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Everything posted by damienne
Hi ALL, I had the gastric band surgery in with Dr Chris De Bruyne, Belgium three years ago(when I was 62yrs old!!) and was very pleased....except that my face(my cheeks really) became more and more wrinkled as the weight fell off. Every time I looked in the mirror these wrinkles bothered me and I started researching Mini Facelifts as a possible solution. I could find NO forum similar to this with any information relevant to us in Ireland. Anyway, I went ahead with great trepidation and had a Mini Facelift in Belgium a week ago and (fingers n toes crossed) I'm pretty delighted with the results...even this early. So I decided to put this little bit of information on this site in the hope that it might be helpful to someone else in the same 'boat' as I found myself in. I had a consultation with Frederik Serneels when I was having a slight unfill and from there made contact with Dr Patrick De Donker etc,etc. I was VERY worried because I couldn't get in contact with any satisfied/unsatisfied patients but went ahead anyway....think he's done a lovely job for me ,anyway. Damienne
Hi Mimi, My upper arms are quite flabby but I am not considering surgery for them...would Fraxel help? Is it expensive? I'm wondering what age you are? If you want any more information about the Minifacelift just ask? Damienne
Thanks, Slinky, Did you have a consultation in Dublin with Dr Debruyne? If so,where did you go?...it used to be in pembroke st. All the best with your 'holiday' and afterwards. Damienne:thumbup:
Hi All,Hello Brenners, I haven't had a fill for about 12months..in fact I'm considering a little bit of an unfill!! I would also like to have the band checked...as reccomended I managed to have a Barium X Ray done in my local hosp. but would like Dr Debruyne to look at it. I have tried to call Julie Tosh and the numbers I have for Dr Debruyne and Frederick with no success. Can anyone tell me how to contact them and where/when they come to Dublin these days. For newbies here who may be interested...I had the band fitted in Belgium in June 2008 and have had no problems with it. I was nervous, especially since I was 62yrs OLD at the time!!! I am VERY HAPPY with the results. At my heaviest I was over 19st....now I am 12 and a half st. My skin is a 'bit' loose in places, but not bad considering how long I have been 'MORBIDLY OBESE'. My face looks better, if more wrinkled...it was much fatter before. Anyone here had a mini Facelift??? I probably almost take for granted that (for the first time in my adult life) I don't have to worry about my weight. I feel so much more NORMAL. I can go to parties etc without feeling auful....in fact now, I look forward to having somewhere to go. Good Luck to you all, Damienne:thumbup:
Hi Joss, I recognise your name from a couple of years back. I think I met you at a meeting in Jury's,Belfast ....shortly before you had surgery?? I didn't go ahead with the op at the time but finally had d band fitted in June 08 in Belgium. I'm doing o.k. I have lost nearly 2 stone but don't think I really have much restriction yet. How have you been getting on? What does it cost to have a fill and where exactly?:thumbs_up:
Hi Everyone, I haven't beeen on the forum for a while...my hubby has been sick and I have been doing fairly ok bandwise. I got my first fill last week but didn't have time to meet up with anyone in Larry Murphy's. I actually feel more hungry and have less restriction after the 2ml fill than I did before!!!! (I suppose I was just at the point of loosing all restriction anyway) I was too hungry to stay on fluids for 3 days..bit dissappointing! Anyway,I guess it's time for me to book the next fill in September. I'll be VERY surprised if I loose any weight this month. Good luck to everyone. Skinnyirishbabe, sorry about your leak problem...hope its e2,000 not e4,000
Hi Suzpat, I was on this topic before I finally went ahead and had the surgery on June 6th 2008.....swinging with indecision right to the last minute. One point I would like to make is that the band in place ia supposed to press on the Vagus nerve which is situated near the top of the stomach. I read somewhere that a sense of fullness comes from the pressure of food on this nerve....or the pressure of the band on this nerve!! I have some restriction even though i have not had a fill yet(maybe this week) but I have MUCH LESS hunger than befor I had the band and THAT means that I'm not thinking about food nearly as much as before. That is PRICELESS!! I am very relieved at how normally I can eat ....I was afraid that I would be very limited in what I could eat. For the first few weeks post op my diet was mostly liquids and only gradually eating more normally. At the moment I eat a Breakfast of porridge or muesli, something like some salad and a piece of wheatmeal bread at lunch and chicken/beefburger veg and a small potato. I think I may have lost about 20lbs since the op. eight weeks ago. I am not in a major rush...it's great to be loosing,even slowly,rather than gaining and I want to look after my (good) health. I suppose that I will need to return to the liquids/mushies when/if I have a fill but that will probably only be for a few days and then real food again. The question that I have now is 'DO I REALLY NEED A FILL OR SHOULD I CONTINUE AS I AM ....JUST EATING HEALTHILY AND LOOSING SLOWLY??? MOST OF THE TIME I FEEL SO NORMAL THAT I FORGET THAT I HAVE EVEN HAD THE SURGERY!!!!!(except for the weight loss and the little scars on my tum:thumbup::thumbup:) Good luck with your decision
I am 61 and wondering if there are and seniors out there?
