Hi All. I had my banding on April 15th, and I am a 36 year old wife and mom of two children, 7 and 9.
I am really, really unhappy. The past few weeks have been really hard- I was in the hospital due to a diabetic coma for five days three weeks ago, then last week my husband's brother died (cancer), then on Tuesday I was banded. I have been trying to work, take care of my house and family as well. It has been too much.
My pain was very bad, and has been getting better every day. I am having a problem with wanting to eat everything in my path, everything on TV, etc. I even am craving foods that I do not like. I am very unhappy that I have to drink everything, even though I knew I would have to. I want a piece of lamb, hamburger, olive, salad, etc. I know I cannot eat it, and I am actually angry and resentful about that right now. :tongue_smilie: Am I crazy? Did anyone else go throught this angry/unhappy stage?