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Born in Missouri

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Born in Missouri

  1. Born in Missouri


    Hello? Are you out there? Are you still feeling unsure about WLS? It's one thing to be unsure about getting WLS surgery and all the lifestyle changes involved and another thing to be unsure about the surgery itself. Millions of people have had successful surgeries with few or any complications. Why not tell yourself that you will be among all those people who will have a successful surgery, too?
  2. Born in Missouri

    Omg, I did it!

    We've been where you're at. Hopefully, with all your newfound knowledge, you'll be able to help others who are just starting the process and need a kind word, some helpful advice, or a belly-hurting laugh. I'm happy for you. And proud. People here won't judge you in the same way people that people outside of this "community" will. We stick together.
  3. Born in Missouri

    Weight gain on preop liquid?!

    Juice? I was told that fruit juice is a big no-no. Extra calories with little benefit. A sip or two of apple juice maybe, but for the most part, avoid it.
  4. Born in Missouri

    Post Op Questions!

    @Creekimp13 You're wasting your time on this person. Hopefully, as @jess9395 pointed out, others may benefit.
  5. Born in Missouri

    Too Much of Too Much

    Right now, at one-month post-op (and starting during the last few months of pre-op), my daily life has been all about my surgery and protein and fluids and exercise and this forum. More and more, I’ve been actively seeking diversions from this focus. Not food-related diversions, though. . My career requires a tremendous amount of creative focus, so I need to be able to break away from “this WLS life” that has been taking center stage. Does this make sense? I intend to follow and keep up with the various lifestyle changes that I’ve committed to, but it’s becoming too much of too much. Visiting this site multiple times per day is bordering on an addiction. . For those who frequent this forum, how do you maintain the focus and stamina to comment day after day after day? Given my short window of participation here, I’m not convinced that I’d be missed much.
  6. Born in Missouri

    First day back

    Restless leg syndrome and painful joints are also symptoms, which helps to explain the pain in your legs.
  7. Born in Missouri

    First day back

    After gastric bypass, your hemoglobin* can drop significantly. My surgeon told me that this is completely normal. My blood-draw the day of my bypass surgery revealed a hemoglobin of a little above 12. After my surgery (the next day), my hemoglobin was 8.6 Fatigue and paleness are two of the symptoms of anemia. I'm unusually tired and sleep way more than usual. No wonder you were wiped out at work! It takes a while for your hemoglobin to return to normal. In the meantime, it's important to take your iron supplements. Make sure you take the correct form of iron, such as ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, and ferrous gluconate. Take vitamin C with your iron. Don't take any calcium two hours before or after you take your iron. -------- A hemoglobin test measures the amount of hemoglobin in your blood. Hemoglobin is a protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen to your body's organs and tissues and transports carbon dioxide from your organs and tissues back to your lungs. If a hemoglobin test reveals that your hemoglobin level is lower than normal, it means you have a low red blood cell count (anemia). The normal range for hemoglobin is: For men, 13.5 to 17.5 grams per deciliter For women, 12.0 to 15.5 grams per deciliter
  8. Born in Missouri

    Weight gain on preop liquid?!

    More details, please. What protein powder are you taking? Is it already pre-mixed or are you adding your own liquid, ie. coconut milk, almond milk, etc? If possible, share the diet plan you were given.
  9. Born in Missouri

    Help!!!! Weight gain

    Are you a grazer? Have you had any major life changes in the last few months?
  10. Assuming one's hunger is only satisfied by what's in the fridge. One really needs a sign on every cabinet!
  11. Does this site have a glossary? The words / phrases HEAD HUNGER and SLIDER FOOD were new to me before I arrived here.
  12. Born in Missouri

    Post Op Questions!

    Still, it's not right... particularly when the OP adds this statement to their post: "Please be respectful and honest if responding (: " Okay, CashmereAndBones. We were respectful and honest... what say you in return?
  13. Born in Missouri

    Loose jiggly skin -- what do I have to look "forward" to?

    Pregnancy-stretching and the pouching that occurs postpartum is the only skin sag that I am actually proud of. Of course, breastfeeding is probably the single most amazing experience ever. Freud's penis envy is ludicrous. A woman's body is the body to envy!
  14. Born in Missouri

    Too Much of Too Much

    Say what about the points earned and the store? I haven't been paying attention. I didn't think those points had much value. Do they expire over time? I thought I had some points, now I don't see any. I've enjoyed helping people, too, but it seems that there's usually a surplus of people offering the same advice. I still find it odd that people tend to post questions that have been answered repeatedly in the archives. When you're new and don't know how the site works, that's understandable, but sometimes the same questions show up next to each other on the topic list. Google has a mountain of information, often from researchers or medical professionals. The one thing that people can't get elsewhere, though, is what initially brought me here: a kind word when someone is anxious. A word of congratulations when someone hits a milestone or overcomes an obstacle. And, of course, we all need those words of best wishes as our surgery date arrives. Yes, that human connection was the thing missing for me. I still have no friends in real life, but I've found that people here are eager to listen and be as much a friend as is possible considering the medium. I guess the important thing is finding the right balance. It's my choice whether to comment or not, visit or not. Choice is a powerful thing.
  15. Born in Missouri

