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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Rachibabe

  1. I didn't use a binder with my sleeve surgery but I did for a previous abdominal surgery I had. I honestly wished throughout my whole healing process from the sleeve that I had kept the binder from before because it just offers so much support. I can't explain it but without the binder I inadvertently walked around hunchbacked (like I was trying to protect my tummy) until I fully healed. But I was worried to get another binder because for me personally it became kind of a crutch after the first surgery that took me while to wean from and I was too worried to start that over again. (I realize as I write that how weird it sounds).

  2. I was also started feeling hunger the day after my surgery. My doctor told me it was just stomach acid but I've pretty much experienced it every day since surgery. And I know it's not "head hunger" because I don't even want to eat if that makes sense. My stomach wants food but my mind tells me I'm too nauseous and uncomfortable to eat.

  3. Angi, I know exactly how you feel. The first few weeks out everything caused my stomach to cramp. The doctor gave me meds for it that didn't help. They told me to drink warm liquids and that didn't help. I was too afraid to advance my diet to soft foods for fear it would cramp worse but luckily (?) the cramps basically stayed at the same consistency. I'm 7 weeks out now and still have the cramping here and there but it's not as bad or frustrating as it first was.

    I also have your fears of never being able to enjoy certain things again. I worry that I'll never feel "normal" again.

  4. 4 hours ago, magpie26 said:

    I have hunger too, I bought some gaviscon but I can't tolerate them at all, they feel like they're foaming in my mouth! My PCP out me on extra omeprozole, but I always forget to take it, even with a reminder on my phone! I've had 2 stalls, not fun, I JUST started losing again last week and finally five pounds down! @AASosa you are brave with your pizza lol! I've gone gluten free, FINALLY given up nicotine and sugar and simple carbs, I do eat clean now too but I'm not exercising like I should, I make a lot of new things from cooking light magazines. @Rachibabe I am SO not having an easy time either. I can't get enough Protein without a supplement (GenePro is great) and now I basically make a hot chocolate with fairlife milk because I'm suddenly lactose intolerant and add the GENEPRO and boom! 45 Protein. It's expensive but you can use it in hot stuff and it doesn't circle or get weird. I can't seem to drink anywhere close to 48 ounces, tons of smells make me gag. This is seriously the hardest thing I've ever done, and I've grown 2 humans and had to learn to walk and talk again at 19. We're right there with you.

    You know I stumbled across GENEPRO when I was researching all the different Proteins to try but it seemed kind of sketchy. Has your doctor or NUT approved it?

  5. 8 hours ago, YeahOkay31 said:

    Honey, I sure ain't living a dream. I got chronic heartburn and eating is still pretty uncomfortable--drinking too. Some days I think I am over the hump, and other days I am worse then the day before. Sometimes you just need to smile through it cuz there is no going back.

    Thank you for this. I have felt like the last couple of days I have been going backwards in recovery, and it's kind of nice to hear that this happens to other people too.

  6. Surgery Date: 4/30/2018

    SW: 211

    CW: 184

    I am not having the easiest time after this surgery. I feel like I'm the only person at this stage post-op that isn't "living the dream." It's not very comfortable when I drink or eat, but not so uncomfortable that I think something is wrong (like a stricture). It's a constant struggle to get my Protein goals met because Protein Shakes make me gag now (and I've tried them all) and I literally can't eat enough food to meet these needs.

    Someone please tell me I am not the only one at this stage in the game who is struggling.

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