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Everything posted by Headhunter

  1. Headhunter

    Stop Calling it Socialized Medicine!

    Off topic, but relevant: My hat is off to both Jack and Kartman for the cordial and civilized manner in which they are discussing what is a very, very hot topic. I'm not used to seeing such civility....particularly where I am present.... HH
  2. Headhunter

    Bad Lapband experience

    ....just another reason I pound on people to check out their surgeon . And this applies with scarring as well. Personally, I don't care a bit about scarring. for guys, it's a little different, so it doesn't bother me. For women, I can see the impact might be a little different. In this day and age (read: internet) there is no reason not to know a WHOLE lot about your surgeon before he sticks that sharp thingy in you. As Wasa said, that particular Dr has a reputation for turning otherwise pristine tummies into a Rand McNally Road Atlas. These are ALL things that need to be looked into BEFORE knife-time. HH
  3. Headhunter

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    It is indeed a subject of considerable controversy out here....who's gonna pay for it? It was same thing for the Laker's victory parade....cost the city millions. Not to mention the traffic tie-ups and everything associated with it. And I live about 10 minutes from the Jackson's Encino home....what a MESS it is driving through THAT area. There was an article in the paper here this morning, though, that suggested that the city will BENEFIT from the MJ circus going on here....increased revenue from visitors to the memorial, etc, etc. Somehow, I do not think that is gonna trickle down to where it is NEEDED, though. HH note: funny you should mention "happy meals", Beth. I suspect that they were the preferred cuisine in MJ's bedroom.....
  4. Headhunter

    Did your voice change during recovery?

    Interesting. I didn't experience that specifically, but after half a dozen surgeries, and related endoscopies, and other procedures meant to resolve my lap-band fiasco, I found myself left with a raspy voice that was not there before. I am told it's a result of all of the various tubes and stuff shoved down my throat during all of these procedures. As a result, I will actually now have to undergo "voice therapy". How's THAT for a Lap-band side effect? HH
  5. Headhunter

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Considering all the other alterations he had made on his "infrastructure", it is not inconceivable that he had his penis alltered/reshaped/lengthened/shortened/fattened...or removed. And besides; if he did have his penis removed, there would appear to be ample evidence that he had plenty of other "fresher" penises to play with in the absence of his own..... :thumbup: HH
  6. Headhunter

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Personally, I'm interested in what they'll put on his death certificate: Black male or White female....I think it's a toss up. HH
  7. Headhunter

    Bye bye band!

    SueBB, I'm another one like Nanook who had their Band removed, and moved to another form of WLS.....one that WORKS for me. Keep the faith....there IS life after the band. It is possible (likely, in fact) that you were given bad information about what WLS would be right for you. It's not a Buffet where you just choose the one you want; you need to choose the one that will WORK for you, and one every procedure will work for every person. So don't give up. There IS an answer. Nanook has found hers; I have found mine, and you will very likely find yours as well. We're all here to answer any questions you might have! HH :tongue_smilie:
  8. Headhunter

    Pain whenever I eat....

    Genetic; Listen to Ms. Monkey....she is wise! :tongue_smilie: BUT....PLEASE, PLEASE commit to staying true to the protocol. No cheating! It's actually more important now then it was during your "dieting days", because you could potentially cause damage to the band "installation", not to mention drastically slowing the losing process.....and that is why you went through this whole surgery process, right? See your doctor, and make sure that everything is ok. Some people don't see their doctor after something like this because they are a little "ashamed" at having cheated a bit. Well, DON'T feel that way!!! :thumbdown: It's more important that you make sure your band is ok, than what your Dr may or may not say about your 'cheating". If you have a good Dr, he won't be mean about it, but he WILL emphasize that your behavior has to change to make this work! Let us know what happens! HH
  9. Headhunter

    Anyone else March 24, 2009??

    No, but that's my birthday!
  10. Headhunter

    Seriously Confused!

