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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Ninarwiener got a reaction from Separ1418 in It cant be lactose - can it be sweetners causing my stomach upset?   
    I didn’t run into the issue until post-op but I can’t have dairy at all. It’s not lactose intolerance, it’s got to be the dairy Protein and it sucks! It might be that, then again it could just be the protein powder. They never made me feel great. Is your protein weight protein isolate? I think it’s theeasiest to digest. I would definitely call the nutritionist, they deal with these things all the time.
  2. Haha
    Ninarwiener reacted to FluffyChix in How Come We Never Look Like We Think We Look (Especially in Photos)???   
    Ok, so I'm pretty much a vampire. I haven't appeared in a single family photo or event pic in the last 20-30 years or so. I CAN NOT STAND having my piccy taken. (Am I yelling? Cuz I feel like I am?) You know what I'm tawkin' 'bout?
    So yesterday I got as dolled up as I ever get, which ahem, means I bathed, brushed my teeth, dried and scrunched up my hair--but I went out on a limb and put on a tiny bit of makeup. I swear to the sweet baby Jesus of the golden fleece diapers, I looked hot. I felt hot. I felt like this! I swear! You shoulda seen me struttin' my hot stuff through the lemon Jello section. Mama June, give. it. up. Cuz I was smokin'. You get the picture? In case you don't, I could be this chix sistah from another mistah!

    So I screwed up the courage, called myself Felicia, and asked Mr. F. to pop off a few "before photos" so I can use them for comparison. I will suffer through another round the morning of surgery, and then will take them periodically throughout the journey to Oz. (Thank you @James Marusek. I will be eternally grateful for this advice.)
    When I looked at them, I almost cried. I thought I'd made such progress. I felt "thin" at my 235lbs. I mean look up at my twin right there. What happened? I almost went outside and ate worms. Not part of my pre-op plan to be sure, but still a powerful source of Protein and Fiber if you're so inclined...Oh, what I look like...

    Do any of you feel the same way or have you had the same experiences??? Just so you know...
    Ring, ring...
    Hello selfies?
    Go screw yourself! Signed,
    Sincerely yours,
    Body Dysmorphic in Houston
  3. Like
    Ninarwiener reacted to lilybilly in July Gastric Bypass?   
    Hello@denisheri I had my surgery July 19th I'm down 51lbs since bariatric surgery. My Sw was 348. I have been having a hard time. Eating solid foods. I was instructed by my surgeon and nutritionist to start eating normal foods at 4 weeks but it gets stuck no matter how slow I eat. I try to eat tuna, shrimp, salmon and they all have me foamy and nausea and vomiting. I just get so depressed and I hate to eat. I just prefer Soups and drinks. Even my Premier Protein gave me foamies once. I am really down a d can't even get excited about the weight loss. Trying to stay positive but I am sad.

    Sent from my SM-G965F using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Thanks
    Ninarwiener got a reaction from ChellNC in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies Check In Here!   
    @chellnc I’m sorry this is happening, it sounds difficult. when I left the hospital they had a nursing company come check on me. they asked if I needed an aid (I have one arm). I wonder if that’s something that your surgeon can prescribe for you? It would be tough to move around on your own soon after surgery, but if you need to do it, you will get through it! You’ll need to sort out pillows/wedges and how to get up from sitting and lying down!
  5. Thanks
    Ninarwiener got a reaction from Frustr8 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies Check In Here!   
    I had my RnY surgery on 7/24 and all of a sudden I feel hungry all the time. Some of it is “head hunger” because I’m bored or I miss eating but I really feel hungry all the time. Is there anybody else who feels this way?
  6. Thanks
    Ninarwiener got a reaction from ChellNC in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies Check In Here!   
    @chellnc I’m sorry this is happening, it sounds difficult. when I left the hospital they had a nursing company come check on me. they asked if I needed an aid (I have one arm). I wonder if that’s something that your surgeon can prescribe for you? It would be tough to move around on your own soon after surgery, but if you need to do it, you will get through it! You’ll need to sort out pillows/wedges and how to get up from sitting and lying down!
