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    Bronkbread reacted to Frustr8 in SEPTEMBER 2018 SURGERIES AND SUCCESS   
    Thank you Kat0000 and Gingersnap112, odd Gingersnaps was one of my son's programs. Think he may have had a wee crush on Emily Perkins. At any rate it,is wonderful,to know I have 2 nice friends following me. It was a very,nice exam etc I had today,with Dr Needleman. He is as nice as I hoped he would be, he was amazed at how much I knew already, actually didn't learn as much as some because I am so,prepared but did glean some information to fill in the gaps Every challenge he presented, I believe I can accomplish. I really,feel like we are a team willing to work for me.
    Yeah he is a very busy guy, but he has this way of making each of us feel we are the most important patient in the 🌎to him. That's not,something easily taught, it comes from within.
    He's maybe 49-50 years old, getting gray a little, but cares and is approachable tous. Much better person than that first Asswhat surgeon I met at the previous place. And I feel very safe in his care. He was reading the whole list of bad things that can happen and I'm shaking my head NO. He asked me why, I told him nothing bad would happen, he is too good a surgeon, he would not want to mess up his record and my whole day by a calamity.
    Oh some of the things I have heard on Bariatric Pal are so funny, one woman was worried she would talk about ex-husbands and lovers while under anesthesia. Don't know if I helped when I told her she would have a breathing tube down her throat and couldn't say a word. Another was concerned about people who. might see her unclothed. Pish tosh, good ole Frust8 is going to be lying,on her back, arms secured so I don't slip off the table, belly pumped up so high I look like I'm expected octuplets and I should whether,people know the shade of every hair, on my body? Ask me , I'm 72, people who knew secrets about me are long gone. Got little if any shame in my game, yeah I'm a redhead all over,what does it matter if 8 to 10 more people know that? Unless the TV crews have a wide angle lens they can't get all of me in one picture! Yesterday someone was worried they didn't have an hourglass figure , shoot,i do, instead of 36-25-36 I'm 58-46-58 and my thighs are like bundt cakes instead of muffins, but I believe I'll renovate well,once I peel off my fat covering I am going to be dy-no-mite and really rock the senior set. Might take a year, might take 18 months, but I will be Cutie Pie reconditioned from Big Mama. Big project but i,am the woman for it!😝🍀❤
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    Bronkbread reacted to thatch in I feel scared and ashamed...   
    I understand your fear and shame. First, know that the surgery is very safe and you are in good hands. The surgical team and nursing staff know their stuff and they will take care of you. Second, trust that you are a courageous person to make the decision to have this surgery. It's not easy! But you have decided to take a proactive course to live a better, healthier life. That is something to be proud of. Best wishes on your surgery and recovery!
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    Bronkbread reacted to Ernie D in I feel scared and ashamed...   
    First of all, Good for you that you are on your way to better health. NO need to be ashamed. I think all of us can name at least 1 thing in our life that we can feel shame over. So YOU are NOT alone. Its ok to feel that emotion, but don't get stuck there. Try your best to focus on better health and feeling great. Being scared is very normal. If you want I will pray for you . I will pray for peace of mind, comfort, a successful surgery and a lifetime of improved health. Remember YOU are NOT alone is this
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    Bronkbread reacted to Tracy1978 in I feel scared and ashamed...   
    I was scared too. I even had a c-section and the thought of being put out scared me. The good thing is they give you meds before you are even in the or that make you go to sleep. I heard the doc say, "Give her the happy juice". That's the last thing I remember until I woke up hazily in post op. Don't let the fear stop you. look at it this way - your weight could cause you to get terrible sleep apnea and that is a known killer. This is worth it, you wont regret it.
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    Bronkbread reacted to Frustr8 in I feel scared and ashamed...   
    The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt
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    Bronkbread reacted to allwet in I feel scared and ashamed...   
    Getting sleeved was my very first surgery and being put under was my biggest fear. That being said we cant be ruled by our fears if you let fear of surgery control you the weight will take away your life 1 pound at a time.
    we adjust and slow down so gradually we do not even notice how we are withdrawing from life as our weight piles up and make everything we do harder.
    Please face your fears and get your life -all of it - back.

  7. Like
    Bronkbread reacted to Matt Z in I feel scared and ashamed...   
    Being afraid is 100% natural. But the sleeve's mortality rate for "on the table" issues is amazingly low. In fact, ALL of the WLS now have super low "on the table" mortality rates. The numbers you might be looking at or hearing are usually skewed by old numbers, the surgeries have all advanced quite a lot even in the past 10 years.

    As far as getting "too fat"... we all understand. It's not 100% your fault either and you shouldn't shoulder all the blame. It's a battlefield out there, horrible easy to access foods are all over. Advertising bombards our subconscious mind at every turn.

    Let the past be the past. Stop dwelling on it and start moving forwards. The road ahead is going to need your undivided attention. You can't change the past, but you can control your future. So leave the past where it belongs, behind you. Now you get to start working on where you are going now.

    Congrats on deciding to take back control of your life. The path laid out ahead of you is tough, and is going to require major changes to so much of your typical daily routine. It's going to get emotional. It's going to get stressful, it's going to be painful, it's going to be very hard. But. It's very worth it!