damienne posted a topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Hi All, I am considering having lapband surgery with Dr De Bruyne if he will do it on someone of my age(health good). I have read a pile of stuff ,particularly on this 'Irish' part of the forum but I have a few questions that some of you may be able to answer for me: Where can have a Pre op Consultation with the Dr ....In Dublin somewhere? I have phoned a couple of places that I saw mentioned..Fitz Sq and somewhere else to no avail. Would I be able to have fills /defills 'somewhere 'in Dublin? I have read that this expected to be an option soon. Obviously I would also LOVE to here from anyone close to my age if any one is out there? DAMIENNE:confused_smile: -
Hi Everyone, Elsie, I have booked a fill with Frederick 16/07. I am doing fine at present,not hungry really and full after a small amount of solid food. I may be feeling the hunger more in three weeks so I booked to be on the safe side. Think this may have been exactly what I have needed to help me manage my weight/eating. Siepie, my appointment is for 9.10 on the 16th, so we will probably meet there? Ailbhe, I am amazed at how well you are negotiating everything that is happening in your life...I hope you find somewhere really nice to live. Jellybabe(spelling?), Good luck in Belgium, I had surgery three weeks ago there. To be honest, I felt dreadful for about 24 hours...when they took out the drip and I started to drink. After that I was a bit weak for a few days.... like I had a touch of 'flu but better every day.
Hi Everyone, Thanks for your good wishes. I am managing ok I think with mushies and recognising when I'm full. I had the surgery on 09/06 and I suppose I should get a fill with Frederick when he's over on 15/07? To be honest, I would prefer to have it done with Dr Debruyne but he won't be back 'til Sept. Have any of you had fills with Frederick? I am a bit nervous about having a fill. How do you know if you need a fill? I suppose I could book an appointment for the 15th and cancel if I feel that I don't need it when the time comes? About the hair loss,I spoke to Brenners at some point and she told me that she has been taking a protein supplement every day and hasn't lost any hair. I got some, so I must make a point of taking it and see if it makes any difference to the 'three month' hair loss problem. Sepie,I would love to have a regular support meeting...I suppose Larry Murphy's is a mini version of what it could be like. I'ts really great to meet everyone in person. Bye for now.:ohmy:
Hi Ailbhe, You're an inspiration. I love your feistiness. Maybe this is the beginning of something better for you....sounds like the relationship was taking a lot out of you that that you can begin to get back. Still,I'm sure what is happening must be dreadful for you as well...it's unbelieveable that he's got a date already!!??!! About me; Yes,(as elsie knows) I went ahead and had the op. 11days ago in Belgium. The first couple of days were auful.I felt very unwell,a bit like a 'flu and I was afraid i had picked up an infection. Anyway, I'm doing fine now and beginning to get the hang of what I can and can't eat,my 'new' signals for hunger and fullness etc.etc. I'll write more when i have time. Regards to all.
