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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Enchanted

  1. Enchanted

    Yogurt and heartburn ??

    It's amazing - I don't even think about the foods that I can't eat anymore. Grapes. Used to be such a favorite, but they sure didn't work the last time I tried.
  2. Enchanted

    No Ride Home

    I'm glad you got the transportation worked out. I hated thinking of you being alone after your surgery. As for your bday - I'm sure it will be wonderful without the food. Invite some people over, play games, watch a movie, and Celebrate starting a new healthier year. xo
  3. I have a 10 cc band. I came home with 4 cc in it.
  4. Mine is on the left. There is one nurse at the surgeon's office who always comments, "Oh..the doctor usually puts them on the right." Strange.
  5. This is interesting. Thank you for the links and info!
  6. Enchanted

    Yogurt and heartburn ??

    There are some foods that I just don't eat anymore. Yogurt isn't one of them for me, but maybe it's one that you won't be able to eat - at least for now.
  7. I'd definitely see another doctor - at least for a second opinion. And since you loved your lapband doc, it makes most sense to start there - and if they can't care for you, they can refer you to someone who will. Good luck.
  8. I was stuck last night for the first time in months and months. Totally behavior issue - didn't chew very well and kept eating after I was satisfied. Oops.
  9. Sounds like you both made the right decision. For yourselves. But it does sound like she's being a little immature about the gym thing. I'd probably respond with something like, "Actually, I love the way I feel. You should come with me sometime."
  10. Just recently, I had a monster cold. liquid meds (I dig NyQuil) saved the day. And tissues. And chapstick. And all of the usual things.
  11. Enchanted


    My only regret in all of this has been that I didn't do it 5 years sooner. Or ten years.
  12. The only surprise for me was anesthesia - I didn't ask, and they didn't tell me that the anesthesia group that the hospital used doesn't accept my insurance. This means that instead of no co-payment, I ended up paying a %. My total out of pocket leading up to and including surgery was around $1000 because of the above. Surprise!
  13. Enchanted

    I could really use some help.

    You can always appeal the decision of the insurance carrier to cover the procedure. They probably have guidelines for approval - see if you can get your hands on those. With your related issues, it seems like you should be able to be approved. Enlist the help of not only your surgeon, but also your general physician, and therapist if you are seeing on. Every little bit helps. Best of luck to you.
  14. Enchanted

    Just starting the journey

    I also needed an endoscopy and clearance from my GP.
  15. Enchanted

    No Ride Home

    As others have said, there is no way the hospital will release you without someone to drive you home. After surgery, you'll see why - you're just way too loopy to be driving. The least expensive way is probably to find a hotel near the hospital. You'll want to check-in before your surgery (make sure they will let you check-in early - explain your situation). Take a cab to the hotel from the hospital and have someone pick you up the day after. If you have friends . . . ask them. Most people are so happy to help friends (and strangers) in need. But...seriously.....if my son (he's 20) was having surgery, there is no way I wouldn't be there. No. Way.
  16. Enchanted


    This is totally normal. Think about anorexics - the issues isn't the food - it's body image and control. For overweight people, food can also be a control issue - we will decide what to put into our mouths, how much of it, and when. So..the band does require that you give up some of that control. The good news is that there's a trade-off. You give up some of that control and some of the foods and you get so much in return. I see you post lots. I'm sure you've given this so much thought and consideration and done your research. You're doing just fiiiine! xo
  17. Sounds like you have a plan and are putting it into action. Good for you!
  18. Enchanted

    Had a Good Day Today!!!

    Yay!!! Sounds like everything is falling right into place for you!
  19. Enchanted

    I am Banded! (sugery day story)

    Sounds like you're doing just great! Congratulations!
  20. You might get the HR department (or whomever is in charge of your insurance at your company) involved in this if the insurance company will only deal with the doctor. The doctor isn't the customer. I'm so mad about this for you. CrAzy!
  21. Enchanted

    I'm on my way now !!!!!!

    It won't be long now!
  22. I'm sorry this is happening with you. Are you sure you have no comorbidities? With a BMI so high, it seems that being heavy wouldn't be the only issue. Here's a detailed list of what I found online. It's long. Commonly Observed Comorbidity of Obesity Orthopaedic Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Blount’s Disease Early Osteoarthritis Painful Flat Feet Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head Genu valgus Neurology Pseudotumor cerebri Increased Neural Tube Defects with Maternal Obesity Pulmonary sleep Apnea or Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome Asthma Daytime Somnolence Gastrointestinal Steatohepatitis Gallbladder Disease Acute Pancreatitis Gynecology Polycystic Ovarian Disease Hyperandrogenism Amenorrheal/Oligomenorrhea Hirsutism Fertility Problems Endocrine Diabetes Mellitus Hyperinsulinemia/Insulin Resistance Metabolic Syndrome (Dysmetabolic Syndrome, Syndrome X) Prediabetes (Impaired Glucose Tolerance) Hypertension Gynecomastia Hypogonadism Cardiovascular Post-Exercise Tolerance Easy Fatigueability Dyslipidemia (Early Cardiovascular Disease) Deep Vein Thrombosis or Hypercoaguability Increased Risk of CVD (Increased Fibrinogen, increased CRP, increased PAI-1 [Phasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1]) Psychology Other Eating Disorders Depression or Poor Self-Esteem Ostracism Oncology Increased Risk of Cancer—Breast, Colorectal, Endometral, Esophageal, Renal, Pancreatic Metabolic Gout Infectious Yeast Infections Skin Acanthosis, Nigricans, Skin Tags Striae Necrosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum Acne Maceration with Skin Folds Falliculitis
  23. Enchanted

    Miss French Fries??? Try this!

    This sounds so good. Can't wait to try them!
  24. I only told the closest people in my life and when they were not as thrilled as I was with my decision, I emailed them lots of things to read, offered to answer their questions, and then demanded their support. They each came through for me in big ways. For those people who think we're doing this the "easy" way. How I wish they could be around when we're in the OR, or in recovery, or too tight . . . because, baby, this ain't the easy way.
  25. Enchanted

    Muscle milk

    This is good to hear. I just learned about the MM Lite shakes a week or so ago. I have some in the fridge for this week.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
