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LAP-BAND Patients
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About jpb67

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/21/1937
  1. Happy 76th Birthday jpb67!

  2. Happy 75th Birthday jpb67!

  3. Congratulations for making the decision to have Lap Band surgery. You have had amazing results. Anyone can see from your photos that you are such a pretty girl. Your husband, your son, indeed your entire family must be so pleased and happy for you. Keep up the great work.:thumbup:
  4. jpb67

    Liquids or real food after a fill?

    After fill: 2 days liquids,1 day clear 1 day soup etc, then 2 days mushie. Very, very strict!!. :eek:
  5. jpb67

    Banded 10/6/08

    I was banded on 3/17 08 at NYU by Dr. Ren. If there were only one thing I could say about the whole experience it would be WOW!. I am so happy. I had NO complications after the surgery, and have continued to lose weight every month since. The comprehensive program at NYU has made everything go smoothly. First there are several opportunities to go to meetings to listen to what others who have faced the same issues have to say. I wholly recommend this. Maybe everyone is not on the same page as you, but in the long run you always learn something new that can help. Second, the after care is outstanding. I have heard so many stories from friends who have had the surgery, and from other patients in the waiting room, and even from the young woman who was in the hospital with me after surgery (for gall bladder ) about the "special"care they have received. Finally, what doesn't get said often enough: the Dr.'s are wonderful. I,personally, can only speak for Dr. Ren. She is an expert. And she is extraordinarily kind and caring. My recovery and subsequent fills have convinced me that I chose the best possible place to have this life-altering surgery. Yes, what many people on this forum have said, the office staff leaves much to be desired in terms of communication and efficiency sometimes, but the professional medical staff is truly outstanding. I know you will be thrilled with your decision.
  6. I agree. This AM I was looking for inspiration as I am not losing anymore. I was totally depressed about it and thought OK here you go again failing yourself and everyone else. Then after reading all the posts about diet and how to work with the band I realized I am not, NOT, doing the work required to keep on losing. Many old habits were creeping back into my daily regime like eating bread, chips, ice cream. Oh, admittedly "small" amounts, but every single day something would pass my lips that I knew in my heart was dangerous. I just expected a miracle, not being honest or realistic about what I have to do to succeed. This site is awesome and so helpful. Thank you all. This day is better already.:crying:
  7. I think it's because of the anesthesia. Smoking compromises your lungs, and when you have general anesthesia they are further compromised. I'm not a Dr. and have no medical experience, but I would stop asap. It's a hard habit to kick, I know, but it's really, really necessary for lots of reasons, not just your up-coming surgery. Been there done that. Sorry to preach
  8. jpb67

    2nd fill misery, will it get better?

    Great. So glad you are feeling beter. There's a real learning curve with this band "thing" We just have to keep on working and learning as we go. Good luck.
  9. jpb67

    2nd fill misery, will it get better?

    I agree with the other responders. I had a fill on 6/28 then left for a weeklong vacation. Everyday the band got tighter and tighter. It did not loosen. The golf ball feeling, the pressure on my throat (I felt like I was being strangled) all got progressively worse. As soon as I returned home, I had a small amount unfilled and immdeiately everything improved, including the strangling feeling. I did get dehydrated. My urine, on the day I arrived home, was dark brown. That made me decide immediately that I could not wait it out. Now everything is back to normal, and I am enjoying my band again with just enough control to keep me on the losing path. Good luck.
  10. These two replies,(this and the one above) are really helpful. I was banded on 3/17/08, have been filled once and have never felt full or restricted. I have lost 40 lbs. by keeping a very tight leash on myself. I am waiting for the fill that takes more of the control away from me and puts more control on the band. I have just returned from a vacation in Italy and gained 3 lbs. To me that is a moral victory. I was supposed to be filled for the 2nd time, but because of physician schedule and my departure date, I had to wait until next week. Thanks for the explanations about restriction. I have something to look forward to.
  11. jpb67

    does this get a little easier???

    Thanks Kat. You have said it all much better and more detailed than I ever could. But your philosophy and attitude are where I want to be. Let's all keep up the good work.
  12. jpb67

    does this get a little easier???

    Me too. I have been to Weight Watchers etc.,etc.,etc.!! So I try to work with the band, not completely relying on how it feels, but by eating healthy, exercising a little, and following all the common sense rules I have been listening to all my "fat life." I want to lose weight, but I also want to feel well, and I find that by having a healthy "diet" I feel very happy and very healthy. Getting out of bed in the moring is now a joy instead of a chore. Good luck to all who are enduring the struggle.
  13. jpb67


    I think that restriction applies to folks who have had bypass surgery, not the band. But, that being said sugar is not good, as it inhibits weight loss and sets up cravings for more sugar.
  14. jpb67

    Getting an un-fill during vacation??

    Somebody once told me that there are lots of ways to enjoy yourself: overtalk, overdance, overlaugh, but don't overeat. Please don't do it. Stay with the success you are having and use this as a learning experience for LIFE WITH THE BAND. You'll be so sad if you gain any weight, and so happy if you succeed as a "normal."
  15. I understand your anxiety. When I went back for my first fill I had only lost 3 pounds. I felt pretty awful,but have faith. Your body is getting used to a whole new regime. Don't eat too few calories, eat what you know are the "right foods" and don't despair..after the first disappointment, I started losing again, and in one week have suddenly lost 5 pounds. It will happen. Good luck.

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