  7. Like
    Ninarwiener reacted to TakingBackChrissy in Weight Gain, Not Enough Weight Lost 1 year post surgery Depressed   
    Sometimes we feed the emotions, sometimes the feeding (and subsequent weight gain) leads to emotions. Your best tool to combat both scenarios is simply learning to separate food from emotions...which is way easier said than done. Sometimes I’ll down countless calories before I even realize I did it and usually just because I was bored or anxious. Personally, I’m working on mediation techniques and making a habit of planning and counting everything that goes into my mouth. If it’s not on my plan, what reason am I eating it? meal plans are best made when you’ve got your best self in mind - Let the thoughtful, self-loving side of you decide what to eat...That way when you’re feeling impulsive and reaching for a snack it’s the perfect red flag. Then you can stop and evaluate - Am I in the right state of mind make this food decision?Am I hungry or am I (insert emotion here)? Is this food serving my goals? If you can answer those honestly and favorably, eat away! If not, delve a little deeper...But sometimes I'm way too caught up that I just have to walk away and do something else for a bit. I can revisit it later. Sometimes I have literal arguments with myself in my head over what to eat...it’s amazing the excuses I come up with, lol! Just take it one day, one meal, one bite at a time! You got this!
  8. Like
    Ninarwiener reacted to summerset in Weight Gain, Not Enough Weight Lost 1 year post surgery Depressed   
    Why not start with adressing this problem instead of turning to IF and "portion control"?
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    Ninarwiener reacted to YoungDad in Unexpectedly needing to care for yourself after surgery?   
    Maybe check online for a nurse you can hire through care.com or another website like that.
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    Ninarwiener reacted to Poppygirl in July Gastric Bypass?   
    Sorry to hear you are feeling like this too Nina. Yes I find that everything makes me feel sick and really put me off eating. I am pushing the fluids and they have just given me some new anti sickness tablets. I am second week of purred foods, but my nurse suggested some scrambled egg tonight for the first time as I like egg. Managed a few mouthfuls and I seem okay, just feeling bloated now after fluids this evening. She assured me that it will get better so I am holding on to that right now!

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    Ninarwiener got a reaction from Frustr8 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies Check In Here!   
    @ellie123 I’m sorry you have been through so much! The shame is the worst part of all of this. I can’t comment on a sleeve to RnY revision, but having just done the RnY I can tell you that you will NOT be hungry. You will not struggle with the post surgical diet because you will NOT feel like eating! I have had a rough recovery to be sure, but the recovery from this surgery is a lot more intense than the sleeve. I went on purée at 2 weeks, and I was excited to eat again but sadly can only stomach Greek yogurt and soft boiled eggs so far!! There’s serious negative feedback if you eat too fast or too much. You might want to look into Overeater’s Anonymous if you want additional support with changing eating habits. There’s a lot of intelligent folks there who totally get it.
  12. Like
    Ninarwiener got a reaction from Frustr8 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies Check In Here!   
    @ellie123 I’m sorry you have been through so much! The shame is the worst part of all of this. I can’t comment on a sleeve to RnY revision, but having just done the RnY I can tell you that you will NOT be hungry. You will not struggle with the post surgical diet because you will NOT feel like eating! I have had a rough recovery to be sure, but the recovery from this surgery is a lot more intense than the sleeve. I went on purée at 2 weeks, and I was excited to eat again but sadly can only stomach Greek yogurt and soft boiled eggs so far!! There’s serious negative feedback if you eat too fast or too much. You might want to look into Overeater’s Anonymous if you want additional support with changing eating habits. There’s a lot of intelligent folks there who totally get it.
  13. Like
    Ninarwiener got a reaction from Leia in Any tips for helping Chronic (stomach) Inflammation?   
    I burp constantly too. I hope this goes away!
  14. Like
    Ninarwiener reacted to 3nuthut in Waking up from Surgery. Any Tips?   
