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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to lisalou1968 in Need advice and encouragement not ripped apart   
    Thank you very much for your advice I really appreciate it I need all the support and encouragement that I can get I am trying to do better every day I have really been working hard on no drinking with meals or 30 minutes before or after meals I also have been trying to incorporate my shakes and Protein first now I just have to push myself for exercise thank you again for your advice[emoji5]

    Sent from my SM-J327T1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Need advice and encouragement not ripped apart   
    Sorry you're struggling with adjusting to your sleeve. You won't have ruined your sleeve in such a short time period, but you are exceedingly fortunate that you didn't end up back in the hospital from tearing the suture line. I'm amazed you weren't throwing up all the time. Some people have hardier stomachs than others.
    I'm glad you've come to your senses. Your sleeve will still work. Go back to the plan your doctor gave you and stick with it. The liquid phase is not a punishment. It's time for your sutures to heal. The slow progressing through the foods is training you and again, gently getting the stomach back in the game. Focus on fluids and Protein. Don't put more than 2-4 oz. in your stomach at a time. You won't necessarily feel "full", but that's all the pouch can hold.
    The process isn't easy but you can do it. You don't want to waste this opportunity. Good luck.

  3. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to Canis28 in weight gain after veg   
    When I started on an anti-anxiety/antidepressant several years ago, it caused my appetite to go WAY up. Same as you, eating or thinking about eating nonstop. I tried to go on another med, but nothing else worked, so I’m stuck with the same old one. I had the LapBand and lost weight with it,but I was still always hungry. Then the band stopped working, so I had it removed and in June had the sleeve done. My biggest fear is that my appetite will come back full force. The first few weeks were great. I had no appetite. But lately I’ve started to feel hunger again. Luckily eating very little satisfies me.
    I hope it stays the same. If it doesn’t, I will seriously consider discontinuing my meds. There will have to be another option for me,and I will never let myself get to my top weight again.
    As for you, I wish I could say something that would help. Sounds like maybe your sleeve is stretched? Maybe you should try resetting...you know, do liquids for a week to detox from the carbs and bad stuff. Also, I firmly believe that people like you and I have to stick up for ourselves and not let pharmaceuticals ruin our lives even while they’re helping us at the same time. There are too many options out there between different drugs and psychological therapies. Why don’t you see what alternatives are out there for you?
  4. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to The Preacher in Surgery is today!!   
    Before this gets out of control, I would like to say, I'm sure this site is not intended to be a place to debate things of this nature, that's why I gave my email address, so please, in respect to others on this site let's don't go there.
    The only reason I replied was because you asked the question, I replied out of respect to you, whether you believe or not is certainly you're right.
    I hope there is no hard feelings between us, the preacher

  5. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to jultrim18 in Surgery is today!!   
    Soon!!!! So scared will keep you all posted

  6. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to Matt Z in Surgery is today!!   
    Firstly, don't worry about it. Really couldn't be in a better place *IF* things happen. Which, odds are in your favor that they won't. Fear about surgery is 100% totally normal. Just give yourself a break and don't worry about being worried. Soon enough you'll be sleeping away while the docs work and you'll wake up to a whole new chapter of your life.

    Be excited. Change is scary, but this change is good.
  7. Like
    Jingle123423 got a reaction from CTGirl08 in Insurance Approval Q   
    I just did this on Friday. I called the regular customer service line.
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    Jingle123423 got a reaction from Lyngolean in weight gain after veg   
    Have you had any luck with a therapist? Maybe join OA? I don't know if either of those things would help, just spit balling some ideas.
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    Jingle123423 got a reaction from BrodieGL25 in 15 month progress.   
    Wowza! You look like a completely different person!
  10. Like
    Jingle123423 got a reaction from Frustr8 in Lesson learned   
    Why would you have a beer? From what my doctor told me, alcohol is abrasive on the staples, and the little bits of flesh that were stapled can erode and you can get a leak in your stomach that can be life threatening.

    I cannot imagine why on earth you would risk it.
  11. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to apositivelife4me in I am 3 months and 10 days post op and have now lost 30 pounds   
    I have finally started to lose my weight and have now lost 30 pounds. I am so happy about this.
  12. Like
    Jingle123423 got a reaction from Taylor5 in Hubby loosing interest?   
    Get it girrrrl!

  13. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to Greensleevie in I bought my little Cheez Its again I just cant stay away from them   
    Take it from someone with experience, this can become dangerous territory of you let it.
    I lost and maintained my weight farily easily by mostly eating clean, non processed food for years. I say mostly because I followed an 80/20 rule. Straight and narrow 80% of the time, other splurges 20% of the time.
    Only when I allowed those splurges more often, which happened to include crap like Cheez Its, did I start to gain. It's no coincidence. It's also no coincidence my splurges turned into binges. After all, why would WLS change my disordered eating? If I could moderate to begin with, why did I need surgery at all?
    Don't waste your precious tummy real estate on processed crap. Find fresh, more nutritious Snacks (LOVE the parmesan chip idea!) and you pretty much can't go wrong. We didn't get fat eating fruit, nuts, veggies and parmesan chips. Most of us got fat eating stuff like Cheez Its, too much bread, processed sugar and fast food.

    IF you are one of the lucky ones who is over *5 years post op who CAN moderate that stuff, good on you! I'm jelly, because I can't 😁.

    * I say over 5 years post op because let's be honest, moderating is easier the first few years post op with the good restriction and decreased hunger. Those things are only temporary.

