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Everything posted by Headhunter

  1. Headhunter


    Nanook is correct on all points. As I said, you need to speak to your other medical Team members about this. Almost always, when a Specific recommendation is made, it's done for a reason. And I would pay even more attention to the Psych and Dietican than I would the Surgeon in this case, because they have (most likely) spent some time with you, discussed your eating habits, and learned about your history with obesity. Very often, in a well-coordinated Bariatric team, the Surgeon will take his/her "cue" from what the Other professionals have said about the patient. The important thing here is that you get the RIGHT surgery for YOU. I don't advocate ANY of the procedures over another. But many people here think that the band is right for EVERYONE. And it's not. The Bypass isn't either. Or the Sleeve. THIS situation is a little different than others that have been discussed here. You have TWO members of your Team that have SPECIFIED Bypass.....that doesn't mean they are entirely correct. But it's a pretty good indication that there is some agreement as to the correct solution for you. Don't be afraid of the Bypass. it's been used for nearly 50 years successfully. I felt the same way you did prior to mine....I wouldn't want to be cut/pasted. But, then I studied it. And put in a proper context with the right circumstances in place, it turned out to be the right answer for me....and plenty of other people. So don't dismiss the bypass. Find out what the recommendations are from ALL of the concerned parties. And make your decison based upon THAT, and NOT from observers who have not actually experienced the procedure. HH
  2. Headhunter


    If your medical Team is NOT trying to advise you on what procedure you should having, then they are NOT doing their jobs. Again: different surgeries for Different people. It's not a smorgasbord. YOU don't choose the surgery; the SURGERY chooses YOU. HH
  3. Headhunter


    Neesh; If the psychologist and dietician have BOTH suggested that you go for the bypass, then you need to seriously consider it. The Band and the Bypass are two ENTIRELY different surgeries, and they are meant for different people with different eating issues and disorders. I have had both of them. The band was WRONG for me, because it didn't address MY particular issue. I had the Bypass, and it DID work. You will have PLENTY of people in this forum tell you to just go for the band because it worked for them, it's less invasive, blah, blah, blah. That means NOTHING. It's what is right for YOU and your body. What your Pysch and your dietician said was VERY SIGNIFICANT. Those two parties sometimes do not make recommendations, even though they should. The fact that in YOUR CASE they BOTH said Bypass, then it's a pretty safe bet that they have both identified YOU as someone that would benefit much more from the Bypass than the Band. Someone here posted this to you: "Don't let the dietician or anyone else tell you what they think you should do" HUH?? WTF? Don't let the HEALTH PROFESSIONALS who deal with this on a daily basis tell you what to do? Sorry...that is some of the most absurd nonsense I have ever seen posted here. :tongue2: So, neesh; Meet with your other Doctors, see what they have to say, and take it all into consideration. But do NOT rule out the Bypass or ANY OTHER surgery that is recommended by them. Just because a surgery worked well for someone here does NOT mean that it will work well for you. And that goes for ALL the surgeries. But the simple fact that TWO participants in this process have already recommended the Bypass is a strong indication that it might be the correct way for you to go. Keep us posted!:tt2: HH
  4. Headhunter

    What is the "sweet spot"

    Ah yes, the "sweet spot"..... That's the part of the date where you've had dinner, you've gotten her ripped-out drunk, you go back to your place with her, and then.... oh....wait.....we're talking about the BAND sweet spot....... sorry 'bout that....I was thinking of something else entirely..... :tongue2: HH
  5. Headhunter

    Why Cheat?

