! 😃
  23. Letsgetgoing2018

    Im exhausted 11 days post-op need advice

    Eight weeks out and still need a nap every day.
  24. Letsgetgoing2018

    silly question

    I hope you enjoy your anniversary and dancing is the best exercise!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
