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Posts posted by tamboclan

  1. Apparently they had to get some kind of special permit to do this. Since it would only bother people on the campus, it was approved. Lucky me!

    I'm moving off campus this summer (probably about the time they are finished with construction!).

    I'm looking foward to having some privacy again! Although I have to admit for the most part its really convenient to live within 200 yards of my office!

  2. I love Target. We don't have one, but there is one in San Antonio which is only about a 45 minute drive. They have great clothes and very affordable. I also shop off Ebay. I'll try to buy multiple pants or something from one buyer to combine shipping. Saves money. And right now all the department stores are having huge sales, at least down here. 75% off... I love to shop for bargains. And when I only spend $11 on pants, I don't feel so bad if they are too big after I've worn them a few times.

    I'm grouchy this morning. We live on a college campus and they are building a new residence hall right across the driveway from our hall. They started pouring concrete at 4:00 am. I just don't see any logical reason for that. I am not good when I don't get enough sleep. DH and DD slept through all of it. I got caught up on the Bachelor... Thank God for DVR.

    Now I'll grump through the day until I can get back into my nice comfy bed tonight. However, my day won't end until at least 9:00 pm. Meetings tonight... Lovely! I love my job, I love my job, I love my job. There are days when I have to remind myself of that. Today is one of those days.

    Hope everyone else has a great day.

  3. Ahh... jealousy. The root of many a stupid/rude remark. I had a co-worker that told me yesterday that I wasn't allowed to be around her anymore if I was going to where cream. (I had on some really cute new winter white courderoy pants and a top with a cute blue sweater.) She was joking, but it was from jealousy. I'm happy to be the example. If they want to be green with envy... so be it!

  4. My sister told me that her friend Sandy went to a new doctor. She was weighed and had her b/p checked, etc. When the doctor came in he looked her over and said "So, how long have you been fat?" Sandy looked the doctor over and said "So how long have you been an asshole?"

    Great comeback!

    HA!!! I love it!! I am blessed to have a doctor who is very supportive. Obviously not everyone is!

  5. You are so right! If someone loves you, they love you for you. I am living testament of that exactly. My husband loves me for who I am on the inside. I was 246 when we got married. He's seen me even heavier than that. The lowest he had ever seen me was 197. He says my weight doesn't matter and I know that's true. Not to say he's not happy for me and supportive. He just wants me to be healthy.

    Some people just don't get it!

  6. I can't believe I just now noticed this thread. I guess I really need to "get out more"! HA! It is sad that people say so many hurtful things. I don't think most of them even realize what they are saying when they say it. I've been lucky that I have supportive parents and a husband who loves me no matter what. I didn't grow up fat, but I always thought I was fat. I look back at pictures of me now and wonder what I was thinking. I was a size 9/10 in high school. I guess with all the size 2 and 3's running around I just thought that's what I should be. Now, all I care about is being healthy!

    I have had two incidences in the past couple of years. One was right after I started my current job about 3 1/2 years ago. I attended college here as well so I had been around here for years. We were at a social function when I noticed one of the maintenance workers that I knew but hadn't seen in a few years. Paul is a very sweet guy, but he does have some mental issues and just doesn't have any social filters. I said hello to him and he looked at me for a really long time. Then he said, "You got fat." Just like someone would say "it sure is hot". I know he didn't mean anything by it but it was in front of so many people. I just turned red and said, "yes, Paul, I sure did."

    The second was from my father, whom I love and miss dearly. (He died in November of 2007.) He'd never say anything purposely to hurt someone. I had lost about 50 pounds on Nutrisystem several years ago. We were having birthday cake for someone's birthday. I was enjoying the cake and he looked at me and said, "if you keep eating cake like that you are going to gain all your weight back." Bless his heart. I know he didn't mean to be ugly, it's just how it came out.

  7. I am good at sharing... I accidently forgot where I put the lysol or the antibacterial wipes. I must have misplaced them.

    HA! :thumbup: You crack me up. Serves them right for wanting you to be there when you have the flu... I mean, a cold is one thing, but the flu is highly contagious... Idiots!

  8. We've been traveling all weekend. Restaurant food the whole time. Not healthy, but I can't eat much of it anyway. I've been really restricted the last few days. Lots of PBing... not sure why. Probably allergies.

    Today is my last day off work. Back to the grindstone tomorrow. I have enjoyed the last two weeks off. I could get used to the whole not working thing. Too bad the paychecks don't continue to come if you don't work!