Thanks Doddie for your words of encouragement. I know that I am quite an indecisive person.....I have to check out EVERY POSSIBLE ANGLE before I make any decision and I certainly have with this one. The only angle I can't check out in advance, is how the experience of having the op. and living with the band will be for me ....and it's wrecking my head!! I'll let you know how I get on?????
Hi Bjane, I just want to say Hi as I am almost your age(62) and due to have surgery on Friday 6th. I am fluctuating wildly between having the op. and pulling out. I am all over the place...maybe it's nerves, but it's more in my head than my stomach. Good luck to you on thursday and afterwards.:lol::tongue:
Hi All, Ailbhe,I'm sorry to hear that you are going through such a huge upheaval at the moment.I hope that things get easier for you soon around your relationship....you are already dealing with more than enough with the surgery etc. Cocoo I wonder if you were referring to a vein op. in your post? I could do with having it done if/when I loose weight. Did you have to have a defill before and a refill after? i would like to know how that went. I am due to have surgery with C.De.B in three days(06/06) but am swinging frantically between Yes and No. My decision shifts two or three times a day and I HONESTLY don't know what I will do......HELP!!!!! I want to thank Elsie SOOOOO much for meeting me last week and giving me so much information and support. I backed away from having this op.two years ago. This time I have come further ...had the consultation, booked the op. flight,hotel;bag almost packed. Don't know if this fear or a genuine problem that I have with surgery as a way to tackle my weight. Any advice????
I don't know what it is about me ,but I am due to have surgery in three days time and I honestly don't know if I will go through with it!!! I'm not sure if this even qualifies as 'second thoughts'? Right from the word go I have 'swung' like a pendulum from yes to no. I feel like I have a total split personality about this decision. Maybe I am not ready to say yes? I wish I could do this for so many reasons but have just as many reasons stopping me. Maybe it's fear. I hate this indecision. Help!!!???
Hi Corrib, I am delighted that the H.S.E. is doing this trial and thatyou are benefitting from it! It's good because it means that we are part of a new way of dealing with obesity. I am booked for surgery in Belgium in two weeks time and am happy(?) to pay...I'm too old to start getting into a battle with the H.S.E and probably get turned down because of my age/weight etc. I 'could' back out of this op. but at least it will be my decision. Though,I would really like to have the range of tests/surgery/care that you are having ....you are obviously getting the ''very best" possible treatment. Lucky you, Damienne
Hi Skinny and Candp, Now that I am booked to have the op in two weeks I am noticing more how often I want to reach for food....it's like a reflex. It happens so many times every day and I usually act on it...I am a bit better than I used to be in that I now try to eat something 'healthy' like an apple or a crispbread(or 2 or 3). I have spent years and lots of money on counselling/psychotherapy in order to get myself and my life together but I haven't made great progress on my eating/weight problem. I suppose I would /could be a lot worse if I hadn't gotten the help I did. I suppose we are all addicted to food/eating on this forum and the band surgery is a way of doing 'cold turkey'...withdrawing the drug. I think that it has to be difficult emotionally, to have the 'comforter' that has always been there,taken away. I would love to hear anyone's opinion on this? Damienne:blink::confused_smile:
I've just noticed that you were having problems with getting anything down after your last fill. How are you now? I am being selfish really in asking this as I am due to have the surgery on June 6th with Chris De Bruyne in Belgium and am a bit worried about any problems that I might have afterwards. Were you in the Pembroke clinic on May 8th? I'm wondering if we met or passed each other. Damienne:ohmy::confused_smile:
Hi Skinnyirishbabe, Thanks for the encouragement....as I explained when we met, I'm afraid I'm never going to be a 'bathing beauty' even with the band.......unlike you!!! I'm not really sure what difference having this done will make to me and my life....but I suppose it's a case of 'nothing ventured, nothing gained'.(except kilos). I hope to meet you again sometime...maybe you won't recognise me? Damienne
