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Born in Missouri

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Born in Missouri

  1. Born in Missouri

    Bariatric Surgery Misconceptions

    @Naughty Glitter Goddess. And we'll be waiting anxiously for you on TEAM POST-OP! The view is great from the post-op side.
  2. Born in Missouri

    Should I be offended?!

    @CalGuy64 I have a mobility problem with my right ankle (that can't be fixed). How can strength training help someone like me? Is there a difference between the various terms: weight training, strength training, and bodybuilding? Do you primarily increase muscle mass in the area targeted or do you regain muscle strength throughout? I believe that several muscles in my legs have atrophied. How can I build strength in my legs safely?
  3. Born in Missouri

    Bariatric Surgery Misconceptions

    @Naughty Glitter Goddess. I'm glad my post helped to alleviate some of your pre-surgery jitters. I like to research and post various studies and information. I tend to post most of these topics in the GENERAL WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY DISCUSSIONS forum. Click the link below to see other topics. toc: topics of interest
  4. Born in Missouri

    I had to tie a knot in my draws/panites! WTH

    I panty-fibbed. I love granny panties. They make me feel safe. Like a big-butt hug. Gotta have a little girly lace, too. I draw the line at bows, though. Those are for bras. (I remember when I got my first training bra. My only requirement is that it had to have a sweet bow in the center, preferably pink.)
  5. Born in Missouri

    I had to tie a knot in my draws/panites! WTH

    So, when are you going panty-shopping? I'm looking forward to the day when I don't feel as though my only option is big-ass granny panties.
  6. Born in Missouri

    I had to tie a knot in my draws/panites! WTH

    There's always commando.
  7. I like the idea of interim goals -- under 250lb, under 200lb -- but what if I've decided on a finish-line goal that's unrealistic? What factors help me to determine a reasonable finish-line goal? My height? My body type? Should my finish-line goal include extra skin? If so, how do I determine the weight of extra skin? I don't want to set up myself for disappointment, or worse, feel as though I've failed. I realize that there is no real finish line because after I reach that almost-magical finish-line goal number, the next leg of my journey is maintenance. (I came up with the term "finish-line goal" because it's a nice visual to break through a finish-line ribbon.)
  8. Born in Missouri

    Hair loss

    You might find your answer here. Spoiler: Hair loss rarely lasts more than 6 months. https://www.drdkim.net/ask-the-dietitian/understanding-hair-loss-after-bariatric-surgery/
  9. Here's how to check up on your surgeon regarding any disciplinary actions, etc. https://www.reputationdefender.com/blog/orm/how-check-your-doctors-reputation
  10. Born in Missouri

    6 week post-op update

    @AlteredReality Your kind words mean a lot. We started our journeys at about the same time, so we'll forever be buddies in that sense. Isn't it funny how we know better about things like comparing but allow our minds to make irrational conclusions anyway? My oldest son and his wife (both doctors) sent me some unflavored collagen peptides 18g protein today. All I see is that it contains bovine hide collagen peptides. Why don't they just say cow hide?! I guess the kids sent this because it supports skin, hair, nail and joint support. Not sure what'll do for my cramping, but I'm willing to try it. I wonder if adding it to something hot* would degrade the ingredients. *After reading the label more carefully it says that I can add it to water, coffee, smoothies, and recipes. The ingredients are easily digestible, mix in hot or cold liquids and can be taken any time of day.
  11. My mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother had Hashimoto's. I have it. Surprisingly, it skipped my daughter. You might have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It tends to pass to females. You need a simple antibody test to confirm the diagnosis. Depending on your age, you might still be flip-flopping from hyper to hypo. You're probably in a hypo state now.
  12. Born in Missouri