    Had surgery today

    @macadamia. Opioids, like morphine, often result in itching. That doesn't mean that your're allergic, though. Sometimes, especially when given intrathecal morphine (delivered directly to your spinal fluid), the drug overexcites certain receptors that would be less affected if given in a different way (orally). I take 300mg of morphine daily. In the beginning, I had an annoying itch, but my body eventually got used to the medication. I've been a morphine patient for several years. Opioids can cause what's called a pseudo-allergy. Think of it as a side effect like dizziness or nausea. "Patients and providers often associate pseudo-allergy reactions to opioid analgesics as true allergies. True allergies to opioids occur in <2% of patients. An incorrect diagnosis of allergies may lead to delays in treatment and unnecessary drug avoidance." https://www.pharmacytimes.com/contributor/jeffrey-fudin/2018/03/opioid-allergy-pseudo-allergy-or-adverse-effect Let doctors in the future know that you've had some itching with a pain pump. Don't just say, "I've had itching with morphine." Yes, switching to hydromorphone (Dilaudid) generally helps. "Itch with epidural morphine may be troublesome but is apparently reduced with switching to the use of epidural hydromorphone. Oxycodone, oxymorphone, or fentanyl could have been chosen instead of hydromorphone, as they may cause less histamine release." https://www.jpsmjournal.com/article/S0885-3924(98)00115-8/pdf
  16. Born in Missouri

    Happy 4th!!.. I'm So F**king Over Broth!!!

    My youngest son prefers homemade noodles with the broth. I'm a scratch cook.
  17. Born in Missouri

    Happy 4th!!.. I'm So F**king Over Broth!!!

    I agree. I bought way too much bone broth and now I'm having a staring contest with the stuff every day. Turkey, chicken, beef... I want none of it. Maybe I can sneak it into my 19-year-old son's meals. He'll eat anything.
  18. Born in Missouri


    Handy-dandy choices. Get some bone broth, too.
  19. Born in Missouri

    Plateau Advice needed!!!

    Food makes more sense. Sometimes the answer is tooooo obvious. D'oh.
  20. Born in Missouri

    Talk to me! I'm new :)

    I was very calm on the day of my surgery. I actually looked forward to being put under. The anesthesia used nowadays doesn't make a person nauseous or sick as it did in days past. I actually play a game when they put the mask over my nose and mouth in the operating room. I tell myself that I have amazing super-duper superpowers and that no gas or whatever can knock me out. I AM SUPERWOMAN!! Of course, you fall asleep without even realizing it. It's unbelievably fast. Instantaneous. You are barely able to finish counting to even five. And when you wake up, you're in recovery .... wondering what happened and disappointed that you have supercrappy superpowers. If you can tolerate the IV being put in your arm, that's the worst part. Truly. The anesthesia is nothing. The operation is nothing. You'll be fine. Believe me. Your surgery day is a day for you to celebrate. Take photos. You'll regret it if you don't.
  21. Born in Missouri

    Talk to me! I'm new :)

    @heyprofessor I stocked up on bone broth and peach Jell-O before my surgery. (Peach is the only flavor I can tolerate). I still have a lot of it left. Fortunately, the bone broth is in that shelf-stable packaging, so it's fine sitting around. Now that I'm almost one-month post-op, I realize that I bought too much bone broth and Jell-O. It's hard to even look at the stuff now. Ick.
  22. Born in Missouri

    thirty pound mountain to climb/premier protein

    Nature’s Bounty protein shake is a cheaper alternative. I found it at CVS. Some people claim that the vanilla flavor tastes like cake batter. You can mix it with almond milk, soy, or coconut milk. It doesn't have as much protein as Premier but it is loaded with vitamins, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. You can find soy milk at Dollar Tree in shelf-stable packaging for a dollar. Surprise! I prefer soy milk packaged this way because it's ready when I am. Mix and match protein powders. You can mix the vitamin blend one from Nature's Bounty with other protein powders with a higher protein content. Sprouts Farmers Market has an amazing collection of protein powders. Whey protein is the highest quality of protein, by the way. I like goat whey myself. I looked up Dollar Tree and Sprouts and both stores are located in Maryland.
  23. Born in Missouri

    Plateau Advice needed!!!

    What do you mean by "I've tracked my foot?"
  24. Born in Missouri

    When Did You Stop Crushing Pills?

    I never crushed or cut in half any of my pills. I took my horse pills whole, even from day one post-op. I was never told otherwise and I didn't feel anything unusual. That said, I wouldn't recommend this. I suppose I was lucky. I'd prefer not to rely on luck, however. Had I experienced a complication, it would have been all on me.
  25. I was told to follow my normal routine. These articles may help to answer your questions, too. https://www.sleepdr.com/the-sleep-blog/can-i-take-a-sleep-aid-or-sleeping-pill-before-my-sleep-study/ https://www.sleepresolutions.com/blog/how-do-you-prepare-for-a-sleep-study

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
