I am down from a size 28 to a solid 20. I can even fit into some 18/20s. The motivation I feel when I see myself in these smaller clothes is incredible. I almost don't recognize myself because the transformation is pretty drastic. I met with a personal trainer yesterday that they offer at my office's fitness center and got some basic info. He is going to give me 2 free "trial" sessions if I sign up for at least 2 additional sessions. I am pretty sure I am going to sign up. I am making this the summer of SleeveinIL! I can't be the mother, wife, caregiver and anything else I want/need to be unless I am healthy. Food is fuel! I see the scale moving again and that is also very motivating for me as well. NSV this week...taking a bath (first since before surgery) and my behind and thighs weren't mashed up against the sides of the tub not allowing the water to flow between the front and the back of the tub. The water was able to move around and nothing of me touched the sides of the tub unless I physically moved my legs there. This surgery is giving me some confidence back for sure. I even updated my photo at work because I don't look like that anymore!