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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by countryrae2001

  1. Has anyone else been through the struggle of trying to find the right balance on a stimulant ADHD medication after their RNY gastric bypass? I had tried many different meds when I was younger to find that Vyvanse was ultimately the med that would work for me long term, and I have been on it for many years. Post surgery, I'm noticing it feels like Vyvanse has only a true effectiveness of maybe a solid hour or two. If that?? Focus, concentration attentiveness, energy, you name it... It's all gone down the drain. Has anyone else had issues finding the balance with their ADHD meds post surgery, and where/how did you find success? Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. countryrae2001

    ADD/ADHD Meds Post Gastric Bypass??

    How well does the transdermal patch do? Right now my pcm does my med management and he is only a PA, until I get in with a new psychiatrist. He just switched me to straterra, but I'm not so sure how well an adhd med with no stimulants will work with being on vyvanse for so long...? Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. countryrae2001

    ADD/ADHD Meds Post Gastric Bypass??

    I am just shy of 9 months post op. However, I've already met my weight loss goal - actually, I've exceeded it, and I'm to the point where I'm being told I need to put weight back on. Which is one of the reasons why I am really trying to get my ADHD med balanced out. Prior to surgery when I was on my max dosage, my focus and energy was on point. I was going to college full time and working part time as a barista (except for when I would get bored in classes...) and any time I wasn't doing those things I was keeping myself busy some other way. Now, I can't even keep my mind focused enough to play a game of cards, or make a grocery list without taking all day to do so. The distractability(?) is unreal... Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Every since a week out from surgery, I was sent to the er for a high resting heart rate of 128 and chest pain and difficulty breathing. They thought it might be a PE, but it came back negative. However, the cat scan of my chest showed some fluid around my heart and lungs. My er doctor wanted me to see a cardiologist in one to two days, but it was a pretty bad ER visit and someone else told me it wasn't that big of a deal so I left confused. I went to my pcm instead, and she immediately gave me a referral to a cardiologist, saying they don't mess around with that kind of stuff. Whoever was supposed to make the referral say on it for a week, and then the cardiologist couldn't get me in for another two weeks since I was a new patient. I ended up in the ER yet again and my d dimer was elevated which is usually indicative of a bleeding or clotting issue or heart issue... They have me a prescription for prilosec and sent me home. Now, I'm a little over a month out since surgery, and this has gotten progressively worse, and fast. I kept having episodes where I get sharp pains in my chest in the center, but now it has progressed to a spreading, cramping pressure like sensation that is very discomforting. It's in my chest, my left arm mainly, my center back, left shoulder, neck and sometimes my jaw. I'll get these weird recurring headaches that I've never experienced, and my heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest. All at once, my heart is racing and pounding and everything starts going black and I can't breathe but it doesn't feel like it's coming from my lungs. And this has been happening more and more sporadically. Before it was with intermediate exertion, now it's I can walk up a couple of stairs, or get out of bed, or simply walk across my house, or get in the shower. Simple everyday activities. Even sitting on the couch. And it takes a very long time for it to finally go away. I checked my BP at Walmart the other day to see what was going on when I feel this way, and this was after standing and waiting for five to ten minutes because someone was hogging the machine. If anyone has ANY beneficial insight, I would be hugely grateful. I know this is unusual for post surgery, but I am very scared. I am only 25 years old, and my bmi was borderline when I got the surgery. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    Yeah that's true. I can't stand doing cardio if it's boring lol but the two things I could do every day is swimming and dancing, because to me that's not exercise, that's just having fun. But last time I lost weight by strictly cardio, I had to keep losing weight until I was too skinny to get rid of the excess skin. I wouldn't mind losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time... I can't remember the exact term they use for that. I know it's harder to do that though. Last time I started weight training, I immediately stopped losing weight because I was putting on so much muscle so quickly. I guess that could be a pro and con of being so short. That's why I'm sure one I start it won't take too long to put on adequate muscle, but the fat burning process always takes so much longer, at least for me. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. I'm having a hard time deciding on what my goal weight should be. What was everyone else's progression of weights pre and post op? At first I was thinking 110, but I am conflicted because my lowest weight ever was 102 but I feel like it might be unhealthy. What was everyone's average weight loss and for those of you who already made it to your goal weight, how long did it take you to get there and do you /did you have any unexpected troubles? Any problems with skin in the end? Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    I've tried to do that, but I've only looked at the body fat percentage and the bmi that I want to be at in comparison to the fitness models that they have in the sample pictures. But they never really display their weights. And I never know how tall they are so it's hard to get an accurate comparison. But I know there are some actresses close to my height with a similar body structure, but I'd really rather go off of fitness. How do you plan on reaching your goal? I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to focus on cardio first and losing the fat, and then after I get closer to my goal start implementing strength training, or if I should do a combination but then I feel like I might lose weight slower. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    I suppose it depends on if you are talking about my highest weight or my my before surgery weight. My highest weight was 232, but my pre surgery weight was 206. But it sounds like we have a similar body shape lol I too am very curvy with huge boobs. Which is kind of annoying because I'm dropping pounds but my bra size is being extra weird, the band is dropping fast but the cup is growing lol it's like a 34DDD now. I'm sure it'll balance out eventually, but that sounds like a good goal weight. Lower than that and all the curves will be gone... I've been down to 102 and I looked anorexic. I want to get down to where I am toned, still have curves and look healthy. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    Go for it! Always drive for better right? And congrats on your progress, you're doing amazing! Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    Just go with your gut instinct! If you think you want to have the sleeve then go for it. My initial instinct was the bypass even though I was at a low starting bmi and even with complications post op I have no regrets. Also, heartburn can happen with the bypass as well especially if you're prone to it, i had it pretty badly. So unless there is a major deciding factor, go with your gut! You got this! Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    I know all about Okinawa heat and humidity! And I find that the best way to stick to an exercise is to find one to be passionate about! I love dancing, so even if I can't go out and dance I bought just dance for the wii and that actually helps me a lot. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    I've actually managed to go to quite a few restaurants. I am just very careful about my meal choices, and I listen to my stomach very closely as I eat. As soon as I feel it start bubbling or getting that start of a dumping sensation I stop and wait, and see if I need to change up what I'm eating, eat slower, etc. This will sound weird, but it helps if I suck on a lemon or lime when I realize too late that my food choice was not such a good one! And if all else fails, I just stop. There's always next time. As long as I'm with people that understand. My husband makes sure I don't overdo it, and helps me try to pick the healthier choices as well! Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    I was able to eat a pretty substantial amount pretty quickly after surgery, but that went away very quickly! I realized it was in my head... Now I'm having a hard time eating anything Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    I was trying to do cardio as well. But I had to stop because something seems to be going on with my heart! It's horrible. As soon as I'm cleared though, I'll be on it! Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    My original goal weight was 110, but I'm also not too sure it is realistic. I feel like if you start at a lower bmi you're probably more likely to lose at a lower rate, but I guess that just depends on each individual person. I think in my mind I have goal weights set in stages at this point, so each new goal weight I meet will be an accomplishment and I will strive for better until I reach the ultimate accomplishment and am happy with my body to where I can just be perfectly at bliss with maintaining the exercise and lifestyle and focus on keeping myself steady. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    Oh my gosh you are doing awesome!! You've lost more than I have and I had the gastric bypass. I'm unable to exercise yet though due to complications sadly... But congratulations on your progress!! Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    But I think everyone does it. No one really understands how extreme the surgery is until they see it up close and personal. My husband's grandmother invited us to dinner, so I chose olive garden because I figured there could be some healthy options there. First thing that happened was, we opted for lemon water, no alcohol. She was already guilt tripping over that because she wanted wine. Then we got an appetizer. I had one stuffed mushroom. And picked a couple of toppings off the salad. She's asking if I'm going to eat anything and I'm like if I eat anymore I'm not going to eat anything out of my meal. [emoji58] But I chose the salmon piccata and it was a really good choice, I managed to get a good chunk down including the broccoli and it was light in calories, and even with the sauce my stomach took it well. And by a good chunk I mean maybe an ounce and a half or something. Lol but I mean, we just can't worry about what everyone else is saying or thinking right? Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    I know what you mean completely... My mom scolded me when I didn't follow the diet progression to the T, but yet when I yell at her for flaunting oreos on video chat because they are one of my weaknesses, or when I tell her I'm gonna have fish on July 4th and her response is "FISH!?" like umm yeah mom I can't have A GRILLED STEAK, soft food remember...? Mind you, this is only one month out... And one of the last times I visited I had a mental breakdown because I had been diagnosed with fatty liver and had my gallbladder removed, and I was on a very strict diet and it was like here, here's some pork chops, some rice a roni, some twice baked potatoes... [emoji96] Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    Well, tell you what. I don't have much of a support group either that's specific to the weight loss surgery. If you want you can email me on this app and I can give you my phone number or we can just talk through the email or whatever you want, because honestly you sound like you have the same thoughts I do, you're just further ahead because I'm only a month out from surgery. Maybe we can work through the demons together [emoji16] Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    What kind of surgery did you have? Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    Oh OK so you are not much older than me by any means! Actually, that is my highest weight as well. A few years back, my previous highest weight was 190, and I lost it all in a very unhealthy way (petty much starved myself). In spite of that, I did do a lot of cardio. But still, I had loose skin even back then, which is why I was not happy with my weight until I got down to my lowest weight to date which was 102,because that was the point when my lose skin finally evened out. I'm kind of worried now though, because my highest weight went up a good bit, and I don't think it would be healthy to get that low again.... But I'm not sure. I am thinking about doing some strength training once I lose most of the weight to try and tighten everything but I'm not sure that would work. Have you tried that? Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. countryrae2001

