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Everything posted by Headhunter

  1. Headhunter

    Dumping Syndrome is "a good thing"!

    Hi, Nancy! yes, it is! You might call it the Bypass's "natural restriction". It's not pleasant, but a few episodes of dumping and you'll likely never binge on sweets again. I have not experienced the dumping that other people have. I have had two minor episodes. One was when i had a "smoothie" at a convention. I learned that all smoothies are NOT alike. I think I knew I was in for trouble when i saw them ladling that syrup into the blender. I didn't get real sick, I just felt a little "off", very mildly naseous., and it didn't last long. The second episode was at a party where I had some salad with some Ranch dressing. That was a little worse. I had to go out to my car and lay down for a few minutes. It may have been the high concentration of fat in the dressing, or something else entirely. As a test a few weeks later, i tried some ranch dressing at home, just a little bit, and i did notice an unsual reaction. So, no Ranch for me! I haven't investigated exaclty what the "offending ingredient" is, but it's there. I will say that I have MUCH more latitude in what I can eat than other RNY patitnts, it seems. But, this surgery turns out in VERY individual ways, and there is no way to predict exactly what the outcome is going to be. But, YES....it IS a good thing. It's keeps you in line, right? HH
  2. Headhunter


    Normally, I'd have a lot to say about this. BUT, the two posters ahead of me covered everything wonderfully. I'm in complete agreement with what they have said. And they stated it very well!:thumbup: Don't settle. for ANYTHING. It's also a BIG PLUS that you have family that have had success with the RNY. You KNOW you'll get the support you need from them. But....do your research, and make sure that RNY is what you NEED. If you know that without any hesitation, then FIGHT your insurance company on it. RNY has been the Gold Standard of WLS for many years, and I'm surprised that they don't cover it. It's usually the other way around....they'll cover RNY, but not the others. Keep us posted....we all want you to be a success! HH
  3. Headhunter