    Cherish, You've asked one of the most important questions a person can ask prior to surgery. It's one of the most important components of the entire WLS experience. There are times when I read posts on this forum and I ask myself why some of these people even BOTHER to have Surgery. Many of them attempt to go right back to how they were eating prior to surgery, and it just does NOT work that way. They think that the band is going to do all of the work for them. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have said for a long time that one of the most important components of the WLS experience is the "mind game" element. If you don't have THAT part dealt with (at least to some degree) there is NO WLS surgery that will be successful for you. There are some Gastric Bypass patients that are able to put weight back on. It's rare, but it does happen. It's also very difficult....you almost have to make a conscious DECISION that you are going to become heavy again. But, some people do. And it's because they have not dealt with the mind/emotional part of it. It’s the same with people who had the band, to an even greater degree. It's quite easy to defeat the band. Most people who have one will tell you that. The ones who ARE successful, though, are the ones that have been able to get their emotions and "head hunger" under control. For some people, the band is all they need. But I would venture to say that for MOST people, extensive Psychotherapy SHOULD be part of the pre-surgery regimen. Overall, weight loss surgery does not have a very high success rate. Few people ever reach a loss of %100 of what they need to. Some of that is because they have chosen the WRONG surgery for their particular eating disorder. But much of it is that they have not conquered the “mind” portion of the Weight Loss "puzzle". I would strongly advise that anyone who is having or contemplating having WLS seek out an experienced Psychotherapist that has SPECIFIC, DEMONSTRATED expertise in dealing with the unique problems of an Obese person. You need to have this before your WLS and after, as well. It should be an ongoing thing for the majority of people. You WANT your WLS to be a success, and this is a very important part of it. HH
  6. Headhunter

    Today is a good day.....

    Hey, I'm curious about one thing: Do they (at Curves) know that you have had the band installed? Or is this something you are keeping private? Or, are you part of a WLS group at Curves, perhaps? I'm just curious to know, and I wonder what their reaction would if they DIDN'T know and they found out..... HH ps: and 11.5 inches in a MONTH!! that's awesome!
  7. Headhunter

    Hematoma at Port Site!

    For me, only time made it feel better. It was a couple of days. And they would not prescribe anyhting for the pain. THAT pissed me off. Now, it sounds like our symptoms were somewhat different. Mine was a very severe pain down in the port area. There was no bloating. But it did get better in a couple of days. I had to be off of work for those days, though....it was that bad. HH
  8. Headhunter

    Hematoma at Port Site!

    I had one as well. It was created, though, during my first fill. My idiot Surgeon didn't seem to know quite what he was doing, so he gave me a Hematoma as an added bonus to what was later discovered to be a botched surgery. When I had TREMENDOUS pain from it the next day, he wouldn't even see me. I eventually got into see another Dr (an older gentleman they kept around to run interference when they had a problem) and he determined it was hematoma caused by the fill the previous day. It was really, really painful. I feel for you. Some are not all that bad, but they CAN be awful. HH:cursing:
  9. Headhunter


    Don't be too concerned with "quicker" results. Be concerned that you will be getting the RIGHT solution for YOU. And that doesn't always mena "fast". There are some subtle and not-so-subtle differences between the Brands. But this is something that you need to discuss with your surgeon. He/She might have a preference, or have better luck with one over the other. It's not something that an individual patient can easily comment on; it is something that is more in the domain of an experienced surgeon who has observed the results of hundreds or thousands of installations. HH
  10. Two things I wish they had told me: 1:) That the Lap band doesn't work for every one. 2:) That my Surgeon was more qualified to Park Cars than perform surgery. HH
  11. With regard to the post-op ingestion of protein, I would refer you to the recent thread on Oral Sex. There is some wonderful information available there. HH
  12. Headhunter

    How did you come up with your user name?

    LOL!! Just another reason I'm in LUV wit da MONKEY! HH
  13. Headhunter

    Gastroenterologist who understands band

    It's funny. You would think that Gastroenterologists would pretty universally "get" the band and how it works. But....they don't. There are some who specialize in WLS issues, and that's really who you need to see. But not very many of them do. HH
  14. Headhunter

    Hi How do you?

