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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to H2neal in Nerves,questions   
    I have had my 7 visits, psych eval, labs, and my group support. As I am getting closer to finishing my hurdles I am starting to get nervous. I am thinking is it really okay to get part of your stomach cut out? And for those that are way post op how is life with part of your stomach being cut out? Any regrets? Sorry nerves are working over time....
  2. Like
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to shoopmom in Depression or mood changes with sleeve   
    I was sleeved on June 18. I am just now having all sorts of "emotional outbursts" or crying spells. I was on Zoloft prior to surgery and have remained on it since. I also took a lot of herbal Vitamins for moodiness and menopause and have not had any of those since surgery. I don't want to go around feeling sorry for myself. Any pointers?

    Sent from my XT1650 using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Like
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to DaleCruse in The one thing you could not live without post surgery   
    I bought all the tools, read everything I could, & thought I was prepared for everything. I wasn't.
    You know what surprised me? How difficult it would be to get in enough Water. My advice? Put your credit card away. Turn from focusing on the external to focusing on the internal. Prepare yourself to work on getting in enough water after surgery.
    Good luck. You are not alone.
  4. Thanks
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to sammi123 in Just got in trouble!   
    I am at my first post op appt and had to log my diet. I had two tbl spoons of mash potatoes and wow that was a no no! Lol
    She said of it hasn't once had a heartbeat don't eat it!! She said they would sabotage my weight lose. So glad I only had very little.
    But on a good note I have lost 13 lbs since surgery 10 days ago!!
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Like
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to hopeful333 in Did anyone else’s doctor tell them a pre-op diet is not necessary?   
    I didn’t have to do the 2 week pre-op full liquid diet. I lost 20 lbs in the six months prior to surgery eating low carb, high Protein and my surgeon said that was sufficient. I did Clear Liquids the day before surgery.
  6. Like
    Michelleintheoc1 got a reaction from wishful.shrinking in One Week Cigarette Free!   
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Quitting smoking was the HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE! BUT SO WORTH IT!!! I was a 3 pack a day smoker and honestly had cravings for about 6 months after I quit. I quit in 1991 and didn't have access to Patches or nicotine gum, so I went cold turkey.
    What I did to stave off cravings: I filled up an empty jar with cigarette butts & ashes. I kept it tightly sealed in a kitchen cabinet. Every time I craved a cigarette, I would open the jar & put my nose in it & smell it for a good long time. It would somehow curb my cravings & help me to not want a cigarette anymore. It sounds crazy, but it worked for me. I kept that jar for about 6 months.
    It's been over 25 years and I have haven't had the desire for another cigarette since. I find them repulsive actually.
    Good Luck & you can do it!!!
  7. Like
    Michelleintheoc1 got a reaction from wishful.shrinking in One Week Cigarette Free!   
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Quitting smoking was the HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE! BUT SO WORTH IT!!! I was a 3 pack a day smoker and honestly had cravings for about 6 months after I quit. I quit in 1991 and didn't have access to Patches or nicotine gum, so I went cold turkey.
    What I did to stave off cravings: I filled up an empty jar with cigarette butts & ashes. I kept it tightly sealed in a kitchen cabinet. Every time I craved a cigarette, I would open the jar & put my nose in it & smell it for a good long time. It would somehow curb my cravings & help me to not want a cigarette anymore. It sounds crazy, but it worked for me. I kept that jar for about 6 months.
    It's been over 25 years and I have haven't had the desire for another cigarette since. I find them repulsive actually.
    Good Luck & you can do it!!!
  8. Like
    Michelleintheoc1 got a reaction from wishful.shrinking in One Week Cigarette Free!   
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Quitting smoking was the HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE! BUT SO WORTH IT!!! I was a 3 pack a day smoker and honestly had cravings for about 6 months after I quit. I quit in 1991 and didn't have access to Patches or nicotine gum, so I went cold turkey.
    What I did to stave off cravings: I filled up an empty jar with cigarette butts & ashes. I kept it tightly sealed in a kitchen cabinet. Every time I craved a cigarette, I would open the jar & put my nose in it & smell it for a good long time. It would somehow curb my cravings & help me to not want a cigarette anymore. It sounds crazy, but it worked for me. I kept that jar for about 6 months.
    It's been over 25 years and I have haven't had the desire for another cigarette since. I find them repulsive actually.
    Good Luck & you can do it!!!
  9. Thanks
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to All_Sleeved_Up in SILS with Dr. Hector Perez - Oasis Hospital - Tijuana   
    It's lengthy, but I hope this helps someone.
