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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NurseTeresa

  1. NurseTeresa

    SOTC thread...Why NOT to post when your angry

    I must have read all the wrong posts yesterday! Hum....... Anyways...Hugs to all and have a better day today then yesterday!
  2. NurseTeresa

    SODA - The forbidden fruit

    The surgeons at the hospital I work say absolutely no carbonated beverages. They say it does stretch the pouch out and it also causes gas bubbles and reflux which can lead to errosion. Think it is all Dr dependent. I do know I attended several classes prior to us starting bariatric surgeries on the unit I work and all of them said no carbonated beverages. When I fineally am able to get my band I will stick to the no carbonated beverages...I don't want to take any chances that something goes wrong cuz I drank pop.
  3. NurseTeresa

    Aetna Open Access Vs. United Healthcare

    Olive, it all depends on what your insurance plans cover. Read your books closely before you make a decision on which insurance company you choose. I have UHC and wls is not included in our policy. So please read carefully to see if it is included or excluded. That may make a difference in the insurance you choose. Best of luck!
  4. NurseTeresa

    help me get back on track!!

    I am not banded yet and don't claim to be an expert...however, I do work on a surgical unit where we do lap banding and gastric bypasses.. One of the major reasons The Drs and the Barriatric Coordinator frown on eating around your band is that it can cause you to slip and possibly errosion. Take that information and do as you want. Just thought I would share what we teach the patients at the hospital. Hopefully you will be able to make it through this and stop eating around your band. You have had a great success so far and I commend that. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck to you!
  5. NurseTeresa

    lapband ohio fill doctor

    Have heard nothing but raves about Dr. C That is who I would have do my surgery if my stupid insurance ever decided to cover it. Would even pay the out of network fees to do so.
  6. NurseTeresa

    Mean ol' doctor.

    I just wish that I could clone my PCP he is the best thing since..........oh well you all get my meaning. I went to see him yesterday for other issues and I was telling him how if my insurance ever decided to pay for wls I was going to have the banding done. He gave me a big hug and a kiss on the forehead and said that he thought it was the best decision I could ever do. He said that he is so glad insurance is fineally paying for something other then bypass. He has the same feeling about the later outcomes of bypass surgeries. Some people have no issues and more people have major ones. He said that he had recently been researching it for another patient and had no clue that was something I was already looking into. So with that stated....I do have to apologize for how you were treated(seem to do that alot to patients cuz some drs left their mannors in the toilet when they got up that morning) but remember there are a whole lot of great family physicians that will support you through it all. Keep up the great work with the weight loss.
  7. NurseTeresa

    Dr. Roberto Rumbaut

    Thanks Katie for the info that is a whole lot more then I had before! Have a great night!
  8. NurseTeresa


    Ok.......have just a few points....usually during a colonoscopy you are just twilited and not out completely. Secondly....during surgery yes your arms are strapped out to the side however they do tape your eyelids closed with either tape or tegaderms. The anesthesiologist is at your head monitoring blood pressures heart rates etc. and always there to make sure things are going how they are suppose to. Is it possible to awaken during surgery...yes but very unlikely and I dont see how the person could have seen someone next to them if the usual drape between neck and head is up and it cant be seen over the top. Only person at the head is the anesthesiologist. I spoke with the bariatric surgeon at my hospital and one of the anesthesiologists and they both said that it is almost impossible that the person could have experienced the things this person stated. The anestesiologist also stated that if the anestesiologist was doing their job correctly it would have never gotten to the point this person stated. They would have been given more drugs to put them back under. Specially with all the barriers to keep someone from seeing things if they did awaken. So........that said.....don't freak out...chances are slim to none that this would ever happen. As others have said...is this person credible being that they haven't given names of hospitals or surgeons?
  9. NurseTeresa

    Dr. Roberto Rumbaut

    Can anyone give me the approximation of what they paid for him to do the surgery? I sent them an email from their website over a week ago and still haven't heard anything from anyone.
  10. NurseTeresa

    Pause for Hugs

    I am just sitting here drinking my big glass of ice tea. It is around 2pm. Usually I work nights but was off last night and tonight. However, had to go into work at 7am for a meeting. It is fineally not so hot and humid here as it has been of late. Actually able to enjoy my time off of work. Usually its raining or so hot you can't breath let alone function. Have been talkin to my wonderful Friend and support person Sue! Thanks Sue! You sure do make it much easier for me on those bad days! To the rest of you...enjoy your day and everyone stay safe! What a great thread this is for all.
  11. I agree with Elizabeth. Being a surgery nurse this is something that you need to have checked out ASAP and not at an urgent care but at a hospital! Good luck and keep us informed
  12. NurseTeresa


    I am so sorry that you experienced this. I work on a surgical floor and have never had any patients come back to the floor with this nightmare. I awakened during a colonoscopy...not the same as you so please dont think i am belittling your trauma. Where did you have this done? Please tell me that they had the sheet up so that you were unable to watch what was being done to you. I would seriously be taking this to the patient advocacy at the hospital and bring up charges against the anestesiologist. They are the one in control of making sure you stay asleep during surgery. Drs. are unable to see your face due to the drape that is placed at your chest to block your face. Please find someone to talk this over with. That way it can help put you at ease and to deal with the trauma of it all. I have awakened and still been intubated and don"t like the way it makes you feel. Its as if you are gagging and can't breath so I can only imagine how you felt during your surgery! Was the surgery done in the US or out of the country? Please tell me as I am looking into possibly having to go out of the country to have mine done. Best of luck!
  13. NurseTeresa

