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About ladiekappa

  • Rank
    Banded Healer
  • Birthday 06/07/1967

About Me

  • Biography
    married mother of two, boy 15 and girl 6
  • Interests
    Reading,shopping & doing the team mom thing
  • Occupation
    I build trucks 4 General motors
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  1. i am sooo sorry i dont get back to you i DONT know how to use the site yet.. i am happy that your feeling a little better. i have so many questions i dont even know where to start. i go for my 3rd visit with the doctor and on the same day i have the gastroscopy. i am a sista like you i have 2 kids and a husband. the only thing is my husband does not know that i been going to the doctor and im thinkin about getting banned. i know thats bad but my mother does know and shes been there for me its just that he feels that im ok an he doesnt want me to have all that skin and than be sad about that.... i know that he is a good support team but i dont want to tell him yet... am i wrong for that.....dawn

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