    That's right! I forgot about the extra states. The "spares" we keep down there in case California drops into the ocean post-earthquake, or Florida gets lopped off during a hurricane. Silly me. :thumbdown: HH
  15. Headhunter

    I am an Addict

    You bring up a good point, Restless; People usually associate "eating disorders" with anorexia or bulimia, but the reality is that there are SO many other dysfunctions that can be identified that way. Obesity itself is more the end result of another disorder, but make no mistake about it....what CAUSES obesity IS a DISORDER. And it HAS to be dealt with, PARTICULARLY if the Lap Band is going to be your choice of WLS. The Band is the EASIEST of the procedures to "defeat", so you have to make sure that you deal with any of the "mind" related elements of your particular problem BEFORE you get the surgery, and continue the therapy during your Weight Loss process. It's a HUGE part of the puzzle that doesn't get talked about nearly as much as it should be! HH
  16. There are PLENTY of men that have had WLS. I know that it looks like this is a Chick-oriented Forum, but there are lots of guys here. And few that are somewhere in between..... :thumbdown: HH
  17. Headhunter

    Hi How do you?

    You mean there are places in the world OTHER than North America? :thumbdown: HH
  18. Headhunter

    I am an Addict

    Cindy; I have a different opinion than Becky1963. There was a similar thread here recently; here is what I posted there: "A couple of things come to mind. First of all, you HAVE made some progress, so give yourself a bunch of credit for that. You are most certainly lighter than you were at the beginning. You're not a failure. Not even CLOSE to being one. Other good advice has been given on this thread, so you need to take that to heart. You did, however, mention one thing that I think is the "missing link" for a lot of people. The "mind" element. You mentioned your recognition that you have a serious food addiction. That's an important recognition. And, it's something that you need to deal with, in a very significant way. In my opinion, people need to undergo some lengthy psychotherapy before they get the Band, or any other type of weight loss surgery. It's not something that people do very often, and I think it's a mistake that the WLS industry is making. Most WLS patients undergo a Psych Eval of some kind, but I feel that it stops FAR short of what needs to be done in this area. A Large part of the weight issues that we all face is a "mind game". And if you don't deal with that element of the problem, you will NEVER be fully successful at losing the weight. Based upon what you have said here, I would STRONGLY suggest that you consider seeing a Psychotherapist that SPECIALIZES in Weight Issues, and one that has Specific, Demonstated experience with people who have had or are going to have Weight Loss Surgery. Please Note: You HAVE to make sure that the Therapist does indeed have EXPERTISE in and SPECIALIZES in weight loss/WLS issues. Not many therapists do, and some of them SAY that they do because they have a couple of obese clients., but in reality they are NOT specialists. Make sure that it is the PRIMARY focus of their Psychotherapy Practice. That is SO important. You might also consider getting an opinion from another Doctor as well. There is a growing sub-specialty among Bariatric Doctors that caters to those who have had WLS and are having problems reaching their goals. It might be that having a "fresh eye" look at your situation could give you the jump-start that you need. But, before you do ANYTHING, I would begin searching for a Psychotherapist with the qualifications that are mentioned above. It may be the key that will unlock the door to your future success. Again, you HAVE had some success with this. You have done better than many people, frankly, but you don't want to have come this far and simply have it stop. Keep at it.....do what I suggested above. I have seen this before, and dealing with the "mind" component of the WLS puzzle has been the answer for many people before you. And, it could very likely be YOUR answer as well!:thumbup:" Cindy, if you feel like you might have a food addiction, then it is entirely possible that you might. And if it isn't a classic case of pure addiction, then Psychotherapy can help you resolve the issues that are making you eat more than you should. And, as a "technicality", a Psychiatrist would not be what you need here. Psychotherapy would be the course of action for you, rendered by a qualified therapist or perhaps a Behavioral Psychologist. The treatment would be pretty much the same between those two. The Band by itself can be a powerful force in helping you resolve this porblem. But, it's not always the complete answer. If you, YOURSELF recognize the need for intervention from a Mental Health professional, then you should PURSUE that along with getting the band. You want to be SUCCESSFUL in this process. So, cover all your bases the first time around, and take care of the "mind" portion. HH
  19. LisaMarie; Welcome back to the site! A couple of things come to mind. First of all, you HAVE made some progress, so give yourself a bunch of credit for that. You are most certainly lighter than you were at the beginning. You're not a failure. Not even CLOSE to being one. Other good advice has been given on this thread, so you need to take that to heart. You did, however, mention one thing that I think is the "missing link" for a lot of people. The "mind" element. You mentioned your recognition that you have a serious food addiction. That's an important recognition. And, it's something that you need to deal with, in a very significant way. In my opinion, people need to undergo some lengthy psychotherapy before they get the Band, or any other type of weight loss surgery. It's not something that people do very often, and I think it's a mistake that the WLS industry is making. Most WLS patients undergo a Psych Eval of some kind, but I feel that it stops FAR short of what needs to be done in this area. A Large part of the weight issues that we all face is a "mind game". And if you don't deal with that element of the problem, you will NEVER be fully successful at losing the weight. Based upon what you have said here, I would STRONGLY suggest that you consider seeing a Psychotherapist that SPECIALIZES in Weight Issues, and one that has Specific, Demonstated experience with people who have had or are going to have Weight Loss Surgery. Please Note: You HAVE to make sure that the Therapist does indeed have EXPERTISE in and SPECIALIZES in weight loss/WLS issues. Not many therapists do, and some of them SAY that they do because they have a couple of obese clients., but in reality they are NOT specialists. Make sure that it is the PRIMARY focus of their Psychotherapy Practice. That is SO important. You might also consider getting an opinion from another Doctor as well. There is a growing sub-specialty among Bariatric Doctors that caters to those who have had WLS and are having problems reaching their goals. It might be that having a "fresh eye" look at your situation could give you the jump-start that you need. But, before you do ANYTHING, I would begin searching for a Psychotherapist with the qualifications that are mentioned above. It may be the key that will unlock the door to your future success. Again, you HAVE had some success with this. You have done better than many people, frankly, but you don't want to have come this far and simply have it stop. Keep at it.....do what I suggested above. I have seen this before, and dealing with the "mind" component of the WLS puzzle has been the answer for many people before you. And, it could very likely be YOUR answer as well!:thumbdown: HH
  20. Not Good. You NEED to tell your Doctor what is going on REGARDLESS of what he/she will do or NOT do. And although some really good advice has been given here, you also need to learn that you should NOT rely on internet forums to give you advice when there is clearly something wrong happening. Tell your Doctor what is happening, and they will most likely have a simple solution to the problem. Everyone experiences different effects from the band, at different times and in different ways. It's simply "the way of the Band". See your doctor, and get the answer. It's that simple. HH
  21. I used to get numb before a fill. But it wasn't lidocaine. It was Tequila. HH
  22. Headhunter