    please help

    Yawn. So much ignorance, so little time. “HH, You have absolutely no right to attack me here.” Of course I do. You were blabbing out nonsense on a subject you clearly know little or nothing about. Not only do I have the RIGHT to call you on it, I more or less have an obligation, because it is a subject that I DO know about. Unlike you. “ I simply stated my OPINION and advised sabertooth to do their homework.” “I am totally against the bypass surgery for the obvious risks associated with it” “and “There are many long term health hazards to be considered if you choose bypass.” “OBVIOUS” risks? “health Hazards”? Those aren’t “opinions”. You are stating those as though they are Facts. They are NOT. “You need to take a step back and re-read your post.” And why exactly would I need to do that? I said what NEEDED to be said. End of story. “Just because you had a bad experience or are just in a bad mood, whatever the case may be, doesn't give you the right to attack me or anybody else for that matter.” First of all, yes; I DID have bad experience. A life-threatening experience. That was probably the only correct thing you have had to say. Second, I’m ALWAYS in a bad mood, so that comment doesn’t count. And the fact that I DID have such an experience damn well gives me the right to help OTHER PEOPLE avoid experiencing what I went through. And sometimes that means putting a cork in the mouth of people like YOU who don’t know what they are talking about. And in case you didn’t actually READ my post (a likely scenario), I’ll repeat this: I am NOT opposed to anyone getting the Lap band or ANYTHING ELSE if it is what they NEED. Hell, if a Green Titanium Vibrating Butt Plug is what is going to make you lose weight and save your life, I'll give you the batteries for it! If you think I’m opposed to the Band because of my experience, well, you’d be wrong….just like you are on every other point here. If you don’t believe me, look up a recent thread using “agnes” as the search word. You’ll see where I stand. “Remember, this is a lap band forum so of coarse you are going to hear from people the positive things about lap band.” Ya think? “You need to remember what these forums are for.” I’m not all that sure that I need you or anyone else to remind me what these forums are “for”. These forums are different things to different people. For some people here, it’s simply a social event. They talk about crap they buy on QVC, recipes, and eye shadow. And that’s fine….every forum needs a community element to it. Others talk about sports. Some engage in banter about unprotected and anal sex. All of that is just fine. I engage in a little bit of that banter myself at times. But I take my own involvement here a bit more seriously. As a result of some bad decisions on my part, a surgeon who shouldn’t be allowed to clean fish, much less perform surgery, and some plain BAD LUCK, I lost more than SIX YEARS of my life, HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars, and pain and suffering that I could not have imagined prior. And whether YOU or ANYONE else likes it or not, I’m going to TRY and see that my experience is NOT endured by anyone else. So, you can run on back and chat about unprotected sex. I’ll try and help someone make an important decision. “Don't come on this forum and belittle and berate me for trying to help. “ You weren’t helping. At ALL. In ANY way…..umm….except you DID help me understand that you know nothing about Gastric Bypass. Thank you for that, by the way. “I know at least 10 people with HORRIBLE SURGICAL OUTCOMES from BYPASS SURGERY and base my OPINION on this knowledge and research I have done.” Oh, so it’s TEN people now. I get it. The other 7 slipped your mind, maybe? “Of course this knowledge made we WARY of the procedure. “ Well, it SHOULDN’T have…..you clearly HAVE no knowledge of it, at all. “Who wouldn't be wary of it in my position. “ Uh….someone who actually KNEW something about it, perhaps? “Two people I know have died from complications in the past 10 years,” Uh, is that in ADDITION to the OTHER 10 (that morphed upward from three)? “ another is in liver failure from her bypass 8 years ago and she is only 32,” LIVER FAILURE??? From her BYPASS??? Of EIGHT YEARS ago?? C’mon, Dr. Kildare. You got some ‘splainin’ to do on THAT one. Liver problems can develop as a side effect of Gall Bladder problems, which are a COMMON side effect of ALL Weight Loss procedures. Sounds like you’ve been doing your Bypass Studies from the back of a box of Corn Flakes, cupcake. “another has lost all her hair and fingernails from malnutrition” Ok, so you had an idiot for a friend who did NOT TAKE THEIR supplements. THAT is what causes the malnutrition in OVER 99 percent of the cases. WELL over 99 percent. That is not even an ISSUE. Stupidity happens with ANY procedure. Jeez. “another is in a convelesant hopital from complications too numerous to list” You know, I think you know more Gastric Bypass patients than ANYONE on the planet. ANYONE. In various places throughout America, in the past they had these communities for “little people” (they used to be called “Midgets”). They were special little “cities within cities” that were built just for their size issues. I’ll BET that you live in a community like that JUST FOR Gastric Bypass Patients. You’re probably surrounded by them. That’s why you know SO much about them. Really. They seem to encircle you. They must like you. “I know "three" people who had bypass in the past year and are absolutely fine, the lady who owns the gym I go to had it 4 years ago and is doing fantastic.” Ok, so that brings the total to THIRTEEN that you know, right? Now, does that include the two that died? Or do we subtract the ORIGINAL three because they were ACTUALLY part of the TEN? But, I think it’s a nice touch for you to add in a few “positive” outcomes to make your “negatives” seem a little more credible. Yep. Nice touch. “If you don't like what I have to say it doesn't really matter because I live in a country were I am free to state MY OPINION! “ And THAT is where I am in TOTAL AGREEMENT with you. Our great country does indeed give us the right to express our opinions. It also gives us the right to be TOTALLY IGNORANT, and I commend you for practicing that right. It also gives us the right to fabricate numbers/people/situations in order to give support to some ill-conceived rant that you THINK is going to make you appear authoritative. Again, kudos for stepping up to THAT plate. Of course, I also have the right to identify people who make the mistake of doing so. Making a decision on what could be a life-changing procedure is very difficult. I mean, look at what SaberTooth’s very first words were in the title: “Please help”. This woman asked for HELP in making her decision, not a bunch of crap from someone who knows little or nothing (mostly NOTHING) about a procedure that JUST MIGHT be what she NEEDS. There were some terrific responses here from OTHER people who had the Lap Band, and they articulated nicely what THEIR experience had been, and how/why they thought they had made a good choice. And THAT’s how it should be. You know, in the period of time I have been on this forum, I have gotten into it with some people (one or two..:thumbup:), and I have come close to “crossing the line” a few times. But I don’t believe that I have EVER come right out and said that someone is full of s**t. Until now. MODERATORS: please note: I am NOT attacking the PERSON here. I am attacking the s**t that is INSIDE the HEAD of the person. HH
  4. Headhunter

