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Born in Missouri

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Born in Missouri

  1. Born in Missouri

    Post Op Questions!

    @CashmereAndBones According to your profile page, you've returned to read these comments. I hope you've had a chance to take all of our well-intentioned words to heart. I don't know why you haven't reposted since. Did you not receive the answers you wanted? Are you feeling disheartened now and reconsidering surgery? Come out of the shadows, friend. What's on your mind?
  2. As bad as you feel now, oh how great you'll feel later. I know pain. As a chronic pain patient, I live with pain daily. Most people have a hard time understanding this, but I actually welcomed my post-op bypass discomfort. Anything to minimize and distract my pain receptors from the horrible pain I feel in my right ankle daily. I take 300mg of morphine on average per day. When you are asked by the hospital staff about your pain, don't try to be a hero. You deserve to be as comfortable as possible.
  3. Born in Missouri

    HOLY COW! Is this Dumping?

    Did you scare the becheezits out of your cats and daughter while you were writhing in pain on Sunday?
  4. Born in Missouri

    HOLY COW! Is this Dumping?

    PrettyKitty, When taking any pain med, which includes Tylenol, always start your next dose about a half to one-hour before your previous dose wears off. For example, if you take one Tylenol every four hours, try taking the next dose at 3 1/2 hours. Are you taking tablets or capsules? If tablets, you can cut the pill in half and take half at the 3 1/2 hour mark, and the other half at the prescribed time. The purpose of this overlapping schedule is to prevent you from having to wait for the medication to kick in. Don't wait for your body to deplete the effects of your medication!
  5. Born in Missouri

    HOLY COW! Is this Dumping?

    Some of your vitamins can discolor your urine, Vit C in particular turns an orangey-gold. Did she say to look for a bloody tinge?
  6. @Ylime The pre-surgery liquid diet is NOT THE SAME as the liquid diet that's required after surgery. The pre-surgery diet is high in protein and supplies your body with minimal carbohydrates. This puts your body in ketosis. Ketosis enables your body to utilize the fat stores around your liver and spleen as an energy source. This leads to the shrinkage of the liver and quick weight loss. The shrinkage also allows for easier access in the abdomen during the procedure. It wouldn't hurt to try the diet for a few days. I'm surprised by the number of people who aren't required to follow this diet. The reasoning behind it makes a lot of sense. Why not try it?
  7. @blondechic OMG. According to your profile page, your surgery is today, July 10th!! Best of luck to you. Let us know how everything turns out, how you feel, etc.
  8. Born in Missouri


    It's only natural to feel apprehensive. Yes, this is major surgery, but the overwhelming majority of surgeons would not take you on if they thought you were a high-risk patient to begin with. You didn't offer many details. Do you have any other health issues? How old are you? Have you ever been under general anesthesia before? What is your support system like? When you read only stories about people with the worst possible outcomes, it begins to appear that many, many people suffer from complications. Statistically, that's not the case. If you have an experienced, competent surgical team, you can expect a terrific outcome. You do realize that some complications are caused mainly because patients are irresponsibly non-compliant with their surgeon's discharge instructions or they don't follow other recommendations? Advancing your diet, being sedentary following surgery... you have considerable control over your actions -- things that would greatly minimize your chances for a complication. Prior to surgery, we see many professionals along the way whose job it is to explain to us what to expect, etc. (and often it seems as though they explain the same stuff over and over until we want to scream!) That said, these face-to-face meetings are intended to prepare you for your journey ahead. If you pay attention, ask questions, and make a sincere effort to follow their advice, you'll be fine. Really. How about sitting down and writing yourself a letter? Be sure to include of all your fears and concerns. Then wait a day or two. When you re-read your letter, pretend that you are reading this letter as though you're a good friend of the letter-writer. Now answer your "friend's" letter. Try to be comforting and understanding. Try to be positive and reassuring. You might actually surprise yourself at what a good friend you can be... to yourself. Share your letters here, if you think they might help someone else.
  9. Born in Missouri

