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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BajanSleeve

  1. BajanSleeve

    How are the May sleevers doing?

    I had surgery May 28th. I am doing well. I am going into week 7 and pretty much eating regular food but only a very little and still not managing chicken or beef unless they are blended. I have thrown up a couple of times and I suspect it was because I had a lot of gas at the time I ate and I likely ate too quickly. There were a few days when I ate crap that was left over in the house pre surgery and from my parents visit (they stayed with me 3 weeks after surgery) but I am back on track. I have found that weight is moving better now that I have started to exercise. I do 40 minutes on the treadmill and I have started to mow my own lawns with a push mower (over an acre!!!) Its about 3 to 4 hours of mowing the last 2 days and I have lost 2 lbs just from that. So exercise really does help get WL going I still suffer with bad gas and its still very uncomfortable . I have not really had acid reflux at all, just a few times in the early days. I still have to learn how to control how much I eat because I get terribly full and feel crappy after. instead of 3 small meatballs I should eat only 2. I tend to still prefer liquids, smoothies and have learned to make ones 200 cals and under that are nutrient dense. People say not to eat peanuts but they have saved my life in terms of things that make me satiated. I eat small bags that are 160 calories and perfect. I chew the heck out of them I am down 40 lbs as of today and very pleased with that! Looking to loose 10 lbs each month
  2. BajanSleeve

    How are the May sleevers doing?

    Try this. I bought it on Amazon and its powder. I mix a capful into what I am drinking and it has worked well for me. What has also worked well is 40 minutes on the treadmill. I have not had to use the restoraLAX since I have started exercising regularly. Movement and exercise really does promote a bowel movement. I also add spinach, beets and those kinds of veg to my smoothie and I eat beans all of which to add fiber to my diet which helps keep constipation away Separately, try not to compare weight loss numbers of persons who started surgery at a much higher weight than you. The higher the weight at surgery day the faster the initial lbs come off
  3. at 5 weeks I had tea for breakfast and sometimes blended low sugar oats and mostly ready made protein drinks. I really liked the Glucerna steady carb protein drinks and I would just add some more protein powder to them. At 5 weeks only pureed things would stay down. Jars of low sugar baby food too. I am 6 weeks 4 days post op and can eat some solid foods like a rice cake with peanut butter, soft fruit, Greek yogurt, soft scrambled eggs. I ate 3 small soft meatballs tonight for dinner which went down just fine but chicken gives me difficulty so I will wait a bit longer before trying it again. I also drink smoothies with lower sugar fruits, spinach, yogurt in it with protein powder. You can look up low calorie/carb smoothies. I like to use a half of a beet, some cucumber, fresh ginger and mint and all that stuff to make it really tasty and nutrient dense. Sometimes I add about 8 almonds but you have to watch how much ingredients you put in and tally up the calories. you want it to be 200 calories and under. Berries are low glycemic so I use those the most. Half of banana since they are high sugar, I like peaches, etc. Make sure you put your protein powder in them. All depends what your taste buds are like. I live in a hot climate so a cold smoothie for lunch suits me fine and I enjoy sweet tasting drinks
  4. BajanSleeve


    I asked because I was wondering if you might have a bit of nerve neuropathy going on. Leg cramps is a part of it. You are doing really great getting down to 199!!! 108 lbs WL Is SUCH an inspiration to me. But its still a good idea to test your blood glucose levels just to rule out that your glucose levels are under control. Which, Lord please, we hope are normal. I was diagnosed as a diabetic at 200 lbs so its still possible to have high sugar levels. A glucose meter is not that expensive and you can order one off of amazon . If you get one, get one that you can use cheap generic testing strips with. OR if you have a friend that has a kit, take a fasting reading ie: in the morning BEFORE you eat or drink anything. Or don't eat anything before your doctor appointment if its in the morning and ask them to simply prick your finger and test your blood glucose. Its important though that its done when you are fasting (not eaten or drunk anything except water) which is obviously in the morning time. Rule out high sugar and then move from there. Magnesium like everyone has suggested helps with cramps but for me it gives me constipation if I take it over 3 days. So watch that too. For some people it relives constipation ha ha. Trust me to be backwards with it I have posted links to amazon for cheap testing strips and the cheap meter that the generic strips work with. In case you decide to get them Congratulations again on your fantastic WL achievement https://www.amazon.com/GenUltimate-Strips-OneTouch-Ultra-Meters/dp/B00KH3NLI8/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1531457503&sr=8-3&keywords=generic+blood+glucose+test+strips&dpID=51jO0fWN2IL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch https://www.amazon.com/One-Touch-Ultra2-System-Kit/dp/B004AI8O4M/ref=sr_1_1_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1531457594&sr=1-1&keywords=OneTouch+Ultra+Meter&dpID=51eK-30QnpL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
  5. BajanSleeve