    I would say....be CONCERNED,...but don't WORRY. I had a very, very bad experience with the Band. But, I recognize that it really helps many, many people. You see them every day on this forum. I really WANT to see people successful with this or any other WLS. I've lived through the "WLS experience" now for about 8 years, and there have been many, many twists and turns. I seen a lot of successes, and a lot of failures. But I really have to emphasize that YOU have the most control over what is going to happen. YOU pick the surgeon. YOU pick the hospital. YOU pick the Procedure. And, YOU choose how closely you are going to follow the presribed protocol. SO MUCh of it is in your hands. There is a small percentage of people for whom the Band does not work, or causes problems. But, you have to consider the problems you may have down the road if you DON'T have SOME kind of WLS. I've said for a long time that the very BEST WLS is NO WLS. If you can do it without surgery, that is ALWAYS the best and safest way. But, there is a community of people out there for whom that is NOT a reality. Personally, I don't believe that the community is as large as people might think it is. I honestly think that many people do NOT try hard enough. And WLS is being sold/marketed as a "simple, easy" solution to the problem, which makes people try even less. But, if all the pieces fit, you've done your homework, and made the right choices, then I HONESTLY feel that there is no reason to hesitate, and move forward with your WLS. It's going to be life-changing for you, in many ways. So, yes, go forward with it, knowing that a new-you is just around the corner. And this is coming from someone who has had some HUGE problems with it. I made some wrong choices.....I sense that YOU are making the RIGHT one!:tongue2: HH
  11. Headhunter

    Seriously Confused!

    Restless Monkey is right....tell them them to take a flying leap! I did misunderstand; I didn't realize you hadn't had the surgery yet. You have probably made the right choice. One thing about the Band. If it does NOT workr for you, you CAN move to another surgery down the road, under the right circumstances. That's really hard to do with some of the others. Just make sure you have a REALLY good surgeon. And stick to the protocol prescribed by your doctor TO THE LETTER. And don't worry about what people say. Really. Just go forward and watch what they say when you have lost all of your weight. It'll be sweet.....:redface: HH
  12. Yeah, that's what i love about the Medical biz....even people who work in the MEDICAL OFFICES don't always know what the hell they are talking about. The band can do some ugly things. Exploding ain't one of them...... HH
  13. Headhunter

    Seriously Confused!

    Sammy; First thing: Don’t let anyone make you second guess your decision. Now that you have made your decision, you need to commit to it %100 and WORK THE BAND. If the band does not work for you down the road, you can re-think your decision later. But now, all of your energy needs to be put into the direction of making the band WORK. And the chances are that if you STICK TO THE RULES, the Band will do what it needs to do for you. Now, having said that, I do need to correct a few things that were said by other people here. I’m not trying to “sell” my particular decision here; I’m simply concerned that people who are still researching their options will eliminate certain procedures based upon incorrect information. I have had both a Lap band and a Gastric Bypass, so I can speak with some experience, and the benefit of large amounts of research that I have been doing on the realities of WLS. Here are some items that need some correction: “#1 Gastric bypass (GB) scared me too much. A very common complication is malnutrition (which is a result of the "bypass" part of the surgery). Involved permanently eliminating the functionality of a good portion of the stomach and a permanent bypass of a good-sized section of intestine. Weight loss can be very fast, which leaves little chance for stretched skin to recover and many GB patients seem to need plastic surgery later.” Malnutrion is almost always (virtually without exception, if the Surgeon knows what he/she is doing) a result of the patient NOT FOLLOWING THE PROTOCOL. PERIOD. The patient HAS to eat a correct diet, and the HAVE to take their vitamins. If they don’t, they WILL have problems. If they do, they will do just fine. That’s the reality. Weight loss CAN be very fast; but it doesn’t HAVE to be. That depends on you. If you want it to be slower to give your skin a chance to adjust, you have that choice. I was age 53 at the time of my Bypass. I required no Plastic Surgery on my face, arms, or legs. I have some loose skin around my middle that I MAY have removed. But that would be a problem with ANY WL surgery. “I didn't like the gastric bypass method because it is completely not reversible” Wrong. It IS reversible. Now, it’s not something that is done very often, because it doesn’t NEED to be done that often. Most Bypass surgeries are quite successful. But, there are occasions when it is necessary or is requested. I have spoken to surgeons about this, and what I have been told is that there is a growing specialty in this operation; not growing a LOT, but growing. The reason for this is that as SOME people get older, the Malabsorbtion component of the bypass process becomes TOO much. I am told that this is very rare, but it does happen, and in those cases the bypass can be reversed. They don’t like to “advertise” the fact that it’s reversible, because they want people to see this as a lifetime procedure. But it IS reversible, and if you encounter a situation where it is necessary, it can be done. And as time goes on, with Medical technology advancing at the rate that it is, it will be an even easier process. I cannot speak to issues involving the sleeve with any great authority, because I don’t have one (okay, I have sleeves on my shirt, but don’t think that counts here..:redface:) and I have not researched it thoroughly yet. But I DO know that for anyone who is considering WLS, it absolutely MUST be at least considered. The downside to the sleeve is that, of all the WLS procedures, it is the MOST permanent. However, one of the huge upsides (and it IS huge…) is the elimination of the Fundus, which secretes Ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hunger stimulating hormone, and for people who have a serious appetite issue, elimination of this element could be ALL they need. In fact, many of the current Weight Loss procedures under investigation are concentrating on the control/elimination/alteration of the Fundus and/or Ghrelin. So, it IS something to consider. Last, let me repeat what I have said often: It’s not merely a choice you make in the same way you would choose a new car or a new pair of pants; You need to choose what is right for YOU. In other words, Your Doctor does NOT choose your Surgery. YOU do NOT choose your surgery. The SURGERY chooses YOU. They are ALL different, and they are meant for different types of people and bodies. They ALL work (to varying degrees)…..but their long-term (and short-term) efficacy is dependant on some very individual elements. You really need to take the time and the effort to ascertain which WLS is right for you. It’s not a “Surgery Buffet” where you pick the one you want…..at least not if you want it to work. So, Sammy, again, don’t be concerned at this point with the surgeries that you DIDN’T have. Work with the one that you HAVE…..give it your best, and it will very likely give you results you need and want! HH
  14. Headhunter