    We all need a laugh

    Clever -- and very appropriate for this forum.
  10. Born in Missouri

    Can't stop losing weight. Still can't eat much

    Be an unapologetic self-advocate. If something doesn't seem right to you, it probably isn't. And even if it does turn out to be something that's not problematic, you deserve to find that out, too.
  11. Born in Missouri

    July 18th surgery

    Keep up the positive attitude. Good onya. Your life is about to change -- for the better!! Just curious. Are you on an all liquids-only diet prior to your surgery?
  12. Born in Missouri

    Hard to lay in bed

    Do you share a bed? I layer and stack several pillows of different sizes and firmness. I place pillows along my sides to cushion those areas. I like my head raised, almost as though I were in a chair. Sometimes I even have pillows for my legs and feet. It takes a while to arrange my nightly nest, but it's always cozy. I also require a cold room, that includes a fan in addition to air conditioning. I'm only a few steps away from the bathroom, too. Do you use a C-pap? Lately, I've been sleeping with an over-sized T-shirt. I also prefer going commando, but that's just me. So, lying on your belly and lying flat on your back both feel weird, is that correct?
  13. Born in Missouri

    Oops! Changed my mind

    How confident are you that your psychiatrist has a good understanding of pharmacology as it relates specifically to bariatric surgery? Sleeve vs gastric bypass? Which meds are you taking? Dose? How often do you take each med? Dosage form (immediate release or extended release)?
  14. Born in Missouri

    Pre-Admission Tomorrow!

    @Luzbella I'm so glad that you decided to start documenting your journey with photos. Believe me, you'll be happy that you did it. Once the weight starts to drop, those pictures will be a great reminder of where you started and where you're headed. Of course, you already know this!
  15. Born in Missouri

    Morning sickness aka all day sickness

    Wow. It's been a while since I've experienced morning sickness. I have four adult children. The trigger for me was smell. That really escalated by nausea. Because meds are something I wouldn't risk taking (particularly at this crucial, early-developing stage of pregnancy), I remember just having to live with it for a while. Sleeping was a way to not deal with the sickness. Are there any other liquids that you can tolerate? Dairy tends to add to nausea. What about soy milk? Coconut or almond milk? Sip on decaf hot tea. Nausea during pregnancy is, unfortunately, one of those leftover things from evolution. In order to ensure the survival of new life, we were warned about eating bad or poisonous food by making sure we had heightened senses for smell and taste. Hormonal levels come into play as well. It's a lousy scenario, but one that millions and billions of women have had to endure. I know that's no comfort for you as an individual. Is this your first baby?
  16. Born in Missouri

    Talk to me! I'm new :)

    You successfully complete one week of a two-week diet. That does not blow. That's great!! I hope your second week flies by. Good luck with your surgery.
  17. Born in Missouri

    Hospital bag

    You'll most definitely need the ChapStick.
  18. Born in Missouri

    Wife not Supportive

    @Lily'sMom Pescador is not the original poster. Pescador already had weight-loss surgery and so did her husband. It's confusing sometimes, especially when there is more than one page and we have to scroll up and down to read who said what.
  19. Born in Missouri

    Wife not Supportive

    316913 does not give enough information. What can we do?
  20. Born in Missouri

    Why is alcohol that bad for you after surgery?

    @RickM. If grades were being assigned to comments, your comment would receive an A-. I was going to give you an A, but I didn't want to risk you getting a transfer addiction involving perfect grades.
  21. Born in Missouri

    Post Op Questions!