  9. Sounds like everyone had some fun on New Year's! I didn't overeat, but did have a few drinks. A margarita, 2 appletinis and a vodka and cranberry juice. It was all over a period of about 4 hours. I was afraid to get on the scale this morning, but somehow I managed to lose 1 pound this week. Not sure how that happened, but I'll take it.

    I have two funerals to attend this weekend and a trip to Houston for one of them so not much time to get any exercise in, but the good news is that I still don't get very hungry. Guess that band is good for something!

  10. I just wanted to share my excitement:biggrin:-- I got my ins. approval letter in the mail yesterday! I'm hoping that the surgen's office will call this week- but with the holiday- I'm not sure. It looks like I'll be banded in January 2009! now the reality is starting to set in! I'm in that grey area:ohmy: of did I make the right decision-- nerves I'm guessing, I know it's what I really want- just a big change! I hope everyone has an awesome New Years!!:)

    Congrats!!! If I were you, I'd call the surgeon's office yourself. Don't wait for them to call you. Take the bull by the horns and get your surgery scheduled! I think I can speak for most of us when I say it's the best decision we've ever made. I wouldn't change it for anything!

    Hi everyone. I normally just read, but thought I would post. I am a 34 year old mother of 3 (11, 9, and nearly 2). I began my journey on 6/9/08 and it was the best decision I could have ever made. I started at 322 and am now in the 230s. I haven't seen that number on a scale for about 20 years! I went shopping with my mom the day after Christmas and actually was able to look through some of the regular size clothing. I about cried when I really thought about it - plus it didn't hurt that things were 75% off.

    Congratulations to everyone on your successes. May 2009 bring more triumphs and freedom from our old selves.

    Wow! Amazing numbers. You are doing so well. At that rate you'll be at goal in no time. And isn't shopping fun when you have so many more options??

  11. Well Great News! The surgeon called this morning and long story short - My daughter had her surgery this afternoon!! Happy Happy Joy Joy!! I am at the hospital with her right now. She is having a lot of shoulder pain but this will pass.

    She does post on here. Her name is Chelsbels :thumbup:

    Miracles DO happen!!! That's wonderful. I know you are both so excited. I'll be praying for a speedy recovery for her. Tell her we all said congratulations!!!

  12. Today was my last "official" weigh in before the end of the year. I had my surgery on a Friday and always weigh in on Fridays. Good news is that I met my end of year goal. I wanted to have lost 50 pounds (post-surgery) by the end of the year. I have lost 51 post surgery and 63 overall. I am happy! 33 pounds to goal. I hope to be there by my surgery anniversary date April 25th. I think I am well on my way!!

  13. Well well well... I am up at 3 am blogging and posting on forums today because........ either I am insane or I hit Onderland.... I AM BOTH!!!

    I weighed in at 199.6 this morning and I am taking it. I don't care if it's only .4 into the 100's I own it and I am never going back!

    I hope everyone has a very merry xmas and a safe Holiday.

    WAY TO GO BRANDY!!!!! You rock, girl!!! That's so exciting. Do the happy, happy dance. I don't know that I'd be doing it at 3:00 am, but whatever works for you!! Congrats. That is a great Christmas present!

  14. Yeah Tam! I loved it when I tried to wear my size 18's and my daughter said they looked like clown pants! lol I have on a size 14 jeans today. I cannot wait to be in a size 12 or 10 or 8 etc etc.

    It won't be long. I just put on a pair of 14's one day and I had to pull them up all day. All of the sudden, I was in 12's. And truthfully, once I am a size 10 all over, I'll be happy. I don't feel the need to be too tiny. I have big horse bones anyway. As long as my BMI is normal, I'll be happy!

  15. So... I was cleaning out closets yesterday and looking for a dress to wear to church last night. I tried on several dresses that I have had for awhile and it was quite comical. I looked like a little kid playing dress up! I now have the huge pile of clothes that I know I'll never be able to wear again... I am so OK with that! My husband came home and asked what in the world I had been doing. I was all smiles. Especially after I put on my size 12 black skirt and cute new red shirt to go to church in. My ex husband was there and he kept staring! It felt good although I felt bad for him, too. He never wanted the divorce and even though he's remarried I don't think he's ever really gotten over it. Anyway, I have 35 pounds to go to hit goal. I cant' wait! :smile:

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