    are you a diabetic?
  6. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    I relate to your experience! I really regret that I only researched this surgery via articles and not in a forum like this where people who have actually had surgery share their experiences. I think it was a major let down for me that hunger was present so quickly after all the expectation that it would not be I ate an egg with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese the other night and kept it down. Tonight I tried some chicken soup that had soft noodles and tiny tiny pieces of chicken and small chopped up soft veg and I threw it all up. I am not sure if it was the solid bits or maybe that I was eating too fast. I find it quite strange how I am able to eat certain things that are not blended quite fine but lovely soup with tiny soft bits is too hard. The hunger has really subsided since I stopped taking liquid vitamin B. So it is true that it stimulates appetite. I also do not miss taking an omeprazole on a morning I do 40 minutes on the treadmill every other day. Only because I am so sore the next day! But boy is life much different now. I couldn't even do 2 minutes on it only 2 months ago
  7. BajanSleeve


    This powder version has rescued me a couple times so far. just mix it into a little of your drink. Or get 25 minutes onto a treadmill or walking. Sorry for the bluntness but the movement gets you pooping!
  8. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    Doing really good. Lost 3 lbs! Treadmill was fixed and I have been doing 45 minutes per day since Friday. I increased my liquid intake, not that I thought I was dehydrated but one thing that I did do was I stopped taking liquid vitamin B daily because I read that it increases appetite. I have definitely felt a difference! My multivitamin has in B vitamins but I was taking additional for energy The mushes I was making was what was recommended to me by the hospital to make i.e. sweet potatoes pumpkin with a bit of pea AS A DIABETIC. People have all kinds of views and opinions about things and some things you have to take in stride in a public forum. I've been enjoying smoothies that are under 200 calories with lots of nutrient dense stuff including Greek yogurt in them as I am not a big yogurt eater. I tried eggs again tonight and YAY I was able to eat one scrambled egg with two tablespoons of cottage cheese. It hurt only slightly but nothing at all like before which means my tolerance for eggs is coming back. Did my first large grocery shop today since surgery and on my own. Was successful in getting good things except for my hurricane supply box and buying non perishable items. I do have protein bars in there and some crackers, tinned stuff, Lets hope that on more than one level I don't have to use them!
  9. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    yup. Thank goodness its all gone now. Most were things left over after my parents left. Today is another day
  10. I am now 4 weeks and 1 day post VSG. I am not really loosing further weight and I know I have to reign in on my calorie tracking and start an exercise routine I joined fitnesspal to track calories and I am starting the treadmill for 30 minutes a day from tomorrow (my doctor recommended exercise from 4 weeks) For all you VSG'ers, what would you say is a realistic WL target to set monthly? Or what did you personally loose each month for the first 3 months post surgery? I know we are all different but just wanting to hear individual experiences as a guideline. I was told that the first 8 months after the VSG is the magic window when I should focus on loosing as much weight as possible and being strict with myself. I have set 10 lbs as a goal to have lost by the end of July. That is 2 lbs per week. Being that I am only supposed to have a maximum of 1000 calories per day more like 900 idealistically, I figure 2 lbs a week is realistic. Looking forward to your feedback, especially female VSG's in your late 40's (like moi)
  11. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    @AshAsh1 You are a person who has lost 112 lbs which means you have experience and a lot to offer. I felt you did not really understand me today and I did feel frustrated because of that. Not that what you have to say is not valid or great advice. I recognize you as knowledgeable and also take note for those with type 1 diabetes who have lost so much weight as you have that it is very commendable because that is an added challenge, one that does not go away like type II can. So I respect these about you. Because as I am learning this is not EASY!!! So for those who are doing it and have done it successfully, like you, it would be foolish not to take note.
  12. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    I am truly sorry to hear of your struggles. Honestly, my heart goes out to you. I did the bulimia to anorexia thing when I was 14 to 16. Rejection was at the root of a lot of it. I'll stand in agreement with you for your FREEDOM from all the cycles. My recent changes have been a huge step from years of bondage from weight connected to self rejection and pain. I can relate to some degree of the struggle
  13. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    VannesaKaye, thanks girlfriend, you too! Congrats on 128 lbs lost. That is fantastic and commendable
  14. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    Thank you @michelle721 If I get the opportunity to have a friend bring some of that brand from the States to Barbados I will try some. I have heard others speak positively about that brand. I have enough protein powder here to last me for 6 months.