    Anyone 5' 1"? Low starting bmi? Care to share?

    Do you mind me asking how old you are? Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. countryrae2001

    Heart complications after surgery? Only 25yo

    Thank you so much for the info and concern. I had to use a holter monitor a long time ago in the past... Can't quite remember the verdict. I really hope something comes out of this visit though. At this point all I have to do to bring on the symptoms is get up and do anything. ANYTHING. it was never this bad. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. I had my gastric bypass on May 21st, a little over a month ago. It has been a hell of a ride, in and out of the er, many complications... At first I felt like I was eating way too much and I kept feeling hungry all the time. Once I realized it was an adjustment period and I was having issues with acid, those feelings toned down quite a bit. But now, I'm struggling to get in just my minimum calories. I have to force myself to intake a protein shake or some food, and I can tell when I'm eating that I'm not full at all, but I get this feeling like my stomach just wants to 🤢 for no reason, so I stop eating. Days at end recently are sitting at about 300 to 400 calories, and it feels like it's getting worse. And that's with trying to force in some extra calories at the end of the day to make up for the lack throughout the course of the day. I can't even intake all of my vitamins because I feel like I'll not be able to handle them. Is this just a phase? Or... Should I be concerned? Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. countryrae2001

    Possible to be anorexic after gastric bypass?? Help...

    I've never heard of gastroparesis. What is that? Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app

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