    Hi everyone, I am 11 days post op and wanted to share my complete experience in hopes of helping others since I couldn't find much info on Dr. Perez or the single incision gastric sleeve (SILS). SILS is where they only make one incision through your belly button and use a port to do the surgery. Less scarring and better recovery. I started at 191 lbs and a BMI of 35. My doctor was Dr. Hector Perez, hospital was Oasis of Hope in Tijuana Mexico. I did as much research as I could, even verifying licenses, board certifications and checking for malpractice claims. The doctor had great reviews, as did the hospital. I booked through Renew Bariatrics. My coordinator was Stella. She was knowledge and generally responded within 30 minutes of a call or text and still responds even though I'm post-op.
    I decided not to tell anyone but my best friend about this procedure. I was sure of my decision, but just wanted it to be private. I arrived by myself in San Diego and was picked up by their driver. He allowed me to take a pic of the vehicle plates and his identification to send to my best friend. There was another American patient. Driver took us to the hospital in Tijuana, which was a 25 min drive. Hospital is small by American standards, but very clean and modern looking. It is a fully equipped facility. Looks like a normal hospital but with tan nurses. There were also many other patients there for cosmetic, cancer and other treatments. The room itself was large. There was a hospital bed, futon, side table, closet and marble tiled bathroom. Room came with ROKU tv and free calls to US. The staff was incredibly nice and gracious. Like you've never been treated this good at a hospital before. Their English was good and I never had a problem (I speak Spanish but demanded that all convos are in English, since that's my natural language).
    Pre-op screening was labwork, physical exam, EKG and x-rays. There is a dietician on site, as well as a coordinator. I had an allergic reaction to something they gave me. My whole lower body got incredibly itchy. The response time was quick. I had a team of nurses and doctor at my side within a minute, literally a minute. After that they made sure to take extra care of me.
    Day of surgery started with a visit from Dr. Perez. He answered all of my crazy questions and took his time with me. His English is perfect and he is very personable. I was taken into the pre-op waiting area outside of the surgery room. It was a small section. I was a little annoyed with the surgical assistant and nurse flirting in Spanish feet away from me, but small issue. Anesthesiologist talked to me. They rolled me in a wheelchair to the OR and had me get up on their table. I did get a good look at the ER. Looked like an American OR. Then I was out. When I woke up, I was in recovery. Since I was alone, the coordinators did a great job of keeping my bestie informed through the whole process. So thankful for that!
    Recovery was tough, no joke. The pain wasn't so bad, but the gas discomfort was severe. So much that I almost regretted it. Pain killers don't work for that. You have to get up and walk. So I did, as much as I could. But boy oh boy was it terrible. That day was horrible. I had these terrible uncontrollable rapid-fire vomit burps. Pain and nausea were there and controlled with meds just fine. They kept me well hydrated. It took about a day and a half for the God awful gas to go away. I stayed in the hospital two nights and had a couple leak tests and diagnostics there. I had a drainage tube on the side of my abdomen. It was a yucky feeling getting it removed on day 2. Wasn't happy thinking it would leave a scar but it was so small and looked like a scratch and now its completely gone.
    The third night, they put me up in a very swanky hotel in Tijuana. Then our driver took us back to the airport the next morning. Took 3 hours to cross into the US! I decided to walk very slowly through the airport. I needed to walk anyway. I had packed super light and had a very small under seat bag with wheels, so no lifting needed. I put on huge loose fitting dresses and comfy shoes. Remember, comfort over style! I hung out in the AIrspace lounge before the flight, comfier seats and away from the crowds. I flew first class so that I'd be more comfortable. Flight was fine, no issues coming back other than I really wished I could've enjoyed some of that first class drinks and lunch they were serving! I managed to slowly walk through the airports just fine.
    I was very nauseous for the whole week after. I had my surgery Saturday and was back at work Wednesday. Not ideal, but didn't have the time to take off. I have a desk job and would just lay down in my car during breaks. After work, I just rested and nothing else. First week is tough cause you're nauseous and still hurt. Also I had some smelly gas which I was told is normal. I'm back in Houston and still get daily texts/calls from the coordinator checking on me. I have the doctor's email and personal cell phone as well. I've skyped with him.
    Now I'm 11 days out and down 14 lbs already. Holy smokes I can hardly believe it! My underwear even fit again! Ha! Diet has been ok. I do wish I could eat solids but I'm terrified of causing a line leak so I'm patiently waiting.
    And in case you're wondering.....I have NO visible scars. My boyfriend has seen me naked and didn't even notice anything different about me. I'm pretty sure I could wear a bikini and no one know I had this done! It was a little scary going to Mexico to have an organ amputated. But overall, the doctor, hospital and staff were great. The recovery was tough. The gas discomfort was extremely horrible, but only lasted less than 2 days. All I can say, is walk, walk, walk, walk even if it hurts. It's the only way. I'm pretty much back to normal at this point, just still on the special diet and so looking forward to the new improved ME

