I got a fill in Dec. My port has flipped so Dr. filled it a little more than usual because he said its not a port he wants to have to fill every few weeks. I have had a LOT to get used to! I STILL puree some foods. I NEVER eat potatoes or bread they just simply get stuck and the pain is BAD. The way I looked at it, I probably shouldn't be eating breads anyway so: The band reminded me of that fact. I have been dinking round with the same 3 lbs. for 2 months! I went through and still go through vomiting on occasion.. depending on how fast I eat or how little I chew. I have to have a root canal soon and then I will be able to chew my food better.. Till then, I will puree. I have begun to look at this whole band thing as a journey. A journey to what is logical and what is bad for me.. I find my portions are SO much smaller now. and when I eat GOOD food and chew chew chew or puree it, I am full MUCH sooner. I DO tend to over do. Simply because it doesn't make sense to my brain that I could be full after so little food.. The drinking during meals is a no no for me.. I throw up more if I drink and I dont stay as full.. So I have stopped. The band wins again! I had a hard time with that one. It didnt seem natural to NOT drink with my meal. It IS doable though. I dont think i have slippage. I think I have a learning disability!
I torture myself fighting to maintain my old ways of thinking and eating until I finally give in and let the band think FOR me. Since doing so: I have lost 4 lbs. in 2 weeks.. vomiting everyday is not normal. It should be looked at but, again this is a life changing thing and we as humans tend to resist change even if we are the ones that instituted it.. I sat here one night with food sitting in my chest wondering why i did this and i said" Karen, face the fact that you needed surgery to loose weight because you couldnt do it alone.. stop looking at this as a curse and follow direction insted of bucking the system.. YOU wanted your life to change ALLOW it to.. It didnt go on over night.. it wont come off over night. it gets frustrating and you go through times you wish you hadn't done it but its all part of the evolution of the new you.. a new you that thinks a WHOLE lot differently.. I NEVER thought I would look at cake and say " It's not worth it." Not worth the wasted calories or the pain of it getting stuck.. You start looking at food as a necessity not a comfort and your life takes on a whole new meaning because you find NEW things to comfort you.. a good book, nice music, crafts, etc. Get to a doctor and discuss your problems.
Then prepare for the journey of a lifetime! Good luck to you