ANOTHER QUESTION; has anyone flown to Charleroi Airport en route to Dr De Bruyne? I see that the flights are at more suitable times than those to Brussels airport....cheaper too, but that's not my real concern. I'm wondering if Charleroi is much more inconvenient???? Damienne
Hi Elsie, I have booked the 6th of June for my surgery.... I hope i don't change my mind!!!??? I will go ahead and book flights and hotel,it's only about three weeks away. Have any of you been asked to do a two weeks low-fat/calorie diet before the op(with dr Debruyne) or is that a 'thing of the past'? Damienne:confused:
Hi All, Elsie, I have booked June 6th....fingers crossed! I have a few queries about my arrangements. (1)Do I need to fly out on the 6.50am 'red eye' flight... rather than the one arriving at 8.40 on the day before the op.?(the Dr. says I need to seee him at 9pm that eve. so I'm guessing I need to take the 'red eye') (2)Do I need to see the Dr. before I go home ,after spending the night in the hotel?....i'm again wondering if it would be better to book the morning flight home(10 am ish) or the evening one (around 9pm)? I would appreciate any advice on making these arrangements. Later,I will be asking about what I should and shouldn't take with me etc. Thanks everyone for all your help so far, Damienne:confused::wink2::confused:
Hi Ailbhe,Elsie , It was great to meet you and Skinny irish babe yesterday.(that was a great name to choose...it fits you so well) I hope you are both good after your fills.Good shrinking. I met DR DE Bruyne for a consultation .I was very happy about it ...in spite of the general confusion in A.C.S...and I am planning to go ahead !!??!(fingers crossed). He was obviously NOT impressed with the delays for patients....made it clear it had nothing to do with him or his patients. Mind you I spoke to one woman who had an appointment with him for 11.45 and had been told by staff to wait in the waiting room until called.....but wasn't called at all. She was still there waiting to see Chris when I left (before 1.30) but she was complaining to Frederick. It looked like people had turned up without appointments hoping to get a fill, or maybe the Dr/nurse had arrived late. The 'Lapband Saga' continues!!!
Hi Karenin, I can relate to your dilemma. Two years ago(I was almost 60) I came very close to having the lap band surgery....I am in Ireland and was planning to pay for the op myself so i didn't need any approval.(My B.M.I.was about 40, My bum was sore when I sat for a while,my knees were sore when I walked or stood for a while.I had apnoea and was my biggest EVER!) Somehow I felt that I couldn't go ahead with the surgery and joined Overeaters Anonymous...probably the only thing I hadn't tried already to loose weight and get a handle on my eating problem. Miraculously I did get a bit of a breakthrough by being able to remove bread(my downfall) from my diet and lost about 35 lbs in a few months. Unfortunately, I lost nothing further...maybe I put back a bit(I can't be precise because I deliberately had no scales and weighed myself where and when I got the chance) So Here I am two years older,(62) a bit lighter (B.M.I. about 37 I think.MY knees and bum don't hurt and I feel more normal than I did.) but not optimistic about my chances of loosing any more weight unless I go for the lapband. My biggest motivation to go this route is my health.I don't know how I still manage to have good health considering how much excess weight my poor body has carried for so many years.I'm a bit lighter now but I weigh almost twice as much as I should.....that can't be good for me. I have a consultation with the surgeon this week and I think I may go for the first available date for surgery(if he accepts me). I am reading all I can on this forum and making contact with as many people as possible so I can be as well informed as possible. I won't know really what my final decision will be until I have said 'YES' to the anaesthetic on the day of the op(if I do). There is something about being (just)62 that focusses my mind.I have suffered from my weight/eating problem for most of my life. I am tired of the struggle. I want help. Maybe I won't know if the Band will really suit me or help me unless I actually give it a try. Yes it's money,and I'm not rich, but I can come up with it and hopefully the worst thing that will happen will be that I will have to have it removed for some reason.......Then at least I will know that I tried and it wasn't for me and I'd be back to where I am now ! Nothing ventured nothing gained??? Good luck with your decision (me too!) Damienne
Many thanks Elsie for your reply.I would love to meet up with whoever will be around that time on Thursday. Please let me know the place and time ...I'll watch this space! Damienne