    Remember, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for, be ready, post-op is an amazing journey!
  8. Like
    Bronkbread got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Best Decision I’ve Made with My Health!   
    I’m going through the process for vsg & I don’t have a surgery date yet. Sometimes I doubt myself for wanting the surgery or I start having negative thoughts. Your post is very positive & inspiring! Thank you for sharing your pictures & your success & positive outlook!
  9. Like
    Bronkbread reacted to Frustr8 in It's unpopular, but I LOVE MY BODY   
    I started to write to you but stopped. Maybe I will anyway. I went ahead and had children but I wasn't the play pal to them I could have been. No honey, mommy is too out of breath and can't do that! No mommy can't fit on that ride withyou, sorry honey. I did live to see my children grown, even got to love them instead of being a picture in a frame. More good luck than good planning.
    And when I decided to seek Bariatric Surgery I ran into a brand new bunch,of Nay-Sayers. I was too old,too silly too foolish to try doing this. I wouldn't be a success, I quit everything before, if not I could have lost weight the "normal"way. They had no clue how hard I tried. But the most hurtful thing I was told, and this was from a person I used to call "friend". Because I willfully insisted on doing this, I was pushing a younger more deserving person out of the way. Ooh this hurt, just like acid in a wound, I am and always have been a kind-hearted person. A no drama mama ,who gave in rather than hurt another person. I managed to,leave before crying, so they wouldn't know how bad that hurt. But I wish now. I had slapped or knocked them to the ground, and I am not prone to violence. But that would not have been of benefit, I can merely pray Karma circles around and punishes them for me. For I believe I truly am young enough. This is the right time to do the right thing for the right person's benefit MINE. And I will devote every breath remaining in my 72 year old body to doing this and doing it well. For I truly deserve THE BEST OF EVERYTHING!👍😛👍
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    Bronkbread reacted to nourishing heather in It's unpopular, but I LOVE MY BODY   
    Bad News First
    My weight loss surgery journey is full of good news! With every appointment, support group meeting, and pre-surgery milestone met, I am filled with hope, encouragement, and potential. I’m spurred on by small successes and know that there is much more good news coming my way. I am so excited to share with you guys all the things I’m looking forward to following a successful weight loss surgery experience! But I feel like it’s only fair that we also take a look at the not-so-good stuff.
    The Bad News
    I carry experiences as a result of obesity that are/were, at times, absolutely devastating. I’ve spent years yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, and sometimes feeling badly for even existing! We live in a body-shaming culture and it can be absolutely maddening to try to meet societies ideals or to exist having not met them. I don’t know how to fix our culture but I do know how to stop letting what that culture says about my body have any bearing on my choices!
    Below is a list of 15 ways that being obese has negatively impacted my life. Some of these realities may continue even after significant weight loss, but I trust that some can be put behind me for good!
    Daily pain in my feet, joints, and back Periods of exhaustion or low energy Fear of having children due to high risk of weight-related pregnancy complications Fear of increased risk of heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, strokes, etc Very poor self image at times Increased depression Increased anxiety Skin rashes from overlapping skin Having a less and less responsive immune system Experiencing repeated bullying as a child and adult Humiliation and pain from squeezing into seats and booths Trouble finding clothing that I like (non-cotton, roomy, affordable quick dry clothing anyone?) Embarrassment when publicly receiving unsolicited weight loss advice Overhearing rude comments about my body I want to make something clear: I love my body today. I’m not having weight loss surgery because I hate my body. My mental health care team and I spent more than a year training my brain to love my body just as it is. It was HARD work. Through that process I realized I feel badly for my body. I would NEVER talk to someone else the way I talked to my body. I have been SO mean to my body for SO long. I have learned so much about self-care in the last two years. I practice being patient with my body and listening to it so I can give it what it needs. I don’t always succeed, but it’s an effort I’m committed to. Yes, I’m having an elective surgery to anatomically change the size of my stomach only because I love my body. I’m get to choose what I do with, to, and for my body because I’m the person who was put in charge of caring for it.
    If you find yourself hating your body, I encourage you to reach out to a mental health professional today—and keep reaching out until you find one who is patient and gentle with you!
    Nourishing Heather
  11. Like
    Bronkbread reacted to Seahawks Fan in How do I eat healthy when my family doesn't?   
    Just choose wisely & use a tiny plate!
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    Bronkbread reacted to insta_adventurer in How do I eat healthy when my family doesn't?   
    I am four days post op and last night I sat in the other room while my mom and husband ate pizza and wings. I’ve also watched them eat chips... and tonight they are doing Chinese food.

    Thankfully I don’t have much of an appetite or any hunger pains and the fear or messing up my new belly is real enough to make abstaining pretty dang easy.
  13. Like
    Bronkbread got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Best Decision I’ve Made with My Health!   
    I’m going through the process for vsg & I don’t have a surgery date yet. Sometimes I doubt myself for wanting the surgery or I start having negative thoughts. Your post is very positive & inspiring! Thank you for sharing your pictures & your success & positive outlook!
  14. Like
    Bronkbread got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Best Decision I’ve Made with My Health!   
    I’m going through the process for vsg & I don’t have a surgery date yet. Sometimes I doubt myself for wanting the surgery or I start having negative thoughts. Your post is very positive & inspiring! Thank you for sharing your pictures & your success & positive outlook!

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