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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by countryrae2001

  1. countryrae2001

    Heart complications after surgery? Only 25yo

    I am in the process of trying to get a blood pressure cuff and a heart monitor bracelet, but I have to wait till we get paid. Even my mom and dad sounds like my blood pressure is dropping during these episodes, and that's why I took the measurement at Walmart to verify. But I need to be able to take more readings to keep track of it. The doctors office has a tendency to get measurements when nothing is happening. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. countryrae2001

    Heart complications after surgery? Only 25yo

    I cannot remember the last time they checked my enzymes, I think it was at that first week er visit. At this most recent visit they mainly checked the d dimer lab, and the regular labs. They did not give me anything for the fluid at the first er visit, actually they did not even tell me about the fluid or tell me why they were giving me the cardiology referral in the first place. I have a history of lower than normal BP, but that BP was even low for me. But usually when I have a lower BP, the numbers still look somewhat normal, like 90s over 60s or something similar. Never seen it where the numbers were close together like that? No fevers that I know of... Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. countryrae2001

    Heart complications after surgery? Only 25yo

    My bariatric surgeon is actually on leave so I haven't seen her in a while, but the other doc/nurse thinks I should go to the cardiologist as well, but they also think I'm having issues with acid reflux. I do know I've had major issues with Gerd in the past. And I can tell I'm having some issues with it now. But it's a separate side of the plate, the things I feel when it comes to the acid reflux and "when" i feel them in comparison to what and when I feel these heart issues, if that makes any sense. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. countryrae2001

    Heart complications after surgery? Only 25yo

    Really? I thought the EKG was the test with the sensors to get a printout of the heart rate /heart beat. And the ecg was where they take an ultrasound of your heart to actually watch it function Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. countryrae2001

    Heart complications after surgery? Only 25yo

    I actually have tried multiple times to get in sooner and they wouldn't have it. I am very scared, because I feel this is something I've never experienced and I can tell, I have a gut feeling is very serious. I feel it getting worse quickly. So I'm just taking it as easy as I can until I get in. Thank you so much for your concern. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. countryrae2001

    Possible to be anorexic after gastric bypass?? Help...

    Thank you for the input. It's pretty recent, but it's such a drastic jump. I'll have to keep my eye on it Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. countryrae2001

    Possible to be anorexic after gastric bypass?? Help...

    So what about your multivitamins? Do the patches cover those as well? Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. countryrae2001

    Heart complications after surgery? Only 25yo

    My labs don't show dehydration, and I've been working on the water above everything. If anything it may be mild, but my urine looks clear. As for the er, they did an EKG, but no ecg. I was asymptomatic at the time because I had been lying there for a good while. I had also waited to go to the er till my symptoms were almost gone, because I had called my nurses hotline for my insurance as well. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. countryrae2001

    Heart complications after surgery? Only 25yo

    I see the cardiologist this Thursday. I was trying to get a blood pressure cuff before then so I could track some more info for the doc. Also, I had anxiety issues many years ago, but I haven't taken meds in a long time. However, this is different than anything I've experienced. The anxiety was like an impending doom feeling, more mental than anything. I could feel the panic in my brain, and the physical symptoms were secondary. Now, these physical symptoms hit me like a brick wall and they are very primary. It's mostly with light exertion, like walking around my house, or the store, or being in the shower... And no anxiety going on. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. countryrae2001

    Possible to be anorexic after gastric bypass?? Help...

    How would you know if you are or aren't? My mom threatened to put me in the hospital a long time ago because she said I was too skinny, and I was only eating bread and maybe a couple of bites here and there. But I never really looked into it so I wouldn't know if I am or am not. At this point, there's a part of me that knows if I don't eat I will have problems with my health. There's the other part of me that just flat out doesn't want to eat. I just want to drink. And not protein or smoothies either. I want to gag thinking about eating most times and I have to force myself to do it. Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. countryrae2001

    Possible to be anorexic after gastric bypass?? Help...

    Can you tell me more info about the patches? I'm having such a hard time taking anything by mouth right now. Are they expensive? Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. countryrae2001

    Fiber early postoperative

    If you are not getting enough fluids then the added fiber can actually make you more constipated. I was a couple weeks out and so backed up I was screaming trying to go. Miralax isn't something I would use on a regular basis, and even milk of magnesia stopped working. If you continue to have issues, I would go to your doc and request to try a medicine called "linzese". It's specifically for constipation and it works wonders! Once a day does the trick. And all you have to do is open the capsule and sprinkle it on applesauce. No more nasty Miralax or worries. Promise you, it's worth it! They have coupons for it too [emoji106] Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. countryrae2001

    Anxious - Lonely - No Friends to Support My Journey

    I too went through the horrors of childhood sexual abuse starting at the age of 4, and it continued on,eventually transitioning into rape when I became older. I tried therapy many times,but it never worked out for me. I can't count how many times I've heard the whole "how does that make you feel" speech... I lived my life in fear, and eventually I believed I conquered it. Married with a child, but I put on my weight, perhaps as a guard? Now I decided to go through with the surgery because I lost sight of who I am. I can see myself beginning to shine through again slowly but surely, but with it comes the fears of my past. They must be defeated once and for all,somehow...? Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. countryrae2001

    6 days post op ds surgery

    I was the exact same way, and to be honest it was a good thing that they pump so many fluids in us! My stomach was so sensitive after surgery that I couldn't get in the amount of fluid or protein I needed after surgery right away, but they told me that was ok, the fluids from the hospital would hold me over for a while. You just have to take it slow, day by day, and figure out which method works best for you! It's so scary at first,but it really does get easier over time. Some things that may help you would be to try drinking through a straw. They say not to because it can add air, but everyone is different. The really small straws were a lifesaver for me because I found that I was always so thirsty, I would forget to drink slow which would cause me to gulp air or drink too much. That hurts way worse than drinking through a tiny straw,which allows you to be conscious of how many sips you are taking each time. Also, find a water bottle that you favor! I found a vacuum sealed one with a little handle that I could carry mindlessly with one finger, the cup itself was only 16oz, so it wasn't heavy or bulky and it stayed cold forever, and it was very slow flowing! Also, getting a bariatric app to track your liquid and protein intake and setting alarms to remind you. That way you can see how far you need to go, and you feel accomplished when you reach your goal! And keep in mind - EVERYONE has bad days, and it's ok! The 60 to 80 oz of protein and 64 oz of water are long term goals. Making yourself a 12 oz protein shake with 2 scoops of isopure and splitting it up into 3 servings will help tremendously, because that's 50g right there! Also, if you mix it with Fairlife fat free, that adds on an additional 15g of protein or more. You already meet your daily goal, it tastes smashing, and it's not as heavy as stone other drinks because its lactose free even with the added protein. I am a little less than a month out and its a battle every day but the fight gets easier. We'll get there [emoji1] Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