  15. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    Thank you Vanessa. The day that you have a cheat day and eat things that are not on the program will you come back and let us know? LOL because that will NEVER happen, right? Uh-huh. Please...…….be real...……….
  16. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    I feel for your situation but I don’t think you need a spa treatment center. I think a regular therapist or NUT could do wonders. I never suggested a treatment center. There were a couple posts made on this thread referring to a spa treatment center from a google search. I have been to NUTS when I qualified for health care. The last one I went to was in 2015 when I first considered this surgery. I also saw one through the program I went on following in 2015. We do not have stand alone food therapists here unless connected with a treatment center. It may be something I can look into again when I am employed
  17. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    The regulation of type I and type 2 will differ as yours is autoimmune and mine is metabolic. You do not have any information on your profile so not seeing how much you currently weigh. I am still very large at 265 lbs. As my weight comes down my BG will also change as it has already changed due to weight loss. I am taking a lot less insulin now than 5 weeks ago. The ultimate goal is NO insulin resulting from a large weight loss. I know its possible. When my BG gets to 5 I start to feel hypo. Everyone is different I really wish that I could just 'go back' to protein shakes. Very early post op i could not eat or drink much. But the hunger I am experiencing NOW is what is throwing me off and I am trying to satiate myself. I did not get to almost 300 lbs because I decided I could just not eat. Said no morbidly obese person. LOL that is funny. I am going to check with my doctor in Mexico if they will allow me to take an appetite suppressant since my blood pressure is now very good
  18. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    I agree. I should only use half of one in a smoothie. I choose strawberries and blue berries because they are low glycemic as well as cucumber and spinach. If I were only eating one banana and then not eating much else during the day it may not be so bad but I am eating a lot more now Banana and mango great tasting in smoothies but high glycemic
  19. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    Hi Michelle. I use the genpro 2nd generation flavourless protein which I bought from this website actually. It is 'supposed' to have 30 grams of protein, no sugar or carbs but I posted this in another thread and someone posted links that the company that owns genpro was sued in 2015 for not having the claimed protein in the powder. All I can say is that I HOPE that since it still continues to be sold and since its the reboot (2nd generation) that they have rectified this. Which may be wishful thinking...…...sigh. I do not see that is possible for protein to have 58.7 calories per scoop but no carbs? but that is what it says https://store.bariatricpal.com/products/genepro-medical-grade-protein-powder-2nd-generation I cannot access high grade protein powders in Barbados. I bought all of my supplies ahead of my surgery which was overseas and brought them back with me. They do have protein powders here but they are high carb and taste very grainy and don't have the flavourless kind, only vanilla, strawberry, etc.
  20. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    She has excuses for not seeking help. What help am I not seeking? A $5000 spa treatment center? A $1500 dollar package that I already went on from the 2 clinics in Barbados? Can I do this unemployed for over 2 years? This is what I mean by taking things in their context. I do not live in America. The help I can currently access is via these forums and by online research. These are valid means of 'seeking help'
  21. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    Ash - One more thing, this particular OP has made a lot of excuses for her actions and has a rebuttal for every offered piece of advice. have you really read what I said? Your comment makes me feel that you really have not read or processed what I said in its context. But this is OK. Lets not flog an apparently dead or misunderstood horse I think that people do not come here to put people down. But I do believe that listening (in this forum that equates to reading) and really hearing does not always happen. People listen to form a response sometimes more than actually listening For example - Ash is still going on about the crap I ate (crap being protein bars and some tiny left over mac pie and the end of bread left from my parents visit) but has completely ignored that these were items left in the house and are now gone and that I ate them from significant hunger that I was not feeling satisfied with the legitimate foods. I did not go out and buy junk and binge, I did not go to a fast food. No one has a perfect track record with no cheats. No one and if they act like it, they are lying. I hope that this constant hunger will be reigned in somehow. I had it the day after my surgery and I even wrote about that too because it shocked me. THIS was the core purpose of my post - dealing with hunger when I was not expecting it from the VSG not so early I am a straight shooter too so I don't mind that one bit. The older you get, the more you appreciate cutting to the chase. As we say in my country - i doan want no lotta long talk. Sometimes in these forums you can go down a rabbit hole and get distracted. I felt frustrated that people were taking my vent out of its context and my not acknowledging the core of my frustration that I am disappointed my hunger and appetite is raging so soon I eat good healthy organic foods and follow the protocols on my list. Not hitting the 65 oz yet but i bet you a million dollars that many are not there yet close post surgery. Does this quit my hunger? NOPE.