    please help

    Sabertooth; One other thing I wanted to comment on, and the previous poster did so as well. It's the hunger issue. The Lap band does NOT always deal with that issue. The Band CAN have appetite reducing characteristics, although they are not NEARLY as pronounced as those in the other procedures. And the appetite reduction originates from an entirely different source from the other surgeries, when it happens at all. Massive appetite reduction with the band is the EXCEPTION rather than the rule. So I would not count on the Band to do that for you, even though some people do experience it. As far as appetite reduction, The Bypass and the Sleeve are more appropriate options. It has to do with Grehlin. In the case of the Sleeve, the portion of the stomach that is removed during the Sleeve procedure contains the FUNDUS, which secretes Grehlin. Grehlin is a Hormone that stimulates HUNGER. It’s a complicated issue, but it’s an important distinction to make. Reduction of Ghrelin in the nervous system does not eliminate hunger entirely….but it DRAMATICALLY reduces it, and that is KEY to understanding why the Sleeve works. The combination of Grehlin reduction and restriction makes the Sleeve a very, very attractive option…an option that needs to be considered by anyone considering WLS. The very same mechanism produces a similar effect in Bypass patients. The Fundus is NOT removed in the Bypass, but it is ISOLATED and does not allow Grehlin to enter the nervous system from that location. Hence, a DRAMATIC reduction of the appetite. Again, get your info from Professional Sources, but if continual hunger is a very big issue for you, that could signal a "no" for the band, in favor of one of the other procedures. And I'll repeat where I said that SOME people experience appetite reduction with the band, but it is NOT the rule. HH
  5. Headhunter

    please help

    Sometimes I think that the only reason some people post here is so they can take shots at the surgery they DIDN'T have. When are people actually going to begin to UNDERSTAND the very, very SIMPLE (for SOME people) FACT that different procedures work for different people? Huh? When are you gonna actually GET that? I see people spouting the same crap here day after day. It’s amazing. The way some people talk about bypass you’d think it was on the same level as having unprotected sex with a heroin mainliner. Or Christina Aguilera. It Not. It’s still considered the “gold standard” for WLS, and while SOME idiots are able to screw it up by NOT doing what the Doctor TOLD them to do, it’s a remarkably effective, safe procedure that has been performed on hundreds of thousands of people for the last HALF CENTURY. So do everyone a favor and stop trying to justify YOUR choice of procedures to YOURSELF by bad-mouthing OTHER procedures. The band worked for you. That’s swell. I’m simply thrilled by that. But it DOESN’T work for everyone. You really need to GET that. And by bad-mouthing a procedure you know little or nothing about (other than your “three people”) you might be influencing a patient AGAINST having a procedure that might very well save their life. Note: Whenever I see that someone knows people that have had a bad Bypass outcome, they almost always say its “three people”. Wonder why. :thumbup: Potential WLS patients need to look at all the options, discuss those options with multiple doctors, have some psychotherapy with a therapist that specializes in bariatric disorders, and then decide what is right for them. It’s not an easy or fast process. It’s not a matter of going on forums like this and seeing what everyone else has to say and just picking "something". When I first researched WLS, I pretty quickly dismissed Gastric Bypass as an option for most of the reasons that people have stated here: High mortality rate (wrong), potential regain (very rare), the “invasive” factor(don't get me started), blah, blah, blah. Of course, I didn’t get my information on this from any RELIABLE sources,…just stuff that was posted around the internet. . Kind of like how most people HERE get their information. And that information was WRONG. It took a life-threatening experience with the lap band, several years of bad health and Multiple Surgeries for me to discover that I should have had the Bypass to BEGIN with. It was what worked for ME. Some people need restriction. Some people need malabsorbtion. Some people need a combination. And for SOME people, NOTHING will work. Let be VERY clear about this for those of you who are ignoring most of what I’m saying here: I am NOT advocating the Gastric Bypass. I am NOT Advocating the Lap Band. OR the Sleeve. And I am not OPPOSED to ANY of them. I am advocating what is CORRECT for the patient. And guess what: YOU don’t know what that IS. And neither do I. There is an increasing number of people who had one type of WLS surgery, and discovered that it was wrong for them. And they ended up having another surgery, often as a self-pay because many insurance providers won’t cover a revision. You need to get it right the FIRST time. Don't dismiss the bypass because someone here decided not have it. :thumbup: Don't base this important, life-changing decision on what a few people who don't know what they're talking about have to say. It's fine to get information from people about the surgery that THEY have had, but when they start blathering about stuff they haven't experienced, that's when you need to turn the page. Get the FACTS from professionals, and base your decisons on that. And that ALONE. HH
  6. Headhunter

    Digital Bathroom Scale Recommendations?

