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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mom2jj

  1. Hi there, My name is Colleen. I was banded last Monday. Still tired and trying to catch up from procedure but for the most part I am functioning. Just wanted to introduce myself and hear from other people like me now. Hope this finds everyone well. Colleen
  2. Yes I am feeling better thank you. Day 4 was a big difference for me. Still getting winded if I try too much but feeling more normal..Looks like you had quite a fight to get your surgery covered? geese !! Im glad you kept on..
  3. Hope today was better for you..
  4. I eat food again on April 30th. I think the biggest thing to remember is the difference between head hunger and stomach hunger. I am never stomach hungry but I fight head hunger a lot. I hope your insurance is quick for you.
  5. nice to meet you. day 4 was definately the easiest for me. today is day 5 and im feeling somewhat normal. im hoping youre feeling ok today

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