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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lita

  1. thanks Randa Will see what the doc says. For now I am doing great. I am only 10 weeks and still losing weight. I supposed that will stop soon??? did you put much weight on??
  2. Hi Everyone I am 9 weeks pregnant - I have had 3 fills since my lap band op at the end of April this year. A happy unexpected event as I am still some way to get to my goal weight. I haven't been to see the doctor yet. Anyone have general advice on pregnancy with th lap band - do I have to get it unfilled??? removed??
  3. Lita

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Welcome all new bandsters.... hope all goes well for the yet to be banded as I am sure it will. I was banded 3 months and so far so good. Hope to hear from you soon. Any questions??? I am happy to answer if I can. I was $5000 out of pocket with AMH private health. Visit my blog for detailed info regarding what to expect. talk soon...
  4. Lita

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Yep that's how much it cost me $5000 out of pocket all up or perhaps a little more because I didn't count the anaesthesist which you have to pay about $400 out of pocket for.
  5. Lita

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    I have to say guys - I was on optifast for 2 weeks - and it was the worst EVER - I fully hated it - now that i have the band I am so much happier. Anyway I bought optifast on special and I am glad to hear that it stays good for a long time - now I use them mixed in fruit smoothies or with my oatmeal. Gives it a nice flavour and good instead of sugar.
  6. Lita

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Well good to hear that I am not alone. I think it is good for people to hear the positives too. I too LOVE my lap band. I haven't had any probs and the same thing happened to me yesterday when I went to my support group. Everyone was talking about the negatives and then when someone mentioned that we should talk about the positive aspects then everyone enjoyed the group more. Can I just clear up that I lost 15 kilos prior to the operation. Once I got a surgery date I got motivated and started my diet. I lost 15 kilos within 2 months. then I lost 4 kilos on optifast and since my operation 5 weeks ago I have lost 9 kilos. I am glad everyone is doing good.
  7. Lita

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Sundowner - you're a champion - how well you've done. Can you too eat anything you want ? and have you had any problems or negatives associated with the band.
  8. Lita

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hi Jet we were banded around the same time. I was banded on the 22nd April. I know exactly what you mean about just living a normal life. I have to admit that my surgery and procedure has thus far gone really well. Also - I just would like to encourage anyone who is reading this that there those people that can eat whatever they like - I DO - just in smaller amounts. Therefore it makes you feel normal. I have not had any BPing and all the other stuff other people talk about. I haven't had reflux or felt sick. I am obviously very thankful for this - but just wanted to put it out there - since I was unable to find anyone who had experienced this. I feel 100% normal not in any way different to what I felt before . Personally I can only attribute this to two factors. 1. I only eat 1 cup at a time. I never eat more even though I don't necessarily feel full. Because I have learnt that I do feel really really full about 15 minutes after the meal. I just remind myself that I can always have some more 14 mins later if I really want to. But to date I have not had the desire to. secondly - I chew everything to a liquid - I eat slowly and chew until it practically dissolves in my mouth. had my fill after 4 wks and nothing changed for me.
  9. Lita

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hi everyone good luck for those about to be banded. I've been banded for 3 weeks and all going well so far. 3 more weeks and I get my first fill - to be honest I don't think I need it at this stage but I will probably get hungrier >>>>>> haven't lost that much weight though - I suppose that's normal - at least that's what they tell me....
  10. please check my blog at Lita's Weight Loss Journey for more detailed info on my progress - you can see photos too.....
  11. :eek:Wow - only 3 more days to go for my op.....anyone here that can join me on this journey your most welcome to.
  12. thanks csandeen - good advice I will be sure to keep. I am sorry to hear about your slippage . That really is too bad.... are you goingn to put it in again?? I have to ask is it true you can't eat pasta or rice even if you chew it to a liquid??
  13. Hi everyone Please join me on this journey. I am being banded on Tuesday 22nd April 2008. I am feeling anxious and a little nervous but excited all at the same time. I am going crazy on this pre op diet and can't wait to eat.............. Doesn't sound like a good start huh????????
  14. Hi Joanna


    Thanks for reading it. There really is very little to be afraid of and just remember the hardest part of it all is the needle prick...........I promise..... GOOD LUCK

  15. Lita

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    oh Luscious that's too bad about the infection. I am sure it wi heal fast enough . . . Yes I did listen to everyones advice and stayed on the liquids - they got thicker which helped. Next week I an mushies officially - I see the doctor on Monday so hopefully everything will be fine. I haven't lost much weight but I hear that that is kinda normal for the first few weeks so I am not worried. Mind you without the band I am sure I would have lost more eating the tinniest amount of calories that I am. ????? Anyway hanging in there - and wishing you all the best and hope thyou recover soon.
  16. Hi Ozygil Yes Tuesday is very early to go back to work. I took 7 days off and I think it was just enough time for me, because I have an office type job. Make sure you take it easy and walk around alot. I guess for me I couldn't go back although the pain was no longer there the gas was quite bad and would have been embarrassing..........ehehehehe if you know what I mean. I Had a couple of depreion days where I was thinking why and what have I done...... but this only lasted 1 day really and happened about 3 days after my operation. So just remember that it gets better . . . especially when you start feeling better....
  17. Lita