    I'm only 5/6 WEEKS post-op, so perhaps I’m not the person you hoped to hear from. First, I want to applaud you for trying to think ahead. All these unknowns can mess with your mind. Yes! Yes! Yes! You have every right and you deserve to be treated with respect in an honest and thoughtful way. It's not easy to ask questions when you're unsure about what kind of answers you'll receive. Anyway.... The first thing that popped out at me was the general bargaining tone of your questions. What I mean is this: You love eating X , drinking X, and doing X so much that you’re hoping to bargain your way out of the commitment that you'd need to make in order to be truly successful. Kindly notice that I didn't say that doing any of these things would be 100% terrible. My point is that you need to be prepared to give up some things that you genuinely enjoy NOW in order to get the ONE thing that you apparently want the MOST. Is losing weight and improving your health what you want the MOST? If it is, then you've established your top priority. I know these sentences will sound silly the first time you read them, but they are meant to make you really think hard about what is truly important to you versus what seems important NOW. It all boils down to you being willing to give up something in order to get something else that's better. Again, I didn't say that you must give up any of these things, but you have to plant the seed deep into your head that you would be willing to give up one or all of these things if it meant the difference between being getting what you like or love NOW versus what you really want LATER. 1. My favorite food chain is in LA, In-N-Out Burger where I like to eat a cheeseburger and small fry with like a milkshake, but losing weight and improving my health is what I want the most. 2. I absolutely LOVE sparkling Water like La Croix and San Pellegrino, but losing weight and improving my health is what I want the most. 3. I like to have myself an occasional couple of social beverages, such as mixed drinks (hard liquor) and wine, but losing weight and improving my health is what I want the most. 4. A lot of people have a sweet tooth, and I love the occasional scone, croissant, cookie, French macaron, etc., but losing weight and improving my health is what I want the most. 5. I'm ADDICTED to coffee and espresso beverages; lattes, macchiatos, cappuccinos, matcha lattes sweetened with flavored syrups like a pump of lavender or simple Syrup or matcha powder, but losing weight and improving my health is what I want the most. 6. I'm not stupid. I know it's an addictive habit and I'm trying to quit smoking cigarettes and e-cigs like Juul's, but losing weight and improving my health is what I want the most. 7. I eat I like to sip on water or unsweetened iced tea, coffee while eating a snack or meal, but losing weight and improving my health is what I want the most. I’ve spent more time on this post than on any other so far. That’s because you and your topic are both important and you deserved my full effort. I’m not implying that my full effort is worth more or less than anyone else’s effort, but you deserved more than just a quicky reply with no real time or effort invested in it. We all started where you are now. We’ve all wondered about how our lives would change after weight-loss surgery. Would we be able to handle all the new and different lifestyle changes or would we end up having regrets? Please take my post in the caring spirit in which it was written. I had other, more pressing things to do tonight, but I chose to write to you instead. Did I waste my time?
  22. Born in Missouri

    HOLY COW! Is this Dumping?

    @Kitty. Thanks for posting your video. You're beautiful. I loved near the beginning (at about 0:26) and again (at about 4:38 and 5:38) where your cat(s) video-bombs your talk by casually walking down the hall upstairs and also downstairs!)
  23. Born in Missouri

    HOLY COW! Is this Dumping?

    @Frustr8 Little Kitty and I are neighbors. (We live only a few miles apart in neighboring Missouri cities. Kitty's not from Kansas, despite her user name.) I was just trying to make light of her situation to ease some of the tension. And I'm sure she knew that.
  24. You're brave. I could feel the pain in your words, but I could also feel a renewed sense of hope for better things to come. LIFE has kicked you around long enough. Now it's your turn to kick LIFE in the nuts!! Continue to vent. It helps you to get rid of a lot of the toxic "shame" that has been holding you back.
  25. Born in Missouri

    Need advice and encouragement not ripped apart

    @lisalou1968 Not only do you have a stomach made of steel, but you now have a new steely desire for success. In a weird way, your wayward homecoming that led to some dangerously taboo eating ended up helping you. It makes me sad that you predicted a beatdown just for sharing an unfortunate post-op experience. While there will always be people around who are inclined to be judgmental (particularly when they can be anonymous), the majority of people who belong to this forum seem to be more interested in helping each other deal with their ups and downs. I thought your post was very brave. I'm not sure that I'm as brave as you were. By the way, there are several of us here who have abuse and trauma as souvenirs of our childhoods. I'm one of those people, so you can expect plenty of empathy from me.

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