  10. Thanks
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to Fallinfast in Keto diet before surgery   
    So most preop diets are there for 2 reasons... to see if you will comply after surgery and to shrink your liver. Doing Keto high fat, low carb isn't going to shrink your liver.

    I can lose like crazy in Keto but it always comes back as soon as I am out of Keto. You can reach Keto without the high fat when you do liquids.
  11. Thanks
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to LD91 in Liquid Diet Starts Now!!!   
    That makes me feel so much better about the surgery, thank you!!
  12. Thanks
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to browneyez42 in Liquid Diet Starts Now!!!   
    The pre op diet is harder than recovering from surgery. It's all mental... hang in there and the outcome will be wonderful.

    Sleeved on April 25, 2018
    HW: 258
    SW: 238
    CW: 219
    GW: 165

  13. Thanks
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to mav2126 in Liquid Diet Starts Now!!!   
    Ok folks. It has begun. I had my "last" meal last night and started the all liquid pre-op diet today. It wasn't bad. As long as I drank a Protein Shake every 3-4 hours I had no hunger.
  14. Thanks
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to Gabbee in Just approved but not excited anymore   
    @Fiskgyrl, what you’re experiencing is more common that you think. I think MOST of us rejected the thought of surgery at first. Most of us were certain we would be the unlucky ones that would end up with complications.
    For me it just came a time when I couldn’t keep pretending I was going to lose the weight naturally anymore. I was scared but I was more scared of spending the rest of my life stuck in this fat suit. It’s been a little over a month for me and it was the best thing I could have done for myself. It was really hard for about a month, but life is totally normal now and other than eating small amounts, you wouldn’t know I had WLS.
    There is no shame in being afraid, and it’s ok if you’re not ready for this yet. But if you do want to go through with it, my advice is try and commit. Say “I’m doing this, I’m rocking it, and there’s no looking back”. It’ll make you so much stronger for the liquid and recovery phases.
    Good luck in whatever you decide [emoji173]️
  15. Thanks
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to Healthy_life2 in Just approved but not excited anymore   
    Oh yes, surgery will bring up emotions for some of us.
    Fear of the unknown can cause anxiety. Over thinking, going back in forth second guessing your decision, questioning if you are doing the right thing, worrying that you won't be successful and struggling with the idea of having complications. know that your feelings are normal pre surgery.
    If you are still undecided you can cancel and back out. If you change your mind in the future, you can start this long process all over again.
    Think of the the reasons why you wanted surgery. you said "I became so hopeless and desperate enough to attend a seminar August 2017" this is about getting your health back. This will not be like the weight loss attempts in your past. Know that you can and will be successful with your weight loss long term.
    Best of luck with whatever decision you make,
    By the way, I'm three years out and still doing fine. I had no complications. I bounced back from surgery quickly. Off many medications, I have no regrets.

  16. Thanks
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to Numbergurl37 in Just approved but not excited anymore   
    Hi. I was against wls for years also until one day while laying in the hospital with kidney stones I had a change of heart. I just felt gross and embarrassed and felt like a whale. I previously researched wls and was very nervous about complications and life long decisions. I was never excited even up until dec 6 2016 the day of my gastric sleeve. I laid in pre op for 8 hours because my surgeon had an emergency. During that time i tried to leave twice out of anger and anxiety but with help of my parents i stayed. To be honest after surgery I had ups and downs. Nausea and pain and no appetite and was sick of damn Protein shakes! Month after month I got better and better and slowly introduced food items back into my diet. I am currently 11 months post op. I went from 388 lbs the day of surgery to 258 today. I completely understand how you feel and everyone has different experience. Good luck and stay strong!