    I just spent my first night in hospital recovering and I went through the same thing. I tried not to whine but the pain was so great and I just wanted them to stick to the pain med schedule until morning. Nope it didn’t happen and I felt like I had to constantly trying to justify for more pain meds. By this morning I was a wreck, with very little sleep and still in acute pain. I asked my morning nurse why it’s so hard to get my pain meds? She couldn’t believe they were lowering my dosage and gave me what the doctor prescribed. Thank God I was able to rest before hubby came to pick me up around 2pm.
    I know everyone is on high alert with narcotics but this was absolutely unnecessary. I felt like I wasn’t believed as far as pain (and I have a high tolerance).
    Very disappointed. I hope you are getting better with your pain...I think I am but it’s a slow go.
  15. Like
    Ninarwiener reacted to ellie123 in Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies Check In Here!   
    Hi @ttjmom. It’s a long story. Sleeve has been awesome for many, just not for me. If you care to read it, here you go...
    3rd Bariatric Surgery:
    I realize that most people will probably gloss over this topic...because for most 1 surgery works and is enough and if you fall into this category, please know how fortunate you are. This is not my story
    I am 5'8. In 2007 I was 273lb's and miserable! I got a Band. Following 13 fills and unfills the best I lost was 60lb's, I never achieved restriction, and unfilled to have 2 kids. All weight returned. In an unrelated accident my port flipped, and in 2015 at 265lb's I was revised to a Gastric Sleeve (Also had my gallbladder taken out, a Haital hernia repaired and the band removed). I lost 60lb's in the first 4 months and then...stopped loosing. At 205lb's I would have been happy with my results, but then, I felt no restriction and started to regain! Fast forward almost 3 years to today...I have developed GERD pretty bad and I've regained most of what I lost back!
    My stomach feels hungry every hour or two, I could always eat WAY more than my sleeved friends, and once I got myself full, it would not take long for the deep primal hunger to return. I have no relief from hunger. Especially at night, I'm ravenous! I became a grazer! I felt that the Ghrelin was back with an Army to fight me! A 80% international traveling job plus unlimited access to food in the best restaurants around the globe did not help. I have felt dejected, humiliated, like a failure, angry, frustrated and the list goes on for miles, if you are still reading, you probably know how I feel. And indeed, It's not just about how I look...it's about how I feel. Horrible!! My weight is pressing, intrusive and pervasive. There is no time that I am not aware of it. I have sleep Apnea, I can't keep up with my 6 and 7 year old's and the simple things in life are hard again. Completely demoralizing... After almost 3 years, I finally said "Enough" and went back to a new Surgeon. An Endoscopy revealed it has not all been my fault. My Sleeve was cut too big to begin with! My new surgeon reveled he knows the work of the previous surgeon who apparently was not very skilled at the time and making sleeves too big to be successful. A Bougie 42 was was too big to begin with but in my case, even that was very loosely cut. To top it off, my Sleeve was mis-shapen to begin with as well, setting me up for failure and I have a Stricture in the middle, causing me to have an Hourglass shape. Top fills up, stretches, bottom is hungry, then food goes to the bottom and is still there, top is hungry, in short...a hot mess!
    Miraculously given the Haital Hernia, GERD, Stricture and botched initial surgery, my insurance (that does not cover Bariatrics) has approved a revision to Bypass on Aug 22nd. I've been combing the internet for Sleeve to RNY revision but such information is not as readily available as 1st timers. I am so nervous...so frightened to go through with this. Scared of Anesthesia, scared how I would do, scared of the 3 week post op liquid only phase. Scared that I will fail again, that this will not work. Some Surgeons (like the Pound of Cure guy say you can only expect to loose 10 - 25lbs on a Sleeve to RNY revision, woa?? ) But I have to try...I want to live a full and vibrant life and not just exist like an Amoeba! This is truly Project last chance. My husband is supportive, but my friends, judgmental and not supportive. and if ever I needed some advice, encouragement, support etc...it's now...
    Nervous but cautiously hopeful, and very much in need of your support...
  16. Like
    Ninarwiener reacted to PTARMT in July Gastric Bypass?   