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    Wow. I have just sat here and read every single page there is. I have to tell you. I have never cheated however.........have been cheated on. The first time I was cheated on was when I was in the hospital delivering our second daughter. He was out with his best friends wife. The day I came home I was in the bedroom laying down nursing the baby and the phone rang. Well the phone in the bedroom you could hear what was being said but they couldn't hear you. I over heard the entire conversation about where and how etc they did it and about meeting again. Well, I kicked his ass out that day! Then many years later it happened again!I like some of you had no clue because his hours were all covered. He even answered his cell phone when he was with her.(come to find out they had been together for two years before we started dating and I was the other woman..I guess) I could always reach him no matter what. He had even lost his job and she was giving him the same money he was making at work and I didn't even know this had happened. He was gone the same hours and home the same with no changes in money. Talk about blown out the water.:faint: Would I cheat? NEVER!!! I don't like the way it made me feel and could never live with myself if I made someone feel the way I did. Am I over it? YES!:clap2: Will I be skeptical in another relationship? Yes! I sit and watch and listen about both males and females talk about cheating and I always ask them....how would you feel if it happened to you? Is it really that great to have your cake and eat it too? Next time I will be more careful and watch things a little closer and maybe do the showin up at work for lunch etc lol Good luck to those who have been cheated on both male and female it does get better and all dont cheat! Just have to find the ones worthy of our love!!!!
  14. NurseTeresa

    First NSV

    :clap2: Congratulations on a GREAT BIG NSV!!!! Keep up the great work!
  15. NurseTeresa

    shortness of breath

    I have not been banded but have been taking care of bariatric patients and this seems to be very normal specially if they aren't breathing deeply and have some excess gas built up. Continue to use your incentive spirometer. Walking or changing positions sometimes helps as well. Glad you went to the ED to have everything else checked out. Keep up the good work. It does get better with time.
  16. I also have ran into the same problem with United Health Care. I work at a hospital that does the LB and the RNY. However, our insurance has an exclusion. We have appealed to our HR dept with no avail. It seems so unfair that a hospital will do the surgeries but not include them in our policy. We were told in May that it would be included by October. I sat in surgery today watching a RNY be done and was told by the Drs. and the bariatric coordinator that the hospital has decided that it will not be included in October and that so far 60 people have appealed the HR dept. All with no luck. They also stated that it will more then likely not be an inclusion when the insurance is renewed with the next renewal date. So I can feel your pain. If you come up with anything exciting please pass it my way! I will do the same! Good luck to everyone with their insurance endeavors.
  17. NurseTeresa

    I bought WAY to much furniture!

    It is absolutely beautiful. Have a great solution for you if you want you can let me have it......lol I am sure it would fit in my bedroom without any problems. Just kidding! That TV looked like a little 15 inch thing stuck in that big armoire. If you are anything like me no matter how big and heavy it is you will arrange and rearrange until you get it just right and well if it looks fantastic who cares that there isnt much floor room. That just means not much to sweep now. Just need to add some pics etc and make it even more fantastic.
  18. NurseTeresa

    Kicked Off Amusement Ride!

    This is something that has been deep on my mind the past few weeks. I am part of a "Divisional Council" for the hospital I work at. We are planning a trip to Kings Island to celebrate all we have accomplished so far:clap2: . Now the down fall is...........have I gotten so big that I will not fit into some of the rides.:faint: Am I up to putting myself in this position in front of my coworkers and friends.:help: It would be devistating to have that happen. Strangers I could handle but those I know and work with everyday........:Banane56: . Everytime someone asks me about am I going I say.....it all depends on the finances....:decision: I feel bad for lying but then again.........Please help. What would you do if your were me?
  19. My computer has been down for way over a month now and of all the firsts posts to read...........I have been over here laughing outloud so loud that I have woke my kids up. Boy have I missed alot. Have to admit that was one of the questions I was concerned about if it would be ok to still do after I have the surgery! YEAH!! Like some of you this is something that I really enjoy doing! Nothing better then to watch your mans eyes roll back in his head while you are pleasing him completely!
  20. NurseTeresa

    How Are You Going To Meet Your Maker ?

    A doctor reuses a dirty needle during your visit, and you contract Hepatitis C. You die from complications of liver failure. Wow is this not too freaky being a nurse and all. Even more scary is I am a non conformer from my Hep injections! Guess I better tell them I want to watch the needle being opened! Just like a nurse isn't it? SO demanding!
  21. NurseTeresa

    Insurance Has Been Approved!!!!

    You go gurl.....prove him wrong and then say I TOLD YOU SO!!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers for Tuesday! Hope you have a very speedy recovery!
  22. NurseTeresa

    I've lost 204 pounds! YEAY!

    All I can say is you look absolutely fantastic!!!! Thanks for posting the pics!!! Thanks P'nut made it much easier to see the difference when you put them side by side.
  23. NurseTeresa

    I've lost 204 pounds! YEAY!

    Audrey, all I can say is WOW to both things. So sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. Losing a parent is never an easy thing. Take time to grieve and to recooperate on your own time frame. WTG on the 204 lbs gone. What a wonderful new life you will have. Keep up the good work. Everyone is so proud of all you and how strong a person you are. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  24. NurseTeresa

    Who went home the same day?

    I have not been banded yet, but do know that the banding patients that I take care of in my hospital have their surgery and are in overnight. The next day are scheduled early for an upper gi to make sure all goes well. Then they are out the door home. We have them all up and walking within 3 hours of arriving to the unit. This is part of our set orders for all banding patients.
  25. NurseTeresa

    it is ONEderful!

    Congratulations and keep up the fantastic work. Just wait til you hit your next mini goal.....you will be in 7th heaven

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