    Sent from my SM-G920P using BariatricPal mobile app

  17. Like
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to SleevingForMe in regretting my sleeve   
    I understand that control is an issue for you and I also understand that childhood trauma can alter your state of mind at anytime but these are some serious thoughts you are having. Regretting your surgery to the point that you are already contemplating ways (albeit very unhealthy and unsafe ways) to stretch your sleeve back out really isn’t safe for your physical and mental well being. I read that you didn’t want a therapist, but having someone to talk to at this time could really help you adapt to the changes that you are uncomfortable with. And I say this because, as fresh out of surgery as you are, if you opted to try to stretch your sleeve out with food anytime in the near future, you could have some serious health risks at hand. I do not believe that you would want to risk your life by rupturing your staple line which could result in death or serious additional surgeries. Also, if you survived, your adaptation back to real food would start over and be a much slower process. These are things that you should consider before automatically dismissing therapeutic intervention. If you were able to work thru your lack of control, I am sure that you would find the healthier physical you will appreciate the healthier mental you as well.
  18. Like
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to Losebig in regretting my sleeve   
    It’s natural to be a bit down after the surgery. After all many of us use food to workout other issues, whether it be stress, control, feeling good or something else... We all lost that tool when we got the surgery and now have to find other (and healthier) coping mechanisms. If control is your thing then take control of your eating and focus on sticking to the plan 100%. Its hard to cheat now, but soon you will be able to and you’ll need control not to.
    Once the weight starts coming off and you start feeling better you might find you really like the new you. I know for me I hit a point here I went from semi sad about losing the joy food brought me to the realization that I would happily trade it again for my new chance at health and mobiity.
  19. Like
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to lex2287 in regretting my sleeve   
    I regretted my sleeve the first few days after surgery as well, but have grown to love my sleeve.. it was the absolute best decision I could have ever made for myself.. it is hard in the beginning because you are relearning how and what to eat. It is not the end of the world.. I am much more satisfied now with food than I ever was when I was bigger. My relationship with food has changed. once you are able to have regular food again it will get better. The worst part of the entire thing to me was the liquid and purée part of the diet. Don’t do anything to sabatoge your surgery, right now you are at risk of having a leak. If you ever feel like talking please reach out. I am here as well as many others in this group..
  20. Like
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to sarhgrif in Not a kilo lost through Gastric Sleeve :(   
    I opted for bypass bc I knew sweets were my biggest problem, I was really hoping for bad dumping even if I touched a sweet. I wasn’t lucky to get that but still at this point it’s better than craving sweets. I literally might only mentally crave a sweet maybe once a week. I take one maybe two bites and I’m finished. I needing help detoxing from sugar. It’s extremely addictive. But I’m hoping even if I’m the future I’m able to eat it more that I’m so used to not eating it now that I will find it satisfying after a couple of bites or perhaps a serving rather than a whole box!!! Haha. Don’t let yourself get back into the habit though. I’m sure you could push through and then get hooked back on it.
    No regrets at all only wish I would have done it sooner! Good luck. Surgery 2/27 I was 363
    Today 297.6!!!!!!!

    Sw- 363 (2/27/18)

  21. Like
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to Creekimp13 in Welcome   
    Hang in there and try to have patience. It gets better:)
    My surgeon said at our presurg conference that at least once a month someone bursts into tears the day after their surgery and regrets it. But at six months out....almost everyone will say they made the right choice...even the folks who were unhappy right after.
    Time helps:)
  22. Like
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to Hannah83 in Need a little support   
    also, I highly recommend staying off Facebook and social media, log out often. It's helped me so much.
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    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to Drealeeanne in July surgery   
    July 30th here!
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    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to Losin4good in Before and After Pics   
    I remember being pre-op and my favorite thing to do was look at progress photos and dream
    I am 6 months, 10 days post op and I am down 128 pounds total. This isnt a very great pic since I have been sick, but i still took it because anything is better than my before!!

  25. Thanks
    Michelleintheoc1 reacted to shrinking_wildflower in July surgery   
    Talk these over with your surgeon. Mine gives me 20 days of blood thinner injections to do at home to avoid blood clots

    Sent from my SM-N950F using BariatricPal mobile app

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