  14. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to KCgirl061 in I bought my little Cheez Its again I just cant stay away from them   
    Find a recipe to make your own! Use a flour with a low glycemic index, REAL cheese, REAL BUTTER. Throw some Protein Powder in to boot. You can make them a much healthier snack by doing that.
  15. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to apositivelife4me in I bought my little Cheez Its again I just cant stay away from them   
    Thank you for your comments and advice.
  16. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Overheard Staff Joking About My Body   
    I am so sorry that you went through this. When you go back for your blood work, bring 3 copies of your post with you. Stop in and tell the PA that you need a moment of her time and that her "friends" need to join you. Give them each a copy of your post and add a p.s. at the bottom to them know if you ever hear the slightest hint that this behavior has been repeated, you will report them to the surgeon, the office manager and maybe even post it on YELP. Remind them that patients DO talk. You don't have to say a word, then walk out with your head high. If the PA won't meet with you, go straight to the surgeon and office manager.
    You've dealt with enough sh!t in your life. You don't need to deal with theirs, too.
  17. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to Cara-Lea in Meditation as a tool   
    In another thread I posted that I use meditation and journaling as a way to handle my mental hunger and I was asked to give more details about that. I felt like this is a topic that deserves a separate post, rather than hiding it in a post about something else entirely.
    I started meditating a number of years ago as part of a therapy program I was going through that combined mindfulness practice and Cognitive Behavior Therapy. When I first started I thought all you were supposed to do was sit and be quiet, and the truth is.. more often than not, I would fall asleep. It took being taught how to meditate for me to understand that meditation is a very active practice, even if you are physically still. I also used to believe that the goal of meditation was to think nothing at all, when in fact, the goal is actually to train your brain to put it's attention where you choose for it to be.
    One of the most basic forms of meditation is to sit and "follow your breath". This means to sit and simply focus your attention on your breathing. For some people they prefer to focus on the feeling of the breath entering and exiting the nose, other people prefer to focus on the feeling of the breath entering and leaving the lungs. It doesn't matter which works better for you, just do whichever feels more natural for you. The idea is to keep your attention on your breath, and when your mind wanders, guide it back to the breath gently. There is no need to get upset that your mind has wandered.. everyone's does. The goal is to simply catch that your mind has wandered and send it back to what it is supposed to be doing (following your breath). It is good to start off trying to do this for less than 5 minutes when you first start. Very few people can just dive in and start meditating for 30 minutes or longer.
    Another great way to start is to actually used guided meditations. There are plenty of these out there, look at YouTube or search for meditation apps on your phone. Guided meditations will often give you a visualization to use to practice focusing your attention. My personal favourite guided meditations are by Jon Kabat-Zinn - you can definitely find these on YouTube.
    I am also a big fan of the book "peace is every breath" by Thich Nhat Hanh as a entry way into meditation.
    I find that the mental discipline my meditation practice has given me is helping me with my mental hunger because I am more skilled at re-directing my thoughts. So when I catch myself with a craving for something that I am currently not allowed to have, I gently re-focus my thoughts onto something more useful. Some days are harder and I have to keep re-focusing... some days I can just gently say "enough of that now" and I can move on and leave the craving behind.

    The other technique I mentioned, journaling, I don't feel quite as qualified to talk about... I use journaling erratically, and with no conscious technique. I simply write what I am thinking/feeling. I know there are schools of thought that say you should never go back and read your journal entries, but I find I actually learn from reading my journal entries. I often manage to express myself more thoroughly and coherently in writing than I am able to do verbally. So I actually find I get more out of reading my writing than through the writing process itself.
    I hope I haven't made this too boring, and that maybe it has been useful to a couple of people.

  18. Like
    Jingle123423 got a reaction from Frustr8 in 10days to my sleeve opt   
    No alcohol for at least 6 months.
  19. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to Kay07 in I Can Run   
    Guys... (and Gals!)...

    I can run. Like one of those fit people you see running on the side of the road. Except the fit part of course. But still I’m RUNNING. It’s been years. I knew I missed running, but the absolute feeling of accomplishment I have is insane! Now admittedly I can’t do it for very long, but I’m okay with that! Today I ran 2.12 miles in 30 minutes. Not impressive to normal joggers but for me that’s AMAZING.

    I am having a very proud NSV and I hope everyone else is having a good night!
  20. Like
    Jingle123423 got a reaction from Frustr8 in Changing BC after surgery?   
    +1 for the IUD. I love it.
  21. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to markuspak in Home !!!   
    everything went WELL. HOME NOW . Better than I thought, They had hard time with the hernia . But its not that BAD. BUT THEY STILL have me doped up . cant pee a lot . . Might have to go back if that doesn't get better . For those getting close you will do fine. I'm on liquids belly is sore,`. Good luck to the rest of you getting close . A what was cool the gave my pictures of the cutting out My stomach
  22. Like
    Jingle123423 reacted to Leia in How often do you weigh in?   
    I'm wondering how often everyone is weighing them selves?

    I waited a week to look (this morning) after my surgery. I found the number exciting, but I know it wont always be this substantial. . .

    Does getting on the scale daily/weekly/ect get anyone down?
    Or do you find it motivating?

    Is there a sweet spot frequency wise?
  23. Like
    Jingle123423 got a reaction from Frustr8 in Tobey Hospital Wareham,MA   
    Pre-Op classes? What do you mean? Typically any kind of group meetings are included.
    Are you specifically asking about Tobey Hospital? You should call them.

  24. Like
    Jingle123423 got a reaction from Frustr8 in Tobey Hospital Wareham,MA   
    Pre-Op classes? What do you mean? Typically any kind of group meetings are included.
    Are you specifically asking about Tobey Hospital? You should call them.

  25. Haha
    Jingle123423 got a reaction from logicwand in Time Changes Everything. Stop stressing about the now!   
    You got little and your boys got big (grown)!

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