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Thanks for the tip Peek - you're right - I just need to keep telling myself it won't be for long. Best wishes Susan. and wow chickie and denise - you guys are inspiring.
  18. I am glad I am not the only cheat. eheheheh. Yes work was ok. I felt great for most of the day but I also starting feeling very tired around 3 pm. Perhaps it is more because of having a lazy week off, but I had an annoying shoulder pain for most of the day. Something I have not had yet except for the day of the operation whilst still in hospital. But it has gone now thank goodness. Work was ok but the gas whilst interviewing clients was a little hard to hold in but I did my best....eheheheh - thanks for the tips. No problems YET..........eheheheheh The optifast is not really keeping me fuller for more than 3 hours but if I have anything else I'm ok for about 4 - 5 hours. Today I had a banana smoothie for breakfast at 7.30 am and was fine until 12 pm. But then I had an optifast soup and was starving by the time I got home at 4 pm and then I ate immediately at about 4.30 pm - lets see how long I stay full for now. I had the same dinner I did last night. 1/2 cup of food very slowly takes me 20 mins. Beware 1/2 cup is really the limit at this stage because I put a little extra today and I felt like I could not finnish it so I left it. Do u get lots of gas like I do. Everytime I eat I have to burp and (the other one) repeatedly. I hate it..............Will I be like this forever????? Haven't lost anymore weight - you were right about the fluctuation in the weight. I really need to resist weighing myself so often. Anyway - I tried sending you an email and private message and it doesn't let me. not sure what is wrong. Perhaps you could try sending me a private message with your email and then I will email you from now on.... let me know if you are also having problems. Also couldn't post at all yesterday??? maybe that was the problem???
  19. Hi Cutie I was a bit naughtly today. I had very soft mashed potatoe and liver mashed up also with lots of sauce. I only had half a cup for dinner and took about 2o minutes to eat it but gee it felt great!!! I know I shouldn't but it was really smooth no lumps and I took it really slowly and I made sure it had plenty of sauce and wasn't dry. I probably even had less then 1/2 a cup to be honest. and I feel great......... I feel REALLY full and have felt so since eating over 3 hours ago. Alot better than when just on liquids. And it even raised my mood. I am back to work tomorrow. You were back today??? Wasn't it?? How did you go? I don't have msn - but why not just email each other directly????
  20. Lita

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hi everyone Just thought I would post here to Celebrate 1 week today since banded. I have already lost 7 kilos including the evil Optifast. I feel great recovered really quickly and can't wait to stt eating real food. It feels so long sine I've prepared and eaten food. Probably because it has been long - 3 weeks and COUNTING. Anyone recommend moving out of this liquid diet early? I am so desperate for real substnce and I feel like I would be ok with it. What do u guys think?
  21. Hi cutie good to c u r doing well also. I know what u mean about the runs. I was going to go on to the second phaseof fuller liquids today anyway but now I feel more confident in doing so. I lost 4 kilos on Optifast pre op diet and 3 kilos since my operation on Tuesday night. Went out again today and felt great. My incisions are right on my waist line which is a bit of a pain literally from folding in that area but didn't get more tired then usual. Still having probs sleeping well will give tylenol a try. My post op appointment is only next Monday but r u feeling as hungry as I am?? I am hungry very often - about 2 hours post food (or more accurately liquid)???? do u think this is normal????
  22. Hi Ctcutie how are you doing today. I am doing really well. Not in much pain at all anymore, but getting increasingly hungry and even dreaming of food and the lap band. arghhhh can't wait till I am eating as per normal or as close to that as possible. Hang in there tomorrow it will all be better..........
  23. yep pretty much. In fact hate to say it but it is worst. because you cannot have anything outside of the 3 x replacement meals. so I used opti fast as recommended and I could only have 3 x daily - it does keep you full but you just can't believe how much you miss eating just for the sake of eating.
  24. Thankyou for joining me guys. My surgery went really well. I am so well recovered that I am already feeling hungry. but have noticed that it is very different for everyone. This is my fourth day of recovery and I left the house today and went shopping. still a bit tiring though. Can't wait to eat. I am desperate for this to work for me and I am worried that I may never enjoy some of my favourite foods again. I am hoping that if I follow the rules fully I will be able to enjoy whatever but in less quantities of course. Thankyou for all your well wishers it worked. Good luck to those of you who's operation is coming up. It really isn't as bad as we imagine it.....
  25. thanks for the encouragement girls....... luscious we should definately keep in touch. Peek - I am already getting hunger pangs believe it or not. sometimes I wonder if it still the gas persisting but it sure feels like hunger. mind u I get full very quickly. I feel much better today - I was lifting all three balls on that respiratory thingy yesterday and now only the deepest of breaths causes discomfort. so I guess I am doing well - could that explain the hunger also????

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