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Ernie D

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Ernie D

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    Advanced Member

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    Swimming, Studying different cultures, playing with my sweet pug !!
  • Occupation
    Food Sales
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  1. Ernie D


    its the acid in the coffee and the stimulant of the caffeine that is not good for the sleeve. Many Surgeons have different opinions. Mine said 1 year I live in upstate new york. My friend lives in Boston had the Sleeve 2 years ago and her Surgeon said after 2 weeks post op she was ok to have it again
  2. Ernie D

    Today is surgery day!!

    YOU GOT THIS !!!!!!!!! Best of health and well wishes
  3. Well as they say you can find out anything on the Internet. Watched a Sleeve surgery. WOW amazing. I am glad I watched 13 weeks post op. But again WOW amazing. I appreciate even more my Surgeon and the Surgery itself. I am awed by such a Wonderful and Loving God that created me and watches over me. Truly humbled and grateful for the whole experience.
  4. Ernie D

    I feel scared and ashamed...

    First of all, Good for you that you are on your way to better health. NO need to be ashamed. I think all of us can name at least 1 thing in our life that we can feel shame over. So YOU are NOT alone. Its ok to feel that emotion, but don't get stuck there. Try your best to focus on better health and feeling great. Being scared is very normal. If you want I will pray for you . I will pray for peace of mind, comfort, a successful surgery and a lifetime of improved health. Remember YOU are NOT alone is this
  5. Ernie D

    What to tell coworkers?

    I agree with some others here, you do not owe anyone an explanation. If a coworker asks why will you be out for two weeks you can say. " I have some things I need to take care of" . If they keep pressing for an explanation you can say... Thank you for being concerned, but I am keeping that private right now.
  6. Ernie D

    12 week results are in

    Thank you all for the encouraging words. To : Beautfully Flawed I just got released a month ago to regular exercise ( other than walking ) so I have been trying to swim/ aqua classes 2-3 times a week. My surgeon said " Ok now I dont consider walking exercise anymore cuz you have to walk to live............but to help you get in shape you have to do more so go for it and start swimming again. He is tough in a great way...........doesnt baby you. He really has helped me more than just the surgery
  7. I had my 3 month check up today ( 12 week mark ) . I was hoping to be at 70 lbs loss. I am at 73 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited. Also Nutritionist said ok to eat some summer melon, berries, tomato , cucumber if I feel I can tolerate it. She said introduce one at a time see how I do. So excited to have some fresh fruit again, especially now in the summer. Go back in 12 weeks for my 6 month check up. My Goal for myself is 100 lb loss total.... and get my A1C to 5.5 ok...............I am on my way..........
  8. Before the surgery due to also having IBS which really messed with my intestines I literally had a war with eating and digesting food. What was good for diabetes such as fresh fruits and vegetables kicked in my IBS and what calms down IBS like potatoes rice etc isn't great for diabetes. Since the surgery it improved both diseases to the point of where I am now. Plus your body goes through a hormonal change with the surgery and most diabetics have improved results. Some folks even leave the hospital with no more. Diabetic meds. Have your husband speak to a surgeon. Best wishes .
  9. I for one cant look at the cost overall but I can tell you one thing. I was diabetic for 12 years. My Insulin cost $3,000 for 90 day supply. I couldn't afford that so I cut back to ration it made it last 5 months. That was NOT good for me as you can imagine. LONG Story short. Since the surgery my diabetes is soooooooooooo much better I am just about at the point where they are going to declare me non diabetic. that you cannot put a price on . I would say. For the longevity of your health in years to come with it being better and not worse I would say what you will pay will far be worth it rather than consequences from a disease from being over weight
  10. Ernie D

    12 week follow up

    Surgery was 4/23 it was 20 lbs 1 month prior to surgery and as of June 21 at my Primary Doctor visit it was 62 lbs total, so I am hoping for the 70. Good luck at your appointment as well. 55 lbs is great !!! How are you feeling over all ??
  11. I have my 12 week post op follow up tomorrow. I cant wait to see the Surgeon. He always has great advice and actually better nutrition tips than even the nutritionist His last tip to me was , A great source of protein and fiber, you can have as a snack and NO Carbs. Edamame Beans. I have had them in food dishes but I never ate them from splitting open the pod . Had some this week, they were great. I am hoping to have made it to 70 + lb loss tomorrow. That would be great. I am pretty close so hopefully YES Have a great day all
  12. PRE -OP is hard for sure. YOU GOT THIS hang in there. IF you can go do something to distract you perhaps go to a park or place where folks are coming and going and people watch. Or go to the library for a while and dive into a good book, STOP watching/using TV and Social Media its all constant food advertising. POST OP I dont know about others BUT there were NO cravings NO Hunger. Your body is relearning itself and your brain is saying OH that is New how about this.........or hmmm not much sugar or carbs in this body ...how about that................THE WORST WILL BE OVER BEFORE YOU KNOW IT and I mean this you will literally one day wake up and say OH MY GOD I FEEL FANTASTIC Stay FOCUSED on better health, BETTER days ahead. we are in your corner. YOU CAN DO THIS
  13. Ernie D

    Post Op update

    Thanks I appreciate that. YES I am VERY HAPPY and Grateful for the progress I made. I am in a time where my whole world is blowing up around me and I am trying very hard to stay on track. Getting some encouraging notes was very nice and means so much to me. I dont get to see my friends very much these days and online folks who have gone through this surgery and GET IT there comments are appreciated
  14. Ernie D

    Whirlwind... 35 days out!

    I am glad you are taking care of yourself. It is good that you are at least saying out loud you hope you are ready for the surgery, that shows you are trying to do what you need to. Sorry to hear of your miscarriage . I will keep you in my prayers. Best of Health moving forward.
  15. Hello everyone. I have been out of the loop for a while. Much success I am grateful for. 12 week mark since surgery lost about 65 lbs. My diabetes is almost non-existent. I am in a bit of a rut lately . Feeling some blues I cant seem to shake. I think the reality of it being summer and not eating certain things or doing certain things finally got the best of me. I am trying to not let it get to me, but today is a bad day.

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