    The scrambled egg gave me a stomach ache at first. The deviled (I put less than 1 teaspoon low fat mayo, yellow mustard and lawry’s salt) did not bother me at all. I thought maybe the mayo helped. Next time I tried roasted chicken (dark meat). I was scared so I added the same ingredients to it before purée. I did well with that as well. I tried a scrambled with one wedge of laughing cow cheese. That went well. Then lastly I tried the ricotta cheese bake recipe from the blog the world according to egg face. That went well too. That’s all I tried so far. Also used the WatchMeEat app and a tiny spoon so I didn’t eat too fast
  17. Like
    Ninarwiener reacted to Born in Missouri in Puréed foods   
    I tend to think the same way. Just make sure any meat is soft to begin with. Boiled or baked. Keep your bites ridiculously small. Then get chewin'. (I'd be hesitant to do the same with beef. chicken and fish are easier for your pouch to handle.)
  18. Haha
    Ninarwiener reacted to Poppygirl in July Gastric Bypass?   
    Who would have thought the joy of passing wind, at the moment it’s like winning the lottery!!
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    Ninarwiener reacted to FLHappyGirl in Did your marriage or relationship die after you lost the weight?   
    Sorry to hear this, it must be hard for you! I would bet your wife is insecure in her own weight and now she feels like she doesn't have a partner in her unhealthy lifestyle. Don't let that derail your efforts! Loving someone means supporting them even when it is hard for you to do so.
    You look fantastic! Don't let ANYONE tell you differently, and keep up the good work.
  20. Like
    Ninarwiener reacted to KCgirl061 in Did your marriage or relationship die after you lost the weight?   
    You don't look hideous, you look healthy. I don't know if its too late for your marriage but she could definitely benefit from counseling. Depending on where you are emotionally, you probably could as well. Especially if you believe that line of bull$#it about spending 5 grand on video games BECAUSE YOU LOST WEIGHT. That's ridiculous.
  21. Like
    Ninarwiener got a reaction from Frustr8 in July Gastric Bypass?   
    Did anyone else feel really sick on the pre-op diet? Mine is 5 shakes up to 2 cups non starchy veggies, no added fat.... there have been a couple of days I’ve felt OK— but most of the time I’ve felt lethargic and at times light headed and aches. I keep fantasizing about food and it’s freaking me out— also that if I can’t handle this how am I going to handle the next 3 months?!! I know there’s things to work through and I’m committed to working through my food issues but UGHH!
  22. Like
    Ninarwiener reacted to Yo-yo girl in Weightloss surgery won’t work for me   
    Anyone else has this illogical fear that they’ll be the one this surgery doesn’t work for? It’s hard for me to picture a day when I’ll be full with little sips. All the reading, researching and success stories can’t keep me from feeling like what if. Anyone else felt this way?
    Yo-Yo Girl from New York City
  23. Like
    Ninarwiener reacted to HealthierME2018 in July Gastric Bypass?   
    I don’t think many of us on here do have liver problems. The point of the liquid diet is to shrink your liver prior to surgery so that it decreases the risk of complications. Your stomach and liver are very close (if not over lapping). The bigger you are, the bigger your liver is & longer you will need a liquid diet for.
  24. Like
    Ninarwiener reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Can someone please enlighten me.   
    Unless someone starts out with GERD, my surgeons office usually recommends sleeve unless the person is extremely obese. They consider it a safer, less invasive surgery.
  25. Like
    Ninarwiener reacted to magpie26 in Cheez its, my little snack   
    I don't feel like quoting, but I did make my family change the way the way we eat and I (mostly) took away the junk food. Not so much so I wouldn't be tempted, because I had to deal with that with the dieting and the liquid diet. But more because my husband eats terribly and my son is overweight or becoming overweight fast and I want him to see there are better choices, blah blah blah. But I currently have FIVE things of ice cream in my house, two bags of chips, chex mix (my old vice) and I do bake them the occasional dessert or muffin. I don't ban it, but I don't generally buy it. I'm super proud to say that since my surgery we haven't had pizza (frozen or takeout) or chicken nuggets and fries or spaghetti all the time. Everything has been healthy and homemade.

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