    Kev; I've had a Tanita Digital scale on which I have happily watched the number go from 340 down to 160. It's been reliable, and I'd buy another one in a heartbeat. HH
  7. Headhunter

    please help

    Hi, Saber; As someone who has had both the Band AND the Bypass, I can speak from some experience. I discovered after having the band fail on me (for a lot of reasons) that the band had been the WRONG choice for me. You need to view this whole issue a little differently; It's not how much weight you can lose in a specified period, it's whether or not the band is RIGHT for YOU. I’d like to point out the misconception that the entire Weight Loss Surgery issue is that of a big WLS “Smorgasbord”, and that all you have to do is simply pick the one that tickles your fancy. Wrong. They are ALL different, and they are meant for different types of people and bodies. They ALL work (to varying degrees)…..but their long-term (and short-term) efficacy is dependant on some very individual elements. You really need to take the time and the effort to ascertain which WLS is right for you. In other words, Your Doctor does NOT choose your Surgery. YOU do NOT choose your surgery. The SURGERY chooses YOU. You really need to do the research, ask a LOT of questions, speak to knowledgable Doctors, and go into it really KNOWING that you have chosen the RIGHT procedure. If your Doctors are letting YOU make the decision without a lot of input from them, then I'd question whether I want that Doctor putting a knife into me. They are both ENTIRELY different procedures. And, you should be aware that there are OTHER procedures available as well, in particular what is known as the "Sleeve". It is becoming very popular now as well. I would strongly advise you to take the time, do the research, and make sure you make the right choice. The band has worked wonders for many people. But, so has the Bypass. AND the Sleeve. You just need to find out what will work best for YOU. If you have questions, feel free to ask....that's why we're all hanging out here! HH
  8. Headhunter

    Mad as heck!

    I was thinkin' the same thing..... :smile:
  9. Headhunter

    Pin-Up Photos

    Tasteful??? Screw tasteful. I've got a polaroid in the back of my van....... HH
  10. I lost a half-size in my shoes. It's amazing how the body changes. Most everything gets smaller. SOME "components" actually got BIGGER. A LOT bigger. It's also interesting to note that when I was at a particular weight many years ago, and fit into a certain size pants, well, I'm at that weight now, but the pants don't fit any more! The entire body structure just changes, and not just in size. HH
  11. Headhunter

    lapband failure

    Trust me; There IS life after the Lap Band. There are many, many reasons why it fails. It does NOT, however, mean that YOU are a failure. HH
  12. Emmy; I would strongly suggest that you speak with your Dr so that he/she can help alleviate your anxiety. People here can offer a LOT of advice, some good, some bad, but the only REAL authority for you should be the person that put your band IN you. It is important to keep in touch with them, and follow their prescribed behavior TO THE LETTER, even if it seems counterintuitve. Your surgeon has (hopefully) done hundreds or thousands of these operations, and has been able to refine their procedure based upon the various outcomes of their patients. So, it is IMPORTANT that you follow the instructions that they give you with regard to eating, and everything else. So, give your Dr a call, and they will no doubt have an answer for you....it will most likely alleviate the anxiety you are having about this. HH
  13. Headhunter

    Movie stars with weight issues.....

    I'm not all that usre that the band really NEEDS any more publicity. It's advertised on the sides of buses, on bus Stop benches, the ads are ALL OVER the TV here in L.A., billboards everywhere, etc. What I think needs the publicity is not the procedures, but the fact that different procedures are right for different people. If Oprah, for instance, went out and had a Lap band, EVERYBODY would be crowding their Dr's offices wanting to get one too. And the Lap band is NOT the right procedure for everyone. And RNY isn't either. Nor is the sleeve. I think everyone thinks they are all interchangeable. And they're not. Incidentally, Annie Wilson of "Heart" also had a Lap Band. She has not been successful with it. I think she had one put in about 6 or 7 years ago. HH
  14. Hi, PoolGirl; I like your name AND avatar....:cursing: The best advice that I can toss in here is to make sure that you have looked at ALL your options, in terms of surgeries. You indicated that you have a VERY strong sweet tooth, and in some situations that might indicate that going a different route, such as the bypass, would be more successful. So really do yourself a favor, and attend some additional seminars and see some other doctors if you can. This is a surgery that you only want to do ONCE, and you want to get it right the FIRST time. There are several different types of surgeries, and they are meant for different bodies and personality types. It's not a matter of simply picking the one you prefer; you need to pick the one that is RIGHT for YOU. Again, you mentioned your sweet tooth specifically, so if I were you I'd do a little further research and investigation and educate yourself on ALL the various options. Best of luck! HH
  15. Headhunter