  22. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    Congrats on your 93 lbs WL! I do know what I am 'supposed ' to eat. When I feel so hungry I would eat my foot or whatever is close to hand. I use the low fat Greek yogurt from Pricesmart brand which does not have much sugar or carbs at all. We have a pricesmart in Barbados I am breaking 25 years of food addiction and its been about 5 months now of changed eating. But its not easy at all. still difficult at times even after surgery.....God help me...……. When I am able to eat meats again (without blending) I will likely follow the keto diet which is what I had started to do a couple months prior to surgery
  23. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    I hope you are not discouraged by reading this thread. I think its a wake up call to me that my expectations about hunger control is not what my experience has been and maybe its the same for you too. It would appear that some people struggle more with hunger after WLS than some others do. We just have to DEAL with it and make the necessary adjustments. This thread today was to vent about my disappointment concerning that and feeling so hungry and eating things I should not have. Nothing is easy - not even after WLS. I thought I would have a longer period of time where I would not be battling with hunger as much but guess what...…..that is not happening...…...so you and I just have to do whatever to overcome that expectation and do our best to move forward if it does not change Congrats for being brave to do the surgery!
  24. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    Curious what you are drinking instead of Water. - I drink water with no sugar flavoring, a vitamin pack and protein powder that has calories but no sugar or carbs. You need lean Protein, fresh or frozen vegetables and a liberal amount of healthy fat. I do not think pureeing the meats in a blender and adding broth and plain yogurt to make them doable would be wrong. - that is what I have been eating Did you see the photo of my dinner tonight? spinach, pumpkin, peas with blended chicken. All of my 'meals' are organic and fresh vegetables except the bloody dark chocolate which is 80% and very little sugar Commit to 7 days of no sugar, no fruit, no processed junk food and veggie carbs, protein and healthy fat only and you will feel less hungry. I would stop the insulin for now since being a bit high is much safer than low with Type II diabetes and continue to monitor. It will be rough for a few days but you can do it. - I committed to 4 weeks of that lol I do eat some fruit in my smoothies which I have only just started to do. banana, beet, spinach etc in them. Not in huge amounts either but to make it nutrient dense. All kinds of exercise on YouTube or tapes/discs that do not require leaving the house. Post on here several times a day for support and encouragement. - I am a week behind when I was to start exercising. Hopefully the guy will get my relatively in good order treadmill working tomorrow. I went to start it yesterday and it would not start but the screen did light up! I started to scout out YouTube videos today and book marked them
  25. BajanSleeve

    Appetite back with a vengance!

    This is the most frustrating thread I have experienced in this forum, which is a first. Except for a few who are getting the crux of what i was trying to vent about. It would seem that everyone has kept such a perfect track record that they have NEVER deviated or cheated...EVER. good for you! I posted that I was disappointed about my expectation that hunger would be diminished as I had read it would be. my hunger never abated and I expressed disappointment in an expectation that was created about that from my research prior to surgery. I feel discouraged that I am not experiencing what I had READ and was told in pre surgery stages concerning hunger and appetite diminishing. I hope someone reads this and gets a picture that it may also not go that way with you. Some people seem to do well with not feeling as much hunger, but apparently that is not so for each person. I actually never heard of that when I was researching the VSG I expressed that my parents had come back with me after surgery and that there was some food items here left from before I travelled. A total of 2 protein bars and some dark chocolate and the mac pie left from my parents trip. I ate them. Because I felt starving in addition to the 'healthy' foods I had pre prepared and eating all of the stuff that is on my list to eat. You are all getting on as if I have lived in Burger King for the last 2 days. Please keep things in their correct perspective I am encouraged to see that some people have never deviated or struggled with going off track and that persons have overcome their hunger. Which makes those who struggle with it feel really special LOL Ah well. Thank you

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