    Incision YUCK

    Take it from someone who had a port infection: SEE YOUR DOCTOR. It can get very, very ugly. HH
  23. BUT...... They can put on a mighty fine Beer Summit...... HH
  24. Headhunter


    Being deprived is such a bad thing. And look at all the deprivation you will have to face in the future: It'll be AWFUL..... You'll be deprived of being able to shop ONLY in "Large" clothing sections. You'll be deprived of feeling like you just want to lay around because you're just too tired from carrying all the extra weight around. You'll be deprived of all the nasty "fat" remarks people make behind your back. You'll be deprived of feeling squashed in an Airline seat or roller coaster car. You'll be deprived of the feeling of self-loathing you have every time you look in the mirror or walk by a store window and see your reflection. You'll be deprived of the opportunity of enjoying things like Diabetes and High Blood pressure, or maybe a stroke. You'll be deprived of the feeling of disgust and discomfort you feel everytime you put on your always-too-tight clothes. You'll be deprived of the embarrasment you feel when you see someone you haven't seen for a few years, someone who hasn't seen you THIS heavy. You'll be deprived of watching your ring finger turn blue because your finger is getting fatter and you refuse to have your ring re-sized. You'll be deprived of having your kids be embarrassed to have their friends come over after school, because they are ashamed of you, their fat parent. You'll be deprived of avoiding High School Reunions year after year after year. You'll be deprived of accepting your best friend's request that you be his best man at his wedding, because you're ashamed of how you look. You'll be deprived of being able to avoid having sex with your mate, because you're ashamed of your body and you have no stamina. See? Just LOOK at ALL the things you're going to miss out on by losing the Weight. It's awful Isn't it? HH

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