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    ...and it's not hard to imagine him flying around in tights.....:thumbup: HH
  15. Headhunter

    I hate this, I really do....

    From a little offline correspondence with Never and reading what she has written here, I suspect that what we have here is someone who is very frightened. Scared of the "medical monolith" that is nearly impossible to fight when something goes wrong. Scared for her own health. Scared about everything that is happening right now. And I get that, I really do. I'm working on a project that might be of some help to her, and others in similar situations....kind of like I was a few years ago. But, a person has to WANT to help themselves. They have to be willing to do the WORK to get what they want. And part of that is being able to listen to other people who are giving them a dose of reality. On occasion, I'm accused of being a little harsh in my responses to some people on this forum. And, In fact, sometimes I am. But for me, this is NOT a social club. It's serious business. There are places on Lap Band Talk where people go and talk about crap they bought on QVC, Eye shadow, and other mind-numbing stuff. And that is fine. Everyone needs a place to go, and they can talk about whatever they want. But there are situations (many, in fact) where people like never_again come looking for help, or at least a sympathetic ear. It is sometimes hard to figure out exactly what it is they DO want, because when you give them what they CLAIM to want, they can get a little hostile. So, helping people here can be a challenge at times. But, it's the only reason I come here. I had an ugly experience with my band, and I think that there are some specific things that people can do to avoid having a bad Band experience (or a bad WLS experience of ANY kind). My goal is to make sure that people HEAR about those things, whether they like or agree with them, or not. (note: My response might seem a little unclear to some; it is meant for some people specifically, and it might not make sense to others. Sorry 'bout that...) I hope that Never is reading these responses, because most of them are very accurate, and to the point. Particularly Cleo's Mom. She had been through some very, very tough stuff, and those seeking to gain some strength to weather their personal travails would do well to listen to what she has to say, and HOW she says it. She's a survivor, which is what MOST of us want to be. Never needs to hear what's being said here, but at the same time I think she needs to know that we are all supportive of her, which I think we all are. HH
  16. Headhunter

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Funny you should put it that way..... Back in the early/mid '80's, right after "thriller", MJ was slated to play Peter Pan in a live-action Film version of the story. It was going to be done at the studio where I worked, I saw all the paperwork on it, and read through a prelim script. I'm not sure whatever happened to it. Many, many projects like that get so close to shooting, but are killed for some reason at the last minute. Anyway.....I thought it was interesting, your choice of words.... :thumbup: HH
  17. Headhunter

    magic bullet

    I have a couple of them, and I really like them. I like them better than a blender, just for the cleaning efficiency. With a blender, you blend up what you want, then move it to cup, then drink it. With the Bullet, you are Blending IN the cup. You only have to clean ONE piece. A small difference, but I saw that it made made an impact. BUT....and please REMEMBER this: When using the Magic Bullet, when you press down to make it blend, ONLY press in SHORT BURSTS.....do NOT hold it down where the motor is running for longer than a few seconds at a time. What they DON"t tell you is that if you do hold it down for extended periods, the motor will burn out VERY FAST. That happened to me TWICE, until I found someone online that explained this fact to me. SHORT BURSTS.....that's all you need! Do that, and you'll love the Magic Bullet!:rolleyes2: HH
  18. Headhunter