    Uh...yeah.....what THEY said. You're right....she posted once in Feb, then 4 times today...... We're all happy to help, BUT.....ya gotta be a little patient, ok? Calm down, relax, come back, and we'll give you answers you need. or not. It's up to you, cupcake. :cursing: HH
  16. Headhunter

    Nasty Thing People Say

    Nicely put. HH
  17. Headhunter

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Holli, I have a newfound respect for you. Your son was going through this, which must have been a nightmare for you, and you're here yacking about useless crap with the rest of us. You're a strong woman. I admire that. HH
  18. Keep in mind that it's not about THEM....it's about YOU. YOU are the one whom this loss is important to. You've done VERY well thus far, but as a percentage of your overall weight, the amount you have has lost is not large enough to be REALLY apparent to most people. In another 10 pounds, people will really begin to notice. But remember....this is not about THEM. It's about YOU. YOU notice the loss....and that's all that matters. HH
  19. Headhunter

    how far apart should they be?

    I see you're in New York. If you were in California, and part of the California school system, then yes, I would have automatically assumed you had failed. HH
  20. Headhunter

    Lap Band and Ulcers

    Well, Don't kick yourself, Top. This is stuff that just HAPPENS. We never know what is in store for us post-scalpel. I really, really think that endoscopy SHOULD be a regular component of the pre-surgery work-up for everyone. I think that they could catch a lot of issues that might create a problem for the band. I've thought for a while that Endosocopy should be something that is done on EVERYONE after a certain age, just like a Colonoscopy is recommended. A lot of nasty stuff could be caught very early! But, the ulcer is treatable, very much so, and if you want to look on the bright side of it, you will now be FORCED to limit your diet even more, while you are treating the ulcer. That can only result in a little faster weight loss! So, no, don't kick yourself over having "caused" an ulcer. Not at ALL. The fact is that there are ulcers present in MILLIONS of people who NEVER have symptoms of any kind. It's a byproduct of our society and culture, the way we eat and live. Keep us posted on your progress....and your weight loss! HH
  21. Headhunter

    Nasty Thing People Say

    Actually, I'm not seeing all that much wrong with what he had to say. Of course, I wasn't there, I didn't hear his tone, inflections, etc, But it didn't sound like something I would post in a forum over. I've had people say similar stuff to me when they found out how much I weighed pre-surgery. Many times, In fact. And, as far as staying committed, well, what he said was quite factual. It IS hard for heavier people to commit to a long-term excercise regimen. I do think he was trying to be complimentary, but he just wasn't all that good at it. HH
  22. That is a difficult one, and it applies to those of us with Different WLS's, as well as the Band. I used to LOVE to guzzle. A while after surgery, I realized that my MAX limit was 5 swallows at once (30 minutes after eating, of course) , and I learned to live with that. I still count each swallow, kind of like in a cadence. It's tough to get used to, but you HAVE to learn and play by the rules....it is CRUCIAL to the success of the band. HH
  23. Headhunter

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    Excellent! You must be relieved! Hopefully, you'll be able to get some rest now. HH
  24. Headhunter

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

  25. Headhunter

    Lap Band and Ulcers

    Top Tier; In spite of the exchanges that you and I have had in the past, I am sorry that you are going through this. My heart does go out to you. It’s no fun. The road to WLS is difficult, and once you actually have the surgery, to have this happen, well, I know that it is heartbreaking. I’ve been there; I know what it’s like. Normally, Ulcers ARE a problem with having WLS. That was one of the problems I had post-bypass, but it is a SIDE-EFFECT that some RNY patients experience….like me, unfortunately. Did they perform an endoscopy PRIOR to your band installation? That was something that perhaps they should have known about. The good news is that ulcers are very treatable. They can be uncomfortable, and it will take some time to heal it, but it IS doable. I struggled with my ulcer for a while, but the medication finally kicked in and it seems to have healed properly. I would suggest that you not give up hope, and I firmly feel that if you treat the ulcer properly, there should be no reason that your band should have to be removed. Just be very careful with your diet, and make sure you take all of the meds they give you. If you haven’t already, you might consider getting a second opinion from another gastroenterologist, one that might work to treat the ulcer a little more aggressively. Keep us posted on how you do with this. I think you will be okay, long term. And congrats on your initial 30-pound loss. It’s a rough road to take to begin your weight loss, but you ARE on your way! HH

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