Help!! I am a "failed" lap band due to the PB and slimming. I had my surgery in September 2005 and lost about 50 pounds, but it was a tremendous struggle. I never in my life have seen so much mucus. It got to the point that I would vomit the "slime"3 to 5 times before I was ever able to eat. Sometimes I could drink 2 to 3 cups of coffee hot liquids, etc., and still have the slime. I assumed it was from my allergies but to read your info it sounds like it may have been produced in my stomach. Long and short of it, I ended up having all my saline out because the vomiting was so bad. Now 2-1/2 years later I not only have gained back all my weight but am bigger than when I started. I was a cash pay because my insurance did not cover it. So, essentially flushed the 14,000 along with all the slime. When I had my surgery I weighed 309 and I am now 326. Please someone help me with this problem. I have called my doctor to get some saline back in because ugh 326. I swore I would never get over 300 hence the reason to have the surgery and now well...Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Stef