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Well, THAT was a snarky, stupid remark. Certainly did help to advance the dialogue here....:rolleyes2: HH
  19. Most everyone is gonna feel SOME pain, for all the reasons that been given thus far. But, there are some who feel very little or no pain. It's like a little cold for a day or two. That was probably the ONLY positive thing about my band experience, the fact that i didn't have any pain at all. I stayed in the Hospital over night, left the next morning and I was fine. I had the surgery on a tuesday Afternoon, and by friday I was at a Trade show in Las Vegas. So, it's kind of like the Band experience in general.....it's gonna be different for EVERYONE, but you would be wise to anticipate SOME pain. May sure the Doc prescribes some of the GOOD stuff for you to have on hand...:thumbup: HH
  20. Headhunter

    Ok Husbands & Wifes...

    I really like this cute couple! They're neat. It's wonderful to see a relationship working like this. I see a number of threads here where the husband is NOT supportive of the wife. There was one where The husband even refused to drive the wife to the hospital for Surgery! So, this is just heartwarming to see. And for those of you who don't think I actually HAVE a heart, well, it's there. And it gets tickled a bit when I see sweet stuff like this. This is what a marriage is SUPPOSED to be like. Supportive. Caring. Loving. And Erick, this WILL pay off for you in other ways, you know. I predict that the minute Agnes hits goal, she'll be off to Victoria's Secret, and you'll be getting the support YOU'RE lookin' for! HH
  21. Headhunter

    Did God make you rich?

    OFF TOPIC: Sorry to break in here, but this is for HKAK1: Hi, you PM'd me and I tried to reply, but you have your PM RECIEVE disabled, so I can't send you anything! Activate that, and I'll send you what I've got!! We now return you to the regularly scheduled programming...... HH
  22. Yeah, but look at Oprah! I hear that she has a nickel or two squirreled away, and she doesn't seem to be able to buy her way out of the "fat zone"!:thumbdown: HH
  23. Headhunter

    Anyone taking Biotin for their hair?

    It's funny, someone on another commented that she chose the Lap Band over other surgeries because she "wanted to keep her hair and teeth"! Looks like she didn't do her research, because hair loss can occur with ALL the WL Surgeries! It's not simply Biotin that will make the difference in hair loss/no hair loss. It's a combination. Biotin is important, but so is Inositol, Choline, and many others. Protein is VERY important, because that is basically what hair IS. Make sure you have a good diet, and take a very good multi as well. In my case, having a Bypass, hair loss was potentially MORE of an issue than it is with the Band. I found some products by a company called Bariatric Building Blocks that seem to be very, very good. I have not had a single issue with hair loss, and I attribute that to these Vitamins. The cool thing is that they make these chewables that are simply WONDERFUL tasting!....I look forward to taking them every day! Keep in mind though.....the hair loss is almost always a temporary thing....it'll grow back, don't worry about that by itself. Concentrate on getting all the nutrients for your ENTIRE body, and the hair will take care of itself!! Hair's to you! (sorry...):thumbdown: HH
  24. What everyone else here has said is quite correct. The Band cannot "force" you to diet. It can ASSIST you in sticking to an eating regimen, but it won't MAKE you. But don't tie yourself to having the Lap Band. There are other procedures that work well for different types of people. Advertisements have made it seem like the band is fast and easy, but most people who have had one will tell you that it is neither. It takes the right kind of person it make it a success. Check out ALL the procedures. Some of them may seem a little drastic, but it might be that "drastic" is what you need. Take your time and do the research. This is a great place to start. I think people have given you a "reality check" here so far. Whatever you decide, make sure that you do the research and choose the RIGHT surgeon. That is KEY in having success with any of the procedures. Best of luck to ya! HH
  25. Headhunter

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Bingo! Perfect, Beth! lol! :thumbdown: HH

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