    No Immune system 5 years post Op

    @James Marusek I read your pdf. I loved it!! Your Superman Formula. Your Anti-Dog Tumor Blend. Fascinating. I need to borrow some of my daughter's books and read more about essential oils. I know there has to be a blend to help me with something. I have chronic pain (for which I take morphine). I would love something that would help to distract me from that pain. From what career did you retire, if I may ask?
  13. Is it true that a person can only absorb a certain amount of protein at a time, like 20g or 30g? This is mostly FALSE. The body absorbs the amount of protein it needs at any given time – it doesn’t turn off or automatically stop at 20g or 30g or 40g. There is a myth that protein absorption is capped at a maximum amount for a given period of time. While the body is able to absorb as much as 300 to 400 grams of protein during a 24-hour period, this is not recommended because there are complications associated with a protein intake that high. The high end of protein-per-day recommendation is 100 to 120 grams. Absorption of protein relies on many factors including – source of protein, length of the Roux limb in gastric bypass, size of the sleeve or pouch and one's intake of micronutrients like zinc. The myth probably has something to do with the recommendation that it’s always better to spread out one's protein. The human body is full of variations for different circumstances – sometimes the body needs more protein such as right after surgery or sometimes less protein, as in the middle of a long sedentary workday. Five small balanced meals or three meals and two protein snacks is a universal bariatric recommendation. https://www.bariatriceating.com/2016/08/faq-dietician-told-can-absorb-20g-protein-time-limit-shake-size/ Bariatric surgery isn’t mentioned in this article, but there’s this: "while it’s technically true that we aren’t absorbing 30 grams (let alone more) of protein all at once, it will eventually be absorbed." (In other words, we don't just poop it out.) https://www.marksdailyapple.com/dear-mark-how-much-protein-can-you-absorb-and-use-from-one-meal/
  14. I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder. A faulty thyroid isn't enough to account for this. Do any members of your family, including your cousins, have thyroid issues?
  15. @Pink nova Such a fun and active age for boys. (I have three; two are medical doctors, the last one is 19 and still trying to find his place in the world. He thinks that's computer engineering.) I feel bad in retrospect that we didn't do a lot of traveling because of me. (Now that my two oldest can do as they please, I hope they travel the world!) boys ages 6 and 8. They are so looking forward to the swim up bar and not having to get out of the pool unless for food lol. And something else, too. Think about it. Think about. Ding! Ding! Ding! You wouldn't want them going in the pool, would you? I'm more convinced than ever by my first impression of you. You're a great mom, and your boys deserve a mom that can keep up with them. I know they say weight-loss surgery has to be for ourselves first, but our kids have to be a big reason, too. I just wish I had done something sooner. That said, bariatric medicine wasn't as advanced back then. And hearing about all those lap-band horror stories (stomachs severed in half, etc), maybe I was better off fat and sassy. In truth, though, I didn't become heavy until after my ankle injury (described on my profile page), so I actually didn't need surgery when they were that young. It's all such a blur sometimes. Hmm. Why didn't we travel more?! Enjoy your nice young family. They grow up too fast.
  16. Born in Missouri

    No Immune system 5 years post Op

    @James Marusek My daughter, the pharmacist, swears by essential oils. She uses them daily. My youngest son, who is more than a decade younger, is often heard saying something straight out of Goldilocks and the Three Bears after his sister visits: "K---- has been sitting in my chair...ugh... it smells like essential oils!"
  17. Born in Missouri

    No Immune system 5 years post Op

    Have you thought about seeing an immunologist? I would also keep a written record of your "sick days" that includes symptoms (runny nose, aches, coughing, hoarseness, etc.). Also, include the severity of those symptoms and what they prevent you from doing. Are you fatigued, have no appetite. You've heard of the ubiquitous: Location! Location! Location!. In this case, it should be Details! Details! Details! Do your symptoms typically occur during a particular time of the year? Note what the weather is like during your peak symptoms. Rainy? Snowy? Hot and dry? I don't know much about the climatic regions of Australia. I think of hot and dusty everywhere, but there must be variation. Do you live in the same area now that you grew up in? My husband didn't develop any allergies until he moved to my hometown climate. Be your own detective-advocate. Even if you see a doctor about this change in your health, you still need to be the one who needs to document what is going on. Is it winter where you are? I've always found it interesting that those of us in the Americas base our flu shots on the strains of flu that hit Australia during their winter season (since your winter precedes our winter). Sometimes our flu-shot makers predict the correct strains, sometimes they get it completely wrong, which is why some people who get a flu shot still end up getting the flu (they weren't inoculated against the strain that they were exposed to!)
  18. @Pink nova. No judgment was attached to my question. I was just curious. Now that I know you have children, I can understand the motherly self-sacrifice involved. We often do things for our children even though it may involve some unknowns for ourselves. You're a kind and loving mother. I had my bypass about 3 weeks after you and I think even I could handle the trip. I don't drink alcohol either. Yeah, it'll probably be the little things that you'll be gritting your teeth about. "Oh, I wish I could eat that!" (And, who knows, maybe you can try a little of it.) I hope you have a wonderful and memorable trip with your kids. How old are they? Because of my weight, I never felt comfortable traveling. With all this weight, I felt like part of the baggage. "Just store me in cargo hold with the rest of the suitcases, guys!" As the weight falls off, though, I'm allowing myself to dream a bit. I don't like sunny destinations, however. I'd prefer a trip to Iceland or the Faroe Islands. Please let us know how your surgery impacted (or not) your trip. Buen viaje!
  19. Born in Missouri

    6 week post-op update

    Hey, AlteredReality. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Amazing results. I am sooo happy for you. It's hard, though, not to compare results. My guess is that my slower weight loss has something to do with the fact that I have been unable to fully incorporate exercise into my plan. I have; however, broken my first milestone of 250, so there's that. My next milestone will be under 200. My leg still cramps up. I'll be seeing my new primary today. (The primary I adored --the one who believed my pain, and treated me like a valuable person-- just retired. ) This crampy leg is not the pain I'm referring to. My challenge is the chronic pain in my right ankle THAT CANNOT BE FIXED.
  20. Born in Missouri

    Vitamins schedule

    @PopsFury. My daughter is a doctor of pharmacy (PharmD). A big fat NO! to any vitamin or mineral in gummy form. Bioavailability is significantly reduced.
  21. Born in Missouri

    Losing too much!

    How to update your stats. 1. Go to PATIENTS bar on top of this page. 2. Select MY SURGERY 3. Select PROGRESS (with a squiggly arrow) on left side of page. 4. Now change your current weight! P.S. Did anyone else look to see if this woman was from Alaska? If that doesn't flip a switch, then you aren't familiar with a certain contentious thread from yesterday. I don't know how to address your continued weight loss, so I'll leave that to others. The one thing that stood out for me, though, is that your surgeon seemed okay with it... for now. It sounds hormonal, though. Do you see an endocrinologist for anything? Has your surgeon ordered any labs recently?
  22. Born in Missouri

    Crazy, I Know!

    I'm noticing different skin sag while nude. Strange, I always avoided mirrors before my surgery. Now I find myself checking out to see how my body is changing. It's doesn't look any better, unfortunately. I'm still fat and saggy, but less puffy and pasty in the face. That's always been the first place for me to gain weight: my face. Oh, and I still have boobs. I was afraid of losing those completely. As for clothes, I'm waiting for my next milestone (under 200) before discarding my fat-lady uniforms.
  23. Born in Missouri

    Mr. Stinkybreath

    While this article isn't specific to ketosis-breath or "camel breath", it does offer suggestions that may help. Spoiler alert: no mints of any kind, they just mask the problem and make it worse. Does this mean you're destined to chewing on parsley leaves all day? Maybe. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3173114/Do-bad-breath-licking-spoon-ditching-high-protein-diet-experts-reveal-tell-mints-just-make-problem-WORSE.html Good thing you're not a woman. Camel toe and camel breath. That's an embarrassing combination.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
